public static void Initialize(ref SimplexCache cache, DistanceProxy proxyA, ref Sweep sweepA, DistanceProxy proxyB, ref Sweep sweepB, float t1, out Vector2 axis, out Vector2 localPoint, out SeparationFunctionType type)
            int count = cache.Count;

            Debug.Assert(0 < count && count < 3);

            sweepA.GetTransform(out Transform xfA, t1);
            sweepB.GetTransform(out Transform xfB, t1);

            if (count == 1)
                localPoint = Vector2.Zero;
                type       = SeparationFunctionType.Points;
                Vector2 localPointA = proxyA._vertices[cache.IndexA[0]];
                Vector2 localPointB = proxyB._vertices[cache.IndexB[0]];
                Vector2 pointA      = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, localPointA);
                Vector2 pointB      = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, localPointB);
                axis = pointB - pointA;
            else if (cache.IndexA[0] == cache.IndexA[1])
                // Two points on B and one on A.
                type = SeparationFunctionType.FaceB;
                Vector2 localPointB1 = proxyB._vertices[cache.IndexB[0]];
                Vector2 localPointB2 = proxyB._vertices[cache.IndexB[1]];

                Vector2 a = localPointB2 - localPointB1;
                axis = new Vector2(a.Y, -a.X);
                Vector2 normal = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB.q, axis);

                localPoint = 0.5f * (localPointB1 + localPointB2);
                Vector2 pointB = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, localPoint);

                Vector2 localPointA = proxyA._vertices[cache.IndexA[0]];
                Vector2 pointA      = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, localPointA);

                float s = Vector2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
                if (s < 0.0f)
                    axis = -axis;
                // Two points on A and one or two points on B.
                type = SeparationFunctionType.FaceA;
                Vector2 localPointA1 = proxyA._vertices[cache.IndexA[0]];
                Vector2 localPointA2 = proxyA._vertices[cache.IndexA[1]];

                Vector2 a = localPointA2 - localPointA1;
                axis = new Vector2(a.Y, -a.X);
                Vector2 normal = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA.q, axis);

                localPoint = 0.5f * (localPointA1 + localPointA2);
                Vector2 pointA = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, localPoint);

                Vector2 localPointB = proxyB._vertices[cache.IndexB[0]];
                Vector2 pointB      = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, localPointB);

                float s = Vector2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
                if (s < 0.0f)
                    axis = -axis;

            //Velcro note: the returned value that used to be here has been removed, as it was not used.
        public static float FindMinSeparation(out int indexA, out int indexB, float t, DistanceProxy proxyA, ref Sweep sweepA, DistanceProxy proxyB, ref Sweep sweepB, ref Vector2 axis, ref Vector2 localPoint, SeparationFunctionType type)
            sweepA.GetTransform(out Transform xfA, t);
            sweepB.GetTransform(out Transform xfB, t);

            switch (type)
            case SeparationFunctionType.Points:
                Vector2 axisA = MathUtils.MulT(ref xfA.q, axis);
                Vector2 axisB = MathUtils.MulT(ref xfB.q, -axis);

                indexA = proxyA.GetSupport(axisA);
                indexB = proxyB.GetSupport(axisB);

                Vector2 localPointA = proxyA._vertices[indexA];
                Vector2 localPointB = proxyB._vertices[indexB];

                Vector2 pointA = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, localPointA);
                Vector2 pointB = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, localPointB);

                float separation = Vector2.Dot(pointB - pointA, axis);

            case SeparationFunctionType.FaceA:
                Vector2 normal = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA.q, axis);
                Vector2 pointA = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, localPoint);

                Vector2 axisB = MathUtils.MulT(ref xfB.q, -normal);

                indexA = -1;
                indexB = proxyB.GetSupport(axisB);

                Vector2 localPointB = proxyB._vertices[indexB];
                Vector2 pointB      = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, localPointB);

                float separation = Vector2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);

            case SeparationFunctionType.FaceB:
                Vector2 normal = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB.q, axis);
                Vector2 pointB = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, localPoint);

                Vector2 axisA = MathUtils.MulT(ref xfA.q, -normal);

                indexB = -1;
                indexA = proxyA.GetSupport(axisA);

                Vector2 localPointA = proxyA._vertices[indexA];
                Vector2 pointA      = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, localPointA);

                float separation = Vector2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);

                indexA = -1;
                indexB = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the upper bound on time before two shapes penetrate. Time is represented as a fraction between
        /// [0,tMax]. This uses a swept separating axis and may miss some intermediate, non-tunneling collision. If you change the
        /// time interval, you should call this function again. Note: use Distance() to compute the contact point and normal at the
        /// time of impact.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
        public static void CalculateTimeOfImpact(ref TOIInput input, out TOIOutput output)
            if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //Velcro: We only gather diagnostics when enabled

            output       = new TOIOutput();
            output.State = TOIOutputState.Unknown;
            output.T     = input.TMax;

            Sweep sweepA = input.SweepA;
            Sweep sweepB = input.SweepB;

