/// <summary>
        /// Update the album with the specified properties in the albumEntity parameter. The title is validated before
        /// saving, and may be altered to conform to business rules, such as removing HTML tags. After the object is persisted
        /// to the data store, the albumEntity parameter is updated with the latest properties from the album object and returned.
        /// If the user is not authorized to edit the album, no action is taken.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="albumEntity">An AlbumWebEntity instance containing data to be persisted to the data store.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an AlbumWebEntity instance containing the data as persisted to the data store. Some properties,
        /// such as the Title property, may be slightly altered to conform to validation rules.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="albumEntity" /> is null.</exception>
        public static AlbumWebEntity UpdateAlbumInfo(AlbumWebEntity albumEntity)
            if (albumEntity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("albumEntity");

            if (albumEntity.Owner == Resources.GalleryServerPro.UC_Album_Header_Edit_Album_No_Owner_Text)
                albumEntity.Owner = String.Empty;

            IAlbum album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(albumEntity.Id, false, true);

            // Update remaining properties if user has edit album permission.
            if (Utils.IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.EditAlbum, album.Id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate))
                if (album.Title != albumEntity.Title)
                    IGallerySettings gallerySetting = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(album.GalleryId);

                    album.Title = Utils.CleanHtmlTags(albumEntity.Title, album.GalleryId);
                    if ((!album.IsRootAlbum) && (gallerySetting.SynchAlbumTitleAndDirectoryName))
                        // Root albums do not have a directory name that reflects the album's title, so only update this property for non-root albums.
                        album.DirectoryName = HelperFunctions.ValidateDirectoryName(album.Parent.FullPhysicalPath, album.Title, gallerySetting.DefaultAlbumDirectoryNameLength);
                album.Summary = Utils.CleanHtmlTags(albumEntity.Summary, album.GalleryId);
                album.DateStart = albumEntity.DateStart.Date;
                album.DateEnd = albumEntity.DateEnd.Date;
                if (albumEntity.IsPrivate != album.IsPrivate)
                    if (!albumEntity.IsPrivate && album.Parent.IsPrivate)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot make album public: It is invalid to make an album public when it's parent album is private.");
                    album.IsPrivate = albumEntity.IsPrivate;

                // If the owner has changed, update it, but only if the user is administrator.
                if (albumEntity.Owner != album.OwnerUserName)
                    if (Utils.IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.AdministerSite | SecurityActions.AdministerGallery, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate))
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(album.OwnerUserName))
                            // Another user was previously assigned as owner. Delete role since this person will no longer be the owner.

                        if (UserController.GetUsersCurrentUserCanView(album.GalleryId).Contains(albumEntity.Owner) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumEntity.Owner))

                            // GalleryObjectController.SaveGalleryObject will make sure there is a role created for this user.
                            album.OwnerUserName = albumEntity.Owner;


                // Refresh the entity object with the data from the album object, in case something changed. For example,
                // some javascript or HTML may have been removed from the Title or Summary fields.
                albumEntity.Title = album.Title;
                albumEntity.Summary = album.Summary;
                albumEntity.DateStart = album.DateStart;
                albumEntity.DateEnd = album.DateEnd;
                albumEntity.IsPrivate = album.IsPrivate;
                albumEntity.Owner = album.OwnerUserName;

            return albumEntity;
        public AlbumWebEntity UpdateAlbumInfo(AlbumWebEntity albumEntity)
            if (albumEntity == null)
                return null;

                albumEntity.Owner = Utils.HtmlDecode(albumEntity.Owner);

                return AlbumController.UpdateAlbumInfo(albumEntity);
            catch (Exception ex)
		public AlbumWebEntity GetAlbumInfo(int albumId)
			AlbumWebEntity albumEntity = new AlbumWebEntity();

			if (GalleryPage.IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject, albumId))
				IAlbum album = Factory.LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false);
				albumEntity.Title = album.Title;
				albumEntity.Summary = album.Summary;
				albumEntity.DateStart = album.DateStart;
				albumEntity.DateEnd = album.DateEnd;
				albumEntity.IsPrivate = album.IsPrivate;

			return albumEntity;
        public AlbumWebEntity GetAlbumInfo(int albumId)
            IAlbum album = null;

                AlbumWebEntity albumEntity = new AlbumWebEntity();

                album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false);

                if (Utils.IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject, albumId, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate))
                    albumEntity.Title = album.Title;
                    albumEntity.Summary = album.Summary;
                    albumEntity.DateStart = album.DateStart;
                    albumEntity.DateEnd = album.DateEnd;
                    albumEntity.IsPrivate = album.IsPrivate;

                return albumEntity;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (album != null)
                    AppErrorController.LogError(ex, album.GalleryId);
		public AlbumWebEntity UpdateAlbumInfo(AlbumWebEntity albumEntity)
			return AlbumController.UpdateAlbumInfo(albumEntity);