        static void Main( string[] args )
            // Generate a Profile object. When this project is near the end of its development,
            // we will need to remove the leading "..\\"'s from this file path.
            if ( File.Exists("Profile.txt"))
                Profile = new tvProfile("Profile.txt", false);
            // If it doesn't exist locally, use the embedded one.
                // Ensure that the pack scheme is known: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6005398/uriformatexception-invalid-uri-invalid-port-specified
                string ensurePackSchemeIsKnown = PackUriHelper.UriSchemePack;

                StreamResourceInfo stream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(PATH_TO_PROFILE, UriKind.Absolute));
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream.Stream);
                Profile = new tvProfile(reader.ReadToEnd());

            // Create a new deck.
            Deck = new Deck(Profile);

            // Create a new list of players.
            PlayerList = new List<Player>();

            // Create a new Dicard Pile.
            DiscardPile = new List<Card>();

            // Create new instance of configs. Parameter is "application Id". It has to be same on client and server.
            Config = new NetPeerConfiguration("game");

            // Set server port
            Config.Port = ServerUtilities.PORT_NUMBER;

            // Max client amount
            Config.MaximumConnections = 200;

            // Enable New messagetype. Explained later

            // Create new server based on the configs just defined
            Server = new NetServer(Config);

            // Start it

            // Eh..
            Console.WriteLine("Server Started");

            // Object that can be used to store and read messages
            NetIncomingMessage inc;

            // Check time
            DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

            // Create timespan of 30ms
            TimeSpan timetopass = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 30);

            // Write to con..
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for new connections");

            // Main loop
            // This kind of loop can't be made in XNA. In there, its basically same, but without while
            // Or maybe it could be while(new messages)
            while ( true )
                // Server.ReadMessage() Returns new messages, that have not yet been read.
                // If "inc" is null -> ReadMessage returned null -> Its null, so dont do this :)
                if ( (inc = Server.ReadMessage()) != null )
                    // Theres few different types of messages. To simplify this process, i left only 2 of em here
                    switch ( inc.MessageType )
                        // If incoming message is Request for connection approval
                        // This is the very first packet/message that is sent from client
                        // Here you can do new player initialisation stuff
                        case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval:
                            // Read the first byte of the packet
                            // ( Enums can be casted to bytes, so it be used to make bytes human readable )
                            if ( inc.ReadByte() == (byte)PacketTypes.LOGIN )
                                Console.WriteLine("Incoming LOGIN");

                                // Approve clients connection ( Its sort of agreenment. "You can be my client and i will host you" )

                                // Debug
                                Console.WriteLine("Approved new connection and updated the world status");

                        // All messages manually sent from clients are considered "Data" messages.
                        // ( Approval is an automated process )
                        case NetIncomingMessageType.Data:
                            Datatype messageType = (Datatype)inc.ReadByte();

                            switch ( messageType )
                                // Receive an updated Deck from a client.
                                case Datatype.UpdateDeck:
                                    Deck = (Deck)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateDeck, Deck);

                                // Receive an updated DiscardPile from a client.
                                case Datatype.UpdateDiscardPile:
                                    DiscardPile = (List<Card>)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                                    // Send the updated DiscardPile to all clients.
                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateDiscardPile, DiscardPile);


                                // Add or modify a player in the PlayerList.
                                case Datatype.UpdatePlayer:
                                    Player updatedPlayer = (Player)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                                    bool isPlayerInList = false;

                                    // If the updated Player is already in the server's list, update that's Player's properties.
                                    // Note: This search only works if players have unique names.
                                    foreach ( Player player in PlayerList )
                                        if ( updatedPlayer.Name == player.Name )
                                            player.CardsInHand = updatedPlayer.CardsInHand;
                                            player.CardsInPlay = updatedPlayer.CardsInPlay;
                                            isPlayerInList = true;

                                    // If the Player is not on the list, add it.
                                    if ( !isPlayerInList )

                                    // Send the updated PlayerList to all clients.
                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdatePlayerList, PlayerList);

                                // Update the server's Player List and send it to the clients.
                                case Datatype.UpdatePlayerList:
                                    PlayerList = (List<Player>)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdatePlayerList, PlayerList);


                                // Send the updated turn to all players.
                                case Datatype.UpdateTurn:
                                    Turn = (Turn)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateTurn, Turn);


                                // Set up the players for the game. This case should be hit only when a client launches the game.
                                case Datatype.LaunchGame:
                                    // Deal the initial hands to the players.
                                    for ( int i = 0; i < PlayerList.Count; ++i )
                                        PlayerList[i] = new Player(Deck, PlayerList[i].Name);

                                    //// Send the Player List to the clients.
                                    //if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                    //    ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdatePlayerList, PlayerList);

                                    // Generate the Turn object to keep track of the current turn.
                                    Turn = new Turn(PlayerList.Count);

                                    // Tell all clients to launch the game and send them the Turn object.
                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.LaunchGame, Turn);


                                case Datatype.TimeToConnect:
                                    string playerToConnect = (String)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                                    // Broadcast a message that tells a specific client to launch the game.
                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.TimeToConnect, playerToConnect);


                                // Send the rent request to all clients.
                                case Datatype.RequestRent:
                                    ActionData.RentRequest request = (ActionData.RentRequest)ServerUtilities.ReadRentRequest(inc);

