/// <summary>
        /// Processes the current media queue item. This can be a long running process and is
        /// intended to be invoked on a background thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessItem()
                if (!BeginProcessItem())

                MediaConversionSettings conversionResults = ExecuteMediaConversion();

            catch (Exception ex)
                // I know it's bad form to catch all exceptions, but I don't know how to catch all
                // non-fatal exceptions (like ArgumentNullException) while letting the catastrophic
                // ones go through (like StackOverFlowException) unless we explictly catch and then
                // rethrow them, but that seems like it could have its own issues.
                Events.EventController.RecordError(ex, AppSetting.Instance, null, Factory.LoadGallerySettings());
                Instance.Status = MediaQueueStatus.Idle;

        private MediaConversionSettings RotateVideo(IGalleryObject mediaObject)
            var gallerySetting = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(mediaObject.GalleryId);

            // Determine file name and path of the new file.
            var dirName     = Path.GetDirectoryName(mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath) ?? String.Empty;
            var newFilename = HelperFunctions.ValidateFileName(dirName, mediaObject.Original.FileName);
            var newFilePath = Path.Combine(dirName, newFilename);

            const string args           = @"-i ""{SourceFilePath}"" -vf ""{AutoRotateFilter}"" -q:a 0 -q:v 0 -acodec copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0 ""{DestinationFilePath}""";
            var          encoderSetting = new MediaEncoderSettings(Path.GetExtension(newFilename), Path.GetExtension(mediaObject.Original.FileName), args, 0);

            var mediaSettings = new MediaConversionSettings
                FilePathSource      = mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath,
                FilePathDestination = newFilePath,
                EncoderSetting      = encoderSetting,
                GalleryId           = mediaObject.GalleryId,
                MediaQueueId        = _currentMediaQueueItemId,
                TimeoutMs           = gallerySetting.MediaEncoderTimeoutMs,
                MediaObjectId       = mediaObject.Id,
                TargetWidth         = 0,
                TargetHeight        = 0,
                FFmpegArgs          = String.Empty,
                FFmpegOutput        = String.Empty,
                CancellationToken   = CancelTokenSource.Token

            mediaSettings.FFmpegOutput = FFmpeg.CreateMedia(mediaSettings);
            mediaSettings.FileCreated  = ValidateFile(mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);

        /// <summary>
        /// Complete processing the current media item by updating the media queue instance and
        /// reseting the status of the conversion queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion</param>
        private void CompleteProcessItem(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            // Update status and persist to data store
            MediaQueueDto mediaQueueDto = GetCurrentMediaQueueItem();

            mediaQueueDto.DateConversionCompleted = DateTime.Now;

            if (settings.FileCreated)
                mediaQueueDto.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Complete.ToString();
                mediaQueueDto.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Error.ToString();

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Unable to process file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathSource));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);


            // Update the item in the collection.
            //MediaQueueItems[mediaQueueDto.MediaQueueId] = mediaQueueDto;

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object and media queue items. Specifically,
        /// if the file was successfully created, updates the media object instance with information
        /// about the new file. Updates the media queue instance and resets the status of the
        /// conversion queue. No action is taken if <paramref name="settings" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. When null, the function immediately returns.</param>
        private void OnMediaConversionComplete(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)

            // Update media object properties
            IGalleryObject mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(settings.MediaObjectId, true);

            if (settings.FileCreated)
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "INFO (not an error): FFmpeg created video '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);

                mediaObject.Optimized.FileName             = Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination);
                mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath = settings.FilePathDestination;
                mediaObject.Optimized.Width  = mediaObject.Original.Width;
                mediaObject.Optimized.Height = mediaObject.Original.Height;

                int fileSize = (int)(mediaObject.Optimized.FileInfo.Length / 1024);

                mediaObject.Optimized.FileSizeKB   = (fileSize < 1 ? 1 : fileSize);               // Very small files should be 1, not 0.
                mediaObject.LastModifiedByUserName = "******";
                mediaObject.DateLastModified       = DateTime.Now;


        /// <summary>
        /// Complete processing the current media item by updating the media queue instance and
        /// reseting the status of the conversion queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. A null value is acceptable.</param>
        private void CompleteProcessItem(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            // Update status and persist to data store
            MediaQueueItem mqItem = GetCurrentMediaQueueItem();

            mqItem.DateConversionCompleted = DateTime.Now;

            if (settings != null && settings.FileCreated)
                mqItem.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Complete;
                mqItem.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Error;

                var    fileName = (settings != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.FilePathSource) ? Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathSource) : "<Unknown>");
                string msg      = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Unable to process file '{0}'.", fileName);
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);


