private static int[] GetFieldSphere(Point3D point, double radius, FluidField3D field)
            // Get the box that contains the return circle
            var center = GetFieldPoint_XYZ(point, field);
            var min = GetFieldPoint_XYZ(new Point3D(point.X - radius, point.Y - radius, point.Z - radius), field);
            var max = GetFieldPoint_XYZ(new Point3D(point.X + radius, point.Y + radius, point.Z + radius), field);

            // Get points that are inside the circle
            List<int> retVal = new List<int>();
            double maxDistance = radius * field.Size;
            double maxDistanceSquared = maxDistance * maxDistance;

            for (int x = min.Item1; x <= max.Item1; x++)
                for (int y = min.Item2; y <= max.Item2; y++)
                    for (int z = min.Item3; z <= max.Item3; z++)
                        double dx = x - center.Item1;
                        double dy = y - center.Item2;
                        double dz = z - center.Item3;
                        double distanceSquared = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz);

                        if (distanceSquared <= maxDistanceSquared)
                            retVal.Add(field.Get1DIndex(x, y, z));

            // Exit Function
            return retVal.ToArray();