        public bool AngleIsInscribed(Angle angle)
            if (!this.theCircle.IsInscribed(angle))

            // Verify that angle points match diameter endpoints
            Point endpt1, endpt2;

            endpt1 = angle.ray1.Point1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? angle.ray1.Point2 : angle.ray1.Point1;
            endpt2 = angle.ray2.Point1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? angle.ray2.Point2 : angle.ray2.Point1;

            if (!this.diameter.HasPoint(endpt1) || !this.diameter.HasPoint(endpt2))

            // Verify that the vertex is within the semicircle
            if (!this.arcMajorPoints.Contains(angle.GetVertex()))

        // If a common segment exists (a transversal that cuts across both intersections), return that common segment
        public bool InducesNonStraightAngle(Angle thatAngle)
            // The given vertex must match the intersection point of the two lines intersecting
            if (!intersect.Equals(thatAngle.GetVertex()))

            //   /
            //  /
            // /_______
            if (this.StandsOnEndpoint())
                return(thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.OtherPoint(intersect), intersect, rhs.OtherPoint(intersect))));
            //          /
            //         /
            // _______/_______
            else if (this.StandsOn())
                Point   off         = this.CreatesTShape();
                Segment baseSegment = lhs.PointLiesOnAndExactlyBetweenEndpoints(intersect) ? lhs : rhs;

                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(baseSegment.Point1, intersect, off)))
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(baseSegment.Point2, intersect, off)))
            //         /
            // _______/_______
            //       /
            //      /
            else if (this.Crossing())
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point1, intersect, rhs.Point1)))
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point1, intersect, rhs.Point2)))
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point2, intersect, rhs.Point1)))
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point2, intersect, rhs.Point2)))

        public bool AngleIsInscribed(Angle angle)
            if (!this.theCircle.IsInscribed(angle)) return false;

            // Verify that angle points match diameter endpoints
            Point endpt1, endpt2;

            endpt1 = angle.ray1.Point1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? angle.ray1.Point2 : angle.ray1.Point1;
            endpt2 = angle.ray2.Point1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? angle.ray2.Point2 : angle.ray2.Point1;

            if (!this.diameter.HasPoint(endpt1) || !this.diameter.HasPoint(endpt2)) return false;

            // Verify that the vertex is within the semicircle
            if (!this.arcMajorPoints.Contains(angle.GetVertex())) return false;

            return true;
文件: Arc.cs 项目: wcatykid/GeoShader
        private static Arc GetInscribedInterceptedArc(Circle circle, Angle angle)
            Point endpt1, endpt2;

            Point pt1, pt2;

            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray1, out pt1, out pt2);
            endpt1 = pt1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? pt2 : pt1;

            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray2, out pt1, out pt2);
            endpt2 = pt1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? pt2 : pt1;

            // Need to check if the angle is a diameter and create a semicircle
            Segment chord = new Segment(endpt1, endpt2);

            if (circle.DefinesDiameter(chord))
                Point      opp  = circle.Midpoint(endpt1, endpt2, angle.GetVertex());
                Semicircle semi = new Semicircle(circle, endpt1, endpt2, circle.OppositePoint(opp), chord);
                //Find a defined semicircle of the figure that lies on the same side
                Semicircle sameSideSemi = figureSemicircles.Where(s => semi.SameSideSemicircle(s)).FirstOrDefault();
                //If none were found, should we throw an exception or just return the original semi?
                if (sameSideSemi == null)

            //Initially assume intercepted arc is the minor arc
            Arc intercepted = null;

            intercepted = new MinorArc(circle, endpt1, endpt2);
            //Verify assumption, create major arc if necessary
            if (Arc.BetweenMinor(angle.GetVertex(), intercepted))
                intercepted = new MajorArc(circle, endpt1, endpt2);
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateAngles(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // An angle may have multiple names
            if (angle1.Equates(angle2)) return newGrounded;

            if (!angle1.GetVertex().Equals(angle2.GetVertex())) return newGrounded;

