public override void CaseANonstaticInvokeExp(ANonstaticInvokeExp node) { InANonstaticInvokeExp(node); { Object[] temp = new Object[node.GetArgs().Count]; node.GetArgs().CopyTo(temp, 0); for (int i = temp.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ((PExp)temp[i]).Apply(this); } } if (node.GetName() != null) { node.GetName().Apply(this); } if (node.GetDotType() != null) { node.GetDotType().Apply(this); } if (node.GetReceiver() != null) { node.GetReceiver().Apply(this); } OutANonstaticInvokeExp(node); }
public override void CaseANonstaticInvokeExp(ANonstaticInvokeExp node) { PExp reciever = node.GetReceiver(); PType type =[reciever]; //If the reciever is not a var, put it in a new var. if (!(reciever is ALvalueExp)) { AALocalDecl localDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, Util.MakeClone(type, data), new TIdentifier("nonstaticInvokeVar"), reciever); ALocalLvalue localRef = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("nonstaticInvokeVar")); ALvalueExp localRefExp = new ALvalueExp(localRef); node.SetReceiver(localRefExp); PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(node); AABlock pBlock = (AABlock) pStm.Parent(); pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), localDecl)); reciever = localRefExp; data.LvalueTypes[localRef] = data.ExpTypes[localRefExp] = type; data.LocalLinks[localRef] = localDecl; localDecl.Apply(this); } if (type is ANamedType && { //ANamedType type = (ANamedType)[reciever]; if ([(ANamedType) type].GetClassToken() != null) { //Pass the pointer ALvalueExp lvalueExp = (ALvalueExp) reciever; APointerLvalue pointerLvalue = (APointerLvalue) lvalueExp.GetLvalue(); reciever = pointerLvalue.GetBase(); } AMethodDecl method =[node]; ASimpleInvokeExp simpleInvoke = new ASimpleInvokeExp(); simpleInvoke.SetName(node.GetName()); PExp[] exps = new PExp[node.GetArgs().Count]; node.GetArgs().CopyTo(exps, 0); foreach (PExp exp in exps) { simpleInvoke.GetArgs().Add(exp); } simpleInvoke.GetArgs().Add(reciever); node.ReplaceBy(simpleInvoke);[simpleInvoke] = method;;[simpleInvoke] = method.GetReturnType();; simpleInvoke.Apply(this); } else {//Enrichment /*AEnrichmentDecl enrichment =[type]; foreach (AEnrichmentDecl enrichmentDecl in { if (Util.IsVisible(node, enrichmentDecl) && Util.IsDeclVisible(enrichmentDecl, Util.GetAncestor<AASourceFile>(node)) && Util.TypesEqual(type, enrichmentDecl.GetType(), { enrichment = enrichmentDecl; break; } } if (enrichment == null) { finalTrans.errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(node.GetName(), "TransFormMethodDecls.NonStaticInvoke: Expected enrichment - this is a bug. It should have been caught earlier")); throw new ParserException(node.GetName(), ""); }*/ AMethodDecl method =[node]; ASimpleInvokeExp simpleInvoke = new ASimpleInvokeExp(); simpleInvoke.SetName(node.GetName()); PExp[] exps = new PExp[node.GetArgs().Count]; node.GetArgs().CopyTo(exps, 0); foreach (PExp exp in exps) { simpleInvoke.GetArgs().Add(exp); } simpleInvoke.GetArgs().Add(reciever); node.ReplaceBy(simpleInvoke);[simpleInvoke] = method;;[simpleInvoke] = method.GetReturnType();; simpleInvoke.Apply(this); } }