            // Update the item in the collection.
            //MediaQueueItems[mediaQueueDto.MediaQueueId] = mediaQueueDto;

        private static string ReplaceTokens(string encoderArguments, MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{SourceFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathSource);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{DestinationFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{BinPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, "bin"));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{GalleryResourcesPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, AppSetting.Instance.GalleryResourcesPath));

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the FFmpeg utility with the given <paramref name="mediaSettings"/> and return the text output generated by it.
        /// See http://www.ffmpeg.org for documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaSettings">The media settings.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the text output from the execution of the FFmpeg utility. This data can be parsed to learn more about the media file.
        /// </returns>
        private static string ExecuteFFmpeg(MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            FFmpeg ffmpeg = new FFmpeg(mediaSettings);

            mediaSettings.FFmpegOutput = ffmpeg.Output;

        private static void RecordEvent(string msg, MediaConversionSettings settings)
            Exception ex = new BusinessException(msg);

            ex.Data.Add("FFmpeg args", settings.FFmpegArgs);
            ex.Data.Add("FFmpeg output", settings.FFmpegOutput);
            ex.Data.Add("StackTrace", Environment.StackTrace);
            ErrorHandler.Error.Record(ex, settings.GalleryId, Factory.LoadGallerySettings(), AppSetting.Instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object after a video has been rotated. Specifically,
        /// if the file was successfully created, update the media object instance with information
        /// about the new file. No action is taken if <paramref name="settings" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. May be null.</param>
        /// <remarks>This function is invoked only when a video is manually rotated by the user, and
        /// only for the original video file. Videos that are auto-rotated will be the optimized ones
        /// and will end up running the <see cref="OnMediaConversionCompleteOptimizedCreated(MediaConversionSettings)" />
        /// function instead of this one.</remarks>
        private static void OnMediaConversionCompleteVideoRotated(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)

            var mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(settings.MediaObjectId, true);

            if (settings.FileCreated)
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "FFmpeg created file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);

                // Step 1: Update the width and height of the original video file, if we have that info.
                var originalWidth  = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoWidth(settings.FFmpegOutput);
                var originalHeight = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoHeight(settings.FFmpegOutput);

                if (originalWidth > int.MinValue)
                    mediaObject.Original.Width = originalWidth;

                if (originalHeight > int.MinValue)
                    mediaObject.Original.Height = originalHeight;

                // Step 2: Delete the original file and rename the new one to match the original.
                if ((settings.FilePathDestination != mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath) && File.Exists(mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath))
                    var curFilePath = mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath;
                    File.Move(settings.FilePathDestination, curFilePath);
                    settings.FilePathDestination = curFilePath;
                    // I don't expect we'll ever get here, but just to be safe...
                    mediaObject.Original.FileName             = Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination);
                    mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath = settings.FilePathDestination;

                int fileSize = (int)(mediaObject.Original.FileInfo.Length / 1024);
                mediaObject.Original.FileSizeKB = (fileSize < 1 ? 1 : fileSize);                 // Very small files should be 1, not 0.


            // Step 3: Save and finish up.
            mediaObject.LastModifiedByUserName    = GlobalConstants.SystemUserName;
            mediaObject.DateLastModified          = DateTime.Now;
            mediaObject.RegenerateOptimizedOnSave = true;
            mediaObject.RegenerateThumbnailOnSave = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the actual media conversion, returning an object that contains settings and the
        /// results of the conversion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaObject">The media object.</param>
        /// <param name="encoderSetting">The encoder setting that defines the conversion parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns an instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings"/> containing settings and
        /// results used in the conversion.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="mediaObject" /> or
        /// <paramref name="encoderSetting" /> is null.</exception>
        private MediaConversionSettings ExecuteMediaConversion(IGalleryObject mediaObject, IMediaEncoderSettings encoderSetting)
            if (mediaObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaObject");

            if (encoderSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("encoderSetting");


            IGallerySettings gallerySetting = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(mediaObject.GalleryId);

            // Determine file name and path of the new file.
            string optimizedPath            = HelperFunctions.MapAlbumDirectoryStructureToAlternateDirectory(mediaObject.Original.FileInfo.DirectoryName, gallerySetting.FullOptimizedPath, gallerySetting.FullMediaObjectPath);
            string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mediaObject.Original.FileInfo.Name);
            string newFilename = GenerateNewFilename(optimizedPath, fileNameWithoutExtension, encoderSetting.DestinationFileExtension, gallerySetting.OptimizedFileNamePrefix);
            string newFilePath = Path.Combine(optimizedPath, newFilename);

            MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings = new MediaConversionSettings
                FilePathSource      = mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath,
                FilePathDestination = newFilePath,
                EncoderSetting      = encoderSetting,
                GalleryId           = mediaObject.GalleryId,
                MediaQueueId        = _currentMediaQueueItemId,
                TimeoutMs           = gallerySetting.MediaEncoderTimeoutMs,
                MediaObjectId       = mediaObject.Id,
                FFmpegArgs          = String.Empty,
                FFmpegOutput        = String.Empty,
                CancellationToken   = CancelTokenSource.Token

            mediaSettings.FFmpegOutput = FFmpeg.CreateMedia(mediaSettings);
            mediaSettings.FileCreated  = ValidateFile(mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);

            if (!mediaSettings.FileCreated)
                // Could not create the requested version of the file. Record the event, then try again,
                // using the next encoder setting (if one exists).
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "FAILURE: FFmpeg was not able to create video '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(mediaSettings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, mediaSettings);

                IMediaEncoderSettings nextEncoderSetting = GetEncoderSetting(mediaObject);
                if (nextEncoderSetting != null)
                    return(ExecuteMediaConversion(mediaObject, nextEncoderSetting));

        private static string ReplaceTokens(string encoderArguments, MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{SourceFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathSource);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{Width}", mediaSettings.TargetWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{Height}", mediaSettings.TargetHeight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace(AutoRotateFilterName, GetAutoRotationFilter(MediaConversionQueue.Instance.Get(mediaSettings.MediaQueueId).RotationAmount, encoderArguments));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{AspectRatio}", Math.Round(mediaSettings.TargetWidth / (double)mediaSettings.TargetHeight, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{DestinationFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{BinPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, "bin"));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{GalleryResourcesPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, AppSetting.Instance.GalleryResourcesPath));

            // If the above changes result in an empty filter setting, remove it altogether.
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace(@"-vf """"", String.Empty);

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the FFmpeg utility with the given <paramref name="arguments" /> and return the text output generated by it.
        /// A default timeout value of 3 seconds is used. See http://www.ffmpeg.org for documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arguments">The argument values to pass to the FFmpeg utility.
        /// Example: -ss 00:00:03 -i "D:\media\video\myvideo.flv" -an -vframes 1 -y "D:\media\video\zThumb_myvideo.jpg"</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The gallery ID.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the text output from the execution of the FFmpeg utility. This data can be parsed to learn more about the media file.</returns>
        private static string ExecuteFFmpeg(string arguments, int galleryId)
            MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings = new MediaConversionSettings
                FilePathSource      = String.Empty,
                FilePathDestination = String.Empty,
                EncoderSetting      = null,
                GalleryId           = galleryId,
                MediaQueueId        = int.MinValue,
                TimeoutMs           = 3000,       // 3-second timeout
                MediaObjectId       = int.MinValue,
                FFmpegArgs          = arguments,
                FFmpegOutput        = String.Empty

        private static void RecordEvent(string msg, MediaConversionSettings settings)
            int?galleryId = null;
            Dictionary <string, string> data = null;

            if (settings != null)
                galleryId = settings.GalleryId;

                data = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "FFmpeg args", settings.FFmpegArgs },
                    { "FFmpeg output", settings.FFmpegOutput },
                    { "StackTrace", Environment.StackTrace }

            Events.EventController.RecordEvent(msg, EventType.Info, galleryId, Factory.LoadGallerySettings(), AppSetting.Instance, data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a media file based on an existing one using the values in the
        /// <paramref name="mediaSettings" /> parameter. The output from FFmpeg is returned. The
        /// arguments passed to FFmpeg are stored on the
        /// <see cref="MediaConversionSettings.FFmpegArgs" /> property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaSettings">The settings which dicate the media file creation process.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the text output from FFmpeg.</returns>
        public static string CreateMedia(MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            if (!IsAvailable)

            if (mediaSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaSettings");

            if (mediaSettings.EncoderSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaSettings", "The EncoderSetting property on the mediaSettings parameter was null.");

            mediaSettings.FFmpegArgs = ReplaceTokens(mediaSettings.EncoderSetting.EncoderArguments, mediaSettings);

