Mesh _AssembleStandardMesh(ShapeStream shapeStream, Mesh mesh)
                if (mesh == null)
                    mesh = new Mesh();


                mesh._numFrames = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._numMatFrames = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._parentMesh = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                shapeStream.ReadPoint3F(ref mesh._bounds.Min);
                shapeStream.ReadPoint3F(ref mesh._bounds.Max);
                shapeStream.ReadPoint3F(ref mesh._center);
                mesh._radius = shapeStream.ReadF32();

                int numVerts = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._verts = mesh._parentMesh < 0 ? shapeStream.ReadPoint3Fs(numVerts) : _shape.Meshes[mesh._parentMesh]._verts;

                int numTVerts = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._tverts = mesh._parentMesh < 0 ? shapeStream.ReadPoint2Fs(numTVerts) : _shape.Meshes[mesh._parentMesh]._tverts;

                // Version 26 added vertex color and texcoord2.
                if (Shape.ReadVersion > 25)
                    int numTVerts2 = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                    if (numTVerts2 > 0)
                        if (mesh._parentMesh < 0)
                            mesh._tverts2 = shapeStream.ReadPoint2Fs(numTVerts2);
                            mesh._tverts2 = _shape.Meshes[mesh._parentMesh]._tverts2;

                    int numVColors = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                    if (numVColors > 0)
                        if (mesh._parentMesh < 0)
                            mesh._colors = shapeStream.ReadColors(numVColors);
                            mesh._colors = _shape.Meshes[mesh._parentMesh]._colors;

                mesh._norms = mesh._parentMesh < 0 ? shapeStream.ReadPoint3Fs(numVerts) : _shape.Meshes[mesh._parentMesh]._norms;
                if (mesh._parentMesh < 0)
                    shapeStream.ReadU8s(numVerts); // Read past encoded normals

                int szPrim;
                ushort[] prim16;
                int[] prim32;
                int szInd;
                short[] ind16;

                // Version 26 has 32-bit indices.
                // We don't, so read them into our 16-bit buffers.
                if (Shape.ReadVersion > 25)
                    szPrim = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                    int[] primIn = shapeStream.ReadS32s(szPrim * 3);

                    szInd = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                    int[] indIn = shapeStream.ReadS32s(szInd);

                    prim16 = new ushort[szPrim * 2];
                    prim32 = new int[szPrim];

                    int j = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < szPrim; i += 3)
                        prim16[j] = (ushort)primIn[i];
                        prim16[j + 1] = (ushort)primIn[i + 1];
                        prim32[j] = primIn[i + 2];


                    // Copy down the array of indices from 32-bit to 16.
                    ind16 = new short[szInd];
                    for (int i = 0; i < szInd; i++)
                        ind16[i] = (short)indIn[i];
                    // Copy the _primitives and we do this depends on what
                    // form we want them in when copied...first just get the data
                    szPrim = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                    prim16 = shapeStream.ReadU16s(szPrim * 2); // start, numElements
                    prim32 = shapeStream.ReadS32s(szPrim);     // matIndex

                    szInd = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                    ind16 = shapeStream.ReadS16s(szInd);

                // count then Copy...
                int cpyPrim, cpyInd;
                if (_useTriangles)
                    _ConvertToTris(prim16, prim32, ind16, szPrim, out cpyPrim, out cpyInd, null, null);
                else if (_useOneStrip)
                    _ConvertToSingleStrip(prim16, prim32, ind16, szPrim, out cpyPrim, out cpyInd, null, null);
                    _LeaveAsMultipleStrips(prim16, prim32, ind16, szPrim, out cpyPrim, out cpyInd, null, null);
                mesh._primitives = new DrawPrimitive[cpyPrim];
                mesh._indices = new short[cpyInd];

                // _primitives and _indices counted and allocated above, now Copy them in
                int chkPrim;
                int chkInd;
                if (_useTriangles)
                    _ConvertToTris(prim16, prim32, ind16, szPrim, out chkPrim, out chkInd, mesh._primitives, mesh._indices);
                else if (_useOneStrip)
                    _ConvertToSingleStrip(prim16, prim32, ind16, szPrim, out chkPrim, out chkInd, mesh._primitives, mesh._indices);
                    _LeaveAsMultipleStrips(prim16, prim32, ind16, szPrim, out chkPrim, out chkInd, mesh._primitives, mesh._indices);

                Assert.Fatal(chkPrim == cpyPrim && chkInd == cpyInd, "TSShapeReader._AssembleStandardMesh - DrawPrimitive conversion error.");

                // Read in merge _indices...deprecated
                int numMerge = shapeStream.ReadS32();

                mesh._vertsPerFrame = shapeStream.ReadS32();

            { }

            return mesh;
        Mesh _AssembleSkinMesh(ShapeStream shapeStream)
            SkinMesh mesh = new SkinMesh();
            _AssembleStandardMesh(shapeStream, mesh);

            int numVerts = shapeStream.ReadS32();
            if (mesh._parentMesh < 0)
                mesh._initialVerts = shapeStream.ReadPoint3Fs(numVerts);
                mesh._initialNormals = shapeStream.ReadPoint3Fs(numVerts);

                // eat up the encoded normals
                if (mesh._parentMesh < 0)

                int sz = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._initialTransforms = new Matrix[sz];
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
                    float[] mat = shapeStream.ReadF32s(16);
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M11 = mat[0];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M21 = mat[1];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M31 = mat[2];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M41 = mat[3];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M12 = mat[4];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M22 = mat[5];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M32 = mat[6];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M42 = mat[7];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M13 = mat[8];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M23 = mat[9];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M33 = mat[10];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M43 = mat[11];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M14 = mat[12];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M24 = mat[13];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M34 = mat[14];
                    mesh._initialTransforms[i].M44 = mat[15];

                sz = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._vertexIndex = shapeStream.ReadS32s(sz);
                mesh._boneIndex = shapeStream.ReadU32s(sz);
                mesh._weight = shapeStream.ReadF32s(sz);

                sz = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._nodeIndex = shapeStream.ReadS32s(sz);
                SkinMesh otherSkin = _shape.Meshes[mesh._parentMesh] as SkinMesh;
                if (otherSkin == null)
                    Assert.Fatal(false, "TSShapeReader._AssembleSkinMesh - Parent of skin mesh not a skin mesh.");
                    return null;

                // consult our parent for our vectors
                mesh._initialVerts = otherSkin._initialVerts;
                mesh._initialNormals = otherSkin._initialNormals;

                // eat up the encoded normals
                if (mesh._parentMesh < 0)

                int sz = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._initialTransforms = otherSkin._initialTransforms;

                sz = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._vertexIndex = otherSkin._vertexIndex;
                mesh._boneIndex = otherSkin._boneIndex;
                mesh._weight = otherSkin._weight;

                sz = shapeStream.ReadS32();
                mesh._nodeIndex = otherSkin._nodeIndex;


            return mesh;