void tmrIdleTimer_Tick(GT.Timer timer) { tmrIdleTimer.Stop(); window.Background = new SolidColorBrush(GT.Color.Black); currentTime = timeMgr.UpdatedTime; window.Child = ViewManager.IdleTimeView; }
void keyboardIcona_TouchDown(object sender, Microsoft.SPOT.Input.TouchEventArgs e) { timer.Stop(); button.TurnLedOn(); button.ButtonPressed += button_ButtonPressed; HideButtons(); displayTE35.SimpleGraphics.DisplayImage(istrKey, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(2000); canvas.Children.Clear(); canvas.Children.Add(numericKey); canvas.Children.Add(username); Canvas.SetBottom(username, 15); Canvas.SetLeft(username, 0); canvas.Children.Add(usernameValue); Canvas.SetBottom(usernameValue, 15); Canvas.SetLeft(usernameValue, 80); canvas.Children.Add(pin); Canvas.SetBottom(pin, 15); Canvas.SetLeft(pin, 200); canvas.Children.Add(pinValue); Canvas.SetBottom(pinValue, 15); Canvas.SetLeft(pinValue, 235); numericKey.TouchDown += numericKey_TouchDown; }
/** * This method send periodic keep alive to server */ private void keepAlive(GT.Timer timer) { Debug.Print("Keep Alive !"); servertime += 35000; try { var data = proxy.keepAlive(new keepAlive() { myMacAddress = myMac, mycurrentTime = servertime, port = int.Parse(connectionInfo[1]), }); } catch (SocketException e) { if (timer_keepAlive.IsRunning) { timer_keepAlive.Stop(); } if (setupComplete) { if (!throw_allarm) { ThrowAllarm(); } } } }
void timeOutTimer_Tick(GT.Timer timer) //called when specified time has elapsed { if (timeOutTimer.IsRunning) { displayMessage("No response received within time", true); authInProgress = false; } timeOutTimer.Stop(); }
private void network_down(GTM.Module.NetworkModule sender, GTM.Module.NetworkModule.NetworkState state) { gestioneC.annullaConnessione(); timer.Stop(); ledStrip.TurnAllLedsOff(); ledStrip.TurnLedOn(5); ledStrip.TurnLedOn(6); //stampo a video un messaggio di errrore (Connessione assente!!!) }
private void GoToMenu(object sender) { lock (myLock)//per finire draw main e solo dopo andare a menu { timerMain.Tick -= DrawMainWindow; timerMain.Stop(); //Thread.Sleep(navigation_delay); DrawMenu(); return; } }
private void ThrowAllarm() { camera.StopStreaming(); throw_allarm = true; StopAllarm = false; timer_getimage.Stop(); Thread.Sleep(500); camera.StopStreaming(); buzzer.Start(); timer_allarm = new GT.Timer(300); timer_allarm.Tick += allarm_Tick; timer_allarm.Start(); }
private void resetAll(object sender) { lock (myLock)//altrimenti puo provare lanciare thread mentre tolgo handler { timerSend.Tick -= sendData; timerMain.Tick -= DrawMainWindow; timerRetryServer.Tick -= RetryServer; ResetNoAlarm.Tick -= ActivateAlarm; timerMain.Stop(); timerRetryServer.Stop(); timerSend.Stop(); ResetNoAlarm.Stop(); Mainboard.PostInit(); ShowConnectionWindow(); } }
void setTimerInterval(int newIntervalPosition) { intervalPosition = newIntervalPosition; TimeSpan interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, intervals[intervalPosition] * 1000); if (timer != null) { timer.Stop(); } else { timer = new GT.Timer(interval); timer.Tick += new GT.Timer.TickEventHandler(timer_Tick); } if (intervalPosition == 0) { DisplayMessage("Camera Off"); } else { timer.Interval = interval; timer.Start(); DisplayMessage("Interval Set to: " + intervals[intervalPosition] + " seconds"); } }
void hideMessage_Tick(GT.Timer timer) { timer.Stop(); label.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imageDisplay.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
