public StandardGA(int GeneSize, int GenerationSize, int GenerationCarryover, FittnessDelegate fittness)
            this.generationSize      = GenerationSize;
            this.generationCarryover = GenerationCarryover;

            this._fittness = fittness;

            //create random generation 0
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < generationSize; i++)
                chromosome c = new chromosome();
                c.gene = Enumerable.Range(0, GeneSize)
                         .Select(j => new Tuple <int, int>(rand.Next(GeneSize), j))
                         .OrderBy(k => k.Item1)
                         .Select(l => l.Item2).ToList();


            this.generation          = 0;
            this.HighScore           = Int64.MaxValue;
            this.HighScoreGeneration = -1;
        // create the function that performs the mutation on each chromosome
        static ArrayList Mutate(double Mutation_Probability, ArrayList XPrime)
            Random    random     = new Random();
            ArrayList tempXPrime = new ArrayList();

            for (int temp = 0; temp < XPrime.Count; temp++)
                chromosome C1 = (chromosome)XPrime[temp];

                for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < C1.Bits.Length; temp2++)
                    if (random.NextDouble() < Mutation_Probability)
                        if (C1.Bits[temp2] == 1)
                            C1.Bits[temp2] = 0;
                        if (C1.Bits[temp2] == 0)
                            C1.Bits[temp2] = 1;

            XPrime = tempXPrime;

        //Create the function that selects certain percentage of members based
        // on removing large numbers
        static void changechromosome(chromosome currentchromosome, int[] X, double PercentageSupressed)
            int    ElementsSupressed = System.Convert.ToInt32(X.Length * PercentageSupressed);
            int    TempElementNumber = 0;
            int    TempElement       = 0;
            Random random            = new Random();

            //Set the chromosome Bit Values to 1
            for (int temp = 0; temp < currentchromosome.Bits.Length; temp++)
                currentchromosome.Bits[temp] = 1;
            TempElement = X[0];
            for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < ElementsSupressed; temp2++)
                //find the largets element in X
                for (int temp3 = 0; temp3 < X.Length; temp3++)
                    if (currentchromosome.Bits[temp3] == 1)
                        if (TempElement < X[temp3])
                            TempElement       = X[temp3];
                            TempElementNumber = temp3;
                if (random.NextDouble() < 0.5)
                    currentchromosome.Bits[TempElementNumber] = 0;
                    TempElement = X[0];
        public ParallelGA(int GeneSize, int GenerationSize, int GenerationCarryover, int NumThreads, FittnessDelegate fittness)
            this.generationSize      = GenerationSize;
            this._fittness           = fittness;
            this.generationCarryover = GenerationCarryover;
            this._numThreads         = NumThreads;

            this.CompletedTesting = new List <chromosome>();
            this.NextGeneration   = new List <chromosome>();

            //genrate rangom 0th generation
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < generationSize; i++)
                chromosome c = new chromosome();
                c.gene = Enumerable.Range(0, GeneSize)
                         .Select(j => new Tuple <int, int>(rand.Next(GeneSize), j))
                         .OrderBy(k => k.Item1)
                         .Select(l => l.Item2).ToList();


            this.generation          = 0;
            this.HighScore           = Int64.MaxValue;
            this.HighScoreGeneration = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化;
        /// </summary>
        private static void Init()
            // 染色体数量;
            int length   = 10;
            int totalFit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                chromosome chromosome = new chromosome();
                for (int j = 0; j < chromosome.bits.Length; j++)
                    // 随机出0或者1;
                    //int seed = (i + j) * 100 / 3;//种子;
                    int bitValue = random.Next(0, 2);
                    chromosome.bits[j] = bitValue;
                int x = DeCode(chromosome.bits);
                int y = GetFitValue(x);
                chromosome.fitValue = y;
                //算出total fit;
                if (chromosome.fitValue <= 0)
                    totalFit += 0;
                    totalFit += chromosome.fitValue;
 //Create the function that swaps the values between two chromosomes
 static void Swap(chromosome C1, chromosome C2)
     for (int temp = 0; temp < C1.Bits.Length; temp++)
         C2.Bits[temp] = C1.Bits[temp];
     C2.NumberOfBits = C1.NumberOfBits;
     C2.Fitness      = C1.Fitness;
        protected override void Train()
            //test current generation
            double generationHighScore = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (chromosome c in this.CurrentGeneration)
                c.score = this._fittness(c);
                if (c.score < generationHighScore)
                    generationHighScore = c.score;
                if (c.score < this.HighScore)
                    this.HighScore           = c.score;
                    this.HighScoreGeneration = this.generation;
                    this.BestChromosome      = c.gene;

