static void Main(string[] args) { GenericList <int> Number = new GenericList <int>(); Number.Add(1); Number.Add(2); Number.Add(3); Number.Add(5); Number.Add(6); GenericList <int> AddNumber = new GenericList <int>(); AddNumber.Add(1); AddNumber.Add(2); AddNumber.Add(3); AddNumber.Add(4); AddNumber.Add(5); Number.Remove(3); Number.ChangeString(); GenericList <int> CombinedList = Number + AddNumber; GenericList <int> RemoveList = Number - AddNumber; GenericList <int> Zip = new GenericList <int>(); Zip.Zipper(Number, AddNumber); Number.Count(); GenericList <string> Animals = new GenericList <string>(); Animals.Add("Dog"); Animals.Add("Cat"); Animals.Add("Cow"); Animals.Add("Horse"); Animals.SortList(Animals); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var list = new GenericList <int>(5); list.Add(2); list.Add(3); list.Add(1); list.Add(5); list.Add(2); list.Add(-1); Console.WriteLine(list.IndexOf(1)); list.Remove(2); Console.WriteLine(list.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(list.Count); list.Insert(3, -6); Console.WriteLine(list.ToString()); }
static void Main() { GenericList <int> intList = new GenericList <int>(); intList.AddElement(5); intList.AddElement(10); intList.AddElement(15); Console.WriteLine(intList); intList.InsertElementAt(1, 20); Console.WriteLine(intList); intList.RemoveElementAtIndex(2); Console.WriteLine(intList); intList.AddElement(50); intList.AddElement(60); Console.WriteLine(intList); Console.WriteLine("Elements Count: {0}", intList.Count); Console.WriteLine("Min: {0}", intList.Min()); Console.WriteLine("Max: {0}", intList.Max()); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 30)); }
public void SortList(GenericList <T> list) { T temp; for (int write = 0; write < newArray.Length; write++) { for (int sort = 0; sort < newArray.Length - 1; sort++) { var result = Comparer <T> .Default.Compare(newArray[sort], newArray[sort + 1]); if (result > 0) { temp = newArray [sort + 1]; newArray [sort + 1] = newArray [sort]; newArray [sort] = temp; } } Console.Write("{0} ", newArray[write]); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var list = new GenericList <int> { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; Console.WriteLine(list.Count); list.Add(1); Console.WriteLine(list.Count); Console.WriteLine(list.Min()); Console.WriteLine(list.Max()); Console.WriteLine(list.Contains(11)); Console.WriteLine(list.FindIndex(3)); list.Insert(0, 5); Console.WriteLine(list); list.Remove(0); Console.WriteLine(list); list.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(list); }
static void Main() { GenericList <int> list = new GenericList <int>(4); Console.WriteLine("Added elements:"); list.Add(38); list.Add(22); list.Add(12); list.Add(53); list.Add(55); Console.WriteLine(list); Console.WriteLine("Element at possition 1: " + list.FindAt(1)); list.Remove(2); Console.WriteLine("\nElements after removing element at possition 2:"); Console.WriteLine(list); list.Insert(2, 11); Console.WriteLine("Elements after inserting element at possition 2:"); Console.WriteLine(list); int elementIndex = list.IndexOf(11); Console.WriteLine("Index of element with value \"11\": " + elementIndex);; bool contains = list.Contains(55); Console.WriteLine("\nIf element contains value \"55\"? " + contains); Console.WriteLine("\nMin element: " + list.Min()); Console.WriteLine("\nMax element: " + list.Max()); var allAttributes = typeof(GenericList <>).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Version), false); Console.WriteLine("\nVersion: " + allAttributes[0]); list.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(list); }
static void Main() { GenericList <int> testList = new GenericList <int>(); testList.Add(5); testList.Add(6); testList.Add(7); testList.Add(9); Console.WriteLine("The list contains {0}: {1}", 5, testList.Contains(5)); testList.InsertAt(4, 3); Console.WriteLine("Min: {0}", testList.Min()); Console.WriteLine("Max: {0}", testList.Max()); Console.WriteLine(testList); GenericList <String> stringList = new GenericList <string>(); stringList.Add("Pesho"); stringList.Add("Gosho"); stringList.Add("Gancho"); Console.WriteLine(stringList.Contains("Test Three")); Console.WriteLine(stringList); }
