public static List<EdgeAggregator> Instantiate(GroundedClause clause) { = EngineUIBridge.JustificationSwitch.ANGLES_OF_EQUAL_MEASUREARE_CONGRUENT; List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>(); AngleEquation newAngEq = clause as AngleEquation; if (newAngEq == null) return newGrounded; // One side must be atomic int atomicity = newAngEq.GetAtomicity(); if (atomicity != Equation.BOTH_ATOMIC) return newGrounded; // Split the information into the angle and its measure KeyValuePair<Angle, double> newAngleAndMeasure = ExtractFromEquation(newAngEq); // If splitting failed, we are not interested in the equation if (newAngleAndMeasure.Key == null) return newGrounded; // Can we create any new congruence relationships comparing numeric (deduced angle measure) values? foreach (AngleEquation oldEq in candiateAngleEquations) { KeyValuePair<Angle, double> oldEqAngle = ExtractFromEquation(oldEq); // Avoid generating equivalent angles if (!newAngleAndMeasure.Key.Equates(oldEqAngle.Key)) { // Do the angles have the same measure if (Utilities.CompareValues(newAngleAndMeasure.Value, oldEqAngle.Value)) { AlgebraicCongruentAngles acas = new AlgebraicCongruentAngles(newAngleAndMeasure.Key, oldEqAngle.Key); // For hypergraph construction List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>(); antecedent.Add(newAngEq); antecedent.Add(oldEq); newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, acas, annotation)); } } } // Add to the list for future reference candiateAngleEquations.Add(newAngEq); return newGrounded; }
public static List<GenericInstantiator.EdgeAggregator> CreateTransitiveCongruence(Congruent congruent1, Congruent congruent2) { List<GenericInstantiator.EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<GenericInstantiator.EdgeAggregator>(); // // Create the antecedent clauses // List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>(); antecedent.Add(congruent1); antecedent.Add(congruent2); // // Create the consequent clause // Congruent newCC = null; if (congruent1 is CongruentSegments) { CongruentSegments css1 = congruent1 as CongruentSegments; CongruentSegments css2 = congruent2 as CongruentSegments; Segment shared = css1.SegmentShared(css2); newCC = new AlgebraicCongruentSegments(css1.OtherSegment(shared), css2.OtherSegment(shared)); } else if (congruent1 is CongruentAngles) { CongruentAngles cas1 = congruent1 as CongruentAngles; CongruentAngles cas2 = congruent2 as CongruentAngles; Angle shared = cas1.AngleShared(cas2); newCC = new AlgebraicCongruentAngles(cas1.OtherAngle(shared), cas2.OtherAngle(shared)); } if (newCC == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(""); throw new NullReferenceException("Unexpected Problem in Atomic substitution..."); } newGrounded.Add(new GenericInstantiator.EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newCC, annotation)); return newGrounded; }