            //select top
            List <chromosome> top            = this.CurrentGeneration.OrderBy(c => c.score).ToList().GetRange(0, generationCarryover);
            List <chromosome> nextGeneration = new List <chromosome>();

            for (int i = 0; i < generationSize - generationCarryover; i++)
                chromosome ParentA = this.RouletteWheelSelection(top);
                chromosome ParentB = this.RouletteWheelSelection(top);

                nextGeneration.Add(this.Crossover(ParentA, ParentB));

            foreach (chromosome c in nextGeneration)

            //Add top performers from current generation to next generation
            nextGeneration.AddRange(new List <chromosome>(top));
            this.CurrentGeneration = nextGeneration;

            if (this.generation % 1 == 0)
                using (StreamWriter file = File.AppendText(LogFilePath))
                    file.WriteLineAsync(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", " + generation + ", " + this.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + ", " + generationHighScore + ", " + this.HighScore + ", " + this.HighScoreGeneration);

            /// <summary>
            /// 克隆
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public chromosome Clone()
                chromosome c = new chromosome();

                for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length; i++)
                    c.bits[i] = bits[i];
                c.fitValue        = fitValue;
                c.fitValuePercent = fitValuePercent;
                c.probability     = probability;
        protected void Mutate(chromosome Child)
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < Child.gene.Count() - 1; i++)
                if (rand.NextDouble() < this.MutationProbability)
                    Int32 temp = Child.gene[i];
                    Child.gene[i]     = Child.gene[i + 1];
                    Child.gene[i + 1] = temp;
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化;
        /// </summary>
        static void Init()
            // 染色体数量;
            int length   = 4;
            int totalFit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                chromosome chromosome = new chromosome();
                for (int j = 0; j < chromosome.bits.Length; j++)
                    // 随机出0或者1;
                    int    seed     = (i + j) * 100 / 3;//种子;
                    Random random   = new Random(seed);
                    int    bitValue = random.Next(0, 2);
                    chromosome.bits[j] = bitValue;
                int x = DeCode(chromosome.bits);
                int y = GetFitValue(x);
                chromosome.fitValue = y;
                //算出total fit;
                if (chromosome.fitValue <= 0)
                    totalFit += 0;
                    totalFit += chromosome.fitValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < chromosomes.Count; i++)
                if (chromosomes[i].fitValue <= 0)
                    chromosomes[i].fitValuePercent = 0;
                    chromosomes[i].fitValuePercent = chromosomes[i].fitValue / totalFit;
                chromosomes[i].probability = 0;
        // Create the function that executes the cross over of two Chromosomes
        static ArrayList CrossOver(double CrossOver_Probability, ref chromosome[] X, ref ArrayList XPrime)
            ArrayList  tempXprime = new ArrayList();
            chromosome C1         = X[0];
            chromosome C2         = X[0];

            chromosome[] TempChromosomes = new chromosome[X.Length];
            Random       Crossing        = new Random();
            int          CountofXPrime   = X.Length;

            for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < X.Length; temp2++)
                TempChromosomes[temp2] = new chromosome(X[0].Bits.Length);
                Swap(X[temp2], TempChromosomes[temp2]);

            for (int temp = 0; temp < CountofXPrime / 2; temp++)
                int CrossingPoint = Crossing.Next(C1.Bits.Length);
                C1 = (chromosome)XPrime[Crossing.Next(XPrime.Count)];
                C2 = (chromosome)XPrime[Crossing.Next(XPrime.Count)];

                int tempvalue = 0;

                //if (GetRandomConfirmation(CrossOver_Probability))
                if (Crossing.NextDouble() < CrossOver_Probability)
                    for (int temp2 = CrossingPoint; temp2 < C1.Bits.Length; temp2++)
                        tempvalue      = C1.Bits[temp2];
                        C1.Bits[temp2] = C2.Bits[temp2];
                        C2.Bits[temp2] = tempvalue;


            XPrime = tempXprime;
        // Create function that selects the fittest from a chromosome Object array
        // and a new genration ArrayList based on some percentage passed, the rest are selected randomly
        static void SelectFittestImproved(chromosome[] X, ref ArrayList XPrime, int Populationsize, double PercentageFittest)
            ArrayList AllObjects     = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList FittestObjects = new ArrayList();

            AllObjects = XPrime;
            chromosome temp_chromosome = (chromosome)AllObjects[0];
            Random     newItem         = new Random();

            for (int temp = 0; temp < X.Length; temp++)

            double Min_Fitness = ((chromosome)AllObjects[0]).Fitness;

