private MessageType ConvertMessageType(Settings.MessageTypes msgType) { switch (msgType) { case Settings.MessageTypes.Error: return MessageType.Error; case Settings.MessageTypes.Info: return MessageType.Info; case Settings.MessageTypes.Warning: return MessageType.Warning; default: return MessageType.None; } }
private static void InitAPI() { try { _settings = (Settings)Resources.Load("GameAnalytics/Settings", typeof(Settings)); #if UNITY_EDITOR if(_settings == null) { //If the settings asset doesn't exist, then create it. We require a resources folder if(!Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/Resources")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/Resources"); } if(!Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/GameAnalytics")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/GameAnalytics"); Debug.LogWarning("GameAnalytics: Resources/GameAnalytics folder is required to store settings. it was created "); } var asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Settings>(); //some hack to mave the asset around string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeObject); if(path == "") { path = "Assets"; } else if(Path.GetExtension(path) != "") { path = path.Replace(Path.GetFileName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeObject)), ""); } string uniquePath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath("Assets/Resources/GameAnalytics/Settings.asset"); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, uniquePath); if(uniquePath != "Assets/Resources/GameAnalytics/Settings.asset") { Debug.LogWarning("GameAnalytics: The path Assets/Resources/GameAnalytics/Settings.asset used to save the settings file is not available."); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); Debug.LogWarning("GameAnalytics: Settings file didn't exist and was created"); Selection.activeObject = asset; //save reference _settings = asset; } #endif } catch(System.Exception e) { Debug.Log("Error getting Settings in InitAPI: " + e.Message); } }
private static void InitAPI() { try { _settings = (Settings)Resources.Load("GameAnalytics/Settings", typeof(Settings)); #if UNITY_EDITOR if(_settings == null) { //If the settings asset doesn't exist, then create it. We require a resources folder if(!Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/Resources")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/Resources"); } if(!Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/GameAnalytics")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/GameAnalytics"); Debug.LogWarning("GameAnalytics: Resources/GameAnalytics folder is required to store settings. it was created "); } const string path = "Assets/Resources/GameAnalytics/Settings.asset"; if(File.Exists(path)) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(path); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } var asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Settings>(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, path); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); Debug.LogWarning("GameAnalytics: Settings file didn't exist and was created"); Selection.activeObject = asset; //save reference _settings = asset; } #endif } catch(System.Exception e) { Debug.Log("Error getting Settings in InitAPI: " + e.Message); } }
private static void SelectGame(int index, Settings ga, int platform) { ga.SelectedGame[platform] = index; if(index == 0) { ga.UpdateGameKey(platform, ""); ga.UpdateSecretKey(platform, ""); } else if(ga.IsGameKeyValid(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].GameKey) && ga.IsSecretKeyValid(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].SecretKey)) { ga.SelectedPlatformStudio[platform] = ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Name; ga.SelectedPlatformGame[platform] = ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].Name; ga.SelectedPlatformGameID[platform] = ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].ID; ga.UpdateGameKey(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].GameKey); ga.UpdateSecretKey(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].SecretKey); SetLoginStatus("Received keys. Ready to go!", ga); } else { if(!ga.IsGameKeyValid(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].GameKey)) { Debug.LogError("[GameAnalytics] Game key already exists for another platform. Platforms can't use the same key."); ga.SelectedGame[platform] = 0; } else if(!ga.IsSecretKeyValid(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[index - 1].SecretKey)) { Debug.LogError("[GameAnalytics] Secret key already exists for another platform. Platforms can't use the same key."); ga.SelectedGame[platform] = 0; } } }
private static void SetLoginStatus(string status, Settings ga) { ga.LoginStatus = status; EditorUtility.SetDirty(ga); }
