///<param name="filename">Note that filename is required even if passing a byte[], because filename is used as the key to identify duplicate textures</param>
        ///<param name="source">Whether to load the texture from file path, from an embedded resource in the entry assembly, or from 'textureBytes'</param>
        ///<param name="textureBytes">Used only if source == TextureLoadSource.FromByteArray</param>
        public static Surface Create(GLWindow window, string texture_filename, TextureMinFilter minFilter, TextureMagFilter magFilter,
                                     TextureLoadSource source, byte[] textureBytes, string frag_shader, bool has_depth, params int[] vertex_attrib_counts)
            Surface s = new Surface();

            s.window = window;
            int dims = has_depth? 3 : 2;

            s.UseDepthBuffer = has_depth;
            VertexAttributes attribs = VertexAttributes.Create(vertex_attrib_counts);

            s.vbo     = VBO.Create(dims, attribs);
            s.texture = Texture.Create(texture_filename, null, minFilter, magFilter, source, textureBytes);
            s.shader  = Shader.Create(frag_shader);
            if (window != null)
        }                          //todo - surface creation needs to be cleaned up, with a better way to specify all options, so for now I'm making the ctor public as a fallback

        public static Surface Create(GLWindow window, string texture_filename, params int[] vertex_attrib_counts)
            return(Create(window, texture_filename, TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest, TextureLoadSource.FromFilePath, null, ShaderCollection.DefaultFS(), false, vertex_attrib_counts));