            Populationsize = System.Convert.ToInt32(AllObjects.Count / 2 * PercentageFittest);
            int OriginalSize = AllObjects.Count / 2;

            for (int temp = 0; temp < Populationsize; temp++)
                for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < AllObjects.Count; temp2++)
                    if (Min_Fitness > ((chromosome)AllObjects[temp2]).Fitness)
                        temp_chromosome = (chromosome)AllObjects[temp2];
                        Min_Fitness     = ((chromosome)AllObjects[temp2]).Fitness;
                Min_Fitness = ((chromosome)AllObjects[0]).Fitness;

            for (int temp = 0; temp < (OriginalSize - Populationsize); temp++)
                temp_chromosome = (chromosome)AllObjects[newItem.Next(AllObjects.Count)];

            for (int temp = 0; temp < X.Length; temp++)
                (chromosome)X[temp] = (chromosome)FittestObjects[temp];
        // Create the function that calculates the fitness
        static double GetFitness(chromosome ChromoUnderTest, ref int[] XArray)
            int    c           = 1000;
            int    S           = 0;
            int    X           = 0;
            double YPrime      = 0;
            double ReturnValue = 0;

            //Calculate YPrime for this Chromosome
            for (int temp = 0; temp < XArray.Length; temp++)
                if (ChromoUnderTest.Bits[temp] == 1)
                    YPrime = YPrime + XArray[temp];

            S = XArray.Length - X;
            X = XArray.Length;
            if (X != S)
                YPrime = YPrime / (X - S);

            if (S == X)
                return(c * Math.Abs(S));

            //Calculate the rest of the return value
            for (int temp = 0; temp < XArray.Length; temp++)
                if (ChromoUnderTest.Bits[temp] == 1)
                    ReturnValue = ReturnValue + Math.Pow(XArray[temp] - YPrime, 2);

            ReturnValue = ReturnValue + c * Math.Abs(S);

        protected chromosome Crossover(chromosome ParentA, chromosome ParentB)
            //inputs - Parent A, Parent B
            //output - Child

            chromosome Child = new chromosome();

            //generate corssover index
            int crossoverIdx = (new Random()).Next(ParentA.gene.Count());

            //copy up to crossover index of Parent A to Child
            Child.gene = ParentA.gene.GetRange(0, crossoverIdx);

            //copy from Parent B to end into Child leaving indexes of genes already in Child blank
            for (int i = crossoverIdx; i < ParentB.gene.Count(); i++)
                int gene = ParentB.gene[i];

                if (!Child.gene.Contains(gene))

            //iterate through Parent B adding missing genes into next blank in Child
            if (Child.gene.Contains(Int32.MinValue))
                for (int i = 0; i < ParentB.gene.Count(); i++)
                    int gene = ParentB.gene[i];

                    if (!Child.gene.Contains(gene))
                        int idx = Child.gene.IndexOf(Int32.MinValue);
                        Child.gene[idx] = gene;

        private void GenerationThread(EventWaitHandle handle, List <chromosome> top, int numToGenerate)
            for (int i = 0; i < numToGenerate; i++)
                chromosome ParentA = this.RouletteWheelSelection(top);
                chromosome ParentB = this.RouletteWheelSelection(top);

                chromosome Child = this.Crossover(ParentA, ParentB);



        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化
        /// </summary>
        static void Init()
            // 染色体数量
            int length   = 4;
            int totalFit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                chromosome chromosome = new chromosome();
                for (int j = 0; j < chromosome.bits.Length; j++)
                    Random random   = new Random(GetSeed());
                    int    bitValue = random.Next(0, 2);
                    chromosome.bits[j] = bitValue;
                int x = DeCode(chromosome.bits);
                int y = GetFitValue(x);
                chromosome.fitValue = y;
                //算出total fit
                    totalFit += chromosome.fitValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < chromosomes.Count; i++)
                chromosomes[i].fitValuePercent = chromosomes[i].fitValue / (totalFit * 1.0f);
            chromosomes[0].probability = chromosomes[0].fitValuePercent;
            for (int i = 1; i < chromosomes.Count; i++)
                chromosomes[i].probability = chromosomes[i - 1].probability + chromosomes[i].fitValuePercent;
        // Create function that selects the fittest from a chromosome Object array
        // and a new genration ArrayList
        static void SelectFittest(chromosome[] X, ref ArrayList XPrime, int Populationsize)
            ArrayList AllObjects     = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList FittestObjects = new ArrayList();

            AllObjects = XPrime;
            chromosome temp_chromosome = (chromosome)AllObjects[0];

            for (int temp = 0; temp < X.Length; temp++)

            double Min_Fitness = ((chromosome)AllObjects[0]).Fitness;

