    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (this.Session["FromPage"] == null || Code.GetString(this.Session["FromPage"], string.Empty) != "reconfirm")
                SDCodeCheck.JSUtil.AlertSussTranscation("Please enter from the first page", "agreement.aspx");

            if (Session["ChangePointInfo"] == null)
                AlertThenClose("Data lost, please try again!", true);
            Dictionary<string, string> dss = (Dictionary<string, string>)this.Session["ChangePointInfo"];
            if (dss.Keys.Count != 5)
                AlertThenClose("Please manipulate as the normal procedure!", true);
            int GashPoints = 0;
            int GamePoints = 0;
            int GameBonus = 0;
                if (!Code.IsInt(dss["GashPoints"].ToString(), out GashPoints) || !Code.IsInt(dss["GamePoints"].ToString(), out GamePoints) || !Code.IsInt(dss["GameBonus"].ToString(), out GameBonus))
                    AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(1)", true);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dss["ServerName"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dss["CharacterName"].ToString()))
                    AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(2)", true);
            catch (Exception ee)
                AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(3)", true);
            lbl_GashAccount.Text = gi.GashAccount;
            lbl_Server_Name.Text = dss["ServerName"].ToString();
            lbl_Character_Name.Text = dss["CharacterName"].ToString();
            lbl_Change_Gash_Point.Text = GashPoints.ToString();
            lbl_Change_Game_Point.Text = GamePoints.ToString();
            Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService Gashs = new Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService();
            int intUserPoint = Gashs.GetUserTotalPoint(gi.GameAccount, strPayServiceCode, strPayRegion, gi.GashRegion);
            if (intUserPoint < 0)
                Gamania.SD.IRS.ErrorLog.InsErrLog(216, "complete.aspx", "Page_Load", "GetUserTotalPoint", "Fail to get gamer's BeanPoint," + intUserPoint.ToString());
                AlertThenClose("Fail to get your BeanPoint, please try again!", true);
            { lbl_Now_Gash.Text = intUserPoint.ToString(); }

            HFNewGuid.Value = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Session["PointComplete"] = HFNewGuid.Value;
        string strNewGuid = (string)Session["PointComplete"] ?? string.Empty;
        if (strNewGuid != HFNewGuid.Value) SDCodeCheck.JSUtil.AlertCloseMsg("Please don't open another page repetitively.");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (this.Session["FromPage"] == null || Code.GetString(this.Session["FromPage"], string.Empty) != "Agreement")
                SDCodeCheck.JSUtil.AlertSussTranscation("Please enter from the first page", "agreement.aspx");

            if (gi.GashRegion.ToUpper() == "TW")
                lbl_change_ratio.Text = "1:2";
                lblNotice.Text = "Currently we provide 6 kind of BeanPoint exchange to GT Gold Point, they are "50 points", "150 points", "600 points", "1500 points", "3000 points", "5000 points", and you can only exchange 1 kind everytime.";
            else if (gi.GashRegion.ToUpper() == "HK")
                lbl_change_ratio.Text = "10:8 (HongKong BeanPoint 1.25 = 1 GT Gold Point)";
                lblNotice.Text = "Currently we provide 7 kind of HongKong BeanPoint exchange to GT Gold Point, they are "125 points", "375 points", "750 points", "1500 points", "3750 points", "7500 points", "12500 points", and you can only exchange 1 kind everytime.";
            lbl_Gash_Account.Text = gi.GashAccount;
            Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService Gashs = new Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService();
            int intUserPoint = Gashs.GetUserTotalPoint(gi.GameAccount, strPayServiceCode, strPayRegion, gi.GashRegion);
            if (intUserPoint < 0)
                Gamania.SD.IRS.ErrorLog.InsErrLog(216, "confirm.aspx", "Page_Load", "GetUserTotalPoint", "Fail to get gamer's beanpoint," + intUserPoint.ToString());
                AlertThenClose("Fail to get your BeanPoint, please try again!", true);
            { lblUserPoint.Text = intUserPoint.ToString(); }

            string errmsg = string.Empty;
            int intTest = Code.GetInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IsTest"], 1);
            DataTable ServerDT = Gamania.GT.Common.Select_Servers(intTest, out errmsg);
            if (ServerDT != null && ServerDT.Rows.Count > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(errmsg))
                Code.BindToControl(ddl_Server, ServerDT, "ServerName", "ServerID");
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errmsg))
                Gamania.SD.IRS.ErrorLog.InsErrLog(216, "confirm.aspx", "Page_Load", "Select_Servers", "Fail to get DB server list:" + errmsg);
                //AlertThenClose(errmsg, true);
                AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(4)", true);

            ddl_Server.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Please choose your server", "-1"));
            ddl_Character.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Please choose your character", "-1"));
            HFNewGuid.Value = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Session["PointConfirm"] = HFNewGuid.Value;
    protected void btn_confirm_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        string strNewGuid = (string)Session["PointReconfirm"] ?? string.Empty;
        if (strNewGuid != HFNewGuid.Value) SDCodeCheck.JSUtil.AlertCloseMsg("Please don't open another page repetitively");

