public DockItemGrip(DockItem item)
     : this()
     if (item == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException ("item", "A valid DockItem must be given");
     Item = item;
        public void AddItem(DockItem item)
            // check if already there
            if (items.Contains (item)) {
                Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: Item has already been added to the dockbar");

            items.Add (item);

            // create a button for the item
            DockBarButton button = new DockBarButton (item);
            this.PackStart (button, false, false, 0);
            tooltips.SetTip (button, item.Name, item.Name);
            item.DockBar = this;
            item.DockBarButton = button;
            button.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnDockButtonClicked);
            this.ShowAll ();
        public void Remove(DockObject obj)
            if (obj == null)

            // remove from locked/unlocked hashes and property change if that's the case
            if (obj is DockItem && ((DockItem)obj).HasGrip)
                int locked = Locked;
                if (lockedItems.Contains(obj))
                    if (Locked != locked)
                if (unlockedItems.Contains(obj))
                    if (Locked != locked)

            if (obj is Dock)
                obj.Docked -= new DockedHandler(OnItemDocked);

                if (obj == controller)
                    DockObject newController = null;

                    // now find some other non-automatic toplevel to use as a
                    // new controller.  start from the last dock, since it's
                    // probably a non-floating and manual
                    ArrayList reversed = toplevelDocks;

                    foreach (DockObject item in reversed)
                        if (!item.IsAutomatic)
                            newController = item;

                    if (newController != null)
                        controller = newController;
                        // no controller, no master
                        controller = null;

            // disconnect the signals
            if (obj is DockItem)
                DockItem item = obj as DockItem;
                item.Detached          -= new DetachedHandler(OnItemDetached);
                item.Docked            -= new DockedHandler(OnItemDocked);
                item.DockItemDragBegin -= new DockItemDragBeginHandler(OnDragBegin);
                item.DockItemMotion    -= new DockItemMotionHandler(OnDragMotion);
                item.DockItemDragEnd   -= new DockItemDragEndHandler(OnDragEnd);
                item.PropertyChanged   -= new PropertyChangedHandler(OnItemPropertyChanged);

            // remove the object from the hash if it is there
            if (obj.Name != null && dockObjects.Contains(obj.Name))

            /* post a layout_changed emission if the item is not automatic
             * (since it should be removed from the items model) */
            if (!obj.IsAutomatic)
        public void Add(DockObject obj)
            if (obj == null)

            if (!obj.IsAutomatic)
                /* create a name for the object if it doesn't have one */
                if (obj.Name == null)
                    obj.Name = "__dock_" + number++;

                /* add the object to our hash list */
                if (dockObjects.Contains(obj.Name))
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to add object, name \"{0}\" taken", obj.Name);
                    dockObjects.Add(obj.Name, obj);

            if (obj is Dock)
                /* if this is the first toplevel we are adding, name it controller */
                if (toplevelDocks.Count == 0)
                    controller = obj;

                /* add dock to the toplevel list */
                if (((Dock)obj).Floating)
                    toplevelDocks.Insert(0, obj);

                /* we are interested in the dock request this toplevel
                 * receives to update the layout */
                obj.Docked += new DockedHandler(OnItemDocked);
            else if (obj is DockItem)
                DockItem item = obj as DockItem;

                /* we need to connect the item's events */
                item.Detached          += new DetachedHandler(OnItemDetached);
                item.Docked            += new DockedHandler(OnItemDocked);
                item.DockItemDragBegin += new DockItemDragBeginHandler(OnDragBegin);
                item.DockItemMotion    += new DockItemMotionHandler(OnDragMotion);
                item.DockItemDragEnd   += new DockItemDragEndHandler(OnDragEnd);

                /* register to "locked" notification if the item has a grip,
                 * and add the item to the corresponding hash */
                item.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedHandler(OnItemPropertyChanged);

                /* post a layout_changed emission if the item is not automatic
                 * (since it should be added to the items model) */
                if (!item.IsAutomatic)
        public void DockTo(DockItem target, DockPlacement position)
            if (target == null && position != DockPlacement.Floating)

            if (position == DockPlacement.Floating || target == null) {
                if (!IsBound) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("Attempting to bind an unbound item");

                // FIXME: save previous docking position for later re-docking?

                dragoffX = dragoffY = 0;
                ((Dock)Master.Controller).AddFloatingItem (this, 0, 0, -1, -1);
            } else {
                target.Dock (this, position, null);
        void AddPad(IPadContent content, string placement)
            DockItem item = new DockItem (content.Id,

