override unsafe protected void MinerThread() { Random r = new Random(); MarkAsAlive(); MainForm.Logger("Dual Ethash/Lbry miner thread for Device #" + DeviceIndex + " started."); BuildEthashProgram(); fixed(UInt32 *ethashOutputPtr = mEthashOutput) fixed(byte *ethashHeaderhashPtr = mEthashHeaderhash) fixed(byte *lbryInputPtr = mLbryInput) fixed(UInt32 * lbryOutputPtr = mLbryOutput) while (!Stopped) { MarkAsAlive(); try { int ethashEpoch = -1; long ethashDAGSize = 0; ComputeBuffer <byte> ethashDAGBuffer = null; // Wait for the first job to arrive. int elapsedTime = 0; while ((mEthashStratum == null || mEthashStratum.GetJob() == null || mLbryStratum == null || mLbryStratum.GetJob() == null) && elapsedTime < 60000) { Thread.Sleep(100); elapsedTime += 100; } if (mEthashStratum == null || mEthashStratum.GetJob() == null || mLbryStratum == null || mLbryStratum.GetJob() == null) { MainForm.Logger("Stratum server failed to send a new job."); return; } System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch consoleUpdateStopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); EthashStratum.Work ethashWork; LbryStratum.Work lbryWork; mEthashSearchKernel.SetMemoryArgument(7, mLbryInputBuffer); mEthashSearchKernel.SetMemoryArgument(8, mLbryOutputBuffer); while (!Stopped && (ethashWork = mEthashStratum.GetWork()) != null && (lbryWork = mLbryStratum.GetWork()) != null) { MarkAsAlive(); String ethashPoolExtranonce = mEthashStratum.PoolExtranonce; byte[] ethashExtranonceByteArray = Utilities.StringToByteArray(ethashPoolExtranonce); byte ethashLocalExtranonce = (byte)ethashWork.LocalExtranonce; UInt64 ethashStartNonce = (UInt64)ethashLocalExtranonce << (8 * (7 - ethashExtranonceByteArray.Length)); for (int i = 0; i < ethashExtranonceByteArray.Length; ++i) { ethashStartNonce |= (UInt64)ethashExtranonceByteArray[i] << (8 * (7 - i)); } ethashStartNonce += (ulong)r.Next(0, int.MaxValue) & (0xfffffffffffffffful >> (ethashExtranonceByteArray.Length * 8 + 8)); String ethashJobID = ethashWork.GetJob().ID; String ethashSeedhash = ethashWork.GetJob().Seedhash; double ethashDifficulty = mEthashStratum.Difficulty; Buffer.BlockCopy(Utilities.StringToByteArray(ethashWork.GetJob().Headerhash), 0, mEthashHeaderhash, 0, 32); Queue.Write <byte>(mEthashHeaderBuffer, true, 0, 32, (IntPtr)ethashHeaderhashPtr, null); var lbryJob = lbryWork.Job; Array.Copy(lbryWork.Blob, mLbryInput, 112); UInt32 lbryStartNonce = (UInt32)(r.Next(0, int.MaxValue)); UInt64 lbryTarget = (UInt64)((double)0xffff0000UL / (mLbryStratum.Difficulty / 256)); mEthashSearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt64>(10, lbryTarget); Queue.Write <byte>(mLbryInputBuffer, true, 0, 112, (IntPtr)lbryInputPtr, null); if (ethashEpoch != ethashWork.GetJob().Epoch) { if (ethashDAGBuffer != null) { ethashDAGBuffer.Dispose(); ethashDAGBuffer = null; } ethashEpoch = ethashWork.GetJob().Epoch; DAGCache cache = new DAGCache(ethashEpoch, ethashWork.GetJob().Seedhash); ethashDAGSize = Utilities.GetDAGSize(ethashEpoch); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] = ethashDAGSize / 64; mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] /= 8; if (mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] % mEthashLocalWorkSizeArray[0] > 0) { mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] += mEthashLocalWorkSizeArray[0] - mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] % mEthashLocalWorkSizeArray[0]; } ComputeBuffer <byte> DAGCacheBuffer = new ComputeBuffer <byte>(Context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadOnly, cache.GetData().Length); fixed(byte *p = cache.GetData()) Queue.Write <byte>(DAGCacheBuffer, true, 0, cache.GetData().Length, (IntPtr)p, null); ethashDAGBuffer = new ComputeBuffer <byte>(Context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] * 8 * 64 /* ethashDAGSize */); // With this, we can remove a conditional statement in the DAG kernel. mEthashDAGKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt32>(0, 0); mEthashDAGKernel.SetMemoryArgument(1, DAGCacheBuffer); mEthashDAGKernel.SetMemoryArgument(2, ethashDAGBuffer); mEthashDAGKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt32>(3, (UInt32)cache.GetData().Length / 64); mEthashDAGKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt32>(4, 