public void SelectChromosomes_Generation_ChromosomesSelected()
            var target = new EliteSelection();
            var c1 = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<ChromosomeBase> (2);
            c1.Fitness = 0.1;

            var c2 = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<ChromosomeBase>(2);
            c2.Fitness = 0.5;

            var c3 = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<ChromosomeBase>(2);
            c3.Fitness = 0;

            var c4 = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<ChromosomeBase>(2);
            c4.Fitness = 0.7;

            var generation = new Generation (1, new List<IChromosome> () {
                c1, c2, c3, c4

            var actual = target.SelectChromosomes(2, generation);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual (0.7, actual [0].Fitness);
            Assert.AreEqual (0.5, actual [1].Fitness);

            actual = target.SelectChromosomes(3, generation);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, actual.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual (0.7, actual [0].Fitness);
            Assert.AreEqual (0.5, actual [1].Fitness);
            Assert.AreEqual (0.1, actual [2].Fitness);
        public void SelectChromosomes_InvalidNumber_Exception()
            var target = new EliteSelection();

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("number", "The number of selected chromosomes should be at least 2."), () => {
                target.SelectChromosomes (-1, null);

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("number", "The number of selected chromosomes should be at least 2."), () => {
                target.SelectChromosomes (0, null);

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("number", "The number of selected chromosomes should be at least 2."), () => {
                target.SelectChromosomes (1, null);
        public void SelectChromosomes_NullGeneration_Exception()
            var target = new EliteSelection();

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing (new ArgumentNullException ("generation"), () => {
                target.SelectChromosomes (2, null);