private static IEnumerator<WWW> GetAppFiguresFrontend(WWW www, Settings ga, GA_SignUp signup, string gameName) { yield return www; try { Hashtable returnParam = null; string error = ""; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.text)) { returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text); if(returnParam.ContainsKey("errors")) { ArrayList errorList = (ArrayList)returnParam["errors"]; if(errorList != null && errorList.Count > 0) { Hashtable errors = (Hashtable)errorList[0]; if(errors.ContainsKey("msg")) { error = errors["msg"].ToString(); } } } } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogError(error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to get app.", ga); } else if(returnParam != null) { ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList)returnParam["results"]; List<AppFiguresGame> appFiguresGames = new List<AppFiguresGame>(); for(int s = 0; s < resultList.Count; s++) { Hashtable result = (Hashtable)resultList[s]; string name = result["title"].ToString(); string appID = result["store_id"].ToString(); string store = result["store"].ToString(); string developer = result["developer"].ToString(); string iconUrl = result["image"].ToString(); if(store.Equals("apple") || store.Equals("google_play") || store.Equals("amazon_appstore")) { appFiguresGames.Add(new AppFiguresGame(name, appID, store, developer, iconUrl, signup)); } } signup.AppFigComplete(gameName, appFiguresGames); } } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to find app: " + www.error + " " + www.text); SetLoginStatus("Failed to find app.", ga); } } catch(Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Failed to find app: " + e); SetLoginStatus("Failed to find app.", ga); } }
private static void SelectStudio(int index, Settings ga, int platform) { ga.SelectedStudio[platform] = index; if(ga.Studios[index - 1].Games.Count == 1) { if(ga.IsGameKeyValid(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[0].GameKey) && ga.IsSecretKeyValid(platform, ga.Studios[ga.SelectedStudio[platform] - 1].Games[0].SecretKey)) { SelectGame(1, ga, platform); } } else { SetLoginStatus("Please select game..", ga); } }
private static IEnumerator<WWW> CreateGameFrontend(WWW www, Settings ga, GA_SignUp signup, GAPlatformSignUp platform, AppFiguresGame appFiguresGame) { yield return www; try { Hashtable returnParam = null; string error = ""; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.text)) { returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text); if(returnParam.ContainsKey("errors")) { ArrayList errorList = (ArrayList)returnParam["errors"]; if(errorList != null && errorList.Count > 0) { Hashtable errors = (Hashtable)errorList[0]; if(errors.ContainsKey("msg")) { error = errors["msg"].ToString(); } } } } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogError(error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to create game.", ga); signup.CreateGameFailed(); } else { ga.LastCreatedGamePlatform = (GAPlatform)((int)(platform + 1)); GetUserData(ga); signup.CreateGameComplete(); } } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to create game: " + www.error + " " + error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to create game.", ga); signup.CreateGameFailed(); } } catch { Debug.LogError("Failed to create game"); SetLoginStatus("Failed to create game.", ga); signup.CreateGameFailed(); } }
public static void GetAppFigures(Settings ga, GA_SignUp signup) { WWW www = new WWW(_gaUrl + "apps/search?query=" + WWW.EscapeURL(ga.GameName), null, GA_EditorUtilities.WWWHeadersWithAuthorization(ga.TokenGA)); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(GetAppFiguresFrontend(www, ga, signup, ga.GameName), () => www.isDone); if(ga.AmazonIcon == null) { WWW wwwAmazon = new WWW(""); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(signup.GetAppStoreIconTexture(wwwAmazon, "amazon_appstore", signup), () => wwwAmazon.isDone); } if(ga.GooglePlayIcon == null) { WWW wwwGoogle = new WWW(""); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(signup.GetAppStoreIconTexture(wwwGoogle, "google_play", signup), () => wwwGoogle.isDone); } if(ga.iosIcon == null) { WWW wwwIos = new WWW(""); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(signup.GetAppStoreIconTexture(wwwIos, "apple:ios", signup), () => wwwIos.isDone); } if(ga.macIcon == null) { WWW wwwMac = new WWW(""); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(signup.GetAppStoreIconTexture(wwwMac, "apple:mac", signup), () => wwwMac.isDone); } if(ga.windowsPhoneIcon == null) { WWW wwwWindowsPhone = new WWW(""); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(signup.GetAppStoreIconTexture(wwwWindowsPhone, "windows_phone", signup), () => wwwWindowsPhone.isDone); } }
private static IEnumerator<WWW> GetUserDataFrontend(WWW www, Settings ga) { yield return www; try { Hashtable returnParam = null; string error = ""; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.text)) { returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text); if(returnParam.ContainsKey("errors")) { ArrayList errorList = (ArrayList)returnParam["errors"]; if(errorList != null && errorList.Count > 0) { Hashtable errors = (Hashtable)errorList[0]; if(errors.ContainsKey("msg")) { error = errors["msg"].ToString(); } } } } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogError(error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to get data.", ga); } else if(returnParam != null) { ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList)returnParam["results"]; Hashtable results = (Hashtable)resultList[0]; ArrayList studioList = (ArrayList)results["studios"]; List<Studio> returnStudios = new List<Studio>(); for(int s = 0; s < studioList.Count; s++) { Hashtable studio = (Hashtable)studioList[s]; if(!studio.ContainsKey("demo") || !((bool)studio["demo"])) { List<Game> returnGames = new List<Game>(); ArrayList gamesList = (ArrayList)studio["games"]; for(int g = 0; g < gamesList.Count; g++) { Hashtable games = (Hashtable)gamesList[g]; returnGames.Add(new Game(games["name"].ToString(), int.Parse(games["id"].ToString()), games["key"].ToString(), games["secret"].ToString())); } returnStudios.Add(new Studio(studio["name"].ToString(), studio["id"].ToString(), returnGames)); } } ga.Studios = returnStudios; if(ga.Studios.Count == 1) { for(int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlatforms; ++i) { GAPlatform platform = (GAPlatform)(i + 1); if(platform == ga.LastCreatedGamePlatform) { SelectStudio(1, ga, (int)platform - 1); } } ga.LastCreatedGamePlatform = GAPlatform.None; } else { SetLoginStatus("Received data. Select studio..", ga); } ga.CurrentInspectorState = Settings.InspectorStates.Basic; } } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to get user data: " + www.error + " " + error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to get data.", ga); } } catch(Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Failed to get user data: " + e); SetLoginStatus("Failed to get data.", ga); } }
