        public Statement Parse()
            // the Game Maker lexer runs before parsing, but we will scan as we are parsing, using l.Scan(),
            // implemented in move() and peek(). We will, as in Game Maker, parse completely before executing,
            // to catch all compile errors. I've heard Game Maker compiles to byte code, but we will build
            // a parse tree of Stmts and Exprs. We return a Stmt node that can be executed by Stmt.Exec().
            // Game Maker does all of its parsing during loading, and if there are no errors, caches the
            // intermediate representation, which is referenced by the events and scripts.
            Statement s;
            if (t == TokenKind.OpeningCurlyBrace)
                s = block(); if (t != TokenKind.Eof) error(Error.ProgramEnds);
                return s;
            s = Statement.Nop;
            while (t != TokenKind.Eof)
                s = new Sequence(s, stmt(), next.line, next.col); // stmt() throws ProgramError

            Current = s;
            return s;
 public abstract void VisitSequence(Sequence sequence);
 Statement block()
     Statement s = Statement.Nop;
     int l = next.line;
     int c = next.col;
     while (t != TokenKind.ClosingCurlyBrace && t != TokenKind.Eof)
         s = new Sequence(s, stmt(), l, c);
     while (t == TokenKind.Semicolon) move();
     return s;