                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.RequestRent, request);


                                // Send the rent response to all clients.
                                case Datatype.GiveRent:
                                    ActionData.RentResponse response = (ActionData.RentResponse)ServerUtilities.ReadRentResponse(inc);

                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.GiveRent, response);


                                // Send the theft request to all clients.
                                case Datatype.RequestTheft:
                                    ActionData.TheftRequest request = (ActionData.TheftRequest)ServerUtilities.ReadTheftRequest(inc);

                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.RequestTheft, request);


                                // Send the theft response to all clients.
                                case Datatype.ReplyToTheft:
                                    ActionData.TheftResponse response = (ActionData.TheftResponse)ServerUtilities.ReadTheftResponse(inc);

                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.ReplyToTheft, response);


                                case Datatype.EndTurn:
                                    Turn = (Turn)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, Datatype.EndTurn);

                                    // Send the updated Turn object to the clients.
                                    ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.EndTurn, Turn);


                                // Send the server's Deck to all clients.
                                case Datatype.RequestDeck:
                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateDeck, Deck);


                                // Send the server's PlayerList to all clients.
                                case Datatype.RequestPlayerList:
                                    if ( Server.ConnectionsCount != 0 )
                                        ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdatePlayerList, PlayerList);


                        case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged:
                            // In case status changed
                            // It can be one of these
                            // NetConnectionStatus.Connected;
                            // NetConnectionStatus.Connecting;
                            // NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected;
                            // NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting;
                            // NetConnectionStatus.None;

                            // NOTE: Disconnecting and Disconnected are not instant unless client is shutdown with disconnect()
                            Console.WriteLine(inc.SenderConnection.ToString() + " status changed. " + (NetConnectionStatus)inc.SenderConnection.Status);
                            if ( inc.SenderConnection.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected || inc.SenderConnection.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting )

                            // As i statet previously, theres few other kind of messages also, but i dont cover those in this example
                            // Uncommenting next line, informs you, when ever some other kind of message is received
                            //Console.WriteLine("Not Important Message");
                } // If New messages

                // if 30ms has passed
                if ( (time + timetopass) < DateTime.Now )
                    time = DateTime.Now;

                // While loops run as fast as your computer lets. While(true) can lock your computer up. Even 1ms sleep, lets other programs have piece of your CPU time
        public static Turn ReadTurn( NetIncomingMessage inc )
            int currentTurnOwner = inc.ReadInt32();
            int numberOfActions = inc.ReadInt32();

            Turn turn = new Turn(currentTurnOwner, numberOfActions);

            return turn;
 public static void WriteTurn( NetOutgoingMessage outmsg, Turn turn )
     // Write the data related to the current turn.
        // Update the client's window based on messages received from the server. This method is called as soon as the client
        // receives a message.
        public void GotMessage( object peer )
            NetIncomingMessage inc;

            if ( false == this.BeginCommunication )
                // Continue reading messages until the requested update is received.
                while ( !UpdateReceived && !this.Disconnected )
                    Console.WriteLine(this.PlayerName + " stuck in begin");

                    // Iterate through all of the available messages.
                    while ( (inc = (peer as NetPeer).ReadMessage()) != null )
                        if ( inc.MessageType == NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged )
                            this.BeginCommunication = true;
                            UpdateReceived = true;

                            // Close the wait message if it is open.
                            if ( null != WaitMessage && !WaitMessage.CloseWindow )
                                CreateNewThread(new Action<Object>(( sender ) => { WaitMessage.CloseWindow = true; }));


                inc = (peer as NetPeer).ReadMessage();

                if ( null != inc && inc.MessageType == NetIncomingMessageType.Data )
                    Datatype messageType = (Datatype)inc.ReadByte();
                    //MessageBox.Show(this.PlayerName + " received " + messageType.ToString());

                    switch ( messageType )
                        case Datatype.UpdatePlayerList:
                            PlayerList = (List<Player>)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                            if ( null != this.PlayerList && this.PlayerList.Count > 0 )
                                CreateNewThread(new Action<Object>(( sender ) => { this.LaunchGameButton.IsEnabled = (this.PlayerList[0].Name == this.PlayerName); }));

                            //// The parentheses around currentPlayerList are required. See http://bit.ly/19t9NEx.
                            //ThreadStart start = delegate() { Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action<List<Player>>(UpdatePlayerListBox), (playerList)); };
                            CreateNewThread(new Action<Object>(UpdatePlayerListBox));

                            // Close the wait message if it is open.
                            if  ( null != WaitMessage && !WaitMessage.CloseWindow )
                                CreateNewThread(new Action<Object>(( sender ) => { WaitMessage.CloseWindow = true; }));


                        case Datatype.LaunchGame:
                            Console.WriteLine(this.Player.Name + " received Launch");

                            // Receive the data related to the current turn from the server.
                            this.Turn = (Turn)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, Datatype.LaunchGame);

                            if ( this.PlayerList[0].Name == this.PlayerName )
                                CreateNewThread(new Action<Object>(LaunchGame));


                        case Datatype.TimeToConnect:
                            string playerToConnect = (String)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                            if ( this.PlayerName == playerToConnect )
                                CreateNewThread(new Action<Object>(LaunchGame));