            // Determine the shared segment if we have an adjacent situation
            Segment shared = angle1.IsAdjacentTo(angle2);

            if (shared == null) return newGrounded;

            // If we combine these two angles, the result is a third angle, which, when measured,
            // would be less than 180; this is contradictory since we measuare angles greedily and no circular angle is measured as > 180
            if (angle1.measure + angle2.measure > 180) return newGrounded;

            // Angle(A, B, C), Angle(C, B, D) -> Angle(A, B, C) + Angle(C, B, D) = Angle(A, B, D)
            Point vertex = angle1.GetVertex();
            Point exteriorPt1 = angle2.OtherPoint(shared);
            Point exteriorPt2 = angle1.OtherPoint(shared);
            Angle newAngle = new Angle(exteriorPt1, vertex, exteriorPt2);
            Addition sum = new Addition(angle1, angle2);
            GeometricAngleEquation geoAngEq = new GeometricAngleEquation(sum, newAngle);
            geoAngEq.MakeAxiomatic(); // This is an axiomatic equation

            // For hypergraph construction
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, geoAngEq, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        // Is the given angle the same as this angle? that is, the vertex is the same and the rays coincide
        // (not necessarily with the same endpoints)
        // Can't just be collinear, must be collinear and on same side of an angle
        public bool Equates(Angle thatAngle)
            //if (this.Equals(thatAngle)) return true;

            // Vertices must equate
            if (!this.GetVertex().Equals(thatAngle.GetVertex()))

            // Rays must originate at the vertex and emanate outward
            return((ray1.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray1) && ray2.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray2)) ||
                   (ray2.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray1) && ray1.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray2)));
        private static EdgeAggregator ConstructExteriorRelationship(Triangle tri, Angle extAngle)
            // Acquire the remote angles
            Angle remote1 = null;
            Angle remote2 = null;

            tri.AcquireRemoteAngles(extAngle.GetVertex(), out remote1, out remote2);

            // Construct the new equation
            Addition sum = new Addition(remote1, remote2);
            GeometricAngleEquation eq = new GeometricAngleEquation(extAngle, sum);

            // For the hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = Utilities.MakeList<GroundedClause>(tri);

            return new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, eq, annotation);
文件: Arc.cs 项目: wcatykid/GeoShader
        // Acquires one or two intercepted arcs from an exterior or interior angle vertex.
        public static KeyValuePair<Arc, Arc> GetInterceptedArcs(Circle circle, Angle angle)
            KeyValuePair<Arc, Arc> nullPair = new KeyValuePair<Arc, Arc>(null, null);

            // Get the intersection points of the rays of the angle.
            Point interRay11 = null;
            Point interRay12 = null;
            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray1, out interRay11, out interRay12);
            if (!angle.ray1.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay11)) interRay11 = null;
            if (!angle.ray1.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay12)) interRay12 = null;
            if (interRay11 == null && interRay12 != null) interRay11 = interRay12;

            // non-intersection
            if (interRay11 == null && interRay12 == null) return nullPair;

            Point interRay21 = null;
            Point interRay22 = null;
            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray2, out interRay21, out interRay22);
            if (!angle.ray2.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay21)) interRay21 = null;
            if (!angle.ray2.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay22)) interRay22 = null;
            if (interRay21 == null && interRay22 != null) interRay21 = interRay22;

            // non-intersection
            if (interRay21 == null && interRay22 == null) return nullPair;

            // Split the rays into cases based on if they are secants or not.
            bool isSecRay1 = angle.ray1.IsSecant(circle);
            bool isSecRay2 = angle.ray2.IsSecant(circle);

            // One Arc: No secants
            if (!isSecRay1 && !isSecRay2)
                // This means the endpoints of the ray were on the circle directly for each.
                return new KeyValuePair<Arc,Arc>(Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, interRay11, interRay21), null);
            // One Arc; with one secant and one not.
            else if (!isSecRay1 || !isSecRay2)
                Segment secant = null;
                Segment nonSecant = null;
                Point endPtNonSecant = null;

                if (isSecRay1)
                    secant = angle.ray1;
                    nonSecant = angle.ray2;
                    endPtNonSecant = interRay21;
                    secant = angle.ray2;
                    nonSecant = angle.ray1;
                    endPtNonSecant = interRay11;

