public GameObjectList GetGameObjectList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); list.Add(this); return(list); }
public GameObjectList GetDiplomaticRelationDisplayListByFactionID(int factionID) { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (DiplomaticRelation relation in this.DiplomaticRelations.Values) { if (relation.RelationFaction1ID == factionID) { list.Add(new DiplomaticRelationDisplay(relation, relation.RelationFaction2String)); } else if (relation.RelationFaction2ID == factionID) { list.Add(new DiplomaticRelationDisplay(relation, relation.RelationFaction1String)); } } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetBiographyList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Biography biography in this.Biographys.Values) { list.Add(biography); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetFacilityKindList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (FacilityKind kind in this.FacilityKinds.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetArchitectureKindList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (ArchitectureKind kind in this.ArchitectureKinds.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetSectionAIDetailList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (SectionAIDetail detail in this.SectionAIDetails.Values) { list.Add(detail); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetTextMessageList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (TextMessage message in this.TextMessages.Values) { list.Add(message); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetTerrainDetailList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (TerrainDetail detail in this.TerrainDetails.Values) { list.Add(detail); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetEventEffectKindList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (EventEffectKind kind in this.EventEffectKinds.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return list; }
public GameObjectList Getzainanzhongleiliebiao() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (zainanzhongleilei kind in this.zainanzhongleizidian.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetStratagemList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Stratagem stratagem in this.Stratagems.Values) { list.Add(stratagem); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetStuntList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Stunt stunt in this.Stunts.Values) { list.Add(stunt); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetCombatMethodList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (CombatMethod method in this.CombatMethods.Values) { list.Add(method); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetSkillList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Skill skill in this.Skills.Values) { list.Add(skill); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetConditionList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Condition condition in this.Conditions.Values) { list.Add(condition); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetAllDiplomaticRelationDisplayList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (DiplomaticRelation relation in this.DiplomaticRelations.Values) { list.Add(new DiplomaticRelationDisplay(relation, relation.RelationFaction1String)); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetEventEffectList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (EventEffect effect in this.EventEffects.Values) { list.Add(effect); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetAnimationList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Animation animation in this.Animations.Values) { list.Add(animation); } return list; }
public GameObjectList Getguanjuedezhongleiliebiao() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (guanjuezhongleilei kind in this.guanjuedezhongleizidian.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetConditionKindList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (ConditionKind kind in this.ConditionKinds.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetTechniqueList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Technique technique in this.Techniques.Values) { list.Add(technique); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetTitleList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Title title in this.Titles.Values) { list.Add(title); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetInfluenceKindList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (InfluenceKind kind in this.InfluenceKinds.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return list; }
public GameObjectList Getzainanzhongleiliebiao() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (zainanzhongleilei kind in this.zainanzhongleizidian.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return(list); }
public GameObjectList GetList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (GameObject obj2 in this.gameObjects) { list.Add(obj2); } return(list); }
public GameObjectList Getguanjuedezhongleiliebiao() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (guanjuezhongleilei kind in this.guanjuedezhongleizidian.Values) { list.Add(kind); } return(list); }
public GameObjectList GetRandomList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (int num in this.GenerateRandomIndexList()) { list.Add(this.gameObjects[num]); } return(list); }
