protected void AddJSToControls() { JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnAddPago, this); String sOnchagemov = "checkValueInList("; sOnchagemov += "this" + ",'EFECTIVO','"; sOnchagemov += this.divPagoMovCaja.ClientID + "');"; this.cmbTipodeMovPago.Attributes.Add("onChange", sOnchagemov); sOnchagemov += "checkValueInList("; sOnchagemov += "this" + ",'MOVIMIENTO DE BANCO','"; sOnchagemov += this.divMovBanco.ClientID + "');"; this.cmbTipodeMovPago.Attributes.Add("onChange", sOnchagemov); sOnchagemov = "checkValueInList("; sOnchagemov += "this" + ",'CHEQUE','"; sOnchagemov += this.divCheque.ClientID + "');"; this.cmbConceptomovBancoPago.Attributes.Add("onChange", sOnchagemov); }
protected void CreateURLForPagare(HyperLink lnkImprimePagare, string idCredito, string total, string fecha) { #region Add link for print pagare try { string sFileName = "PAGARE.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=-1&creditoID=" + idCredito + "&"; datosaencriptar += "impPagare=1&monto=" + Utils.GetSafeFloat(total).ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "fecha=" + fecha + "&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); lnkImprimePagare.NavigateUrl = this.Request.Url.ToString(); JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref lnkImprimePagare, URLcomplete, "Pagare", true); } catch { } #endregion }
public static void AddMsgToCtrlOnClick(ref System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button ctrl, string msg) { JSUtils.AddMsgToCtrlOnClick(ref ctrl, msg, true); }
protected void gridSolicitudes_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.DataRow) { return; } //HyperLink link = (HyperLink)e.Row.FindControl("HyperLink1"); // if (link != null) // { // link.Text = "Abrir"; // String sQuery = "idtomodify=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString(); // sQuery = Utils.GetEncriptedQueryString(sQuery); // String strRedirect = "~/frmAddSolicitud.aspx"; // strRedirect += sQuery; // link.NavigateUrl = strRedirect; // } HyperLink link = (HyperLink)e.Row.FindControl("lnkSolicitud2010"); if (link != null) { String sQuery = "SolID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString(); sQuery = Utils.GetEncriptedQueryString(sQuery); String strRedirect = "~/frmAddSolicitud2010.aspx"; strRedirect += sQuery; link.NavigateUrl = strRedirect; link.Text = "Abrir"; } // LinkButton LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBPrintSolicitud"); // if(LB!=null) // { // string sFileName = "SOLICITUD.pdf"; // sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); // String sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; // string datosaencriptar; // datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; // datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; // datosaencriptar += "impsol=1&"; // String URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; // URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); // //LinkButton l = new LinkButton(); // JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB,URLcomplete, "Solicitud ", true); // LB.Text = "SOLICITUD"; // } LinkButton LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBPrintContrato"); if (LB != null) { string sFileName = "CONTRATO.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "impcont=1&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "Contrato", true); LB.Text = "CONTRATO"; } // LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBPrintCaratula"); // if(LB!=null) // { // string sFileName = "CARATULA_ANEXA.pdf"; // sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); // string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; // string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; // datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; // datosaencriptar += "impcar=1&"; // string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; // URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); // LB.Text = "CARATULA ANEXA"; // JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "Caratula_Anexa", true); // } // LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBPrintSeguro"); // if(LB!