public void update(GameTime gametime, Master master)
            //calculate the transform matrix
            transform = Matrix.Identity *
                //translate by negative position
                Matrix.CreateTranslation(-position.X, -position.Y, 0) *
                Matrix.CreateScale(scale) *
                //rotate about z axis
                //math.createrotationz(1.75f) *
                //translate by the origin amount
                Matrix.CreateTranslation(viewportwidth / 2, viewportheight / 2, 0);
            translate = Matrix.Identity *
                //translate by negative position
                Matrix.CreateTranslation(-position.X, -position.Y, 0) *
                //rotate about z axis
                //math.createrotationz(1.75f) *
                //translate by the origin amount
                Matrix.CreateTranslation(viewportwidth / 2, viewportheight / 2, 0);
            //delta so the movement seems smoooth
            float delta = (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            //get a rectangle which contains all the players
            Rectangle players = master.playerspace();
            //pad the rectangle
            players.X -= 200;
            players.Y -= 200;
            players.Width += 400;
            players.Height += 400;
            position = smoothstep(position, new Vector2(players.Center.X, players.Center.Y), movespeed);

            //create a scale based on the the size of the player rectangle in respect to the original viewport size
            float xscale = viewportwidth / players.Width;
            float yscale = viewportheight/ players.Height;
            //use the largest scaling value, the smaller value scale will still include all the picture from the larger scale
            float newscale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale;
            //clamp the scale to the min or max
            newscale = clamp(newscale, minscale, maxscale);
            //smooth the scaling
            scale = smoothstep(scale, newscale, scalespeed);
            //currently not using the rotation, but it is in there for future reference