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object and media queue items. Specifically,
        /// if the file was successfully created, updates the media object instance with information
        /// about the new file. Updates the media queue instance and resets the status of the
        /// conversion queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. May be null.</param>
        private void OnMediaConversionComplete(MediaConversionSettings settings)
                switch (GetCurrentMediaQueueItem().ConversionType)
                case MediaQueueItemConversionType.CreateOptimized:

                case MediaQueueItemConversionType.RotateVideo:

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object and media queue items. Specifically, 
        /// if the file was successfully created, updates the media object instance with information 
        /// about the new file. Updates the media queue instance and resets the status of the 
        /// conversion queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. May be null.</param>
        private void OnMediaConversionComplete(MediaConversionSettings settings)
                switch (GetCurrentMediaQueueItem().ConversionType)
                    case MediaQueueItemConversionType.CreateOptimized:
                    case MediaQueueItemConversionType.RotateVideo:

        /// <summary>
        /// Complete processing the current media item by updating the media queue instance and 
        /// reseting the status of the conversion queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing 
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. A null value is acceptable.</param>
        private void CompleteProcessItem(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            // Update status and persist to data store
            MediaQueueItem mqItem = GetCurrentMediaQueueItem();

            mqItem.DateConversionCompleted = DateTime.Now;

            if (settings != null && settings.FileCreated)
                mqItem.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Complete;
                mqItem.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Error;

                var fileName = (settings != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.FilePathSource) ? Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathSource) : "<Unknown>");
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Unable to process file '{0}'.", fileName);
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);


            // Update the item in the collection.
            //MediaQueueItems[mediaQueueDto.MediaQueueId] = mediaQueueDto;

 private FFmpeg(MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
     MediaSettings = mediaSettings;
     _output = new StringBuilder();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a media file based on an existing one using the values in the 
        /// <paramref name="mediaSettings" /> parameter. The output from FFmpeg is returned. The 
        /// arguments passed to FFmpeg are stored on the
        /// <see cref="MediaConversionSettings.FFmpegArgs" /> property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaSettings">The settings which dicate the media file creation process.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the text output from FFmpeg.</returns>
        public static string CreateMedia(MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            if (!IsAvailable)
                return String.Empty;

            if (mediaSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaSettings");

            if (mediaSettings.EncoderSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaSettings", "The EncoderSetting property on the mediaSettings parameter was null.");

            mediaSettings.FFmpegArgs = ReplaceTokens(mediaSettings.EncoderSetting.EncoderArguments, mediaSettings);

            return ExecuteFFmpeg(mediaSettings);
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the FFmpeg utility with the given <paramref name="mediaSettings"/> and return the text output generated by it.
        /// See http://www.ffmpeg.org for documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaSettings">The media settings.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the text output from the execution of the FFmpeg utility. This data can be parsed to learn more about the media file.
        /// </returns>
        private static string ExecuteFFmpeg(MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            FFmpeg ffmpeg = new FFmpeg(mediaSettings);
            mediaSettings.FFmpegOutput = ffmpeg.Output;

            return mediaSettings.FFmpegOutput;
        private static string ReplaceTokens(string encoderArguments, MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{SourceFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathSource);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{DestinationFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{BinPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, "bin"));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{GalleryResourcesPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, AppSetting.Instance.GalleryResourcesPath));

            return encoderArguments;
        private MediaConversionSettings RotateVideo(IGalleryObject mediaObject)
            var gallerySetting = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(mediaObject.GalleryId);

            // Determine file name and path of the new file.
            var dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath) ?? String.Empty;
            var newFilename = HelperFunctions.ValidateFileName(dirName, mediaObject.Original.FileName);
            var newFilePath = Path.Combine(dirName, newFilename);

            const string args = @"-i ""{SourceFilePath}"" -vf ""{AutoRotateFilter}"" -q:a 0 -q:v 0 -acodec copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0 ""{DestinationFilePath}""";
            var encoderSetting = new MediaEncoderSettings(Path.GetExtension(newFilename), Path.GetExtension(mediaObject.Original.FileName), args, 0);

            var mediaSettings = new MediaConversionSettings
                FilePathSource = mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath,
                FilePathDestination = newFilePath,
                EncoderSetting = encoderSetting,
                GalleryId = mediaObject.GalleryId,
                MediaQueueId = _currentMediaQueueItemId,
                TimeoutMs = gallerySetting.MediaEncoderTimeoutMs,
                MediaObjectId = mediaObject.Id,
                TargetWidth = 0,
                TargetHeight = 0,
                FFmpegArgs = String.Empty,
                FFmpegOutput = String.Empty,
                CancellationToken = CancelTokenSource.Token

            mediaSettings.FFmpegOutput = FFmpeg.CreateMedia(mediaSettings);
            mediaSettings.FileCreated = ValidateFile(mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);

