public ActionResult Result(LibrarySearchOption option) { option.PageSize = 50; ViewData["Keyword"] = option.Keyword; ViewData["Page"] = option.Page; return View(); }
bool turnPage(LibrarySearchOption option, int targetPage, out string errMsg) { errMsg = null; if (option.PageCount == -1) { errMsg = "上次查询结果正在构建中,请发送.r重试"; return(false); } else { if (targetPage < 1) { errMsg = "前面没有结果了"; return(false); } else if (targetPage > option.PageCount) { errMsg = "后面没有结果了"; return(false); } else { option.Page = targetPage; return(true); } } }
private string getSearchUrl(LibrarySearchOption option) { var encodedKeyword = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(option.Keyword, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); var url = String.Format("{0}&dept={1}&cl={2}&page={3}&dp={4}", encodedKeyword, option.DeptPlace, option.Language, option.Page, option.PageSize); return(url); }
private void openNewSearch(string user, string msg, out LibrarySearchOption option) { option = new LibrarySearchOption { User = user, Keyword = msg, Page = 1 }; mCache[user] = option; }
public bool OnMessage(string user, string msg, out LibrarySearchOption option, out string errMsg) { errMsg = null; option = null; int quickPage; bool isQuickPageMsg = isQuickPage(msg, out quickPage); mCache.TryGetValue(user, out option); if (option == null) { if (msg == ".r" || msg == ".n" || msg == ".p" || isQuickPageMsg) { errMsg = "没有相应的记录,请重新发送关键字搜索"; return(false); } else { openNewSearch(user, msg, out option); return(true); } } else { int targePage = -1; if (msg == ".r") { return(true); } else if (msg == ".n") { targePage = option.Page + 1; } else if (msg == ".p") { targePage = option.Page - 1; } else if (isQuickPageMsg) { targePage = quickPage; } else { openNewSearch(user, msg, out option); return(true); } return(turnPage(option, targePage, out errMsg)); } }
public bool OnMessage(string user, string msg, out LibrarySearchOption option, out string errMsg) { errMsg = null; option = null; int quickPage; bool isQuickPageMsg = isQuickPage(msg, out quickPage); mCache.TryGetValue(user, out option); if (option == null) { if (msg == ".r" || msg == ".n" || msg == ".p" || isQuickPageMsg) { errMsg = "没有相应的记录,请重新发送关键字搜索"; return false; } else { openNewSearch(user, msg, out option); return true; } } else { int targePage = -1; if (msg == ".r") { return true; } else if (msg == ".n") { targePage = option.Page + 1; } else if (msg == ".p") { targePage = option.Page - 1; } else if (isQuickPageMsg) { targePage = quickPage; } else { openNewSearch(user, msg, out option); return true; } return turnPage(option, targePage, out errMsg); } }
public bool Search(LibrarySearchOption option, out LibrarySearchResult result) { /* #if DEBUG * result = getLocalResult(); * result.ResultCount = expectedCount; * if (pageIndex < expectedCount / option.PageSize) * { * pageIndex++; * result.Books = result.Books.GetRange(0, option.PageSize); * } * else * { * result.Books = result.Books.GetRange(0, expectedCount - pageIndex * option.PageSize); * } * return true; #endif */ List <Book> books = null; int pageCount = 0; int resultCount = 0; var url = getSearchUrl(option); try { var request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; Stream stream = (request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse).GetResponseStream(); Parse(stream, out books, out pageCount, out resultCount); result = new LibrarySearchResult { Books = books, PageCount = pageCount, ResultCount = resultCount, Error = null }; return(true); } catch (WebException e) { result = new LibrarySearchResult { Error = e }; return(false); } }
public string GetRspForSearch(HttpSessionStateBase session, HttpRequestBase request, LibrarySearchOption option) { WeixinResponse rsp = null; object error; var libStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var result = Library.GetInstance().SearchBooksFor(session, option, out error); if (error == null) { libStopwatch.Stop(); rsp = LibrarySearchResponse.Create(request, result); ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info(String.Format("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + "search library with " + option.Keyword + " consume " + libStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } else { rsp = new TextResponse(option.User, String.Format("查询出错: {0}", error)); } return rsp.ToString(); }
public LibrarySearchResultRecord SearchBooksFor(HttpSessionStateBase session, LibrarySearchOption option, out object error) { error = null; var user = option.User; var keyword = option.Keyword; var page = option.Page; LibrarySearchResultRecord cached; if ((cached = mResultCache.Try2Hit(keyword, page)) != null) { ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + keyword + " " + page + " hited"); option.PageCount = cached.PageCount; return(cached); } option = option == null ? DEFAULT : option; LibrarySearchResult result; if (Search(option, out result)) { cached = new LibrarySearchResultRecord { Keyword = keyword, User = user, Books = result.Books, PageCount = result.PageCount, CurrentPage = option.Page }; //记录查询结果的总页数 option.PageCount = result.PageCount; mResultCache.Push(cached); ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + "push cache: " + keyword + " " + page + " current cache count: " + mResultCache.Count); return(cached); } else { return(null); } }