static void Main(string[] args) { GenericList <int> arrayGenerics = new GenericList <int>(10); arrayGenerics.AddElement(4); arrayGenerics.AddElement(2222); arrayGenerics.AddElement(2212); arrayGenerics.Clear(); arrayGenerics.AddElement(4); arrayGenerics.AddElement(2); arrayGenerics.AddElement(22222); arrayGenerics.RemoveElemenByIndext(0); arrayGenerics.InsertElement(0, 213321); arrayGenerics.RemoveElemenByIndext(0); Console.WriteLine(arrayGenerics.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Max:" + arrayGenerics.Max()); Console.WriteLine("Min:" + arrayGenerics.Min()); }
public static GenericList <T> operator -(GenericList <T> listOne, GenericList <T> listTwo) { GenericList <T> newList = MakeCopy(listOne); for (int i = 0; i < listTwo.Count; i++) { int counter = 0; while (counter < newList.Count) { if (newList[counter].Equals(listTwo[i])) { newList.Remove(listTwo[i]); } else { counter++; } } } return(newList); }
static void Main() { GenericList <int> intList = new GenericList <int>(); intList.Add(1); intList.Add(2); intList.Add(3); Console.WriteLine(intList); Console.WriteLine("Element at index 2 is : {0}", intList[2]); Console.WriteLine("Dooes the list contain 1 : {0}", intList.Find(1)); Console.WriteLine("The index if value 3 is : {0}", intList.FindIndex(3)); intList.InsertAt(8, 2); Console.WriteLine(intList); intList.RemoveAt(2); Console.WriteLine(intList); //intList.ClearAll(); //Console.WriteLine(intList); Console.WriteLine("Max Value : {0}", intList.Max()); Console.WriteLine("Min Value : {0}", intList.Min()); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("list 1:\n"); var l1 = new GenericList <double>(); Console.WriteLine(l1); l1.Add(3.6); l1.Add(9.9); Console.WriteLine(l1); l1.RemoveAt(1); Console.WriteLine(l1); Console.WriteLine("\n\nlist 2:\n"); var l2 = new GenericList <Person>(); Console.WriteLine(l2); l2.Add(new Person("Name1", 15)); l2.Add(new Person("Name2", 20)); Console.WriteLine(l2); l2.RemoveAt(1); Console.WriteLine(l2); }
static void Main() { GenericList <int> newList = new GenericList <int>(3); newList.Add(5); newList.Add(4); newList.Add(6); newList.Add(7); Console.WriteLine(newList[2]); newList[1] = 10; Console.WriteLine(newList[2]); newList.RemoveAtPsn(2); Console.WriteLine(newList[2]); Console.WriteLine(newList.MinValue()); Console.WriteLine(newList.MaxValue()); newList.ClearList(); Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void Main() { var customAttributes = typeof(GenericList <>).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(VersionAttribute), true); Console.WriteLine("This GenericList<T> class's version is {0}", customAttributes[0]); GenericList <int> numbers = new GenericList <int>(); numbers.Add(1); numbers.Add(2); numbers.Add(3); numbers.Add(4); numbers.Add(5); numbers.Add(6); numbers.Add(7); numbers.Add(8); numbers.Add(9); numbers.Add(10); Console.WriteLine("GenericList : {0}", numbers); Console.WriteLine("Index of 6 : {0}", numbers.IndexOf(6)); Console.WriteLine("Capacity : {0}", numbers.Capacity); Console.WriteLine("Size : {0}", numbers.Size); Console.WriteLine(); numbers.Remove(3); // remove element at index 3 numbers.Insert(100, 4); // insert number 100 at index 4 Console.WriteLine("GenericList : {0}", numbers); Console.WriteLine("Size : {0}", numbers.Size); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { numbers.Add(i * 3); } Console.WriteLine("GenericList : {0}", numbers); Console.WriteLine("Capacity : {0}", numbers.Capacity); }
public static void ListExampleDouble(GenericList <double> listOfDoubles) { listOfDoubles.Add(1.1); // [1.1] listOfDoubles.Add(2.2); // [1.1 ,2.2] listOfDoubles.Add(3.3); // [1.1 ,2.2 ,3.3] listOfDoubles.Add(4.4); // [1.1 ,2.2 ,3.3 ,4.4] listOfDoubles.Add(5.5); // [1.1 ,2.2 ,3.3 ,4.4 ,5.5] listOfDoubles.Add(6.6); listOfDoubles.RemoveAt(0); // [2.2 ,3.3 ,4.4 ,5.5,6.6] listOfDoubles.Remove(5.5); //[2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 6.6] Console.WriteLine(listOfDoubles.Count); // 4 Console.WriteLine(listOfDoubles.Remove(100)); // false Console.WriteLine(listOfDoubles.RemoveAt(5)); // false foreach (double el in listOfDoubles) { Console.WriteLine(el); } listOfDoubles.Clear(); // [] Console.WriteLine(listOfDoubles.Count); // 0 }