                Segment chordOfSecant = circle.ContainsChord(secant);

                Point endptSecant = Segment.Between(chordOfSecant.Point1, angle.GetVertex(), chordOfSecant.Point2) ?
                                                                        chordOfSecant.Point1 : chordOfSecant.Point2;

                return new KeyValuePair<Arc,Arc>(Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, endPtNonSecant, endptSecant), null);

            // Two arcs
                // Ensure proper ordering of points
                Point closeRay1, farRay1;
                Point closeRay2, farRay2;

                if (Segment.Between(interRay11, angle.GetVertex(), interRay12))
                    closeRay1 = interRay11;
                    farRay1 = interRay12;
                    closeRay1 = interRay12;
                    farRay1 = interRay11;

                if (Segment.Between(interRay21, angle.GetVertex(), interRay22))
                    closeRay2 = interRay21;
                    farRay2 = interRay22;
                    closeRay2 = interRay22;
                    farRay2 = interRay21;

                return new KeyValuePair<Arc, Arc>(Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, closeRay1, closeRay2),
                                                  Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, farRay1, farRay2));
文件: Arc.cs 项目: wcatykid/GeoShader
        // Acquires one or two intercepted arcs from an exterior or interior angle vertex.
        public static KeyValuePair <Arc, Arc> GetInterceptedArcs(Circle circle, Angle angle)
            KeyValuePair <Arc, Arc> nullPair = new KeyValuePair <Arc, Arc>(null, null);

            // Get the intersection points of the rays of the angle.
            Point interRay11 = null;
            Point interRay12 = null;

            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray1, out interRay11, out interRay12);
            if (!angle.ray1.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay11))
                interRay11 = null;
            if (!angle.ray1.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay12))
                interRay12 = null;
            if (interRay11 == null && interRay12 != null)
                interRay11 = interRay12;

            // non-intersection
            if (interRay11 == null && interRay12 == null)

            Point interRay21 = null;
            Point interRay22 = null;

            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray2, out interRay21, out interRay22);
            if (!angle.ray2.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay21))
                interRay21 = null;
            if (!angle.ray2.PointLiesOnAndBetweenEndpoints(interRay22))
                interRay22 = null;
            if (interRay21 == null && interRay22 != null)
                interRay21 = interRay22;

            // non-intersection
            if (interRay21 == null && interRay22 == null)

            // Split the rays into cases based on if they are secants or not.
            bool isSecRay1 = angle.ray1.IsSecant(circle);
            bool isSecRay2 = angle.ray2.IsSecant(circle);

            // One Arc: No secants
            if (!isSecRay1 && !isSecRay2)
                // This means the endpoints of the ray were on the circle directly for each.
                return(new KeyValuePair <Arc, Arc>(Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, interRay11, interRay21), null));
            // One Arc; with one secant and one not.
            else if (!isSecRay1 || !isSecRay2)
                Segment secant         = null;
                Segment nonSecant      = null;
                Point   endPtNonSecant = null;

                if (isSecRay1)
                    secant         = angle.ray1;
                    nonSecant      = angle.ray2;
                    endPtNonSecant = interRay21;
                    secant         = angle.ray2;
                    nonSecant      = angle.ray1;
                    endPtNonSecant = interRay11;

                Segment chordOfSecant = circle.ContainsChord(secant);

                Point endptSecant = Segment.Between(chordOfSecant.Point1, angle.GetVertex(), chordOfSecant.Point2) ?
                                    chordOfSecant.Point1 : chordOfSecant.Point2;

                return(new KeyValuePair <Arc, Arc>(Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, endPtNonSecant, endptSecant), null));