            // Large rotations can make the root finder fail, so we normalize the
            // sweep angles.

            float tMax = input.TMax;

            float totalRadius = input.ProxyA.Radius + input.ProxyB.Radius;
            float target      = Math.Max(Settings.LinearSlop, totalRadius - 3.0f * Settings.LinearSlop);
            float tolerance   = 0.25f * Settings.LinearSlop;

            Debug.Assert(target > tolerance);

            float     t1 = 0.0f;
            const int k_maxIterations = 20;
            int       iter            = 0;

            // Prepare input for distance query.
            DistanceInput distanceInput = new DistanceInput();

            distanceInput.ProxyA   = input.ProxyA;
            distanceInput.ProxyB   = input.ProxyB;
            distanceInput.UseRadii = false;

            // The outer loop progressively attempts to compute new separating axes.
            // This loop terminates when an axis is repeated (no progress is made).
            for (;;)
                sweepA.GetTransform(out Transform xfA, t1);
                sweepB.GetTransform(out Transform xfB, t1);

                // Get the distance between shapes. We can also use the results
                // to get a separating axis.
                distanceInput.TransformA = xfA;
                distanceInput.TransformB = xfB;
                DistanceGJK.ComputeDistance(ref distanceInput, out DistanceOutput distanceOutput, out SimplexCache cache);

                // If the shapes are overlapped, we give up on continuous collision.
                if (distanceOutput.Distance <= 0.0f)
                    // Failure!
                    output.State = TOIOutputState.Overlapped;
                    output.T     = 0.0f;

                if (distanceOutput.Distance < target + tolerance)
                    // Victory!
                    output.State = TOIOutputState.Touching;
                    output.T     = t1;

                SeparationFunction.Initialize(ref cache, input.ProxyA, ref sweepA, input.ProxyB, ref sweepB, t1, out Vector2 axis, out Vector2 localPoint, out SeparationFunctionType type);

                // Compute the TOI on the separating axis. We do this by successively
                // resolving the deepest point. This loop is bounded by the number of vertices.
                bool  done         = false;
                float t2           = tMax;
                int   pushBackIter = 0;
                for (;;)
                    // Find the deepest point at t2. Store the witness point indices.
                    float s2 = SeparationFunction.FindMinSeparation(out int indexA, out int indexB, t2, input.ProxyA, ref sweepA, input.ProxyB, ref sweepB, ref axis, ref localPoint, type);

                    // Is the final configuration separated?
                    if (s2 > target + tolerance)
                        // Victory!
                        output.State = TOIOutputState.Seperated;
                        output.T     = tMax;
                        done         = true;

                    // Has the separation reached tolerance?
                    if (s2 > target - tolerance)
                        // Advance the sweeps
                        t1 = t2;

                    // Compute the initial separation of the witness points.
                    float s1 = SeparationFunction.Evaluate(indexA, indexB, t1, input.ProxyA, ref sweepA, input.ProxyB, ref sweepB, ref axis, ref localPoint, type);

                    // Check for initial overlap. This might happen if the root finder
                    // runs out of iterations.
                    if (s1 < target - tolerance)
                        output.State = TOIOutputState.Failed;
                        output.T     = t1;
                        done         = true;

                    // Check for touching
                    if (s1 <= target + tolerance)
                        // Victory! t1 should hold the TOI (could be 0.0).
                        output.State = TOIOutputState.Touching;
                        output.T     = t1;
                        done         = true;

                    // Compute 1D root of: f(x) - target = 0
                    int   rootIterCount = 0;
                    float a1 = t1, a2 = t2;
                    for (;;)
                        // Use a mix of the secant rule and bisection.
                        float t;
                        if ((rootIterCount & 1) != 0)
                            // Secant rule to improve convergence.
                            t = a1 + (target - s1) * (a2 - a1) / (s2 - s1);
                            // Bisection to guarantee progress.
                            t = 0.5f * (a1 + a2);


                        if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //Velcro: We only gather diagnostics when enabled

                        float s = SeparationFunction.Evaluate(indexA, indexB, t, input.ProxyA, ref sweepA, input.ProxyB, ref sweepB, ref axis, ref localPoint, type);

                        if (Math.Abs(s - target) < tolerance)
                            // t2 holds a tentative value for t1
                            t2 = t;

                        // Ensure we continue to bracket the root.
                        if (s > target)
                            a1 = t;
                            s1 = s;
                            a2 = t;
                            s2 = s;

                        if (rootIterCount == 50)

                    if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //Velcro: We only gather diagnostics when enabled
                        TOIMaxRootIters = Math.Max(TOIMaxRootIters, rootIterCount);


                    if (pushBackIter == Settings.MaxPolygonVertices)


                if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //Velcro: We only gather diagnostics when enabled

                if (done)

                if (iter == k_maxIterations)
                    // Root finder got stuck. Semi-victory.
                    output.State = TOIOutputState.Failed;
                    output.T     = t1;

            if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //Velcro: We only gather diagnostics when enabled
                TOIMaxIters = Math.Max(TOIMaxIters, iter);