public override void OutANonstaticInvokeExp(ANonstaticInvokeExp node) { List<AMethodDecl> candidates = new List<AMethodDecl>(); List<AMethodDecl> implicitCandidates = new List<AMethodDecl>(); List<AMethodDecl> matchingNames = new List<AMethodDecl>(); List<AMethodDecl> delegateCandidates = new List<AMethodDecl>(); List<PType> argTypes = new List<PType>(); foreach (PExp exp in node.GetArgs()) { argTypes.Add(data.ExpTypes[exp]); } PExp baseExp; bool needsVistit = false; Node reciever = node.GetReceiver(); bool visitBaseExp = false; if (node.GetReceiver() is ALvalueExp && ((ALvalueExp)node.GetReceiver()).GetLvalue() is AAmbiguousNameLvalue) { visitBaseExp = true; reciever = ((AAmbiguousNameLvalue) ((ALvalueExp) node.GetReceiver()).GetLvalue()).GetAmbiguous(); } bool matchResize; GetTargets(node.GetName().Text, node.GetName(), reciever, null, argTypes, candidates, out matchResize, implicitCandidates, matchingNames, out baseExp, delegateCandidates, data, errors); if (visitBaseExp && baseExp != null) { node.GetArgs().Add(baseExp); baseExp.Apply(this); node.GetArgs().Remove(baseExp); } if (matchResize) { AArrayResizeExp replacer = new AArrayResizeExp(node.GetName(), baseExp, (PExp) node.GetArgs()[0]); node.ReplaceBy(replacer); data.ExpTypes[replacer] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("void"), null); return; } if (implicitCandidates.Count > 0) { //Do the implicit casts for (int i = 0; i < node.GetArgs().Count; i++) { PType argType = data.ExpTypes[(PExp)node.GetArgs()[i]]; AALocalDecl formal = (AALocalDecl)implicitCandidates[0].GetFormals()[i]; PType formalType = formal.GetType(); if (formal.GetOut() != null && !Assignable(formalType, argType) || formal.GetRef() != null && !(Assignable(argType, formalType) && Assignable(formalType, argType)) || formal.GetOut() == null && formal.GetRef() == null && !Assignable(argType, formalType)) { PExp exp = (PExp)node.GetArgs()[i]; ACastExp cast = new ACastExp(new TLParen("("), Util.MakeClone(formalType, data), null); exp.ReplaceBy(cast); cast.SetExp(exp); OutACastExp(cast); } } } if (delegateCandidates.Count > 0) {//Target is a delegate invoke ADelegateInvokeExp replacer = new ADelegateInvokeExp(node.GetName(), baseExp, new ArrayList()); while (node.GetArgs().Count > 0) { replacer.GetArgs().Add(node.GetArgs()[0]); } data.ExpTypes[replacer] = delegateCandidates[0].GetReturnType(); node.ReplaceBy(replacer); return; } AMethodDecl candidate = candidates.Count == 1 ? candidates[0] : implicitCandidates[0]; if (baseExp == null) { //Replace with a simple invoke to it. ASimpleInvokeExp replacementInvoke = new ASimpleInvokeExp(node.GetName(), new ArrayList()); while (node.GetArgs().Count > 0) { replacementInvoke.GetArgs().Add(node.GetArgs()[0]); } data.SimpleMethodLinks[replacementInvoke] = candidate; data.ExpTypes[replacementInvoke] = candidate.GetReturnType(); node.ReplaceBy(replacementInvoke); CheckInvoke(replacementInvoke, candidate); return; } node.SetReceiver(baseExp); data.StructMethodLinks[node] = candidate; data.ExpTypes[node] = candidate.GetReturnType(); if (candidate.GetInline() != null) { AMethodDecl pMethod = Util.GetAncestor<AMethodDecl>(node); AConstructorDecl pConstructor = Util.GetAncestor<AConstructorDecl>(node); APropertyDecl pProperty = Util.GetAncestor<APropertyDecl>(node); if (pMethod == null && pConstructor == null && pProperty == null && !Util.HasAncestor<ADeconstructorDecl>(node)) { errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(node.GetName(), currentSourceFile, LocRM.GetString("ErrorText133"))); } else if (pMethod != null && !InlineMethodCalls[pMethod].Contains(candidate)) InlineMethodCalls[pMethod].Add(candidate); } base.OutANonstaticInvokeExp(node); }
public override void CaseANonstaticInvokeExp(ANonstaticInvokeExp node) { node.GetReceiver().Apply(this); node.GetDotType().Apply(this); Value += node.GetName().Text + "("; bool first = true; foreach (PExp arg in node.GetArgs()) { if (!first) Value += ", "; else first = false; arg.Apply(this); } Value += ")"; }