public GameObjectList GetSectionNoOrientationAutoAIDetailsByConditions(bool allowOffensiveCampaign, bool valueRecruitment) { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (SectionAIDetail detail in this.SectionAIDetails.Values) { if ((((detail.OrientationKind == SectionOrientationKind.无) && detail.AutoRun) && (detail.AllowOffensiveCampaign == allowOffensiveCampaign)) && (detail.ValueRecruitment == valueRecruitment)) { list.Add(detail); } } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetSectionAIDetailsByConditions(SectionOrientationKind orientationKind, bool autoRun, bool valueOffensiveCampaign, bool allowOffensiveCampaign, bool allowMilitaryTransfer, bool valueRecruitment) { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (SectionAIDetail detail in this.SectionAIDetails.Values) { if (((((detail.OrientationKind == orientationKind) && (detail.AutoRun == autoRun)) && ((detail.ValueOffensiveCampaign == valueOffensiveCampaign) && (detail.AllowOffensiveCampaign == allowOffensiveCampaign))) && (detail.AllowMilitaryTransfer == allowMilitaryTransfer)) && (detail.ValueRecruitment == valueRecruitment)) { list.Add(detail); } } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetSelectedList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (GameObject obj2 in this.gameObjects) { if (obj2.Selected) { list.Add(obj2); } } return(list); }
public GameObjectList GetMinObjects(int count) { int num; if (count > this.Count) { count = this.Count; } GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); if (this.SmallToBig) { for (num = 0; num < count; num++) { list.Add(this[num]); } return(list); } for (num = count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { list.Add(this[num]); } return(list); }
public GameObjectList GetList(params GameObjectCondition[] conditions) { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (GameObject obj2 in this.gameObjects) { bool flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < conditions.Length; i++) { if (conditions[i].LEG == 0) { if (!StaticMethods.GetPropertyValue(obj2, conditions[i].PropertyName).Equals(conditions[i].PropertyValue)) { flag = false; break; } } else if (conditions[i].LEG > 0) { if (((int)StaticMethods.GetPropertyValue(obj2, conditions[i].PropertyName)) <= ((int)conditions[i].PropertyValue)) { flag = false; break; } } else if ((conditions[i].LEG < 0) && (((int)StaticMethods.GetPropertyValue(obj2, conditions[i].PropertyName)) >= ((int)conditions[i].PropertyValue))) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { list.Add(obj2); } } return(list); }
public void NoFactionMove() { if (((((this.BelongedFaction == null) && (this.ArrivingDays == 0)) && (this.LocationArchitecture != null)) && !this.IsCaptive) && GameObject.Chance((2 + (int) this.Ambition) + (this.LeaderPossibility ? 10 : 0))) { if (GameObject.Chance(50 + (this.LeaderPossibility ? 10 : 0))) { GameObjectList hirableFactionList = this.GetHirableFactionList(); if (hirableFactionList.Count > 0) { GameObjects.Faction faction = hirableFactionList[GameObject.Random(hirableFactionList.Count)] as GameObjects.Faction; if (((faction.Leader != null) && (GetIdealOffset(faction.Leader, this) <= 10)) && ((faction.Capital != null) && (faction.Capital != this.LocationArchitecture))) { this.MoveToArchitecture(faction.Capital); this.LocationArchitecture.RemoveNoFactionPerson(this); } } else if (this.LeaderPossibility) { GameObjectList list2 = new GameObjectList(); foreach (Architecture architecture in this.LocationArchitecture.GetClosestArchitectures(40)) { if ((architecture.BelongedFaction == null) && (architecture.RecentlyAttacked <= 0)) { list2.Add(architecture); } } if (list2.Count > 0) { if (list2.Count > 1) { list2.PropertyName = "UnitPopulation"; list2.IsNumber = true; list2.ReSort(); } Architecture a = list2[GameObject.Random(list2.Count / 2)] as Architecture; this.MoveToArchitecture(a); this.LocationArchitecture.RemoveNoFactionPerson(this); } } } else { if (this.LocationArchitecture.ClosestArchitectures == null) { this.LocationArchitecture.GetClosestArchitectures(); } if (this.LocationArchitecture.ClosestArchitectures.Count > 0) { int maxValue = 20; if (maxValue > this.LocationArchitecture.ClosestArchitectures.Count) { maxValue = this.LocationArchitecture.ClosestArchitectures.Count; } maxValue = GameObject.Random(maxValue); this.MoveToArchitecture(this.LocationArchitecture.ClosestArchitectures[maxValue] as Architecture); this.LocationArchitecture.RemoveNoFactionPerson(this); } } } }
private void LeaveFaction() { if (GameObject.Chance(20) && ((((this.LocationArchitecture != null) && (this.BelongedFaction != null)) && (this.BelongedFaction.Leader != this)) && !this.IsCaptive)) { if ((this.Loyalty < 50) && (GameObject.Random(this.Loyalty * (1 + (int)this.PersonalLoyalty)) <= GameObject.Random(5))) { this.LeaveToNoFaction(); } else if (((GlobalVariables.IdealTendencyValid && (this.IdealTendency != null)) && (this.IdealTendency.Offset <= 1)) && (this.BelongedFaction.Leader != null)) { int idealOffset = GetIdealOffset(this, this.BelongedFaction.Leader); if (idealOffset > this.IdealTendency.Offset) { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (GameObjects.Faction faction in base.Scenario.Factions) { if (((faction != this.BelongedFaction) && (faction.Leader != null)) && (GetIdealOffset(this, faction.Leader) <= this.IdealTendency.Offset)) { list.Add(faction); } } if (list.Count > 0) { GameObjects.Faction faction2 = list[GameObject.Random(list.Count)] as GameObjects.Faction; if ((faction2.Capital != null) && ((((this.PersonalLoyalty < PersonLoyalty.很高) || ((this.Father >= 0) && (this.Father == faction2.Leader.ID))) || ((this.Brother >= 0) && (this.Brother == faction2.Leader.ID))) || (idealOffset > 10))) { this.LeaveToNoFaction(); this.MoveToArchitecture(faction2.Capital); this.LocationArchitecture.RemoveNoFactionPerson(this); } } } } } }
