T(string[] args)
        Application.Init ();
        Window app = new Window ("test");
        app.SetDefaultSize (400, 400);
        app.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center;
        app.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (OnAppDelete);

        Box table = new VBox (false, 5);
        table.BorderWidth = 10;
        app.Add (table);

        Dock dock = new Dock ();
        layout = new DockLayout (dock);
        layout.LoadFromFile ("layout.xml");
        DockBar dockbar = new DockBar (dock);

        Box box = new HBox (false, 5);
        box.PackStart (dockbar, false, false, 0);
        box.PackEnd (dock, true, true, 0);
        table.PackStart (box, true, true, 0);

        DockItem di = new DockItem ("item1", "Item #1", DockItemBehavior.Locked);
        di.Add (CreateTextView ());
        dock.AddItem (di, DockPlacement.Top);

        DockItem di2 = new DockItem ("item2", "Item #2 has some large title",
                         Gtk.Stock.Execute, DockItemBehavior.Normal);
        di2.Add (new Button ("Button 2"));
        dock.AddItem (di2, DockPlacement.Right);

        DockItem di3 = new DockItem ("item3", "Item #3 has accented characters (áéíóúñ)",
                         Gtk.Stock.Convert, DockItemBehavior.Normal | DockItemBehavior.CantClose);
        di3.Add (new Button ("Button 3"));
        dock.AddItem (di3, DockPlacement.Bottom);

        DockItem[] items = new DockItem[4];
        items[0] = new DockItem ("item4", "Item #4", Gtk.Stock.JustifyFill,
                     DockItemBehavior.Normal | DockItemBehavior.CantIconify);
        items[0].Add (CreateTextView ());
        dock.AddItem (items[0], DockPlacement.Bottom);

        for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
            string name = "Item #" + (i + 4);
            items[i] = new DockItem (name, name, Gtk.Stock.New,
            items[i].Add (CreateTextView ());
            items[i].Show ();

                items[0].Dock (items[i], DockPlacement.Center, null);

        di3.DockTo (di, DockPlacement.Top);
        di2.DockTo (di3, DockPlacement.Right);
        di2.DockTo (di3, DockPlacement.Left);
        di2.DockTo (null, DockPlacement.Floating);

        box = new HBox (true, 5);
        table.PackEnd (box, false, false, 0);

        Button button = new Button (Gtk.Stock.Save);
        button.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnSaveLayout);
        box.PackEnd (button, false, true, 0);

        button = new Button ("Layout Manager");
        button.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRunLayoutManager);
        box.PackEnd (button, false, true, 0);

        button = new Button ("Dump XML");
        button.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnDumpXML);
        box.PackEnd (button, false, true, 0);

        app.ShowAll ();

        // placeholders
        DockPlaceholder ph1 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph1", dock, DockPlacement.Top, false);
        DockPlaceholder ph2 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph2", dock, DockPlacement.Bottom, false);
        DockPlaceholder ph3 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph3", dock, DockPlacement.Left, false);
        DockPlaceholder ph4 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph4", dock, DockPlacement.Right, false);

        Application.Run ();
        void CreateDefaultLayout()
            contextCodons = (WorkbenchContextCodon[])(AddInTreeSingleton.AddInTree.GetTreeNode("/SharpDevelop/Workbench/Contexts").BuildChildItems(this)).ToArray(typeof(WorkbenchContextCodon));
            PadContentCollection collection;

            // Set the pads specific of each context
            foreach (WorkbenchContextCodon codon in contextCodons)
                collection = new PadContentCollection ();
                WorkbenchContext ctx = WorkbenchContext.GetContext (codon.ID);
                padCollections [ctx] = collection;

                foreach (ContextPadCodon padCodon in codon.Pads) {
                    IPadContent pad = workbench.PadContentCollection [padCodon.ID];
                    if (pad != null)
                        collection.Add (pad);

            //Runtime.LoggingService.Info(" Default Layout created.");
            dockLayout = new DockLayout (dock);
            if (System.IO.File.Exists (configFile)) {
                dockLayout.LoadFromFile (configFile);
            } else {
                dockLayout.LoadFromFile ("../data/options/DefaultEditingLayout.xml");

            SwitchContext (workbench.Context);