            return mediaSettings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the FFmpeg utility with the given <paramref name="arguments" /> and return the text output generated by it.
        /// A default timeout value of 3 seconds is used. See http://www.ffmpeg.org for documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arguments">The argument values to pass to the FFmpeg utility. 
        /// Example: -ss 00:00:03 -i "D:\media\video\myvideo.flv" -an -vframes 1 -y "D:\media\video\zThumb_myvideo.jpg"</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The gallery ID.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the text output from the execution of the FFmpeg utility. This data can be parsed to learn more about the media file.</returns>
        private static string ExecuteFFmpeg(string arguments, int galleryId)
            MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings = new MediaConversionSettings
                FilePathSource = String.Empty,
                FilePathDestination = String.Empty,
                EncoderSetting = null,
                GalleryId = galleryId,
                MediaQueueId = int.MinValue,
                TimeoutMs = 3000, // 3-second timeout
                MediaObjectId = int.MinValue,
                FFmpegArgs = arguments,
                FFmpegOutput = String.Empty

            return ExecuteFFmpeg(mediaSettings);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object after an optimized file has been created. Specifically,
        /// if the file was successfully created, update the media object instance with information
        /// about the new file. No action is taken if <paramref name="settings" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. May be null.</param>
        private static void OnMediaConversionCompleteOptimizedCreated(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)

            var mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(settings.MediaObjectId, true);

            // Step 1: Update the media object with info about the newly created file.
            if (settings.FileCreated)
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "FFmpeg created file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);

                if (mediaObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.Video)
                    var width  = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoWidth(settings.FFmpegOutput);
                    var height = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoHeight(settings.FFmpegOutput);

                    if (width > int.MinValue)
                        mediaObject.Optimized.Width = width;

                    if (height > int.MinValue)
                        mediaObject.Optimized.Height = height;
                    mediaObject.Optimized.Width  = settings.TargetWidth;
                    mediaObject.Optimized.Height = settings.TargetHeight;

                // Step 2: If we already had an optimized file and we just created a second one, delete the first one
                // and rename the new one to match the first one.
                var optFileDifferentThanOriginal    = !String.Equals(mediaObject.Optimized.FileName, mediaObject.Original.FileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                var optFileDifferentThanCreatedFile = !String.Equals(mediaObject.Optimized.FileName, Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                if (optFileDifferentThanOriginal && optFileDifferentThanCreatedFile && File.Exists(mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath))
                    var curFilePath = mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath;

                    var optFileExtDifferentThanCreatedFileExt = !Path.GetExtension(curFilePath).Equals(Path.GetExtension(settings.FilePathDestination), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (optFileExtDifferentThanCreatedFileExt)
                        // Extension of created file is different than current optimized file. This can happen, for example, when syncing after
                        // changing encoder settings to produce MP4's instead of FLV's. Use the filename of the current optimized file and combine
                        // it with the extension of the created file.
                        var newOptFileName = String.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(curFilePath), Path.GetExtension(settings.FilePathDestination));
                        var newOptFilePath = String.Concat(Path.GetDirectoryName(curFilePath), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, newOptFileName);

                        if (!settings.FilePathDestination.Equals(newOptFilePath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            // Calculated file name differs from the one that was generated, so rename it, deleting any existing file first.
                            if (File.Exists(newOptFilePath))

                            File.Move(settings.FilePathDestination, newOptFilePath);
                            settings.FilePathDestination = newOptFilePath;

                        mediaObject.Optimized.FileName             = newOptFileName;
                        mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath = newOptFilePath;
                        File.Move(settings.FilePathDestination, curFilePath);
                        settings.FilePathDestination = curFilePath;
                    // We typically get here when the media object is first added.
                    mediaObject.Optimized.FileName             = Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination);
                    mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath = settings.FilePathDestination;

                // Now that we have the optimized file name all set, grab it's size.
                int fileSize = (int)(mediaObject.Optimized.FileInfo.Length / 1024);
                mediaObject.Optimized.FileSizeKB = (fileSize < 1 ? 1 : fileSize);                 // Very small files should be 1, not 0.