=null){ // string sFileName = "CONTRATO_SEGURO.pdf"; // sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); // string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; // string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; // datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; // datosaencriptar += "impseg=1&"; // string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; // URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); // JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "Contrato Seguro", true); // } HyperLink lnk = (HyperLink)e.Row.FindControl("lnkPagare"); if (lnk != null) { Solicitudes sol; if (this.IsSistemBanco) { sol = SolicitudesSisBancos.Get(int.Parse(this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString())); } else { sol = Solicitudes.Get(int.Parse(this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString())); } string sFileName = "PAGARE.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "creditoID=" + sol.CreditoID.ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "solID=" + sol.SolicitudID.ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "impPagare=1&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); lnk.NavigateUrl = this.Request.Url.ToString(); lnk.Text = "PAGARE"; JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref lnk, URLcomplete, "Pagare", true); } LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBTermsAndCon"); if (LB != null) { string sFileName = "TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "imptermsandcond=1&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); LB.Text = "TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES"; JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "Terminos y condiciones", true); } LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBSolicitud2010"); if (LB != null) { string sFileName = "SOLICITUD.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "impSol2010=1&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "Solicitud", true); LB.Text = "SOLICITUD"; } LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBBuroCredito"); if (LB != null) { string sFileName = "BUROCREDITO.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "buroCredito=1&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "BuroCredito", true); LB.Text = "BURO"; } LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBCartaCompromiso"); if (LB != null) { string sFileName = "CARTACOMPROMISO.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "cartaCompromiso=1&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "CartaCompromiso", true); LB.Text = "CARTA COMPROMISO"; } LB = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LBEvaluacion"); if (LB != null) { string sFileName = "EVALUACION.pdf"; sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); string sURL = "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx"; string datosaencriptar = "filename=" + sFileName + "&ContentType=application/pdf&"; datosaencriptar = datosaencriptar + "solID=" + this.gridSolicitudes.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["solicitudID"].ToString() + "&"; datosaencriptar += "evaluacion=1&"; string URLcomplete = sURL + "?data="; URLcomplete += Utils.encriptacadena(datosaencriptar); JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref LB, URLcomplete, "evaluacion", true); LB.Text = "EVALUACION"; } }
private void AddJSToControls() { JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnAddFacturaAPago, this); JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnAddPago, this); JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnRemoveFacturaPago, this); }
internal void SetPrintString(int notaCompra) { JSUtils.OpenNewWindowOnClick(ref this.btnPrint, "frmDescargaTmpFile.aspx" + Utils.GetEncriptedQueryString("NotaCompraFormato=" + notaCompra.ToString() + "&filename=ordencompra.pdf"), "Imprimir Formato de Compra", true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) { this.lblDescripcion.Visible = false; String sOnchange; this.txtFecha.Text = Utils.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnAgregar0, this); JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnModificar, this); sOnchange = "EnableDisableAbonosCargos('"; sOnchange += this.ddlConcepto.ClientID + "','"; sOnchange += this.cmbTipodeMov.ClientID + "');"; this.ddlConcepto.Attributes.Add("onChange", sOnchange); JSUtils.AddMsgToCtrlOnClick(ref this.btnCancelar, "¡¡NO OLVIDE ACTUALIZAR LA LISTA DE MOVIMIENTOS DE BANCO !!", false); JSUtils.closeCurrentWindow(ref this.btnCancelar); if (Request.QueryString["data"] != null) { if (this.loadqueryStrings(Request.QueryString["data"].ToString())) { this.btnAgregar0.Visible = true; this.btnModificar.Visible = false; if (this.myQueryStrings["movID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["movID"].ToString(), out imovID) && imovID > -1) //CHECAMOS SI ES PARA MODIFICAR { this.lblmovID.Text = imovID.ToString(); //AQUI