0xffffffffu); for (long start = 0; start < ethashDAGSize / 64; start += mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0]) { mEthashGlobalWorkOffsetArray[0] = start; Queue.Execute(mEthashDAGKernel, mEthashGlobalWorkOffsetArray, mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray, mEthashLocalWorkSizeArray, null); Queue.Finish(); if (Stopped || !mEthashStratum.GetJob().ID.Equals(ethashJobID)) { break; } } DAGCacheBuffer.Dispose(); if (Stopped || !mEthashStratum.GetJob().ID.Equals(ethashJobID)) { break; } sw.Stop(); MainForm.Logger("Generated DAG for Epoch #" + ethashEpoch + " (" + (long)sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + "ms)."); } consoleUpdateStopwatch.Start(); while (!Stopped && mEthashStratum.GetJob().ID.Equals(ethashJobID) && mEthashStratum.PoolExtranonce.Equals(ethashPoolExtranonce) && mLbryStratum.GetJob().Equals(lbryJob)) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); MarkAsAlive(); mEthashGlobalWorkOffsetArray[0] = 0; mEthashSearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt32>(9, lbryStartNonce);; // Get a new local extranonce if necessary. if ((ethashStartNonce & (0xfffffffffffffffful >> (ethashExtranonceByteArray.Length * 8 + 8)) + (ulong)mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] * 3 / 4) >= ((ulong)0x1 << (64 - (ethashExtranonceByteArray.Length * 8 + 8)))) { break; } if (0xffffffffu - lbryStartNonce < (UInt32)mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] / 4) { break; } UInt64 target = (UInt64)((double)0xffff0000U / ethashDifficulty); mEthashSearchKernel.SetMemoryArgument(0, mEthashOutputBuffer); // g_output mEthashSearchKernel.SetMemoryArgument(1, mEthashHeaderBuffer); // g_header mEthashSearchKernel.SetMemoryArgument(2, ethashDAGBuffer); // _g_dag mEthashSearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt32>(3, (UInt32)(ethashDAGSize / 128)); // DAG_SIZE mEthashSearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt64>(4, ethashStartNonce); // start_nonce mEthashSearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt64>(5, target); // target mEthashSearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt32>(6, 0xffffffffu); // isolate mEthashOutput[255] = 0; // mEthashOutput[255] is used as an atomic counter. Queue.Write <UInt32>(mEthashOutputBuffer, true, 0, 256, (IntPtr)ethashOutputPtr, null); mLbryOutput[255] = 0; // mLbryOutput[255] is used as an atomic counter. Queue.Write <UInt32>(mLbryOutputBuffer, true, 0, lbryOutputSize, (IntPtr)lbryOutputPtr, null); Queue.Execute(mEthashSearchKernel, mEthashGlobalWorkOffsetArray, mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray, mEthashLocalWorkSizeArray, null); Queue.Read <UInt32>(mEthashOutputBuffer, true, 0, 256, (IntPtr)ethashOutputPtr, null); if (mEthashStratum.GetJob().ID.Equals(ethashJobID)) { for (int i = 0; i < mEthashOutput[255]; ++i) { mEthashStratum.Submit(GatelessGateDevice, ethashWork.GetJob(), ethashStartNonce + (UInt64)mEthashOutput[i]); } } ethashStartNonce += (UInt64)mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] * 3 / 4; Queue.Read <UInt32>(mLbryOutputBuffer, true, 0, lbryOutputSize, (IntPtr)lbryOutputPtr, null); if (mLbryStratum.GetJob().Equals(lbryJob)) { for (int i = 0; i < mLbryOutput[255]; ++i) { String result = ""; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { UInt32 word = mLbryOutput[256 + i * 8 + j]; result += String.Format("{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}", ((word >> 0) & 0xff), ((word >> 8) & 0xff), ((word >> 16) & 0xff), ((word >> 24) & 0xff)); } mLbryStratum.Submit(GatelessGateDevice, lbryWork, mLbryOutput[i], result); } } lbryStartNonce += (UInt32)mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] / 4; sw.Stop(); Speed = ((double)mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] * 3 / 4) / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; double speedSecondary = (((double)mEthashGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] / 4) / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); if (consoleUpdateStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 10 * 1000) { MainForm.Logger("Device #" + DeviceIndex + " (Ethash): " + String.Format("{0:N2} Mh/s (Ethash), {1:N2} Mh/s (Lbry)", Speed / (1000000), speedSecondary / (1000000))); consoleUpdateStopwatch.Restart(); } } } if (ethashDAGBuffer != null) { ethashDAGBuffer.Dispose(); ethashDAGBuffer = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { MainForm.Logger("Exception in miner thread: " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); Speed = 0; if (UnrecoverableException.IsUnrecoverableException(ex)) { this.UnrecoverableException = new UnrecoverableException(ex, GatelessGateDevice); Stop(); } else { MainForm.Logger("Restarting miner thread..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } } MarkAsDone(); }
