public override List <string> GetTodoList(DateRange range) { List <string> result = new List <string>(); string PlantingName = Name; if (range.IsDateInRange(created)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <VarietyKeySeq, PlantingInfo> pair in Varieties) { VarietyKeySeq varietyKeySeq = pair.Key; PlantingInfo plantingInfo = pair.Value; Plant plant = GardenData.LoadedData.GetPlant(varietyKeySeq); string sown = plant.MustBeSownOutside ? "sow" : "plant"; string strike = plantingInfo.AlreadyPlanted ? "#" : ""; //added as prefix to indicate that this entry should be marked as done result.Add($"{strike}{DateRange.ApproxDayMonthDateTimeToString(plantingInfo.PlannedPlantingDate)}: {sown} {GardenData.LoadedData.GetVariety(varietyKeySeq).Name}"); } //if (Varieties.Count > 0) // result.Add(DateRange.ApproxDayMonthDateTimeToString(created)+": plant "+ Varieties.Keys.ToList().ConvertAll((VarietyKeySeq input) => GardenData.LoadedData.GetVariety(input).Name).Aggregate((string elem1, string elem2) => elem1 + ", " + elem2)+ " in "+PlantingName); } foreach (VarietyKeySeq varietyKeySeq in Varieties.Keys) { PlantVariety variety = GardenData.LoadedData.GetVariety(varietyKeySeq); PlantingInfo plantingInfo = Varieties[varietyKeySeq]; System.DateTime plantTime = plantingInfo.PlannedPlantingDate.AddDays(-variety.DaysUntilPlantOutside); if (variety.MustBeSownInside && range.IsDateInRange(plantTime)) { string strike = plantingInfo.AlreadyPlanted ? "#" : ""; //added as prefix to indicate that this entry should be marked as done result.Add(strike + DateRange.ApproxDayMonthDateTimeToString(plantTime) + ": sow " + variety.Name + " inside"); } } return(result); }
public PlantingInfo GetPlantingInfo(VarietyKeySeq key) { if (Varieties.ContainsKey(key)) { return(Varieties[key]); } else { return(null); } }
public void CalcColor() { double r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; int sum = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <VarietyKeySeq, PlantingInfo> pair in Varieties) { VarietyKeySeq seq = pair.Key; int count = pair.Value.Count; PlantVariety variety = GardenData.LoadedData.GetVariety(seq); Color color = variety.GetColor(); r += count * color.R; g += count * color.G; b += count * color.B; sum += count; } r /= sum; g /= sum; b /= sum; Color = new Color(r, g, b); }
public void RemoveVarietyKey(VarietyKeySeq varietyKeySeq) => Varieties.Remove(varietyKeySeq);
public void AddVarietyKeys(string family, string plant, string variety, PlantingInfo plantingInfo) { VarietyKeySeq varietyKeySeq = new VarietyKeySeq(family, plant, variety); Varieties.Add(new VarietyKeySeq(family, plant, variety), plantingInfo); }
public override void Draw(Context context, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0, double zoom = 1, int year = 0, int month = 0) { if (!CheckDate(year, month)) { return; } Shape.Draw(context, xoffset, yoffset, LINE_COLOR, Color, LINE_WIDTH, zoom); if (GardenPlannerSettings.GetSettings().ShowAreaImages&& Varieties.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <VarietyKeySeq, PlantingInfo> keyValuePair in Varieties) { VarietyKeySeq varietyKeySeq = keyValuePair.Key; int count = keyValuePair.Value.Count; Plant plant = GardenData.LoadedData.GetPlant(varietyKeySeq.FamilyKey, varietyKeySeq.PlantKey); PlantVariety variety = GardenData.LoadedData.GetVariety(varietyKeySeq); PointD plantingShapePoint = Shape.GetTopLeftPoint().ToCairoPointD(xoffset, yoffset, zoom); //Draw image or substitute if (plant.HasImageSurface()) { ImageSurface surf = plant.GetImageSurface(); int surfw = surf.Width; int surfh = surf.Height; context.Save(); double scaleH = (IMAGE_SIZE / surfw) * zoom; double scaleV = (IMAGE_SIZE / surfh) * zoom; context.Translate(plantingShapePoint.X + 1 + scaleH * surfw * i, plantingShapePoint.Y + 1); context.Scale(scaleH, scaleV); context.SetSourceSurface(surf, 0, 0); context.Paint(); context.Restore(); } else { double imageZoom = IMAGE_SIZE * zoom; double x = plantingShapePoint.X + 1 + imageZoom * i; double y = plantingShapePoint.Y + 1; context.SetSourceColor(plant.GetColor()); context.MoveTo(x, y); context.LineTo(x + imageZoom, y); context.LineTo(x + imageZoom, y + imageZoom); context.LineTo(x, y + imageZoom); context.LineTo(x, y); context.Fill(); } //Draw amount context.SetSourceColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); context.MoveTo(plantingShapePoint.X + 1 + IMAGE_SIZE * zoom * i, plantingShapePoint.Y + (IMAGE_SIZE / 2) * zoom); context.SetFontSize(20 * zoom); context.ShowText(count + "x"); //Draw Name if (GardenPlannerSettings.GetSettings().ShowPlantNames || GardenPlannerSettings.GetSettings().ShowVarietyNames) { context.SetSourceColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); context.MoveTo(plantingShapePoint.X + 1 + IMAGE_SIZE * zoom * i, plantingShapePoint.Y + (1.25 * IMAGE_SIZE) * zoom); context.SetFontSize(18 * zoom); context.Rotate(0.45); string text = ""; if (GardenPlannerSettings.GetSettings().ShowPlantNames&& GardenPlannerSettings.GetSettings().ShowVarietyNames) { text = variety.Name + " (" + plant.Name + ")"; } else { text = GardenPlannerSettings.GetSettings().ShowPlantNames ? plant.Name : variety.Name; } context.ShowText(text); context.Rotate(-0.45); } i++; } } }
public PlantVariety GetVariety(VarietyKeySeq varietyKeySeq) => GetVariety(varietyKeySeq.FamilyKey, varietyKeySeq.PlantKey, varietyKeySeq.VarietyKey);
public Plant GetPlant(VarietyKeySeq varietyKeySeq) => GetPlant(varietyKeySeq.FamilyKey, varietyKeySeq.PlantKey);