static void Main(string[] args) { var customAttributes = typeof(GenericList <>).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(VersionAttribute), false); Console.WriteLine("This GenericList<T> class's version is {0}", customAttributes); GenericList <int> genericListInt = new GenericList <int>(); genericListInt.Add(1); genericListInt.Add(2); genericListInt.Add(3); genericListInt.Add(4); genericListInt.Add(321315); genericListInt.Add(6); genericListInt.Add(7); genericListInt.InsertAt(10, 2); genericListInt.InsertAt(10, 2); genericListInt.Add(8); genericListInt.InsertAt(10, 2); if (genericListInt.Contains(321315)) { Console.WriteLine("true"); } Console.WriteLine("genericListInt Count = " + genericListInt.Count); GenericList <string> genericListString = new GenericList <string>(); genericListString.Add("Pesho"); genericListString.RemoveAt(1); genericListString.Add("Angel"); genericListString.Add("Pesho"); genericListString.InsertAt("Todor", 2); int m = genericListString.Find("Todor"); Console.WriteLine("Fint at position " + m); Console.WriteLine("MIN => " + genericListInt.Min()); Console.WriteLine("MAX => " + genericListInt.Max()); Console.WriteLine(genericListString); }
static void Main() { var myList = new GenericList <int>(); var rd = new Random(); for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { myList.Add(rd.Next(0, 100)); Console.Write($"{myList.Tail.Data} "); } Console.WriteLine(); var sum = 0; var max = int.MinValue; var min = int.MaxValue; myList.ForEach(x => { sum += x; max = Math.Max(max, x); min = Math.Min(min, x); }); Console.WriteLine($"Sum is {sum}, max is {max}, min is {min}"); }
public static void Test() { var myList = new GenericList <int>(20); myList.Add(5); myList[0] = 6; myList.Add(8); Console.WriteLine(myList.IndexOf(6)); Console.WriteLine(myList.ToString("s s")); myList.Remove(2); myList.Add(4); Console.WriteLine(myList.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(myList.Min()); Console.WriteLine(myList.Max()); Console.WriteLine(myList.NextIndex); myList.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(myList.ToString()); }
public static void Main() { GenericList <string> list = new GenericList <string>(); // Problem 5 Console.WriteLine("Empty GenericList"); Console.WriteLine(list); Console.WriteLine("List capacity: {0}\n", list.Capacity); Console.WriteLine("Adding elements to GenericList"); list.AddElement("first"); list.AddElement("second"); list.AddElement("third"); list.AddElement("fourth"); list.AddElement("fifth"); Console.WriteLine(list); Console.WriteLine("Removing an element at index [1]:"); list.RemoveElementAt(1); Console.WriteLine(list); Console.WriteLine("Inserting an element \"inserted\""); list.InsertElementAt(2, "inserted"); Console.WriteLine(list); Console.WriteLine("Element \"{0}\" is at index {1}\n", "fifth", list.FindElement("fifth")); Console.WriteLine("List capacity: {0}\n", list.Capacity); Console.WriteLine("Getting an element at index [2] -> \"{0}\"\n", list[2]); Console.WriteLine("Getting the minimal element: \"{0}\"\n", list.Min()); // Problem 7 Console.WriteLine("Getting the maximal element: \"{0}\"\n", list.Max()); // Problem 7 Console.WriteLine("Clearing the list..."); list.ClearGenericList(); Console.WriteLine(list); Console.WriteLine("List capacity: {0}\n", list.Capacity); }
public static int Main() { GenericList <int> list = new GenericList <int>(20); for (int i = 0; i <= 45; i++) { list.AddElement(i + 5); } list.RemoveElement(5); Console.Write("Elements: "); for (int i = 0; i <= list.Size() - 1; i++) { Console.Write(list.GetElement((uint)i)); if (i < list.Size() - 1) { Console.Write(","); } } Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", list.FindElementByVal(40)); Console.WriteLine(list.Min()); Console.WriteLine(list.Max()); Console.WriteLine(list.ToString()); return(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; GenericList <int> gl = new GenericList <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { gl.Add(array[i]); } int sum = 0, maxValue = gl.Head.Value, minValue = gl.Head.Value; //Action<int> computeSum = x => { sum += x; }; //Action<int> computeMax = x => { maxValue = Math.Max(maxValue, x); }; //Action<int> computeMin = x => { minValue = Math.Min(minValue, x); }; gl.ForEach(x => { Console.Write(x + " "); sum += x; maxValue = Math.Max(maxValue, x); minValue = Math.Min(minValue, x); }); Console.WriteLine(" Sum: " + sum + " Max: " + maxValue + " Min: " + minValue); string stop = Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { GenericList <string> list1 = new GenericList <string>(5); list1.AddElement("Gogo"); list1.AddElement("Igrae"); list1.AddElement("Futball"); list1.DeleteElement(2); Console.WriteLine(list1.MyToString()); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); list1.AddElement("gogo"); Console.WriteLine(list1.MyToString() + " " + list1.Length); Console.WriteLine(list1.EmptyIndexes); }
static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World."); Console.WriteLine("Make new List."); GenericList <float> newList = new GenericList <float>(20); Console.WriteLine("Add some numbers to the List - 5.3, 6.27, 7.55, 8, 9.09"); newList.AddElement(5.3f); newList.AddElement(6.27f); newList.AddElement(7.55f); newList.AddElement(8f); newList.AddElement(9.09f); Console.WriteLine("Print Max element: {0}", newList.Max()); Console.WriteLine("Print Min element: {0}", newList.Min()); Console.WriteLine("Add 10 in the biggining."); newList.InsertElement(0, 10); Console.WriteLine("Print Max element again: {0}", newList.Max()); Console.WriteLine("Print the List."); Console.WriteLine(newList); Console.WriteLine("Remove the fourth element."); newList.RemoveElement(3); Console.WriteLine("Print the List."); Console.WriteLine(newList); Console.WriteLine("Remove the fourth element."); newList.RemoveElement(3); Console.WriteLine("Print the List."); Console.WriteLine(newList); Console.WriteLine("Remove the fourth element."); newList.RemoveElement(3); Console.WriteLine("Print the List."); Console.WriteLine(newList); Console.WriteLine("Add 15.56 in the end."); newList.InsertElement(3, 15.56f); Console.WriteLine("Print the List."); Console.WriteLine(newList); }
public GenericListEnumerator(GenericList <T> genericList) { this.genericList = genericList; }
public GenericListEnumerator(GenericList <T> list) { listOfGenerics = list; position = -1; }
static void Main() { // Making a generic list and adding values to its elements GenericList <string> newList = new GenericList <string>(5); newList.Add("one"); newList.Add("two"); newList.Add("three"); newList.Add("four"); newList.Add("five"); // Printing all alament from the generic list Console.WriteLine("The values of the elements in the generic list are:"); for (int i = 0; i < newList.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Element[{0}]: {1}", i, newList[i]); } // Testing the indexer. Changing the value of the first element Console.WriteLine("The value of element[0] is: " + newList[0]); newList[0] = "zero"; Console.WriteLine("The value of element[0] after the change is: " + newList[0]); // Removing an element newList.Remove(3); Console.WriteLine("The value of element[3] is: " + newList[3]); // Testing the length property Console.WriteLine("The length of the list is: " + newList.Length); // Testing the insert method Console.WriteLine("The value of element[2] is: " + newList[2]); newList.Insert(2, "zero"); Console.WriteLine("The value of element[2] after the insert is: " + newList[2]); // Testing the find method int result = newList.Find("two"); Console.WriteLine("\"two\" is at index: {0}", result); int secondResult = newList.Find("three"); Console.WriteLine("\"three\" is at index: {0}", secondResult); // Testing the ToString() override Console.WriteLine("The values of the elements in the generic list after all changes are:"); Console.WriteLine(newList.ToString()); // Testing the clear method newList.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("The values of the elements in the generic list after clearing it are:"); for (int i = 0; i < newList.