            Gtk.Label label = item.TabLabel as Gtk.Label;
            label.UseMarkup = true;

            if (content is Widget)
                item.Add (content.Control);
            else {
                CommandRouterContainer crc = new CommandRouterContainer (content.Control, content, true);
                crc.Show ();
                item.Add (crc);

            item.Show ();
            item.HideItem ();

            content.TitleChanged += new EventHandler (UpdatePad);
            content.IconChanged += new EventHandler (UpdatePad);

            DockPad (item, placement);

            if (!activePadCollection.Contains (content))
                activePadCollection.Add (content);
        void GetPlacement(string placementString, out DockPlacement dockPlacement, out DockItem originItem)
            // placementString can be: left, right, top, bottom, or a relative
            // position, for example: "ProjectPad/left" would show the pad at
            // the left of the project pad. When using
            // relative placements several positions can be provided. If the
            // pad can be placed in the first position, the next one will be
            // tried. For example "ProjectPad/left; bottom".

            dockPlacement = DockPlacement.None;
            string[] placementOptions = placementString.Split (';');
            foreach (string placementOption in placementOptions) {
                int i = placementOption.IndexOf ('/');
                if (i == -1) {
                    dockPlacement = (DockPlacement) Enum.Parse (typeof(DockPlacement), placementOption, true);
                } else {
                    string id = placementOption.Substring (0, i);
                    originItem = dock.GetItemByName (id);
                    if (originItem != null && originItem.IsAttached) {
                        dockPlacement = (DockPlacement) Enum.Parse (typeof(DockPlacement), placementOption.Substring (i+1), true);

            if (dockPlacement != DockPlacement.None) {
                // If there is a pad in the same position, place the new one
                // over the existing one with a new tab.
                foreach (IPadContent pad in activePadCollection) {
                    string[] places = pad.DefaultPlacement.Split (';');
                    foreach (string p in places)
                        if (string.Compare (p.Trim(), dockPlacement.ToString(), true) == 0) {
                            originItem = GetDockItem (pad);
                            if (originItem != null && originItem.IsAttached) {
                                dockPlacement = DockPlacement.Center;

            originItem = null;
 public DockBarButton(DockItem item)
     this.item   = item;
     this.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;
     this.Add(new Image(item.StockId, IconSize.SmallToolbar));
 public DockBarButton(DockItem item)
     this.item = item;
     this.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;
     this.Add (new Image (item.StockId, IconSize.SmallToolbar));
        public void AddItem(DockItem item, DockPlacement placement)
            if (item == null)

            if (placement == DockPlacement.Floating)
                AddFloatingItem (item, 0, 0, -1, -1);
                Dock (item, placement, null);
 void UpdateItemData(TreeIter iter, DockItem item)
     itemsModel.SetValue (iter, NAME_COL, item.Name);
     itemsModel.SetValue (iter, SHOW_COL, item.IsAttached);
     itemsModel.SetValue (iter, LOCK_COL, item.Locked);
        public void AddFloatingItem(DockItem item, int x, int y, int width, int height)
            Dock dock = new Dock (this, true, x, y, width, height);

            if (Visible) {
                dock.Show ();
                if (IsMapped)
                    dock.Map ();
                dock.QueueResize ();

            dock.AddItem (item, DockPlacement.Top);
        protected override void OnAdded(Widget widget)
            DockItem child = widget as DockItem;

            AddItem(child, DockPlacement.Top);
 void UpdateItemData(TreeIter iter, DockItem item)
     itemsModel.SetValue(iter, NAME_COL, item.Name);
     itemsModel.SetValue(iter, SHOW_COL, item.IsAttached);
     itemsModel.SetValue(iter, LOCK_COL, item.Locked);
        private void OnDragMotion(DockItem item, int rootX, int rootY)
            Dock        dock = null;
            int         winX, winY;
            int         x, y;
            bool        mayDock   = false;
            DockRequest myRequest = new DockRequest(request);

            if (item != request.Applicant)
                Console.WriteLine("Dragged item is not the same as the one we started with");

            /* first look under the pointer */
            Gdk.Window window = Gdk.Window.AtPointer(out winX, out winY);
            if (window != null && window.UserData != IntPtr.Zero)
                /* ok, now get the widget who owns that window and see if we can
                 * get to a Dock by walking up the hierarchy */
                Widget widget = GLib.Object.GetObject(window.UserData, false) as Widget;
                while (widget != null && (!(widget is Dock) ||
                                          (widget is DockObject && ((DockObject)widget).Master != this)))
                    widget = widget.Parent;

                if (widget != null)
                    int winW, winH, depth;