public static void CreateGame(Settings ga, GA_SignUp signup, int studioIndex, string gameTitle, string googlePlayPublicKey, GAPlatformSignUp platform, AppFiguresGame appFiguresGame) { Hashtable jsonTable = new Hashtable(); if(appFiguresGame != null) { jsonTable["title"] = gameTitle; jsonTable["store_id"] = appFiguresGame.AppID; jsonTable["store"] = appFiguresGame.Store; jsonTable["googleplay_key"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(googlePlayPublicKey) ? null : googlePlayPublicKey; } else { jsonTable["title"] = gameTitle; jsonTable["store_id"] = null; jsonTable["store"] = null; jsonTable["googleplay_key"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(googlePlayPublicKey) ? null : googlePlayPublicKey; } byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GA_MiniJSON.JsonEncode(jsonTable)); string url = _gaUrl + "studios/" + ga.Studios[studioIndex].ID + "/games"; WWW www = new WWW(url, data, GA_EditorUtilities.WWWHeadersWithAuthorization(ga.TokenGA)); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(CreateGameFrontend(www, ga, signup, platform, appFiguresGame), () => www.isDone); }
private static void GetUserData(Settings ga) { WWW www = new WWW(_gaUrl + "user", null, GA_EditorUtilities.WWWHeadersWithAuthorization(ga.TokenGA)); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(GetUserDataFrontend(www, ga), () => www.isDone); }
private static IEnumerator<WWW> LoginUserFrontend(WWW www, Settings ga) { yield return www; try { string error = ""; Hashtable returnParam = null; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.text)) { returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text); if(returnParam.ContainsKey("errors")) { ArrayList errorList = (ArrayList)returnParam["errors"]; if(errorList != null && errorList.Count > 0) { Hashtable errors = (Hashtable)errorList[0]; if(errors.ContainsKey("msg")) { error = errors["msg"].ToString(); } } } } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogError(error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to login.", ga); } else if(returnParam != null) { ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList)returnParam["results"]; Hashtable results = (Hashtable)resultList[0]; ga.TokenGA = results["token"].ToString(); ga.ExpireTime = results["exp"].ToString(); SetLoginStatus("Logged in. Getting data.", ga); GetUserData(ga); } } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to login: "******" " + error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to login.", ga); } } catch { Debug.LogError("Failed to login"); SetLoginStatus("Failed to login.", ga); } }
private static void LoginUser(Settings ga) { Hashtable jsonTable = new Hashtable(); jsonTable["email"] = ga.EmailGA; jsonTable["password"] = ga.PasswordGA; byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GA_MiniJSON.JsonEncode(jsonTable)); WWW www = new WWW(_gaUrl + "token", data, GA_EditorUtilities.WWWHeaders()); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(LoginUserFrontend(www, ga), () => www.isDone); }
private static IEnumerator<WWW> SignupUserFrontend(WWW www, Settings ga, GA_SignUp signup) { yield return www; try { Hashtable returnParam = null; string error = ""; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.text)) { returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text); if(returnParam.ContainsKey("errors")) { ArrayList errorList = (ArrayList)returnParam["errors"]; if(errorList != null && errorList.Count > 0) { Hashtable errors = (Hashtable)errorList[0]; if(errors.ContainsKey("msg")) { error = errors["msg"].ToString(); } } } } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogError(error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to sign up.", ga); signup.SignUpFailed(); } else if(returnParam != null) { ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList)returnParam["results"]; Hashtable results = (Hashtable)resultList[0]; ga.TokenGA = results["token"].ToString(); ga.ExpireTime = results["exp"].ToString(); ga.JustSignedUp = true; //ga.SignUpOpen = false; ga.Studios = null; SetLoginStatus("Signed up. Getting data.", ga); GetUserData(ga); signup.SignUpComplete(); } } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to sign up: " + www.error + " " + error); SetLoginStatus("Failed to sign up.", ga); signup.SignUpFailed(); } } catch { Debug.LogError("Failed to sign up"); SetLoginStatus("Failed to sign up.", ga); signup.SignUpFailed(); } }
public static void SignupUser(Settings ga, GA_SignUp signup) { Hashtable jsonTable = new Hashtable(); jsonTable["email"] = ga.EmailGA; jsonTable["password"] = ga.PasswordGA; jsonTable["password_confirm"] = ga.PasswordConfirm; jsonTable["first_name"] = ga.FirstName; jsonTable["last_name"] = ga.LastName; jsonTable["studio_name"] = ga.StudioName; jsonTable["email_opt_out"] = ga.EmailOptIn; byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GA_MiniJSON.JsonEncode(jsonTable)); WWW www = new WWW(_gaUrl + "user", data, GA_EditorUtilities.WWWHeaders()); GA_ContinuationManager.StartCoroutine(SignupUserFrontend(www, ga, signup), () => www.isDone); }