/// <summary> /// Parses the response received from the server. /// </summary> protected override void UnpackResponse() { base.UnpackResponse(); // Create the streams we will be reading from. MemoryStream responseStream = new MemoryStream(m_responsePayload); BinaryReader responseReader = new BinaryReader(responseStream, Encoding.Unicode); // Check the response length. if (responseStream.Length < MinResponseMessageLength) { throw new MessageWrongSizeException("Get Game Cards"); } // Try to unpack the data. try { // Seek past return code. responseReader.BaseStream.Seek(sizeof(int), SeekOrigin.Begin); // Same Cards m_sameCards = responseReader.ReadBoolean(); // Consecutive Cards m_consecutiveCards = responseReader.ReadBoolean(); // Get the count of games. ushort gameCount = responseReader.ReadUInt16(); // Clear any existing games. m_games.Clear(); // Read all the game data. for (ushort currentGame = 0; currentGame < gameCount; currentGame++) { BingoGame game = new BingoGame(); // Game Number game.LinearNumber = responseReader.ReadInt32(); // Display Game Number game.DisplayNumber = responseReader.ReadInt32(); // Game Type Id game.Type = (GameType)responseReader.ReadInt32(); // Set whether this game has consecutive cards. game.ConsecutiveCards = m_consecutiveCards; // Get the count of card types. ushort cardTypeCount = responseReader.ReadUInt16(); for (ushort currentType = 0; currentType < cardTypeCount; currentType++) { // Card Type Id CardType cardType = (CardType)responseReader.ReadInt32(); // Rally DE2312 - Selling CBB cards returns an error. CardMedia mediaType = (CardMedia)responseReader.ReadInt32(); // Get the count of levels. ushort levelCount = responseReader.ReadUInt16(); for (ushort currentLevel = 0; currentLevel < levelCount; currentLevel++) { // Card Level Id int cardLevelId = responseReader.ReadInt32(); // Rally US505 CardLevel level = null; if (game.Type != GameType.CrystalBall && game.Type != GameType.PickYurPlatter) // Rally TA6385 { // Try to find the level in the array we have. if (m_levels == null || m_levels.Length == 0) { throw new ModuleException(Resources.UnknownCardLevel); } foreach (CardLevel lvl in m_levels) { if (lvl.Id == cardLevelId) { level = lvl; break; } } // Rally US229 & US505 if (level == null) { throw new ModuleException(Resources.UnknownCardLevel); } } // Get the count of cards. ushort cardCount = responseReader.ReadUInt16(); for (ushort currentCard = 0; currentCard < cardCount; currentCard++) { BingoCard card = null; // Rally TA5749 // First Card bool firstCard = responseReader.ReadBoolean(); // Card Number int cardNum = responseReader.ReadInt32(); // PDTS 1098 // Rally DE2312 // Create the card. card = BingoCardFactory.CreateBingoCard(game.Type, cardType, mediaType); card.Number = cardNum; card.Level = level; card.IsStartingCard = firstCard; // END: TA5749 // Rally US505 // Rally TA6385 if (m_getFaces || game.Type == GameType.CrystalBall || game.Type == GameType.PickYurPlatter) { // Rally US498 card.ParseFaceData(responseReader); } game.AddCard(card); } } } m_games.Add(game); } } catch (EndOfStreamException e) { throw new MessageWrongSizeException("Get Game Cards", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServerException("Get Game Cards", e); } // Close the streams. responseReader.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the response received from the server. /// </summary> protected override void UnpackResponse() { base.UnpackResponse(); // Create the streams we will be reading from. MemoryStream responseStream = new MemoryStream(m_responsePayload); BinaryReader responseReader = new BinaryReader(responseStream, Encoding.Unicode); // Try to unpack the data. try { // Seek past return code. responseReader.BaseStream.Seek(sizeof(int), SeekOrigin.Begin); // Get the count of levels. ushort levelCount = responseReader.ReadUInt16(); // Clear the level array. m_levels.Clear(); // Read all the levels. for (ushort x = 0; x < levelCount; x++) { CardLevel level = new CardLevel(); // Level Id level.Id = responseReader.ReadInt32(); // Color level.Color = Color.FromArgb(responseReader.ReadInt32()); // Multiplier ushort stringLen = responseReader.ReadUInt16(); string tempDec = new string(responseReader.ReadChars(stringLen)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempDec)) { level.Multiplier = decimal.Parse(tempDec, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } // Name stringLen = responseReader.ReadUInt16(); level.Name = new string(responseReader.ReadChars(stringLen)); // Rally US611 // Is Active level.IsActive = responseReader.ReadBoolean(); m_levels.Add(level); } } catch (EndOfStreamException e) { throw new MessageWrongSizeException("Get Card Level Data", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServerException("Get Card Level Data", e); } // Close the streams. responseReader.Close(); }