        Dictionary<string, string> dss = (Dictionary<string, string>)this.Session["ChangePointInfo"];
        if (dss.Keys.Count != 8)
            AlertThenClose("Please manipulate as the normal procedure!!", true);
        int gashPoints = 0; int gamePoints = 0; int gameBonus = 0;
        string CharacterArea = ""; string AliasAccountID = ""; string ServerName = ""; string CharacterName = ""; string ServerID = "";
        if (!Code.IsInt(dss["GashPoints"].ToString(), out gashPoints) || !Code.IsInt(dss["GamePoints"].ToString(), out gamePoints) || !Code.IsInt(dss["GameBonus"].ToString(), out gameBonus))
            AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(4)", true);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dss["ServerID"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dss["ServerName"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dss["CharacterName"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dss["CharacterArea"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dss["AliasAccountID"].ToString()))
            AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(5)", true);
        ServerID = dss["ServerID"].ToString();
        CharacterArea = dss["CharacterArea"].ToString();
        AliasAccountID = dss["AliasAccountID"].ToString();
        ServerName = dss["ServerName"].ToString();
        CharacterName = dss["CharacterName"].ToString();

        //check how much is the BeanPoint have to pay
        int payGash = gashPoints;
        if (IsTest == "0")
            payGash = 1;
        else if (IsTest == "2")
            payGash = 0;
        // 1.  =====get gamer's BeanPoint=====
        Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService Gashs = new Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService();
        int ownGash = Gashs.GetUserTotalPoint(gi.GameAccount, strPayServiceCode, strPayRegion, gi.GashRegion);
        if (ownGash < 0)
            Gamania.SD.IRS.ErrorLog.InsErrLog(216, "reconfirm.aspx", "Page_Load", "btn_confirm_Click", "Fail to get gamer's BeanPoint," + ownGash.ToString());
            AlertThenClose("Fail to get your BeanPoint, please try again!!", true);
        else if (ownGash < gashPoints)
        { AlertThenClose("Your BeanPoint is not enough, please buy at specific store, or buy online at tw.beanfun.com.", true); }
            // 2.  =====呼叫USP_GT_Insert_Log=====
            int logID = 0;

            if (!this.Insert_Log(ServerID, AliasAccountID, CharacterName, payGash, gamePoints, gameBonus, out logID))
            { AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(6)", true); }
            else if (logID == 0)
            { AlertThenClose("Sorry! System is busy now, please try again!(9)", true); }
                //3.  =====deduct BeanPoint if insert log successfully=====
                Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService gashws = new Gamania.SD.Helper.GashService();
                string checkDeduct = "1";
                if (payGash != 0)//don't call WS if deduct 0 BeanPoint
                    checkDeduct = gashws.Deduct_GASHPoint_ServiceAccount(this.gi.GameAccount, this.strPayServiceCode, this.strPayRegion, this.gi.GashRegion, payGash, string.Format("君臨天下轉點:{0}", logID.ToString()), SDCodeCheck.WebComm.GetUserIP());
                if (checkDeduct != "1")
                    Gamania.SD.IRS.ErrorLog.InsErrLog(216, "reconfirm.aspx", "btn_confirm_Click", "Deduct_GASHPoint", "Fail to deduct BeanPoint," + checkDeduct);
                    this.UpdateLog("Fail to deduct your BeanPoint!" + gashws.OutputMsg, logID, 2);
                    AlertThenClose("Fail to deduct your BeanPoint, please try again!", true);
                    this.UpdateLog("Success to deduct BeanPoint, haven't given Game Point yet!" + gashws.OutputMsg, logID, 1);

                //4.  =====call WS to give Game Point if deduct BeanPoint successfully=====
                string errMsg = string.Empty;
                int returnValue = Gamania.GT.Common.Insert_Game_Coin(AliasAccountID, this.strPayServiceCode, this.strPayRegion, this.gi.GashRegion, CharacterName, CharacterArea, logID, ServerID, payGash, gamePoints, 1, out errMsg);
                if (returnValue != 1)
                    Gamania.SD.IRS.ErrorLog.InsErrLog(216, "reconfirm.aspx", "btn_confirm_Click", "Insert_Game_Coin", "Success to deduct BeanPoint, fail to give Game Point:" + returnValue + ";" + errMsg);
                    this.UpdateLog("Success to deduct BeanPoint, fail to give Game Point!" + errMsg, logID, 4);
                    AlertThenClose("Sorry! We've deducted your BeanPoint successively, but fail to give you Gold Point, please contact to our customer service!" + returnValue.ToString(), true);
                this.UpdateLog("Success to give Game Point!" + errMsg, logID, 3);
                //5.  =====show message if give Gold Point successfully=====
                dss = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                dss.Add("ServerName", ServerName);               //Server Name
                dss.Add("CharacterName", CharacterName);         //Character Name
                dss.Add("GashPoints", gashPoints.ToString());    //Paid BeanPoint
                dss.Add("GamePoints", gamePoints.ToString());    //Get Gold Point
                dss.Add("GameBonus", gameBonus.ToString());      //Bonus Point
                Session["ChangePointInfo"] = dss;
                Session["FromPage"] = "reconfirm";