            // Step 3: Save and finish up.
            mediaObject.LastModifiedByUserName = GlobalConstants.SystemUserName;
            mediaObject.DateLastModified       = DateTime.Now;
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object after an optimized file has been created. Specifically, 
        /// if the file was successfully created, update the media object instance with information 
        /// about the new file. No action is taken if <paramref name="settings" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. May be null.</param>
        private static void OnMediaConversionCompleteOptimizedCreated(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)

            var mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(settings.MediaObjectId, true);

            // Step 1: Update the media object with info about the newly created file.
            if (settings.FileCreated)
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "FFmpeg created file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);

                if (mediaObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.Video)
                    var width = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoWidth(settings.FFmpegOutput);
                    var height = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoHeight(settings.FFmpegOutput);

                    if (width > int.MinValue)
                        mediaObject.Optimized.Width = width;

                    if (height > int.MinValue)
                        mediaObject.Optimized.Height = height;
                    mediaObject.Optimized.Width = settings.TargetWidth;
                    mediaObject.Optimized.Height = settings.TargetHeight;

                // Step 2: If we already had an optimized file and we just created a second one, delete the first one
                // and rename the new one to match the first one.
                var optFileDifferentThanOriginal = !String.Equals(mediaObject.Optimized.FileName, mediaObject.Original.FileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                var optFileDifferentThanCreatedFile = !String.Equals(mediaObject.Optimized.FileName, Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                if (optFileDifferentThanOriginal && optFileDifferentThanCreatedFile && File.Exists(mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath))
                    var curFilePath = mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath;

                    var optFileExtDifferentThanCreatedFileExt = !Path.GetExtension(curFilePath).Equals(Path.GetExtension(settings.FilePathDestination), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (optFileExtDifferentThanCreatedFileExt)
                        // Extension of created file is different than current optimized file. This can happen, for example, when syncing after
                        // changing encoder settings to produce MP4's instead of FLV's. Use the filename of the current optimized file and combine
                        // it with the extension of the created file.
                        var newOptFileName = String.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(curFilePath), Path.GetExtension(settings.FilePathDestination));
                        var newOptFilePath = String.Concat(Path.GetDirectoryName(curFilePath), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, newOptFileName);

                        if (!settings.FilePathDestination.Equals(newOptFilePath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            // Calculated file name differs from the one that was generated, so rename it, deleting any existing file first.
                            if (File.Exists(newOptFilePath))

                            File.Move(settings.FilePathDestination, newOptFilePath);
                            settings.FilePathDestination = newOptFilePath;

                        mediaObject.Optimized.FileName = newOptFileName;
                        mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath = newOptFilePath;
                        File.Move(settings.FilePathDestination, curFilePath);
                        settings.FilePathDestination = curFilePath;
                    // We typically get here when the media object is first added.
                    mediaObject.Optimized.FileName = Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination);
                    mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath = settings.FilePathDestination;

                // Now that we have the optimized file name all set, grab it's size.
                int fileSize = (int)(mediaObject.Optimized.FileInfo.Length / 1024);
                mediaObject.Optimized.FileSizeKB = (fileSize < 1 ? 1 : fileSize); // Very small files should be 1, not 0.

            // Step 3: Save and finish up.
            mediaObject.LastModifiedByUserName = GlobalConstants.SystemUserName;
            mediaObject.DateLastModified = DateTime.Now;
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object after an optimized file has been created. Specifically,
        /// if the file was successfully created, update the media object instance with information
        /// about the new file. No action is taken if <paramref name="settings" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. May be null.</param>
        private static void OnMediaConversionCompleteOptimizedCreated(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)

            var mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(settings.MediaObjectId, true);

            // Step 1: Update the media object with info about the newly created file.
            if (settings.FileCreated)
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "FFmpeg created file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);

                if (mediaObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.Video)
                    var width  = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoWidth(settings.FFmpegOutput);
                    var height = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoHeight(settings.FFmpegOutput);

                    if (width > int.MinValue)
                        mediaObject.Optimized.Width = width;

                    if (height > int.MinValue)
                        mediaObject.Optimized.Height = height;
                    mediaObject.Optimized.Width  = settings.TargetWidth;
                    mediaObject.Optimized.Height = settings.TargetHeight;

                int fileSize = (int)(mediaObject.Optimized.FileInfo.Length / 1024);
                mediaObject.Optimized.FileSizeKB = (fileSize < 1 ? 1 : fileSize);                 // Very small files should be 1, not 0.