            Populationsize = AllObjects.Count / 2;
            for (int temp = 0; temp < Populationsize; temp++)
                for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < AllObjects.Count; temp2++)
                    if (Min_Fitness > ((chromosome)AllObjects[temp2]).Fitness)
                        temp_chromosome = (chromosome)AllObjects[temp2];
                        Min_Fitness     = ((chromosome)AllObjects[temp2]).Fitness;
                Min_Fitness = ((chromosome)AllObjects[0]).Fitness;

            for (int temp = 0; temp < X.Length; temp++)
                (chromosome)X[temp] = (chromosome)FittestObjects[temp];
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create basic parameters
            bool      Enable_Mutation       = true;
            bool      Enable_CrossOver      = true;
            double    Mutation_Probability  = 0.07;
            double    CrossOver_Probability = 0.10;
            int       Population_Size       = 1000;
            int       Iterations            = 50;
            int       SizeOfArray           = 500;
            ArrayList Xprime = new ArrayList();

            double     PercentageFitness   = 0.8;
            double     PercentageSupressed = 0.9;
            int        TotalRuns           = 50;
            TextWriter writehandle         = new StreamWriter("Output.txt");

            //Prepare the output file
            writehandle.Write("Run Number");

            //Create the original population
            int[] X;
            X = new int[40] {
                64, 92, 39, 97, 52, 85, 93, 30, 1, 53, 74, 87, 2, 24, 42, 89, 60, 95, 12, 79, 35, 27, 9, 18, 19, 32, 31, 94, 63, 36, 28, 41, 34, 72, 48, 46, 40, 25, 26, 84

            int ElementsChanged = System.Convert.ToInt32(X.Length * PercentageSupressed);

            // Begin the total Runs

            for (int CurrentRun = 0; CurrentRun < TotalRuns; CurrentRun++)
                double     OldValue       = 99999999999;
                int        lastiteration  = 0;
                chromosome tempchromosome = new chromosome(X.Length);

                //Create the chromosemes
                Console.WriteLine("Generating the Population");
                chromosome[] chromosomes = new chromosome[Population_Size];
                for (int temp = 0; temp < Population_Size; temp++)
                    chromosomes[temp] = new chromosome(X.Length);

                // Change the values for certain percentages of the initial chromosomes to supress
                // High values of X

                /*Console.WriteLine("Bias Certain number of chromosomes");
                 * for (int tempChange = 0; tempChange < ElementsChanged; tempChange++)
                 * {
                 *  changechromosome(chromosomes[tempChange], X, PercentageSupressed);
                 * }*/

                //Begin the main loop for certain numner of iterations
                for (int CurrentIteration = 0; CurrentIteration < Iterations; CurrentIteration++)
                    //Calculate the fitness for every member in chromosomes
                    Console.WriteLine("Calculating the Fitness for each chromosome");
                    for (int temp = 0; temp < Population_Size; temp++)
                        chromosomes[temp].Fitness = GetFitness(chromosomes[temp], ref X);

                    //Perform the Crossover
                    Console.WriteLine("Performing CrossOver");
                    Xprime = CrossOver(CrossOver_Probability, ref chromosomes, ref Xprime);

                    //Perform the mutation
                    Console.WriteLine("Performing Mutation");
                    Xprime = Mutate(Mutation_Probability, Xprime);

                    // Calcultae Fitness for new Arraylist
                    for (int temp = 0; temp < Population_Size; temp++)
                        ((chromosome)Xprime[temp]).Fitness = GetFitness(((chromosome)Xprime[temp]), ref X);
                    //Select Fittest and put them in X
                    Console.WriteLine("Selecting the fittest");
                    SelectFittest(chromosomes, ref Xprime, Population_Size);
                    //SelectFittestImproved(chromosomes, ref Xprime, Population_Size, PercentageFitness);
                    //Clear the ArrayList

                    double     tempvalue = chromosomes[0].Fitness;
                    chromosome C1        = chromosomes[0];
                    for (int temp = 0; temp < chromosomes.Length; temp++)
                        if (tempvalue > chromosomes[temp].Fitness)
                            tempvalue = chromosomes[temp].Fitness;
                            C1        = chromosomes[temp];
                    for (int temp = 0; temp < C1.Bits.Length; temp++)

                    if (OldValue > C1.Fitness)
                        lastiteration  = CurrentIteration;
                        tempchromosome = C1;
                    OldValue = C1.Fitness;
                    if (CurrentIteration == Iterations - 1)
                        for (int temp = 0; temp < tempchromosome.Bits.Length; temp++)
                            if (tempchromosome.Bits[temp] == 1)

 public chromosome(chromosome c)
     this.gene  = c.gene;
     this.score = c.score;