public Point Move(Direction direction, Rectangle boundaries) { Point newLocation = location; switch (direction) { case Direction.Up: if (newLocation.Y - moveInterval >= boundaries.Top) newLocation.Y -= moveInterval; break; case Direction.Down: if (newLocation.Y + moveInterval <= boundaries.Bottom) newLocation.Y += moveInterval; break; case Direction.Left: if (newLocation.X - moveInterval >= boundaries.Left) newLocation.X -= moveInterval; break; case Direction.Right: if (newLocation.X + moveInterval <= boundaries.Right) newLocation.X += moveInterval; break; default: break; } return newLocation; }
public Prop(Vector2 position, Texture texture, Direction angle, bool canSeeThrough = false) : base(position) { this.texture = texture; CanSeeThrough = canSeeThrough; PropAngle = angle; }
public override void OnCollision(Entity entity, Direction direction) { if (((int)direction + (int)PropAngle) % 180 == 0 && Destination != null && canEnter) { Direction exitDirection = (Direction)(MathUtil.Mod((int)direction + ((int)Destination.PropAngle - (int)PropAngle), 360)); Destination.Exit(entity, exitDirection); } }
public void Move(Direction direction, Random random) { player.Move(direction); if (Enemies !=null) { foreach (Enemy enemy in Enemies) enemy.Move(random); } }
private void Exit(Entity entity, Direction direction) { enterTimeout = 1; if (entity.Map != Map) { Map.AddEntity(entity); } entity.Position = Position + direction.GetDirectionVector() * (Size / 2 + entity.Size / 2); }
public static Vector3 DirectionOffset(Direction Direction) { switch (Direction) { case Direction.North: return new Vector3(0, -1, 0); case Direction.East: return new Vector3(1, 0, 0); case Direction.South: return new Vector3(0, 1, 0); case Direction.West: return new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
public void setup(Type type, Direction dir_to, Direction dir_from) { this.type = type; this.direction = dir_to; switch (type) { case Type.straight: GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = straight; if (dir_to == Direction.up || dir_to == Direction.down) { rotate (90); } break; case Type.bend: GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = bend; if (dir_to == Direction.up && dir_from == Direction.right || dir_to == Direction.right && dir_from == Direction.up) { rotate (90); } else if (dir_to == Direction.down && dir_from == Direction.right || dir_to == Direction.right && dir_from == Direction.down) { rotate (180); } else if (dir_to == Direction.down && dir_from == Direction.left || dir_to == Direction.left && dir_from == Direction.down) { rotate (270); } break; case Type.terminal: GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = terminal; Direction dir = dir_to != Direction.none ? dir_to : dir_from; if (dir == Direction.up) { rotate (90); } else if (dir == Direction.right) { rotate (180); } else if (dir == Direction.down) { rotate (270); } break; case Type.singular: GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = singular; break; default: Debug.LogError("UIGridSegment not given direction"); break; } }
public virtual void OnCollision(Entity entity, Direction direction) { }
public abstract void Atack(Direction direction, Random random);
protected bool DemageEnemy(Direction direction, int radius, int demage, Random random) { return false; }
protected void Start() { this.seekActor = null; this.spriteAnimation.addClip(ANIM_IDLE, new SpriteAnimation.Clip(0, 1, 150, WrapMode.Loop)); this.spriteAnimation.addClip(ANIM_WALK, new SpriteAnimation.Clip(1, 6, 150, WrapMode.Loop));; this.changeState(POL_BEHAVIOR_PATROL); this.patrolDirection = Game.Direction.LEFT; this.baseSpeed = speed; this.setPathfindingEnabled(false); this.updateCount = 0; //this.destination = this.transform.position; }
private void updatePatrolState() { emote(EMOTE_NONE); if (seekActor != null && seesEntity(seekActor)) { informActorPosition(playerLastSeen,seekActor); //changeState(POL_BEHAVIOR_CHASING); } else { if (this.justCollided) { this.patrolDirection = Game.reverseDirection(this.patrolDirection); } this.moveDelta(Game.directionVector(this.patrolDirection));, true); } }
// update & draw public void update_Player() { if (MainMenu.CurrentGameState == MainMenu.GameState.Playing) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickRight) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { if (borddroit) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && player_hitbox.X + player_hitbox.Width <= largeurecran; i++) { player_hitbox.X += 1; } } if (bordgauche) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && !(player_hitbox.X == centreecran.X); i++) { player_hitbox.X += 1; } } this.direction = Direction.Right; this.frameline = 1; this.Animate(); } else if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickLeft) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { if (bordgauche) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && player_hitbox.X > 0; i++) { player_hitbox.X -= 1; } } if (borddroit) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && !(player_hitbox.X == centreecran.X); i++) { player_hitbox.X -= 1; } } this.frameline = 1; this.direction = Direction.Left; this.Animate(); } else if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickUp) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { if (bordhaut) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && player_hitbox.Y > 0; i++) { player_hitbox.Y -= 1; } } if (bordbas) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && !(player_hitbox.Y == centreecran.Y); i++) { player_hitbox.Y -= 1; } } this.frameline = 5; this.direction = Direction.Up; this.Animate(); } else if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickDown) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { if (bordbas) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && player_hitbox.Y + player_hitbox.Height < hauteurecran; i++) { player_hitbox.Y += 1; } } if (bordhaut) { for (int i = 1; i <= speed && !(player_hitbox.Y == centreecran.Y); i++) { player_hitbox.Y += 1; } } this.frameline = 3; this.direction = Direction.Down; this.Animate(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyUp(Keys.Up) && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyUp(Keys.Down) && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyUp(Keys.Left) && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyUp(Keys.Right)) { if (direction == Direction.Left || direction == Direction.Right) this.frameline = 0; else if (direction == Direction.Down) this.frameline = 2; else if (direction == Direction.Up) this.frameline = 4; this.Animate(); } switch (this.direction) { case Direction.Up: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.None; break; case Direction.Down: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.None; break; case Direction.Left: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.None; break; case Direction.Right: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; break; } } }
public static bool TryParse( String str, out Direction dir ) { switch ( str ) { case "n": dir = North; return true; case "s": dir = South; return true; case "e": dir = East; return true; case "w": dir = West; return true; } dir = Direction.None; return false; }
// update & draw public void update() { if (MainMenu.CurrentGameState == MainMenu.GameState.Playing) { if (enemy_hitbox.X < Player.player_hitbox.X) { enemy_hitbox.X += speed_e; this.direction = Direction.Right; this.frameline = 1; this.Animate(); } else if (enemy_hitbox.X > Player.player_hitbox.X) { enemy_hitbox.X -= speed_e; this.frameline = 1; this.direction = Direction.Left; this.Animate(); } else { if (enemy_hitbox.Y > Player.player_hitbox.Y) { enemy_hitbox.Y -= speed_e - 1; this.frameline = 5; this.direction = Direction.Down; this.Animate(); } else if (enemy_hitbox.Y < Player.player_hitbox.Y) { enemy_hitbox.Y += speed_e - 1; this.frameline = 3; this.direction = Direction.Up; this.Animate(); } } } switch (this.direction) { case Direction.Up: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.None; break; case Direction.Down: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.None; break; case Direction.Left: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.None; break; case Direction.Right: this.Mirror = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; break; } }
private Vector2 MoveWithCollisions(Vector2 movement, RectangleF collisionBox, ref Direction direction) { collisionBox.Inflate(Size.X / 2, Size.Y / 2); Vector2 end = Position + movement; Vector2 newMovement = movement; if (movement.X > 0) // Right { if (Position.X >= collisionBox.Right) { return movement; } else if (Position.X > collisionBox.Left) { //TODO: Move the player out the box? Let im free? newMovement.X = 0; } else if (end.X > collisionBox.Left) { newMovement.X = collisionBox.Left - Position.X; direction = Direction.Left; } else { return movement; } } else if (movement.X < 0) // Left { if (Position.X <= collisionBox.Left) { return movement; } else if (Position.X < collisionBox.Right) { //TODO: Move the player out the box? Let im free? newMovement.X = 0; } else if (end.X < collisionBox.Right) { newMovement.X = collisionBox.Right - Position.X; direction = Direction.Right; } else { return movement; } } else if (Position.X <= collisionBox.Left || Position.X >= collisionBox.Right) { return movement; } if (movement.Y > 0) // Down { if (Position.Y >= collisionBox.Bottom) { return movement; } else if (Position.Y > collisionBox.Top) { //TODO: Move the player out the box? Let im free? newMovement.Y = 0; } else if (end.Y > collisionBox.Top) { newMovement.Y = collisionBox.Top - Position.Y; direction = Direction.Up; } else { return movement; } } else if (movement.Y < 0) // Up { if (Position.Y <= collisionBox.Top) { return movement; } else if (Position.Y < collisionBox.Bottom) { //TODO: Move the player out the box? Let im free? newMovement.Y = 0; } else if (end.Y < collisionBox.Bottom) { newMovement.Y = collisionBox.Bottom - Position.Y; direction = Direction.Down; } else { return movement; } } else if (Position.Y <= collisionBox.Top || Position.Y >= collisionBox.Bottom) { return movement; } return newMovement; }
public Door(Vector2 position, Direction propAngle) : base(position, Textures.Door, propAngle) { }
public void Move(Direction direction) { base.location = Move(direction, game.Boundaries); }
public override void Atack(Direction direction, Random random) { }