public static bool ValidateProgressionEvent(GAProgressionStatus progressionStatus, string progression01, string progression02, string progression03) { if (progressionStatus == GAProgressionStatus.Undefined) { Debug.Log("Validation fail - progression event: Invalid progression status."); return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression03) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression02) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression01)) { Debug.Log("Validation fail - progression event: 03 found but 01+02 are invalid. Progression must be set as either 01, 01+02 or 01+02+03."); return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression02) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression01)) { Debug.Log("Validation fail - progression event: 02 found but not 01. Progression must be set as either 01, 01+02 or 01+02+03"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression01)) { Debug.Log("Validation fail - progression event: progression01 not valid. Progressions must be set as either 01, 01+02 or 01+02+03"); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartLength(progression01, false)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - progression event - progression01: Cannot be (null), empty or above 64 characters. String: ", progression01)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(progression01)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - progression event - progression01: Cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: ", progression01)); return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression02)) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartLength(progression02, true)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - progression event - progression02: Cannot be empty or above 64 characters. String: ", progression02)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(progression02)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - progression event - progression02: Cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: ", progression02)); return(false); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression03)) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartLength(progression03, true)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - progression event - progression03: Cannot be empty or above 64 characters. String: ", progression03)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(progression03)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - progression event - progression03: Cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: ", progression03)); return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateBusinessEvent(string currency, int amount, string cartType, string itemType, string itemId) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateCurrency(currency)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - business event - currency: Cannot be (null) and need to be A-Z, 3 characters and in the standard at Failed currency: ", currency)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateShortString(cartType, true)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - business event - cartType. Cannot be above 32 length. String: ", cartType)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartLength(itemType, false)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - business event - itemType: Cannot be (null), empty or above 64 characters. String: ", itemType)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(itemType)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - business event - itemType: Cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: ", itemType)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartLength(itemId, false)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - business event - itemId. Cannot be (null), empty or above 64 characters. String: ", itemId)); return(false); } if (GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(itemId)) { return(true); } Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - business event - itemId: Cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: ", itemId)); return(false); }
public static bool ValidateEventPartCharacters(string eventPart) { if (!GAValidator.StringMatch(eventPart, "^[A-Za-z0-9\\s\\-_\\.\\(\\)\\!\\?]{1,64}$")) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateKeys(string gameKey, string gameSecret) { if (GAValidator.StringMatch(gameKey, "^[A-z0-9]{32}$") && GAValidator.StringMatch(gameSecret, "^[A-z0-9]{40}$")) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool ValidateBuild(string build) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateShortString(build, false)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateResourceEvent( GAResourceFlowType flowType, string currency, float amount, string itemType, string itemId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currency)) { Debug.Log((object)"Validation fail - resource event - currency: Cannot be (null)"); return(false); } if (flowType == GAResourceFlowType.Undefined) { Debug.Log((object)"Validation fail - resource event - flowType: Invalid flowType"); } if (!GAState.HasAvailableResourceCurrency(currency)) { Debug.Log((object)("Validation fail - resource event - currency: Not found in list of pre-defined resource currencies. String: " + currency)); return(false); } if ((double)amount <= 0.0) { Debug.Log((object)("Validation fail - resource event - amount: Float amount cannot be 0 or negative. Value: " + (object)amount)); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemType)) { Debug.Log((object)"Validation fail - resource event - itemType: Cannot be (null)"); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartLength(itemType, false)) { Debug.Log((object)("Validation fail - resource event - itemType: Cannot be (null), empty or above 64 characters. String: " + itemType)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(itemType)) { Debug.Log((object)("Validation fail - resource event - itemType: Cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: " + itemType)); return(false); } if (!GAState.HasAvailableResourceItemType(itemType)) { Debug.Log((object)("Validation fail - resource event - itemType: Not found in list of pre-defined available resource itemTypes. String: " + itemType)); return(false); } if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartLength(itemId, false)) { Debug.Log((object)("Validation fail - resource event - itemId: Cannot be (null), empty or above 64 characters. String: " + itemId)); return(false); } if (GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(itemId)) { return(true); } Debug.Log((object)("Validation fail - resource event - itemId: Cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: " + itemId)); return(false); }