public string GetRspForSearch(HttpSessionStateBase session, HttpRequestBase request, LibrarySearchOption option) { WeixinResponse rsp = null; object error; var libStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var result = Library.GetInstance().SearchBooksFor(session, option, out error); if (error == null) { libStopwatch.Stop(); rsp = LibrarySearchResponse.Create(request, result); ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info(String.Format("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + "search library with " + option.Keyword + " consume " + libStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } else { rsp = new TextResponse(option.User, String.Format("查询出错: {0}", error)); } return(rsp.ToString()); }
bool turnPage(LibrarySearchOption option, int targetPage, out string errMsg) { errMsg = null; if (option.PageCount == -1) { errMsg = "上次查询结果正在构建中,请发送.r重试"; return false; } else { if (targetPage < 1) { errMsg = "前面没有结果了"; return false; } else if (targetPage > option.PageCount) { errMsg = "后面没有结果了"; return false; } else { option.Page = targetPage; return true; } } }
private string getSearchUrl(LibrarySearchOption option) { var encodedKeyword = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(option.Keyword, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); var url = String.Format("{0}&dept={1}&cl={2}&page={3}&dp={4}", encodedKeyword, option.DeptPlace, option.Language, option.Page, option.PageSize); return url; }
public LibrarySearchResultRecord SearchBooksFor(HttpSessionStateBase session, LibrarySearchOption option, out object error) { error = null; var user = option.User; var keyword = option.Keyword; var page = option.Page; LibrarySearchResultRecord cached; if ((cached = mResultCache.Try2Hit(keyword, page)) != null) { ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + keyword + " " + page + " hited"); option.PageCount = cached.PageCount; return cached; } option = option == null ? DEFAULT : option; LibrarySearchResult result; if (Search(option, out result)) { cached = new LibrarySearchResultRecord { Keyword = keyword, User = user, Books = result.Books, PageCount = result.PageCount, CurrentPage = option.Page }; //记录查询结果的总页数 option.PageCount = result.PageCount; mResultCache.Push(cached); ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + "push cache: " + keyword + " " + page + " current cache count: " + mResultCache.Count); return cached; } else { return null; } }
public bool Search(LibrarySearchOption option, out LibrarySearchResult result) { /* #if DEBUG result = getLocalResult(); result.ResultCount = expectedCount; if (pageIndex < expectedCount / option.PageSize) { pageIndex++; result.Books = result.Books.GetRange(0, option.PageSize); } else { result.Books = result.Books.GetRange(0, expectedCount - pageIndex * option.PageSize); } return true; #endif */ List<Book> books = null; int pageCount = 0; int resultCount = 0; var url = getSearchUrl(option); try { var request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; Stream stream = (request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse).GetResponseStream(); Parse(stream, out books, out pageCount, out resultCount); result = new LibrarySearchResult { Books = books, PageCount = pageCount, ResultCount = resultCount, Error = null }; return true; } catch(WebException e) { result = new LibrarySearchResult { Error = e }; return false; } }
public LibrarySearchResult SearchBooksFor(HttpSessionStateBase session, LibrarySearchOption option, out object error) { error = null; var user = option.User; var keyword = option.Keyword; var page = option.Page; LibrarySearchResult cached; if ((cached = mResultCache.Try2Hit(keyword, page)) != null) { ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + keyword + " " + page + " hited"); option.PageCount = cached.PageCount; return cached; } option = option == null ? DEFAULT : option; var url = getSearchUrl(keyword, option); try { var request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; Stream stream = (request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse).GetResponseStream(); List<Book> books = null; int pageCount = 0; Parse(stream, out books, out pageCount); cached = new LibrarySearchResult { Keyword = keyword, User = user, Books = books, MoreUrl = url, PageCount = pageCount, CurrentPage = option.Page }; //记录查询结果的总页数 option.PageCount = pageCount; mResultCache.Push(cached); ApplicationLogger.GetLogger().Info("(" + session.SessionID + ")" + "push cache: " + keyword + " " + page + " current cache count: " + mResultCache.Count); return cached; } catch (WebException e) { error = e; return null; } }