                    /* verify that the pointer is still in that dock
                     * (the user could have moved it) */
                    widget.GdkWindow.GetGeometry(out winX, out winY,
                                                 out winW, out winH,
                                                 out depth);
                    widget.GdkWindow.GetOrigin(out winX, out winY);
                    if (rootX >= winX && rootX < winX + winW &&
                        rootY >= winY && rootY < winY + winH)
                        dock = widget as Dock;

            if (dock != null)
                /* translate root coordinates into dock object coordinates
                 * (i.e. widget coordinates) */
                dock.GdkWindow.GetOrigin(out winX, out winY);
                x       = rootX - winX;
                y       = rootY - winY;
                mayDock = dock.OnDockRequest(x, y, ref myRequest);
                /* try to dock the item in all the docks in the ring in turn */
                foreach (Dock topDock in toplevelDocks)
                    if (topDock.GdkWindow == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Dock has no GdkWindow: {0}, {1}", topDock.Name, topDock);

                    /* translate root coordinates into dock object
                     * coordinates (i.e. widget coordinates) */
                    topDock.GdkWindow.GetOrigin(out winX, out winY);
                    x       = rootX - winX;
                    y       = rootY - winY;
                    mayDock = topDock.OnDockRequest(x, y, ref myRequest);
                    if (mayDock)

            if (!mayDock)
                dock = null;

                myRequest.Target   = Dock.GetTopLevel(item);
                myRequest.Position = DockPlacement.Floating;
                Requisition preferredSize = item.PreferredSize;
                myRequest.Width  = preferredSize.Width;
                myRequest.Height = preferredSize.Height;
                myRequest.X      = rootX - item.DragOffX;
                myRequest.Y      = rootY - item.DragOffY;

                Gdk.Rectangle rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(myRequest.X,

                // setup extra docking information
                myRequest.Extra = rect;

            if (!(myRequest.X == request.X &&
                  myRequest.Y == request.Y &&
                  myRequest.Width == request.Width &&
                  myRequest.Height == request.Height &&
                  dock == rectOwner))
                /* erase the previous rectangle */
                if (rectDrawn)

            // set the new values
            request   = myRequest;
            rectOwner = dock;

            /* draw the previous rectangle */
            if (!rectDrawn)
 protected void ForeachLockUnlock(DockItem item, bool locked)
     item.Locked = locked;
     if (item.IsCompound) {
         foreach (Widget w in item.Children) {
             DockItem i = w as DockItem;
             if (i != null)
                 ForeachLockUnlock (i, locked);
        public void Attach(IWorkbench wb)
            DefaultWorkbench workbench = (DefaultWorkbench) wb;

            this.workbench = workbench;
            wbWindow = (Window) workbench;

            Gtk.VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0);
            rootWidget = vbox;

            vbox.PackStart (workbench.TopMenu, false, false, 0);

            toolbarFrame = new CommandFrame (Runtime.Gui.CommandService.CommandManager);
            vbox.PackStart (toolbarFrame, true, true, 0);

            if (workbench.ToolBars != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < workbench.ToolBars.Length; i++) {
                    toolbarFrame.AddBar ((DockToolbar)workbench.ToolBars[i]);

            // Create the docking widget and add it to the window.
            dock = new Dock ();
            DockBar dockBar = new DockBar (dock);
            Gtk.HBox dockBox = new HBox (false, 5);
            dockBox.PackStart (dockBar, false, true, 0);
            dockBox.PackStart (dock, true, true, 0);
            toolbarFrame.AddContent (dockBox);

            // Create the notebook for the various documents.
            tabControl = new DragNotebook ();
            tabControl.Scrollable = true;
            tabControl.SwitchPage += new SwitchPageHandler (ActiveMdiChanged);
            tabControl.TabsReordered += new TabsReorderedHandler (OnTabsReordered);
            DockItem item = new DockItem ("Documents", "Documents",
                              DockItemBehavior.Locked | DockItemBehavior.NoGrip);
            item.PreferredWidth = -2;
            item.PreferredHeight = -2;
            item.Add (tabControl);
            item.Show ();
            dock.AddItem (item, DockPlacement.Center);

            workbench.Add (vbox);

            vbox.PackEnd (Runtime.Gui.StatusBar.Control, false, true, 0);
            workbench.ShowAll ();

            foreach (IViewContent content in workbench.ViewContentCollection)
                ShowView (content);