override unsafe protected void MinerThread() { Random r = new Random(); MarkAsAlive(); MainForm.Logger("Miner thread for Device #" + DeviceIndex + " started."); BuildLbryProgram(); fixed(long *lbryGlobalWorkOffsetArrayPtr = mLbryGlobalWorkOffsetArray) fixed(long *lbryGlobalWorkSizeArrayPtr = mLbryGlobalWorkSizeArray) fixed(long *lbryLocalWorkSizeArrayPtr = mLbryLocalWorkSizeArray) fixed(byte *lbryInputPtr = mLbryInput) fixed(UInt32 * lbryOutputPtr = mLbryOutput) while (!Stopped) { MarkAsAlive(); try { mLbrySearchKernel.SetMemoryArgument(0, mLbryInputBuffer); mLbrySearchKernel.SetMemoryArgument(1, mLbryOutputBuffer); // Wait for the first lbryJob to arrive. int elapsedTime = 0; while ((mLbryStratum == null || mLbryStratum.GetJob() == null) && elapsedTime < 60000) { Thread.Sleep(100); elapsedTime += 100; } if (mLbryStratum == null || mLbryStratum.GetJob() == null) { throw new TimeoutException("Stratum server failed to send a new lbryJob."); } System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch consoleUpdateStopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); LbryStratum.Work lbryWork; while (!Stopped && (lbryWork = mLbryStratum.GetWork()) != null) { MarkAsAlive(); var lbryJob = lbryWork.Job; Array.Copy(lbryWork.Blob, mLbryInput, 112); UInt32 lbryStartNonce = (UInt32)(r.Next(0, int.MaxValue)); UInt64 lbryTarget = (UInt64)((double)0xffff0000UL / (mLbryStratum.Difficulty / 256)); mLbrySearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt64>(3, lbryTarget); Queue.Write <byte>(mLbryInputBuffer, true, 0, 112, (IntPtr)lbryInputPtr, null); consoleUpdateStopwatch.Start(); while (!Stopped && mLbryStratum.GetJob().Equals(lbryJob)) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); MarkAsAlive(); mLbrySearchKernel.SetValueArgument <UInt32>(2, lbryStartNonce); // Get a new local extranonce if necessary. if (0xffffffffu - lbryStartNonce < (UInt32)mLbryGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] * mIterations) { break; } mLbryOutput[255] = 0; // mLbryOutput[255] is used as an atomic counter. Queue.Write <UInt32>(mLbryOutputBuffer, true, 0, lbryOutputSize, (IntPtr)lbryOutputPtr, null); Queue.Execute(mLbrySearchKernel, mLbryGlobalWorkOffsetArray, mLbryGlobalWorkSizeArray, mLbryLocalWorkSizeArray, null); Queue.Read <UInt32>(mLbryOutputBuffer, true, 0, lbryOutputSize, (IntPtr)lbryOutputPtr, null); if (mLbryStratum.GetJob().Equals(lbryJob)) { for (int i = 0; i < mLbryOutput[255]; ++i) { String result = ""; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { UInt32 word = mLbryOutput[256 + i * 8 + j]; result += String.Format("{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}", ((word >> 0) & 0xff), ((word >> 8) & 0xff), ((word >> 16) & 0xff), ((word >> 24) & 0xff)); } mLbryStratum.Submit(GatelessGateDevice, lbryWork, mLbryOutput[i], result); } } lbryStartNonce += (UInt32)mLbryGlobalWorkSizeArray[0] * (uint)mIterations; sw.Stop(); Speed = ((double)mLbryGlobalWorkSizeArray[0]) / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds * mIterations; if (consoleUpdateStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 10 * 1000) { MainForm.Logger("Device #" + DeviceIndex + ": " + String.Format("{0:N2} Mh/s (Lbry)", Speed / 1000000)); consoleUpdateStopwatch.Restart(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MainForm.Logger("Exception in miner thread: " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); if (UnrecoverableException.IsUnrecoverableException(ex)) { this.UnrecoverableException = new UnrecoverableException(ex, GatelessGateDevice); Stop(); } } Speed = 0; if (!Stopped) { MainForm.Logger("Restarting miner thread..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } MarkAsDone(); }