public static bool ValidateFacebookId(string facebookId) { if (GAValidator.ValidateString(facebookId, false)) { return(true); } Debug.Log((object)"Validation fail - facebook id: id cannot be (null), empty or above 64 characters."); return(false); }
public static bool ValidateUserId(string uId) { if (GAValidator.ValidateString(uId, false)) { return(true); } Debug.Log("Validation fail - user id: id cannot be (null), empty or above 64 characters."); return(false); }
public static bool ValidateEventIdCharacters(string eventId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventId)) { return(false); } if (!GAValidator.StringMatch(eventId, "^[A-Za-z0-9\\s\\-_\\.\\(\\)\\!\\?]{1,64}(:[A-Za-z0-9\\s\\-_\\.\\(\\)\\!\\?]{1,64}){0,4}$")) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateCurrency(string currency) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currency)) { return(false); } if (!GAValidator.StringMatch(currency, "^[A-Z]{3}$")) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateEventIdLength(string eventId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventId)) { return(false); } if (!GAValidator.StringMatch(eventId, "^[^:]{1,64}(?::[^:]{1,64}){0,4}$")) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateSdkErrorEvent(string gameKey, string gameSecret, GAErrorSeverity type) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateKeys(gameKey, gameSecret)) { return(false); } if (type != GAErrorSeverity.Undefined) { return(true); } Debug.Log("Validation fail - sdk error event - type: Type was unsupported value."); return(false); }
public static bool ValidateDesignEvent(string eventId) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventIdLength(eventId)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - design event - eventId: Cannot be (null) or empty. Only 5 event parts allowed seperated by :. Each part need to be 32 characters or less. String: ", eventId)); return(false); } if (GAValidator.ValidateEventIdCharacters(eventId)) { return(true); } Debug.Log(string.Concat("Validation fail - design event - eventId: Non valid characters. Only allowed A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String: ", eventId)); return(false); }
public static bool ValidateErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity severity, string message) { if (severity == GAErrorSeverity.Undefined) { Debug.Log("Validation fail - error event - severity: Severity was unsupported value."); return(false); } if (GAValidator.ValidateLongString(message, true)) { return(true); } Debug.Log("Validation fail - error event - message: Message cannot be above 8192 characters."); return(false); }
public static bool ValidateResourceItemTypes(params string[] resourceItemTypes) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateArrayOfStrings(20L, 32L, false, "resource item types", resourceItemTypes)) { return(false); } foreach (string resourceItemType in resourceItemTypes) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(resourceItemType)) { Debug.Log((object)("resource item types validation failed: a resource item type cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String was: " + resourceItemType)); return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateResourceCurrencies(params string[] resourceCurrencies) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateArrayOfStrings(20L, 64L, false, "resource currencies", resourceCurrencies)) { return(false); } foreach (string resourceCurrency in resourceCurrencies) { if (!GAValidator.StringMatch(resourceCurrency, "^[A-Za-z]+$")) { Debug.Log((object)("resource currencies validation failed: a resource currency can only be A-Z, a-z. String was: " + resourceCurrency)); return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateResourceItemTypes(params string[] resourceItemTypes) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateArrayOfStrings((long)20, (long)32, false, "resource item types", resourceItemTypes)) { return(false); } string[] strArrays = resourceItemTypes; for (int i = 0; i < (int)strArrays.Length; i++) { string str = strArrays[i]; if (!GAValidator.ValidateEventPartCharacters(str)) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("resource item types validation failed: a resource item type cannot contain other characters than A-z, 0-9, -_., ()!?. String was: ", str)); return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateResourceCurrencies(params string[] resourceCurrencies) { if (!GAValidator.ValidateArrayOfStrings((long)20, (long)64, false, "resource currencies", resourceCurrencies)) { return(false); } string[] strArrays = resourceCurrencies; for (int i = 0; i < (int)strArrays.Length; i++) { string str = strArrays[i]; if (!GAValidator.StringMatch(str, "^[A-Za-z]+$")) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("resource currencies validation failed: a resource currency can only be A-Z, a-z. String was: ", str)); return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateCurrency(string currency) { return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currency) && GAValidator.StringMatch(currency, "^[A-Z]{3}$")); }
public static bool ValidateBuild(string build) { return(GAValidator.ValidateShortString(build, false)); }
public static bool ValidateConnectionType(string connectionType) { return(GAValidator.StringMatch(connectionType, "^(wwan|wifi|lan|offline)$")); }
public static bool ValidateCustomDimensions(params string[] customDimensions) { return(GAValidator.ValidateArrayOfStrings((long)20, (long)32, false, "custom dimensions", customDimensions)); }
public static bool ValidateEventIdLength(string eventId) { return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventId) && GAValidator.StringMatch(eventId, "^[^:]{1,64}(?::[^:]{1,64}){0,4}$")); }