void start(GT.Timer timer) { t.Stop(); if (!wifi_RS21.Interface.IsOpen) { wifi_RS21.Interface.Open(); } if (!wifi_RS21.Interface.NetworkInterface.IsDhcpEnabled) { wifi_RS21.Interface.NetworkInterface.EnableDhcp(); } // to use hold the network to connect to //GHI.Premium.Net.WiFiNetworkInfo[] info = null; wifi_RS21.NetworkDown += new GT.Modules.Module.NetworkModule.NetworkEventHandler(wifi_NetworkDown); wifi_RS21.NetworkUp += new GT.Modules.Module.NetworkModule.NetworkEventHandler(wifi_NetworkUp); wifi_RS21.Interface.NetworkAddressChanged += Interface_NetworkAddressChanged; wifi_RS21.UseDHCP(); GHI.Premium.Net.WiFiNetworkInfo[] info = null; info = wifi_RS21.Interface.Scan("AndroidNexus"); wifi_RS21.Interface.Join(info[0], "17533355k"); }
private void sendAuthRequest(string scannedRFID, GT.Picture capturedImage) { /* Code for sending rfid and picture to webserver */ if (ethernetJ11D.IsNetworkUp) { string jsonString = getJsonString(scannedRFID, capturedImage); //displayText("JSON string: " + jsonString); Debug.Print("JSON string: " + jsonString); displayText("Network up. Trying to send authentication request.."); POSTContent jsonContent = POSTContent.CreateTextBasedContent(jsonString); var req = HttpHelper.CreateHttpPostRequest(webserverUrl, jsonContent, "application/json"); //var req = HttpHelper.CreateHttpGetRequest(""); req.ResponseReceived += new HttpRequest.ResponseHandler(req_ResponseReceived); req.SendRequest(); displayText("Request sended!"); } else { string jsonString = getJsonString(scannedRFID, capturedImage); //displayText("JSON string: " + jsonString); displayText("Authentication failed because network is down"); } authInProgress = false; timeOutTimer.Stop(); }
public void t_Tick(GT.Timer timer) { timer.Stop(); update_hotspots(); connect_to_hotspot("oram_2.4Ghz", "theAardvarkDidIt"); get("http://oram.ca", req_ResponseReceived); }
public void StopSampling() { //TODO: Desactivar el LED infrarrojo y detener el muestreo del foto-transistor timer.Stop(); this.dig_out.Write(false); this.anag_in.IsActive = false; actual = false; }
private void Login_TouchDown(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { tmrObjectDetect.Stop(); tmrUpdateTime.Stop(); loginMenu.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; numberCanvas.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Debug.Print("Please Log In..."); }
void ethernetJ11D_NetworkDown(GTM.Module.NetworkModule sender, GTM.Module.NetworkModule.NetworkState state) { Debug.Print("Desconectado"); //texto.Text = "No Network"; timer.Stop(); btn_news.Enabled = false; btn_temperature.Enabled = false; }
// Relay Start Timer void RelayStartTimer_Tick(GT.Timer timer) { Relay.DisableRelay(2); Relay.DisableRelay(4); RelayStartTimer.Stop(); RelayStopTimer.Start(); }
public void StopSampling() { salida.Write(false); Debug.Print("Apagado"); timer.Stop(); //Estado = ESTADO.APAGADO; }
private void wakedt_Tick(Gadgeteer.Timer timer) { lock (_lock) { //_RIBar.Write(true); _wakedt.Stop(); } }
void start(GT.Timer timer) { Debug.Print("timer start"); t.Stop(); button.ButtonPressed += button_ButtonPressed; blueT.DeviceInquired += blueT_DeviceInquired; blueT.DataReceived += blueT_DataReceived; blueT.BluetoothStateChanged += blueT_BluetoothStateChanged; }
private void SpegniAllarme() { timer_allarm.Stop(); StopAllarm = true; buzzer.Frequency = 0.1; buzzer.Stop(); return; }