public GameObjectList GetHirableFactionList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (GameObjects.Faction faction in base.Scenario.Factions) { if (this.IsHirable(faction)) { list.Add(faction); } } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetSelectedList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (GameObject obj2 in this.gameObjects) { if (obj2.Selected) { list.Add(obj2); } } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetRandomList() { GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); foreach (int num in this.GenerateRandomIndexList()) { list.Add(this.gameObjects[num]); } return list; }
public GameObjectList GetMinObjects(int count) { int num; if (count > this.Count) { count = this.Count; } GameObjectList list = new GameObjectList(); if (this.SmallToBig) { for (num = 0; num < count; num++) { list.Add(this[num]); } return list; } for (num = count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { list.Add(this[num]); } return list; }
public bool matchEventPersons(Architecture a) { GameObjectList allPersons = a.PersonAndChildren.GetList(); foreach (Person p in a.NoFactionPersons) { allPersons.Add(p); } foreach (Captive p in a.Captives) { allPersons.Add(p.CaptivePerson); } foreach (Person p in a.Feiziliebiao) { allPersons.Add(p); } HashSet <int> haveCond = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Condition> > i in this.personCond) { haveCond.Add(i.Key); } HashSet <int> noCond = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Person> > i in this.person) { if (!haveCond.Contains(i.Key) && i.Value.Count == 0) { noCond.Add(i.Key); } } Dictionary <int, List <Person> > candidates = new Dictionary <int, List <Person> >(); foreach (int i in this.person.Keys) { candidates[i] = new List <Person>(); if (noCond.Contains(i)) { foreach (Person p in allPersons.GetList()) { candidates[i].Add(p); } } } // check person in the architecture foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Condition> > i in this.personCond) { foreach (Person p in allPersons) { bool ok = true; foreach (Condition c in i.Value) { if (!c.CheckCondition(p, this)) { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) { if (this.person[i.Key].Contains(null) || this.person[i.Key].Contains(p)) { candidates[i.Key].Add(p); } } } } // check 7000 - 8000 persons which can be in anywhere foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Person> > i in this.person) { foreach (Person p in i.Value) { if (p != null /*&& p.ID >= 7000 && p.ID < 8000*/) { bool ok = true; if (this.personCond.ContainsKey(i.Key)) { foreach (Condition c in this.personCond[i.Key]) { if (!c.CheckCondition(p, this)) { ok = false; break; } } } if (ok) { if (this.person[i.Key].Contains(null) || this.person[i.Key].Contains(p)) { candidates[i.Key].Add(p); } } } } } foreach (List <Person> i in candidates.Values) { if (i.Count == 0) { return(false); } } Dictionary <int, Person> matchedPersons = new Dictionary <int, Person>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Person> > i in candidates) { if (i.Value.Count <= 0) { return(false); } Person selected = i.Value[GameObject.Random(i.Value.Count)]; matchedPersons[i.Key] = selected; foreach (List <Person> j in candidates.Values) { j.Remove(selected); } } matchedDialog = new List <PersonDialog>(); foreach (PersonIdDialog i in this.dialog) { if (!matchedPersons.ContainsKey( { return(false); } PersonDialog pd = new PersonDialog(); pd.SpeakingPerson = matchedPersons[]; pd.Text = i.dialog; for (int j = 0; j < matchedPersons.Count; ++j) { pd.Text = pd.Text.Replace("%" + j, matchedPersons[j].Name); } matchedDialog.Add(pd); } matchedyesDialog = new List <PersonDialog>(); foreach (PersonIdDialog i in this.yesdialog) { if (!matchedPersons.ContainsKey( { return(false); } PersonDialog pd = new PersonDialog(); pd.SpeakingPerson = matchedPersons[]; pd.Text = i.yesdialog; for (int j = 0; j < matchedPersons.Count; ++j) { pd.Text = pd.Text.Replace("%" + j, ' ' + matchedPersons[j].Name + ' '); } matchedyesDialog.Add(pd); } matchednoDialog = new List <PersonDialog>(); foreach (PersonIdDialog i in this.nodialog) { if (!matchedPersons.ContainsKey( { return(false); } PersonDialog pd = new PersonDialog(); pd.SpeakingPerson = matchedPersons[]; pd.Text = i.nodialog; for (int j = 0; j < matchedPersons.Count; ++j) { pd.Text = pd.Text.Replace("%" + j, ' ' + matchedPersons[j].Name + ' '); } matchednoDialog.Add(pd); } matchedScenBiography = new List <PersonDialog>(); foreach (PersonIdDialog i in this.scenBiography) { if (!matchedPersons.ContainsKey( { return(false); } PersonDialog pd = new PersonDialog(); pd.SpeakingPerson = matchedPersons[]; pd.Text = i.dialog; for (int j = 0; j < matchedPersons.Count; ++j) { pd.Text = pd.Text.Replace("%" + j, matchedPersons[j].Name); } matchedScenBiography.Add(pd); } matchedEffect = new Dictionary <Person, List <EventEffect> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <EventEffect> > i in this.effect) { matchedEffect.Add(matchedPersons[i.Key], i.Value); } matchedYesEffect = new Dictionary <Person, List <EventEffect> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <EventEffect> > i in this.yesEffect) { matchedYesEffect.Add(matchedPersons[i.Key], i.Value); } matchedNoEffect = new Dictionary <Person, List <EventEffect> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <EventEffect> > i in this.noEffect) { matchedNoEffect.Add(matchedPersons[i.Key], i.Value); } return(true); }