                // Step 2: If we already had an optimized file and we just created a second one, delete the first one
                // and rename the new one to match the first one.
                var optFileDifferentThanOriginal    = !String.Equals(mediaObject.Optimized.FileName, mediaObject.Original.FileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                var optFileDifferentThanCreatedFile = !String.Equals(mediaObject.Optimized.FileName, Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                if (optFileDifferentThanOriginal && optFileDifferentThanCreatedFile && File.Exists(mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath))
                    var curFilePath = mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath;
                    File.Move(settings.FilePathDestination, curFilePath);
                    settings.FilePathDestination = curFilePath;
                    // We typically get here when the media object is first added.
                    mediaObject.Optimized.FileName             = Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination);
                    mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath = settings.FilePathDestination;

            // Step 3: Save and finish up.
            mediaObject.LastModifiedByUserName = GlobalConstants.SystemUserName;
            mediaObject.DateLastModified       = DateTime.Now;
        private MediaConversionSettings CreateOptimizedMediaObject(IGalleryObject mediaObject, IMediaEncoderSettings encoderSetting)

            IGallerySettings gallerySetting = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(mediaObject.GalleryId);

            // Determine file name and path of the new file.
            string optimizedPath = HelperFunctions.MapAlbumDirectoryStructureToAlternateDirectory(mediaObject.Original.FileInfo.DirectoryName, gallerySetting.FullOptimizedPath, gallerySetting.FullMediaObjectPath);
            string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mediaObject.Original.FileInfo.Name);
            string newFilename = GenerateNewFilename(optimizedPath, fileNameWithoutExtension, encoderSetting.DestinationFileExtension, gallerySetting.OptimizedFileNamePrefix);
            string newFilePath = Path.Combine(optimizedPath, newFilename);

            var mediaSettings = new MediaConversionSettings
                                                        FilePathSource = mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath,
                                                        FilePathDestination = newFilePath,
                                                        EncoderSetting = encoderSetting,
                                                        GalleryId = mediaObject.GalleryId,
                                                        MediaQueueId = _currentMediaQueueItemId,
                                                        TimeoutMs = gallerySetting.MediaEncoderTimeoutMs,
                                                        MediaObjectId = mediaObject.Id,
                                                        TargetWidth = GetTargetWidth(mediaObject, gallerySetting, encoderSetting),
                                                        TargetHeight = GetTargetHeight(mediaObject, gallerySetting, encoderSetting),
                                                        FFmpegArgs = String.Empty,
                                                        FFmpegOutput = String.Empty,
                                                        CancellationToken = CancelTokenSource.Token,

            mediaSettings.FFmpegOutput = FFmpeg.CreateMedia(mediaSettings);
            mediaSettings.FileCreated = ValidateFile(mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);

            if (!mediaSettings.FileCreated)
                // Could not create the requested version of the file. Record the event, then try again,
                // using the next encoder setting (if one exists).
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "FAILURE: FFmpeg was not able to create file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(mediaSettings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, mediaSettings);

                IMediaEncoderSettings nextEncoderSetting = GetEncoderSetting(mediaObject);
                if (nextEncoderSetting != null)
                    return ExecuteMediaConversion(mediaObject, nextEncoderSetting);

            return mediaSettings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object and media queue items. Specifically, 
        /// if the file was successfully created, updates the media object instance with information 
        /// about the new file. Updates the media queue instance and resets the status of the 
        /// conversion queue. No action is taken if <paramref name="settings" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. When null, the function immediately returns.</param>
        private void OnMediaConversionComplete(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)

            // Update media object properties
            IGalleryObject mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(settings.MediaObjectId, true);

            if (settings.FileCreated)
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "INFO (not an error): FFmpeg created video '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);

                mediaObject.Optimized.FileName = Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination);
                mediaObject.Optimized.FileNamePhysicalPath = settings.FilePathDestination;
                mediaObject.Optimized.Width = mediaObject.Original.Width;
                mediaObject.Optimized.Height = mediaObject.Original.Height;

                int fileSize = (int)(mediaObject.Optimized.FileInfo.Length / 1024);

                mediaObject.Optimized.FileSizeKB = (fileSize < 1 ? 1 : fileSize); // Very small files should be 1, not 0.
                mediaObject.LastModifiedByUserName = "******";
                mediaObject.DateLastModified = DateTime.Now;


        private static void RecordEvent(string msg, MediaConversionSettings settings)
            int? galleryId = null;
            Dictionary<string, string> data = null;

            if (settings != null)
                galleryId = settings.GalleryId;

                data = new Dictionary<string, string>
                                 {"FFmpeg args", settings.FFmpegArgs},
                                 {"FFmpeg output", settings.FFmpegOutput},
                                 {"StackTrace", Environment.StackTrace}