            // by default, the active pad collection is the full set
            // will be overriden in CreateDefaultLayout() below
            activePadCollection = workbench.PadContentCollection;

            // create DockItems for all the pads
            foreach (IPadContent content in workbench.PadContentCollection)
                AddPad (content, content.DefaultPlacement);

            wbWindow.Show ();

            workbench.ContextChanged += contextChangedHandler;
        private void OnDragBegin(DockItem item)
            /* Set the target to itself so it won't go floating with just a click. */
            request = new DockRequest ();
            request.Applicant = item;
            request.Target = item;
            request.Position = DockPlacement.Floating;
            request.Extra = IntPtr.Zero;

            rectDrawn = false;
            rectOwner = null;
        void DockPad(DockItem item, string placement)
            DockPlacement dockPlacement = DockPlacement.None;
            DockItem ot = null;

            if (placement != null)
                GetPlacement (placement, out dockPlacement, out ot);

            if (dockPlacement != DockPlacement.None && dockPlacement != DockPlacement.Floating) {
                if (ot != null) {
                    item.DockTo (ot, dockPlacement);
                else {
                    ot = dock.GetItemByName ("Documents");
                    item.DockTo (ot, dockPlacement);
                dock.AddItem (item, dockPlacement);
            item.Show ();
        private void OnDragEnd(DockItem item, bool cancelled)
            if (item != request.Applicant)  {
                Console.WriteLine ("Dragged item is not the same as the one we started with");

            /* Erase previously drawn rectangle */
            if (rectDrawn)
                XorRect ();

            /* cancel conditions */
            if (cancelled || request.Applicant == request.Target)

            // dock object to the requested position
            request.Target.Dock (request.Applicant,

            EmitLayoutChangedEvent ();
 protected override void OnDestroyed()
     if (layout != null)
         layout = null;
     if (icon != null)
         icon = null;
     if (tooltips != null)
         tooltips = null;
     if (item != null) {
         // FIXME: Disconnect future signal handlers for notify.
     item = null;
     base.OnDestroyed ();
        private void OnDragMotion(DockItem item, int rootX, int rootY)
            Dock dock = null;
            int winX, winY;
            int x, y;
            bool mayDock = false;
            DockRequest myRequest = new DockRequest (request);

            if (item != request.Applicant)  {
                Console.WriteLine ("Dragged item is not the same as the one we started with");

            /* first look under the pointer */
            Gdk.Window window = Gdk.Window.AtPointer (out winX, out winY);
            if (window != null && window.UserData != IntPtr.Zero) {
                /* ok, now get the widget who owns that window and see if we can
                   get to a Dock by walking up the hierarchy */
                Widget widget = GLib.Object.GetObject (window.UserData, false) as Widget;
                while (widget != null && (!(widget is Dock) ||
                       (widget is DockObject && ((DockObject)widget).Master != this)))
                        widget = widget.Parent;

                if (widget != null) {
                    int winW, winH, depth;

                    /* verify that the pointer is still in that dock
                       (the user could have moved it) */
                    widget.GdkWindow.GetGeometry (out winX, out winY,
                                      out winW, out winH,
                                      out depth);
                    widget.GdkWindow.GetOrigin (out winX, out winY);
                    if (rootX >= winX && rootX < winX + winW &&
                        rootY >= winY && rootY < winY + winH)
                        dock = widget as Dock;

            if (dock != null) {
                /* translate root coordinates into dock object coordinates
                   (i.e. widget coordinates) */
                dock.GdkWindow.GetOrigin (out winX, out winY);
                x = rootX - winX;
                y = rootY - winY;
                mayDock = dock.OnDockRequest (x, y, ref myRequest);
            } else {
                /* try to dock the item in all the docks in the ring in turn */
                foreach (Dock topDock in toplevelDocks) {
                    if (topDock.GdkWindow == null)
                        Console.WriteLine ("Dock has no GdkWindow: {0}, {1}", topDock.Name, topDock);
                    /* translate root coordinates into dock object
                       coordinates (i.e. widget coordinates) */
                    topDock.GdkWindow.GetOrigin (out winX, out winY);
                    x = rootX - winX;
                    y = rootY - winY;
                    mayDock = topDock.OnDockRequest (x, y, ref myRequest);
                    if (mayDock)

            if (!mayDock) {
                dock = null;

                myRequest.Target = Dock.GetTopLevel (item);
                myRequest.Position = DockPlacement.Floating;
                Requisition preferredSize = item.PreferredSize;
                myRequest.Width = preferredSize.Width;
                myRequest.Height = preferredSize.Height;
                myRequest.X = rootX - item.DragOffX;
                myRequest.Y = rootY - item.DragOffY;