void touchScreen_TouchDown(object sender, Microsoft.SPOT.Input.TouchEventArgs e) { timer.Stop(); String str = "touch detected at: " + e.Touches[0].X + "x" + e.Touches[0].Y; Debug.Print(str); console.TextContent = str; timer.Start(); }
private void keepConnectionAliveTimerTick(GT.Timer timer) { if (!IsRegisteredToNetwork()) { timer.Stop(); this.displayFailedConnectToNetworkError(); GT.Timer networkConnectionTimer = new GT.Timer(NETWORK_CONNECTION_TICK_TIME); networkConnectionTimer.Tick += networkConnectionTimer_Tick; networkConnectionTimer.Start(); } }
private void DoorClosed(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state) { authorizedAccess = false; doorOpen = false; pinWindow.SetText("Door closed"); DebugOnly.Print("Door closed!"); // Stop timer unlockTimerRunning = false; unlockedTimer.Stop(); // Log if there is a pending error if (pendingUnlockError) { pendingUnlockError = false; DebugOnly.Print("Door finally closed"); DataHelper.AddLog(new Log(Log.TypeError, "Door finally closed")); } }
private void sendAuthRequest(string scannedRFID, GT.Picture capturedImage) { /* Code for sending rfid and picture to webserver */ if (true /*ethernetJ11D.IsNetworkUp*/) { string jsonString = getJsonString(scannedRFID, capturedImage); /*POSTContent jsonContent = POSTContent.CreateTextBasedContent(jsonString); * var req = HttpHelper.CreateHttpPostRequest(webserverUrl, jsonContent, "application/json"); * req.ResponseReceived += new HttpRequest.ResponseHandler(req_ResponseReceived); * req.SendRequest(); */ } else { Debug.Print("Authentication failed because network is down"); } authInProgress = false; timeOutTimer.Stop(); }
/** * This method is triggered when the button is pressed. */ private void button_ButtonPressed(GTM.GHIElectronics.Button sender, GTM.GHIElectronics.Button.ButtonState state) { Debug.Print("Button pressed!"); button.ButtonPressed -= button_ButtonPressed; streaming = false; camera.StopStreaming(); camera.StopStreaming(); timer_joystick.Stop(); WindowsManager.showWindowLoadingStatic(); Thread.Sleep(200); if (NetworkUp) { initServer(); } else { Debug.Print("Network_Down!!!"); WindowsManager.showWindowNetworkDown(); } }
// Network Up void wifi_RS21_NetworkUp(GTM.Module.NetworkModule sender, GTM.Module.NetworkModule.NetworkState state) { if (NetworkTimer.IsRunning == true) { NetworkTimer.Stop(); // IP = wifi_RS21.NetworkSettings.IPAddress; Debug.Print("Network Initialized. IP: " + IP); // Enable Sockets Communications EnableSockets(); } }
void button_ButtonPressed(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state) { if (!timerStarted) { dataReadTimer.Start(); timerStarted = true; } else { dataReadTimer.Stop(); timerStarted = false; } }
private void _glitchdt_Tick(Gadgeteer.Timer timer) { lock (_lock) { _glitchdt.Stop(); if (isAsleep != _isAsleepLastSent) { _isAsleepLastSent = isAsleep; OnPowerStateChangedEvent(this, _isAsleepLastSent); } } }
void timer_Tick(GT.Timer timer) { timer.Stop(); timer.Interval = _targetTelemetryInterval; OBDIIReader.OBDIIData obdiiData = null; if (this.OBDReader.InitializeObd()) { obdiiData = this.OBDReader.ReadObdIIData(); UpdateDisplay(obdiiData); } #if !MF_EMULATOR this.temperatureHumidity.RequestMeasurement(); #endif #if SB if (this.TimeHelper.UpdateTime()) { GetDeviceProvisioningInfo(); if (this.SBSender == null) { // TODO: Provision SB credentials properly this.SBSender = new AmqpSender(this, this.deviceInfo.baseUri, this.deviceInfo.keyName, this.deviceInfo.keyValue, this.deviceInfo.OutboxEntity); this.SBSender.StartSender(); #if !OrderedMessagingDemo if (this.SBReceiver == null) { // TODO Use the AMQP session and connection of the sender to minimize socket usage/SSL overhead on both client and service this.SBReceiver = new AmqpReceiver(this, this.deviceInfo.baseUri, this.deviceInfo.keyName, this.deviceInfo.keyValue, this.deviceInfo.InboxEntity, OnMessageCallback); //this.SBReceiver = new AmqpReceiver(this, this.SBSender, this.deviceInfo.InboxEntity, OnMessageCallback); this.SBReceiver.SenderForLatencies = this.SBSender; this.SBReceiver.DeviceIdForLatencies = this.deviceInfo.DeviceId.ToString(); this.SBReceiver.Start(); } #endif } else { SendOBDToSB(obdiiData); if (this._lastDeviceTemperatureHumidityTimestamp > DateTime.MinValue) { SendTemperatureToDB(this.deviceInfo.DeviceId, this._lastDeviceTemperatureHumidityTimestamp, this._lastDeviceTemperature, this._lastDeviceHumidity); } } } #endif timer.Start(); }
void continuousTimer_Tick(Timer timer) { if (!continuousMeasurement) { timer.Stop(); return; } RequestMeasurement(); }
private void TimerTick(Timer timer) { timer.Stop(); if (_imageDisplay.Background == null) { return; } _message.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _imageDisplay.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
Boolean coffeeMachineOn() { Debug.Print("Setting coffeeMachine ON"); // set state of the device coffeeMachineState = CoffeeMachineState.ON; // This is needed as the the command may come from orchestrator.js, end hence is run in different thread! //Program.BeginInvoke(new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate //{ onBtnBorder.Background = selectedONAndLoadedBackgroundBrush; offBtnBorder.Background = unselectedBackgroundBrush; loadedBtnBorder.Background = unselectedBackgroundBrush; timeUntilCoffeeReady = COFFEE_MAKE_TIME; timeUntilCoffeeReadyTimer = new GT.Timer(1000); timeUntilCoffeeReadyTimer.Tick += new GT.Timer.TickEventHandler((timer) => { if (timeUntilCoffeeReady == 0) timerText.TextContent = "coffee ready"; else timerText.TextContent = "" + timeUntilCoffeeReady; timeUntilCoffeeReady -= 1; if (timeUntilCoffeeReady < 0) { timeUntilCoffeeReadyTimer.Stop(); } }); timeUntilCoffeeReadyTimer.Start(); // the actual functionality coffeeRelay.TurnOff(); // return null; //}), ""); return true; }
private void ZombieTwitForm() { var tweets = new[]{ @"@zombieHunter Zombies are coming!" , @"@zombieHunter Zombies are getting closer!" , @"@zombieHunter THEY'RE HERE!!!" , @"@zombieHunter Send the Gadgets!!!" , @"@zombieHunter Tell my wife and kids..." , @"@zombieHunter ...I'll eat them later!" }; var frm = new Form("zombie twit"); // Add panel var pnl = new Skewworks.Tinkr.Controls.Panel("pnl1", 0, 0, 800, 480); pnl.BackgroundImage = Resources.GetBitmap(Resources.BitmapResources.Zombies); frm.AddControl(pnl); // Add the app bar. pnl.AddControl(BuildAppBar(frm.Name)); // Add a title. var title = new Label("lblTitle", "Zombie Twit", _fntHuge, frm.Width / 2 - 100, 50) { Color = Gadgeteer.Color.Yellow }; pnl.AddControl(title); // Add a listbox var lb = new Listbox("lb1", _fntArialBold11, frm.Width / 2 - 200, frm.Height / 2 - 100, 400, 200, null); pnl.AddControl(lb); TinkrCore.ActiveContainer = frm; byte lastTweet = 0; var timer = new GT.Timer(2000); timer.Tick += timer1 => { if(lastTweet >= tweets.Length) { timer.Stop(); return; } //lb.InsertAt(tweets[lastTweet++], 1); lb.AddItem(tweets[lastTweet++]); }; timer.Start(); }