            Events.EventController.RecordEvent(msg, EventType.Info, galleryId, Factory.LoadGallerySettings(), AppSetting.Instance, data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs post-processing tasks on the media object after a video has been rotated. Specifically, 
        /// if the file was successfully created, update the media object instance with information 
        /// about the new file. No action is taken if <paramref name="settings" /> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing
        /// settings and results used in the conversion. May be null.</param>
        /// <remarks>This function is invoked only when a video is manually rotated by the user, and 
        /// only for the original video file. Videos that are auto-rotated will be the optimized ones
        /// and will end up running the <see cref="OnMediaConversionCompleteOptimizedCreated(MediaConversionSettings)" />
        /// function instead of this one.</remarks>
        private static void OnMediaConversionCompleteVideoRotated(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)

            var mediaObject = Factory.LoadMediaObjectInstance(settings.MediaObjectId, true);

            if (settings.FileCreated)
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "FFmpeg created file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);

                // Step 1: Update the width and height of the original video file, if we have that info.
                var originalWidth = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoWidth(settings.FFmpegOutput);
                var originalHeight = FFmpeg.ParseOutputVideoHeight(settings.FFmpegOutput);

                if (originalWidth > int.MinValue)
                    mediaObject.Original.Width = originalWidth;

                if (originalHeight > int.MinValue)
                    mediaObject.Original.Height = originalHeight;

                // Step 2: Delete the original file and rename the new one to match the original.
                if ((settings.FilePathDestination != mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath) && File.Exists(mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath))
                    var curFilePath = mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath;
                    File.Move(settings.FilePathDestination, curFilePath);
                    settings.FilePathDestination = curFilePath;
                    // I don't expect we'll ever get here, but just to be safe...
                    mediaObject.Original.FileName = Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathDestination);
                    mediaObject.Original.FileNamePhysicalPath = settings.FilePathDestination;

                int fileSize = (int)(mediaObject.Original.FileInfo.Length / 1024);
                mediaObject.Original.FileSizeKB = (fileSize < 1 ? 1 : fileSize); // Very small files should be 1, not 0.


            // Step 3: Save and finish up.
            mediaObject.LastModifiedByUserName = GlobalConstants.SystemUserName;
            mediaObject.DateLastModified = DateTime.Now;
            mediaObject.RegenerateOptimizedOnSave = true;
            mediaObject.RegenerateThumbnailOnSave = true;
 private static void RecordEvent(string msg, MediaConversionSettings settings)
     Exception ex = new BusinessException(msg);
     ex.Data.Add("FFmpeg args", settings.FFmpegArgs);
     ex.Data.Add("FFmpeg output", settings.FFmpegOutput);
     ex.Data.Add("StackTrace", Environment.StackTrace);
     ErrorHandler.Error.Record(ex, settings.GalleryId, Factory.LoadGallerySettings(), AppSetting.Instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Complete processing the current media item by updating the media queue instance and 
        /// reseting the status of the conversion queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">An instance of <see cref="MediaConversionSettings" /> containing 
        /// settings and results used in the conversion</param>
        private void CompleteProcessItem(MediaConversionSettings settings)
            // Update status and persist to data store
            MediaQueueDto mediaQueueDto = GetCurrentMediaQueueItem();

            mediaQueueDto.DateConversionCompleted = DateTime.Now;

            if (settings.FileCreated)
                mediaQueueDto.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Complete.ToString();
                mediaQueueDto.Status = MediaQueueItemStatus.Error.ToString();

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Unable to process file '{0}'.", Path.GetFileName(settings.FilePathSource));
                RecordEvent(msg, settings);


            // Update the item in the collection.
            //MediaQueueItems[mediaQueueDto.MediaQueueId] = mediaQueueDto;

 private FFmpeg(MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
     MediaSettings = mediaSettings;
     _output       = new StringBuilder();
        private static string ReplaceTokens(string encoderArguments, MediaConversionSettings mediaSettings)
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{SourceFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathSource);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{Width}", mediaSettings.TargetWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{Height}", mediaSettings.TargetHeight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace(AutoRotateFilterName, GetAutoRotationFilter(MediaConversionQueue.Instance.Get(mediaSettings.MediaQueueId).RotationAmount, encoderArguments));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{AspectRatio}", Math.Round(mediaSettings.TargetWidth / (double)mediaSettings.TargetHeight, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{DestinationFilePath}", mediaSettings.FilePathDestination);
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{BinPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, "bin"));
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace("{GalleryResourcesPath}", Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, AppSetting.Instance.GalleryResourcesPath));

            // If the above changes result in an empty filter setting, remove it altogether.
            encoderArguments = encoderArguments.Replace(@"-vf """"", String.Empty);

            return encoderArguments;