VERIFICAMOS SI EL MOVIMIENTO VIENE DE UN CRÉDITO if (this.cargadatostomodify()) { Logger.Instance.LogUserSessionRecord(Logger.typeModulo.MOVIMIENTOSDEBANCO, Logger.typeUserActions.SELECT, this.UserID, "ABRIÓ EL MOVIMIENTO DE BANCO NÚMERO." + this.lblmovID.Text); this.btnModificar.Visible = true; this.btnAgregar0.Visible = false; this.drpdlCuenta.Enabled = false; } else { Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.close();</script>"); } } // else // { // //AQUI PONEMOS EL CODIGO SI RECIBIMOS EL ANTICIPO ID O ALGO // if (this.myQueryStrings["creditoFinID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["creditoFinID"].ToString(), out credFinID) && credFinID > -1) // { // this.lblcredFinID.Text = credFinID.ToString(); // this.lblDescripcion.Text = "ESTE MOVIMIENTO SE AGREGARÁ AL CREDITO FINANCIERO: " + credFinID.ToString(); // this.lblDescripcion.Visible = true; // } // } //here is where if the mov de banco is currently related to anything //load the data for modify it if (this.myQueryStrings["creditoFinID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["creditoFinID"].ToString(), out credFinID) && credFinID > -1) { this.lblcredFinID.Text = credFinID.ToString(); this.lblDescripcion.Text = "ESTE MOVIMIENTO ESTÁ AGREGADO AL CREDITO FINANCIERO: " + credFinID.ToString(); this.lblDescripcion.Visible = true; this.chkNotadeCompra.Visible = false; this.pnlNotaCompra.Visible = false; this.chkCreditoFinanciero.Enabled = false; this.pnlCreditoFinanciero.Visible = true; this.chkCreditoFinanciero.Checked = true; this.pnlFactura.Visible = false; this.chkFactura.Visible = false; this.chkNotadeVenta.Visible = false; this.pnlNotadeVenta.Visible = false; this.LoadCreditoFinancieroData(credFinID); } else if (this.myQueryStrings["FacturaCVID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["FacturaCVID"].ToString(), out this.FacturaVentaID) && FacturaVentaID > -1) { this.lblcredFinID.Text = this.FacturaVentaID.ToString(); this.lblDescripcion.Text = "ESTE MOVIMIENTO ESTÁ LIGADO A LA FACTURA DE VENTA: " + this.FacturaVentaID.ToString(); this.lblDescripcion.Visible = true; this.chkNotadeCompra.Visible = false; this.pnlNotaCompra.Visible = false; this.chkCreditoFinanciero.Visible = false; this.pnlCreditoFinanciero.Visible = false; this.chkFactura.Enabled = false; this.pnlFactura.Visible = true; this.chkFactura.Checked = true; this.chkNotadeVenta.Visible = false; this.pnlNotadeVenta.Visible = false; this.pnlFactura_CollapsiblePanelExtender.Collapsed = false; SqlConnection connFac = new SqlConnection(myConfig.ConnectionInfo); try { SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(); connFac.Open(); comm.Connection = connFac; comm.CommandText = "SELECT FacturaCV, cicloID, clienteVentaID FROM FacturasClientesVenta WHERE (FacturaCV = @FacturaCV)"; comm.Parameters.Add("@FacturaCV", SqlDbType.Int).Value = FacturaVentaID; SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); this.ddlFacturaCiclo.DataBind(); this.ddlFacturaCiclo.SelectedValue = reader["cicloID"].ToString(); this.ddlFacturaCiclo.Enabled = false; this.ddlFacturaClientesVenta.DataBind(); this.ddlFacturaClientesVenta.SelectedValue = reader["clienteVentaID"].ToString(); this.ddlFacturaClientesVenta.Enabled = false; this.ddlFacturas.DataBind(); this.ddlFacturas.SelectedValue = FacturaVentaID.ToString(); this.ddlFacturas.Enabled = false; } catch (System.Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.LogException(Logger.typeUserActions.SELECT, "getting ciclo y cliente id's", ref ex); } finally { connFac.Close(); } } else if (this.myQueryStrings["notaventaID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["notaventaID"].ToString(), out notaventaID) && notaventaID > -1) { this.lblNotaVentaID.Text = this.notaventaID.ToString(); this.lblDescripcion.Text = "ESTE MOVIMIENTO ESTÁ LIGADO A LA NOTA DE VENTA: " + this.notaventaID.ToString(); this.lblDescripcion.Visible = true; this.chkNotadeCompra.Visible = false; this.pnlNotaCompra.Visible = false; this.chkCreditoFinanciero.Visible = false; this.pnlCreditoFinanciero.Visible = false; this.chkFactura.Visible = false; this.pnlFactura.Visible = false; this.chkNotadeVenta.Enabled = false; this.pnlNotadeVenta.Visible = true; this.chkNotadeVenta.Checked = true; this.CollapsiblePanelExtender3.Collapsed = false; SqlConnection connFac = new SqlConnection(myConfig.ConnectionInfo); try { SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(); connFac.Open(); comm.Connection = connFac; comm.CommandText = "SELECT cicloID, productorID, Folio + ' - ' + CAST(notadeventaID