                Gdk.Rectangle rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (myRequest.X,

                // setup extra docking information
                myRequest.Extra = rect;

            if (!(myRequest.X == request.X &&
                  myRequest.Y == request.Y &&
                  myRequest.Width == request.Width &&
                  myRequest.Height == request.Height &&
                  dock == rectOwner)) {

                /* erase the previous rectangle */
                if (rectDrawn)
                    XorRect ();

            // set the new values
            request = myRequest;
            rectOwner = dock;

            /* draw the previous rectangle */
            if (!rectDrawn)
                XorRect ();
    T(string[] args)
        Application.Init ();
        Window app = new Window ("test");
        app.SetDefaultSize (400, 400);
        app.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center;
        app.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (OnAppDelete);

        Box table = new VBox (false, 5);
        table.BorderWidth = 10;
        app.Add (table);

        Dock dock = new Dock ();
        layout = new DockLayout (dock);
        layout.LoadFromFile ("layout.xml");
        DockBar dockbar = new DockBar (dock);

        Box box = new HBox (false, 5);
        box.PackStart (dockbar, false, false, 0);
        box.PackEnd (dock, true, true, 0);
        table.PackStart (box, true, true, 0);

        DockItem di = new DockItem ("item1", "Item #1", DockItemBehavior.Locked);
        di.Add (CreateTextView ());
        dock.AddItem (di, DockPlacement.Top);

        DockItem di2 = new DockItem ("item2", "Item #2 has some large title",
                         Gtk.Stock.Execute, DockItemBehavior.Normal);
        di2.Add (new Button ("Button 2"));
        dock.AddItem (di2, DockPlacement.Right);

        DockItem di3 = new DockItem ("item3", "Item #3 has accented characters (áéíóúñ)",
                         Gtk.Stock.Convert, DockItemBehavior.Normal | DockItemBehavior.CantClose);
        di3.Add (new Button ("Button 3"));
        dock.AddItem (di3, DockPlacement.Bottom);

        DockItem[] items = new DockItem[4];
        items[0] = new DockItem ("item4", "Item #4", Gtk.Stock.JustifyFill,
                     DockItemBehavior.Normal | DockItemBehavior.CantIconify);
        items[0].Add (CreateTextView ());
        dock.AddItem (items[0], DockPlacement.Bottom);

        for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
            string name = "Item #" + (i + 4);
            items[i] = new DockItem (name, name, Gtk.Stock.New,
            items[i].Add (CreateTextView ());
            items[i].Show ();

                items[0].Dock (items[i], DockPlacement.Center, null);

        di3.DockTo (di, DockPlacement.Top);
        di2.DockTo (di3, DockPlacement.Right);
        di2.DockTo (di3, DockPlacement.Left);
        di2.DockTo (null, DockPlacement.Floating);

        box = new HBox (true, 5);
        table.PackEnd (box, false, false, 0);

        Button button = new Button (Gtk.Stock.Save);
        button.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnSaveLayout);
        box.PackEnd (button, false, true, 0);

        button = new Button ("Layout Manager");
        button.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRunLayoutManager);
        box.PackEnd (button, false, true, 0);

        button = new Button ("Dump XML");
        button.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnDumpXML);
        box.PackEnd (button, false, true, 0);

        app.ShowAll ();

        // placeholders
        DockPlaceholder ph1 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph1", dock, DockPlacement.Top, false);
        DockPlaceholder ph2 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph2", dock, DockPlacement.Bottom, false);
        DockPlaceholder ph3 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph3", dock, DockPlacement.Left, false);
        DockPlaceholder ph4 = new DockPlaceholder ("ph4", dock, DockPlacement.Right, false);

        Application.Run ();
 public void RemoveItem(DockItem item)
     // we can only remove if it is there
     if (items.Contains (item)) {
         items.Remove (item);
         this.Remove (item.DockBarButton);
         // item.DockBarButton = null;
     else {
         Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: {0} has not been added to the dockbar", item.Name);