        private void OnRpc(RpcMsg msg)
            var methodname = msg.methodeName;
            //for (var k = 0; k < args.Length; k++)
            //    name += "_" + args[k].GetType().Name;
            //fire(msg.methodeName, args);
            Dictionary <object, MethodInfo> rpcinfo = new Dictionary <object, MethodInfo>();

            if (rpcHandlerDict.TryGetValue(methodname, out rpcinfo))
                object[] args = null;
                var      iter = rpcinfo.GetEnumerator();
                bool     flag = true;

                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    var info = iter.Current;
                    if (flag)
                        flag = false;
                            if (!MsgHelper.UnpackMethod(info.Value, msg.data, out args))
                                throw new Exception("Parameter cannot be unpacked for rpc method " + methodname);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new Exception("OnRpc UnpackMethod Execption for method name " + methodname + " exception:" + e);
                    info.Value.Invoke(info.Key, args);


            if (!entityDict.ContainsKey(msg.EntityID))
                throw new Exception("entity id->" + msg.EntityID + " not exists!");

            entityDict[msg.EntityID].OnRpc(methodname, msg.data);
        internal void OnRpc(string methodname, byte[] data)
            Dictionary <object, MethodInfo> rpcinfo = new Dictionary <object, MethodInfo>();

            if (rpcHandlerDict.TryGetValue(methodname, out rpcinfo))
                object[] args = null;
                var      iter = rpcinfo.GetEnumerator();
                bool     flag = true;

                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    var info = iter.Current;
                    if (flag)
                        flag = false;
                            if (!MsgHelper.UnpackMethod(info.Value, data, out args))
                                throw new Exception("Parameter cannot be unpacked for rpc method " + methodname + " in entity id->" + id);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new Exception("OnRpc UnpackMethod Execption for method name " + methodname + " in entity id->" + id + ". exception:" + e);
                    info.Value.Invoke(info.Key, args);
                throw new Exception("rpc method name->" + methodname + " not exists in entity id->" + id);