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Element[{0}]: {1}", i, newList[i]); } // Testing the auto-grow method newList.Add("six"); Console.WriteLine("The length of the generic list after the auto-grow is: " + newList.Length); // Adding values and testing the min and max methods newList.Insert(0, "one"); newList.Insert(1, "two"); newList.Insert(2, "three"); newList.Insert(3, "four"); newList.Insert(4, "five"); newList.Insert(5, "six"); newList.Insert(6, "seven"); newList.Insert(7, "eight"); newList.Insert(8, "nine"); newList.Insert(9, "ten"); string maxResult = newList.Max(); Console.WriteLine("The longest element in the generic list is: " + maxResult); string minResult = newList.Min(); Console.WriteLine("The shortest element in the generic list is: " + minResult); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var genericList = new GenericList <int>(); var deletedItems = new GenericList <int>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { genericList.Add(i); } genericList.ItemWasRemoved += ItemWasRemoved; Console.WriteLine($"Number of items in list: {genericList.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"List capacity: {genericList.Capacity}"); for (int i = 0; i < genericList.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(genericList[i]); } genericList.ItemWasRemoved += delegate(int data) { deletedItems.Add(data); }; genericList.RegisterOnMyFilter(NotEvenNumber); GenericList <int> newList = genericList.FilterList(genericList); Console.WriteLine("try"); Console.WriteLine("Loop with foreach"); foreach (var item in newList) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine($"Removing index 4 with value {genericList[4]}"); genericList.RemoveAtIndex(4); Console.WriteLine($"Number of items in list: {genericList.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"List capacity: {genericList.Capacity}"); for (int i = 0; i < genericList.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(genericList[i]); } Console.ReadKey(); void ItemWasRemoved <T>(T data) { Console.WriteLine($"Item {data} was removed from the list"); } GenericList <int> NotEvenNumber(GenericList <int> list) { GenericList <int> newFilteredList = list; foreach (var item in newFilteredList) { if ((int)item % 2 == 0) { list.RemoveAtIndex(2); } } return(newFilteredList); } }
public GenericListEnumerator(GenericList <T> collection) { _collection = collection; currentIndex = -1; curT = default(T); }
static void Main() { var myList = new GenericList <int>(); //print empty list Console.WriteLine(myList); //test Add and Resize myList.Add(1); myList.Add(2); myList.Add(7); myList.Add(11); myList.Add(23); myList.Add(22); myList.Add(33); myList.Add(45); myList.Add(84); myList.Add(16); myList.Add(76); myList.Add(90); myList.Add(99); myList.Add(19); myList.Add(34); myList.Add(71); myList.Add(21); myList.Add(100); Console.WriteLine(myList); //test RemoveAt myList.RemoveAt(0); //at valid position Console.WriteLine(myList); //myList.RemoveAt(-1); //at invalid position //Console.WriteLine(myList); //test AccessAt Console.WriteLine(myList.AccessAt(3)); //at valid position //Console.WriteLine(myList.AccessAt(50)); //at invalid position //test InsertAt myList.InsertAt(200, 30); Console.WriteLine(myList); myList.InsertAt(999, 0); Console.WriteLine(myList); myList.InsertAt(111, 10); Console.WriteLine(myList); //myList.InsertAt(222, -3); //Console.WriteLine(myList); //test Clear //myList.Clear(); //Console.WriteLine(myList); //test Find Console.WriteLine(myList.Find(200)); Console.WriteLine(myList.Find(-2)); //test Contain Console.WriteLine(myList.Contain(200)); Console.WriteLine(myList.Contain(-200)); //test Min Console.WriteLine(myList.Min()); //test Max Console.WriteLine(myList.Max()); //test Version Type type = typeof(GenericList <>); object[] allAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(VersionAttribute), false); Console.WriteLine("GenericsList's version is {0}", ((VersionAttribute)allAttributes[0]).Version); }
public GenericListEnumerator(GenericList <T> genericList) { this.genericList = genericList; this.index = -1; }
public GenericListEnumerator(GenericList <T> list) { this.list = list; }