private void btnDosure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rtboxNote.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MsgBox.Show("工具使用备注不能为空!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } try { ComitDoControl(false); int bigzoneid = Convert.ToInt32(ClientCache.GetBigZoneGameID(_model.F_GameBigZone)); string bigzoneCFID = ClientCache.GetGameConfigID(_model.F_GameBigZone); int zoneid = Convert.ToInt32(ClientCache.GetZoneGameID(bigzoneCFID, _model.F_GameZone)); string sql = string.Format("update OPENQUERY ([LKSV] ,'select * from T_Role_Base where F_ID={0} and F_UserID={1}') set F_DepotPass='******'", _model.F_GRoleID, _model.F_GUserID); GSSBLL.Tasks bll = ClientRemoting.Tasks(); int result = bll.GSSTool_CustomExec(bigzoneid, zoneid, 6, sql); string info = ""; if (result != 0) { info = "操作执行成功"; } else { info = "此角色已经不存在"; } GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); task.F_ID = _model.F_ID; task.F_EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_TToolUsed = true; task.F_TUseData = string.Format("角色二级密码清空工具 \n{0} \n{1}", lblUR.Text, info); task.F_Note = rtboxNote.Text; _isToolUsed = true; bll.Edit(task); MsgBox.Show(info, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result != 0) { this.Close(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { ShareData.Log.Warn(ex); MsgBox.Show(ex.Message, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } finally { ComitDoControl(true); } }
private void btnDosure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rtboxNote.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MsgBox.Show("工具使用备注不能为空!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } try { ComitDoControl(false); int userid = Convert.ToInt32(_model.F_GUserID); if (userid.ToString().Length == 0) { MsgBox.Show("用户都不能为空!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } GSSServerLibrary.ServerRemoteLib remote = ClientRemoting.ServerRemoteLib(); string resultStr = remote.UserRoleClearOnline("寻龙记", _model.F_GameBigZone, userid); GSSBLL.Tasks bll = ClientRemoting.Tasks(); GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); task.F_ID = _model.F_ID; task.F_EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_TToolUsed = true; task.F_TUseData = string.Format("帐号/角色清除在线状态工具 \n{0} \n{1}", lblUR.Text, resultStr); task.F_Note = rtboxNote.Text; _isToolUsed = true; bll.Edit(task); MsgBox.Show(resultStr, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (resultStr.IndexOf("成功") != -1) { this.Close(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { ShareData.Log.Warn(ex); MsgBox.Show(ex.Message, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } finally { ComitDoControl(true); } }
public DataSet GSSMSGList(string roleid) { if (!VerifyRemoteServiceIP(GetIP4Address())) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return(null); } roleid = roleid.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); if (!CheckQuerySql(roleid)) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求(PARAMETER) ,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return(null); } try { DbHelperSQLP sp = new DbHelperSQLP(); sp.connectionString = ConnStrGSSDB; GSSServerLibrary.DBHandle db = new GSSServerLibrary.DBHandle(ConnStrGSSDB); DataSet ds = db.GetTaskLog(" and F_Rowtype=6 and F_OCanRestor is null and F_Note is not null and F_ID in (select F_ID from T_Tasks with(nolock) where F_GRoleID=" + roleid + " and F_Type=20000216)", sp); try { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["F_EditMan"].ToString().Length != 0 && dr["F_OCanRestor"].ToString() == "") { GSSModel.Tasks model = new GSSModel.Tasks(); model.F_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["F_ID"]); model.F_OCanRestor = true; db.EditTaskLog(model, sp); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { } return(ds); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log.Warn("执行了GSSTaskAdd,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + "", ex); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 窗口之间消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="m"></param> protected override void DefWndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m) { switch (m.Msg) { case 601: this.Activate(); if (_taskid == null || _taskid.Trim().Length == 0) { ComitDoControl(true); return; } string msg = ShareData.Msg[m.WParam.ToInt32()].ToString(); //分为两段,FORM编号+返回结果(字符串:true或错误结果) GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); task.F_ID = int.Parse(_taskid); task.F_EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_TToolUsed = true; task.F_TUseData = "解封工具-" + (_LockUorR == 1 ? "帐号解封" : "角色解封") + "\n" + lblUR.Text + "\n"; task.F_Note = rtboxNote.Text; _isToolUsed = true; if (msg == "true") { task.F_TUseData += " 解封成功!"; _clihandle.EditTaskNoReturn(task); MsgBox.Show(string.Format(LanguageResource.Language.Tip_UnlockSuccFormat, lblUR.Text), LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } else { task.F_TUseData += " 解封失败!" + msg; MsgBox.Show(string.Format(LanguageResource.Language.Tip_UnlockFailureFormat, lblUR.Text) + msg, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); _clihandle.EditTaskNoReturn(task); ComitDoControl(true); } base.DefWndProc(ref m); break; default: base.DefWndProc(ref m); break; } }