            // Two arcs
                // Ensure proper ordering of points
                Point closeRay1, farRay1;
                Point closeRay2, farRay2;

                if (Segment.Between(interRay11, angle.GetVertex(), interRay12))
                    closeRay1 = interRay11;
                    farRay1   = interRay12;
                    closeRay1 = interRay12;
                    farRay1   = interRay11;

                if (Segment.Between(interRay21, angle.GetVertex(), interRay22))
                    closeRay2 = interRay21;
                    farRay2   = interRay22;
                    closeRay2 = interRay22;
                    farRay2   = interRay21;

                return(new KeyValuePair <Arc, Arc>(Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, closeRay1, closeRay2),
                                                   Arc.GetFigureMinorArc(circle, farRay1, farRay2)));
 public Point SameVertex(Angle ang)
     return(GetVertex().Equals(ang.GetVertex()) ? GetVertex() : null);
        public bool IsIncludedAngle(Segment s1, Segment s2, Angle a)
            if (!HasSegment(s1) || !HasSegment(s2) && !HasAngle(a)) return false;

            // If the shared vertex between the segments is the vertex of this given angle, then
            // the angle is the included angle as desired
            return s1.SharedVertex(s2).Equals(a.GetVertex());
        public Segment GetOppositeSide(Angle angle)
            Point vertex = angle.GetVertex();

            if (!SegmentA.HasPoint(vertex)) return SegmentA;
            if (!SegmentB.HasPoint(vertex)) return SegmentB;
            if (!SegmentC.HasPoint(vertex)) return SegmentC;

            return null;
 public Point SameVertex(Angle ang)
     return GetVertex().Equals(ang.GetVertex()) ? GetVertex() : null;
        // Is the given angle the same as this angle? that is, the vertex is the same and the rays coincide
        // (not necessarily with the same endpoints)
        // Can't just be collinear, must be collinear and on same side of an angle
        public bool Equates(Angle thatAngle)
            //if (this.Equals(thatAngle)) return true;

            // Vertices must equate
            if (!this.GetVertex().Equals(thatAngle.GetVertex())) return false;

            // Rays must originate at the vertex and emanate outward
            return (ray1.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray1) && ray2.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray2)) ||
                   (ray2.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray1) && ray1.RayOverlays(thatAngle.ray2));
文件: Arc.cs 项目: wcatykid/GeoShader
        private static Arc GetInscribedInterceptedArc(Circle circle, Angle angle)
            Point endpt1, endpt2;

            Point pt1, pt2;
            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray1, out pt1, out pt2);
            endpt1 = pt1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? pt2 : pt1;

            circle.FindIntersection(angle.ray2, out pt1, out pt2);
            endpt2 = pt1.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()) ? pt2 : pt1;

            // Need to check if the angle is a diameter and create a semicircle
            Segment chord = new Segment(endpt1, endpt2);
            if (circle.DefinesDiameter(chord))
                Point opp = circle.Midpoint(endpt1, endpt2, angle.GetVertex());
                Semicircle semi = new Semicircle(circle, endpt1, endpt2, circle.OppositePoint(opp), chord);
                //Find a defined semicircle of the figure that lies on the same side
                Semicircle sameSideSemi = figureSemicircles.Where(s => semi.SameSideSemicircle(s)).FirstOrDefault();
                //If none were found, should we throw an exception or just return the original semi?
                if (sameSideSemi == null) return semi;
                else return sameSideSemi;

            //Initially assume intercepted arc is the minor arc
            Arc intercepted = null;
            intercepted = new MinorArc(circle, endpt1, endpt2);
            //Verify assumption, create major arc if necessary
            if (Arc.BetweenMinor(angle.GetVertex(), intercepted)) intercepted = new MajorArc(circle, endpt1, endpt2);
            return intercepted;
        public Segment OtherSide(Angle a)
            Point vertex = a.GetVertex();

            if (!SegmentA.HasPoint(vertex)) return SegmentA;
            if (!SegmentB.HasPoint(vertex)) return SegmentB;
            if (!SegmentC.HasPoint(vertex)) return SegmentC;

            return null;
        // If a common segment exists (a transversal that cuts across both intersections), return that common segment
        public bool InducesNonStraightAngle(Angle thatAngle)
            // The given vertex must match the intersection point of the two lines intersecting
            if (!intersect.Equals(thatAngle.GetVertex())) return false;

