private void registerGestureControllerStates(GestureMapState state) { state.RegisterGestureResult(x => SendEventThroughPipe( ViCharConversion.GestureToByte( (ViCharGesture)x ) ) ); }
void SensorSkeletonFrameReady(AllFramesReadyEventArgs e) { using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrameData = e.OpenSkeletonFrame()) { if (skeletonFrameData == null) { return; } var allSkeletons = new Skeleton[skeletonFrameData.SkeletonArrayLength]; skeletonFrameData.CopySkeletonDataTo(allSkeletons); foreach (Skeleton sd in allSkeletons) { // If this skeleton is no longer being tracked, skip it if (sd.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked) { continue; } // If there is not already a gesture state map for this skeleton, then create one if (!_gestureMaps.ContainsKey(sd.TrackingId)) { var mapstate = new GestureMapState(_gestureMap); _gestureMaps.Add(sd.TrackingId, mapstate); } var keycode = _gestureMaps[sd.TrackingId].Evaluate(sd, false, _bitmap.Width, _bitmap.Height); GetWaitingMessages(_gestureMaps); if (keycode != VirtualKeyCode.NONAME) { rtbMessages.AppendText("Gesture accepted from player " + sd.TrackingId + "\r"); rtbMessages.ScrollToCaret(); rtbMessages.AppendText("Command passed to System: " + keycode + "\r"); rtbMessages.ScrollToCaret(); InputSimulator.SimulateKeyPress(keycode); _gestureMaps[sd.TrackingId].ResetAll(sd); } // This break prevents multiple player data from being confused during evaluation. // If one were going to dis-allow multiple players, this trackingId would facilitate // that feat. PlayerId = sd.TrackingId; if (_bitmap != null) _bitmap = AddSkeletonToDepthBitmap(sd, _bitmap, true); } } }
void SensorSkeletonFrameReady(AllFramesReadyEventArgs e) { using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrameData = e.OpenSkeletonFrame()) { if (skeletonFrameData == null) { return; } var allSkeletons = new Skeleton[skeletonFrameData.SkeletonArrayLength]; skeletonFrameData.CopySkeletonDataTo(allSkeletons); foreach (Skeleton sd in allSkeletons) { // If this skeleton is no longer being tracked, skip it if (sd.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked) { continue; } // If there is not already a gesture state map for this skeleton, then create one if (!_gestureMaps.ContainsKey(sd.TrackingId)) { var mapstate = new GestureMapState(_gestureMap); _gestureMaps.Add(sd.TrackingId, mapstate); } var keycode = _gestureMaps[sd.TrackingId].Evaluate(sd, false, _bitmap.Width, _bitmap.Height); GetWaitingMessages(_gestureMaps); if (keycode != VirtualKeyCode.NONAME) { //Another method //InputSimulator.SimulateKeyPress(keycode); switch (keycode) { case VirtualKeyCode.RBUTTON: p.DoPunch(Direction.Right); break; case VirtualKeyCode.LBUTTON: p.DoPunch(Direction.Left); break; default: break; } _gestureMaps[sd.TrackingId].ResetAll(sd); } p.SetPosition(new Vector2(sd.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position.X, p.pos.Y)); // This break prevents multiple player data from being confused during evaluation. // If one were going to dis-allow multiple players, this trackingId would facilitate // that feat. PlayerId = sd.TrackingId; if (_bitmap != null) _bitmap = AddSkeletonToDepthBitmap(sd, _bitmap, true); } } }
private bool CompareJointRelationship(Joint inJoint1, Joint inJoint2, JointRelationship relation) { if ((inJoint1.JointType.ToString().Contains("WristRight"))) { if (inJoint2.JointType.ToString().Contains("ShoulderCenter")) { sizeOfArm = inJoint2.Position.Z - inJoint1.Position.Z; if ((sizeOfArm > 0.5) && (!gest)) { gest = true; Debug.WriteLine("Arm Size:" + sizeOfArm.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Forward Gesture Detected: " + gest); GestureMapState.Connect("", 4); } else if ((sizeOfArm < 0.3) && (gest)) { gest = false; } } } if (inJoint2.JointType.ToString().Contains("WristRight")) { Debug.WriteLine("Posicao da junta " + inJoint2.JointType + " #2 em Z: " + inJoint2.Position.Z); } switch (relation) { case JointRelationship.None: return(true); case JointRelationship.AboveAndLeft: return((inJoint1.Position.X < inJoint2.Position.X) && (inJoint1.Position.Y < inJoint2.Position.Y)); case JointRelationship.AboveAndRight: return((inJoint1.Position.X > inJoint2.Position.X) && (inJoint1.Position.Y < inJoint2.Position.Y)); case JointRelationship.BelowAndLeft: return((inJoint1.Position.X < inJoint2.Position.X) && (inJoint1.Position.Y > inJoint2.Position.Y)); case JointRelationship.BelowAndRight: return((inJoint1.Position.X > inJoint2.Position.X) && (inJoint1.Position.Y > inJoint2.Position.Y)); case JointRelationship.Behind: return((inJoint1.Position.Z < inJoint2.Position.Z)); case JointRelationship.InFrontOf: return((inJoint1.Position.Z > inJoint2.Position.Z)); case JointRelationship.Below: return(inJoint1.Position.Y > inJoint2.Position.Y); case JointRelationship.Above: return(inJoint1.Position.Y < inJoint2.Position.Y); case JointRelationship.LeftOf: return(inJoint1.Position.X < inJoint2.Position.X); case JointRelationship.RightOf: return(inJoint1.Position.X > inJoint2.Position.X); } return(false); }