 public void BackgroundThreadTask(object temp)
     fastCameraBoundingFrustum = new Engine.Utilities.FastFrustum(ref viewProj);
     DoCulling(ref fastCameraBoundingFrustum);
     sun.CalcCascades(ref view, ref projection, nearClip, farClip, clipRange);
        // run from another thread during update to calc the view projection matrix and do culling
        public void CalcCascades(ref Matrix view, ref Matrix projection, float nearClip, float farClip, float clipRange)
            // Get the corners of the frustum
            BoundingFrustum cameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection);
            Matrix eyeTransform = view;
            Vector3.Transform(frustumCornersWS, ref eyeTransform, frustumCornersVS);

            // Get camera near and far values
            float near = nearClip;
            float far = MathHelper.Min(farClip, ShadowDistance);

            splitDepthsTmp[0] = near;
            splitDepthsTmp[NUM_CASCADES] = far;

            // Compute cascade split depths
            for (int i = 1; i < splitDepthsTmp.Length - 1; i++)
                splitDepthsTmp[i] = near + (far - near) * (float)Math.Pow((i / (float)NUM_CASCADES), 2);
            //splitDepthsTmp[1] = 35.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CASCADES; i++)
                // Convert the split depths to percent of view range, so we can pass them to shader later
                LightClipPlanes[i].X = (splitDepthsTmp[i] - nearClip) / clipRange;
                LightClipPlanes[i].Y = (splitDepthsTmp[i + 1] - nearClip) / clipRange;

                // Create the view projection matrix for this cascade
                LightViewProjectionMatrices[i] = CreateLightViewProjectionMatrix(directionToSun, far, splitDepthsTmp[i], splitDepthsTmp[i + 1], i);
                LightFrustums[i] = new Engine.Utilities.FastFrustum(ref LightViewProjectionMatrices[i]);