AS VARCHAR(50)) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(50), Fecha, 103) AS Nota, notadeventaID FROM Notasdeventa WHERE (notadeventaID = @notadeventaID)"; comm.Parameters.Add("@notadeventaID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = notaventaID; SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); this.ddlFacturaCiclo.DataBind(); this.drpdlCicloNotaVenta.SelectedValue = reader["cicloID"].ToString(); this.drpdlCicloNotaVenta.Enabled = false; this.drpdlCicloNotaVenta.DataBind(); this.drpdlProductoresNotaVenta.SelectedValue = reader["productorID"].ToString(); this.drpdlProductoresNotaVenta.Enabled = false; this.drpdlProductoresNotaVenta.DataBind(); this.dprdlNota.SelectedValue = notaventaID.ToString(); this.dprdlNota.Enabled = false; } catch (System.Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.LogException(Logger.typeUserActions.SELECT, "getting ciclo y productor id's", ref ex); } finally { connFac.Close(); } } else { if (this.myQueryStrings["notacompraID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["notacompraID"].ToString(), out notacompraID) && notacompraID > -1) { this.lblNotaCompraID.Text = this.notacompraID.ToString(); this.cargaDatosNCompra(); } } } else { Logger.Instance.LogMessage(Logger.typeLogMessage.CRITICAL, Logger.typeUserActions.SELECT, this.UserID, "ERROR AL CARGAR DATOS EN ADDMOVQUICK, LOS PARÄMETROS PASADOS COMO QUERYSTRINGS NO CORRESPONDEN A ALGUN MOVIMIENTO ", this.Request.Url.ToString()); Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.close();</script>"); } } else { this.txtFecha.Text = Utils.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); this.lblDescripcion.Visible = false; } //this.divConceptosFiscales.Attributes.Add("style", this.chkMostrarFiscales.Checked ? "visibility: visible; display: block" : "visibility: hidden; display: none"); this.pnlNewMov.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) { this.btnModificar.Visible = false; this.btnAgregar0.Visible = true; int certid = -1, credid = -1; this.ddlCFSeguro.DataBind(); this.drpdlCred.DataBind(); string msgConf; this.drpdlBodega.DataBind(); // msgConf = "return alert('¡¡NO OLVIDE ACTUALIZAR LA LISTA DE CERTIFICADOS !! '); window.close(); "; JSUtils.closeCurrentWindow(ref this.btnCancelar); /* this.btnCancelar.Attributes.Add("onclick", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.close();</script>");*/ string sOnchange; sOnchange = "ShowHideDivOnChkBox('"; sOnchange += this.chkAsignarClienteVenta.ClientID + "','"; sOnchange += this.divAsignaraClientedeVenta.ClientID + "')"; this.chkAsignarClienteVenta.Attributes.Add("onclick", sOnchange); sOnchange = "ShowHideDivOnChkBox('"; sOnchange += this.chkAsignarCredito.ClientID + "','"; sOnchange += this.divAsignaraCredito.ClientID + "')"; this.chkAsignarCredito.Attributes.Add("onclick", sOnchange); JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnAgregar0, this); JSUtils.AddDisableWhenClick(ref this.btnModificar, this); // this.gridCreditos.DataBind(); this.drpdlClienteVenta.DataBind(); // CHECAMOS SI HAY QUERYS if (Request.QueryString["data"] != null && this.loadqueryStrings(Request.QueryString["data"].ToString())) { // CHECAMOS SI ES PARA MODIFICAR UN CERT if (this.myQueryStrings["certID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["certID"].ToString(), out certid) && certid > -1) { this.lblcertID.Text = certid.ToString(); this.cargaCert(); this.btnAgregar0.Visible = false; this.btnModificar.Visible = true; this.lblAction.Text = "MODIFICAR UN CERTIFICADO"; } else { //CHECAMOS SI NOS PASARON UN CREDITOID if (this.myQueryStrings["credID"] != null && int.TryParse(this.myQueryStrings["credID"].ToString(), out credid) && credid > -1) { this.lblcredID.Text = credid.ToString(); this.chkAsignarCredito.Checked = true; this.chkAsignarCredito.Enabled = false; this.drpdlCred.Enabled = false; this.chkAsignarClienteVenta.Checked = false; this.chkAsignarClienteVenta.Enabled = false; this.drpdlCred.SelectedValue = this.lblcredID.Text; this.lblAction.Text = "EL CERTIFICADO SE AGREGARÁ AL CRÉDITO FINANCIERO CON EL ID: " + credid.ToString(); } this.btnModificar.Visible = false; this.btnAgregar0.Visible = true; } } } this.pnlNewMov.Visible = false; this.divAsignaraClientedeVenta.Attributes.Add("style", this.chkAsignarClienteVenta.Checked ? "visibility: visible; display: block" : "visibility: hidden; display: none"); this.divAsignaraCredito.Attributes.Add("style", this.chkAsignarCredito.Checked ? "visibility: visible; display: block" : "visibility: hidden; display: none"); }