            //   /
            //  /
            // /_______
            if (this.StandsOnEndpoint())
                return thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.OtherPoint(intersect), intersect, rhs.OtherPoint(intersect)));
            //          /
            //         /
            // _______/_______
            else if (this.StandsOn())
                Point off = this.CreatesTShape();
                Segment baseSegment = lhs.PointLiesOnAndExactlyBetweenEndpoints(intersect) ? lhs : rhs;

                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(baseSegment.Point1, intersect, off))) return true;
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(baseSegment.Point2, intersect, off))) return true;
            //         /
            // _______/_______
            //       /
            //      /
            else if (this.Crossing())
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point1, intersect, rhs.Point1))) return true;
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point1, intersect, rhs.Point2))) return true;
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point2, intersect, rhs.Point1))) return true;
                if (thatAngle.Equates(new Angle(lhs.Point2, intersect, rhs.Point2))) return true;

            return false;
        // Is the given angle directly exterior to this triangle?
        // The triangle must share a side with the angle, the non-shared side must extend the adjacent side
        public bool HasExteriorAngle(Angle extAngle)
            // Disallow any angle in this triangle (since it technically satisfies the requirements)
            if (HasAngle(extAngle)) return false;

            // Determine which angle in the triangle has the same vertex as the input angle
            Angle triangleAngle = GetAngleWithVertex(extAngle.GetVertex());

            if (triangleAngle == null) return false;

            // Acquire the ray that is shared between the angle and the triangle
            Segment sharedSegment = triangleAngle.SharedRay(extAngle);

            if (sharedSegment == null) return false;

            // Acquire the other side of the triangle
            Segment otherTriangleSegment = triangleAngle.OtherRay(sharedSegment);

            if (otherTriangleSegment == null) return false;

            // Acquire the ray that is not shared
            Segment exteriorSegment = extAngle.OtherRay(sharedSegment);

            if (exteriorSegment == null) return false;

            //           DISALLOW                                     ALLOW
            //              /                                           /
            //             / \                                         / \
            //            /TRI\                                       /TRI\
            //           /-----\                                     /-----\
            //                 /                                            \
            //                /                                              \
            //               /                                                \
            return otherTriangleSegment.IsCollinearWith(exteriorSegment);
 public bool IsCentral(Angle angle)
     if (this.center.StructurallyEquals(angle.GetVertex()))
         // The rays need to contain radii of the circle.
         if (this.ContainsRadiusWithin(angle.ray1) && this.ContainsRadiusWithin(angle.ray2))
             return true;
     return false;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> CheckAndGeneratePerpendicularImplyCongruentAdjacent(Perpendicular perp, Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            if (!Utilities.CompareValues(angle1.measure + angle2.measure, 90)) return newGrounded;

            // The perpendicular intersection must occur at the same vertex of both angles (we only need check one).
            if (!(angle1.GetVertex().Equals(perp.intersect) && angle2.GetVertex().Equals(perp.intersect))) return newGrounded;

            // Are the angles adjacent?
            Segment sharedRay = angle1.IsAdjacentTo(angle2);
            if (sharedRay == null) return newGrounded;

            // Do the non-shared rays for both angles align with the segments defined by the perpendicular intersection?
            if (!perp.DefinesBothRays(angle1.OtherRayEquates(sharedRay), angle2.OtherRayEquates(sharedRay))) return newGrounded;

            // Now we have perpendicular -> complementary angles scenario
            Complementary cas = new Complementary(angle1, angle2);

            // Construct hyperedge
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, cas, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        public bool IsInscribed(Angle angle)
            // If the angle has vertex on the circle
            if (!this.PointLiesOn(angle.GetVertex())) return false;

            // Do the angle rays form or contain chords?
            // GetChord() will check if the segment is a chord, and if it is not, it will check if the segment is a secant containing a chord
            Segment chord1 = this.GetChord(angle.ray1);
            Segment chord2 = this.GetChord(angle.ray2);

            return chord1 != null && chord2 != null;