private void btnDosure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //MsgBox.Show("功能完善中,暂停使用!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); //return; if (rtboxNote.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MsgBox.Show("工具使用备注不能为空!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } try { ComitDoControl(false); string newRoleName = tboxNewRoleName.Text.Trim(); int userid = Convert.ToInt32(_model.F_GUserID); int roleid = Convert.ToInt32(_model.F_GRoleID); if (userid.ToString().Length == 0 || roleid.ToString().Length == 0) { MsgBox.Show("用户和角色都不能为空!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (newRoleName.Length < 2 || newRoleName.Length > 7) { MsgBox.Show("新的角色名不能小于2位,大于7位!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } GSSServerLibrary.ServerRemoteLib remote = ClientRemoting.ServerRemoteLib(); string resultStr = remote.RoleNameChange("寻龙记", _model.F_GameBigZone, userid, roleid, _model.F_GRoleName, newRoleName); GSSBLL.Tasks bll = ClientRemoting.Tasks(); GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); task.F_ID = _model.F_ID; task.F_EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_TToolUsed = true; task.F_TUseData = string.Format("角色改名工具 \n{0} \n新名:{1} \n{2}", lblUR.Text, newRoleName, resultStr); task.F_Note = rtboxNote.Text; _isToolUsed = true; bll.Edit(task); MsgBox.Show(resultStr, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (resultStr.IndexOf("成功") != -1) { this.Close(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { ShareData.Log.Warn(ex); MsgBox.Show(ex.Message, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } finally { ComitDoControl(true); } }
public string GSSTaskAdd(string type, string note, string qq, string mobile, string gdata, string file) { if (!VerifyRemoteServiceIP(GetIP4Address())) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("非法请求,将拒绝对此请求提供服务"); } type = type.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); note = note.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); qq = qq.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); mobile = mobile.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); gdata = gdata.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); file = file.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); if (!CheckQuerySql(note) || !CheckQuerySql(type) || !CheckQuerySql(qq) || !CheckQuerySql(mobile) || !CheckQuerySql(gdata) | !CheckQuerySql(file)) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求(PARAMETER) ,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("非法请求,将拒绝对此请求提供服务(PARAMETER)"); } try { GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); string[] ps = gdata.Split('|'); task.F_GameName = 1000; //task.F_GameBigZone = ps[6]; task.F_GameBigZone = "第一大区"; task.F_GameZone = ps[8]; task.F_GUserID = ps[3]; task.F_GUserName = ps[4]; task.F_GRoleID = ps[1]; task.F_GRoleName = ps[2]; task.F_URInfo = string.Format("用户编号:{0} 用户名称:{1} 角色编号:{2} 角色名称:{3} 大区名称:{4} 战区名称:{5} 战线:{6}\r\n--来自游戏内嵌反馈系统", task.F_GUserID, task.F_GUserName, task.F_GRoleID, task.F_GRoleName, task.F_GameBigZone, task.F_GameZone, ps[10]); task.F_Note = "\n--- 来自游戏内嵌反馈系统\n 玩家联系方式\n 【QQ:" + qq + "】\n 【手机:" + mobile + "】\n"; task.F_Note += note; task.F_Telphone = mobile; if (ps.Length == 12) { string gamedateStr = ps[11]; task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【游戏数据】" + gamedateStr; task.F_Note += "\r\n【游戏数据】" + gamedateStr; if (gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:") >= 0) { string gip = gamedateStr.Substring(gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:"), gamedateStr.Length - gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:")).Replace("ClientIP:", ""); string uaddress = GetIPLocation(gip); task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; task.F_Note += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; } } else if (ps.Length == 11)//游戏版本发出后删除此判断 { string gamedateStr = ps[10]; if (gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:") >= 0) { string gip = gamedateStr.Substring(gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:"), gamedateStr.Length - gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:")).Replace("ClientIP:", ""); task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【游戏数据】ClientIP:" + gip; task.F_Note += "\r\n【游戏数据】ClientIP:" + gip; string uaddress = GetIPLocation(gip); task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; task.F_Note += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; } } task.F_CreatTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_LimitTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_From = 100103103; task.F_LimitType = 100104107; task.F_OLastLoginTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); task.F_Rowtype = 0; task.F_State = 100100100; task.F_Type = Convert.ToInt32(type); task.F_VipLevel = 100105003; task.F_Title = "来自游戏内嵌反馈系统"; if (file.Trim().Length > 0) { WebClient mywebclient = new WebClient(); string downfilepath = file; string savepath = downfilepath.Replace("http://", ""); savepath = savepath.Substring(savepath.IndexOf('/')); string savepathp = savepath.Replace(savepath.Substring(savepath.LastIndexOf("/")), "") + "/"; // string picurl = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host + ":" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port + savepath; FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("." + savepathp)); if (!finfo.Directory.Exists) { finfo.Directory.Create(); } mywebclient.DownloadFile(downfilepath, Server.MapPath("." + savepath)); // task.F_TToolUsed = true; task.F_TUseData = savepath; } DbHelperSQLP sp = new DbHelperSQLP(); sp.connectionString = ConnStrGSSDB; int result = AddTask(task, sp); if (result == 0) { Log.Info("执行了GSSTaskAdd,保存失败,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("保存失败,数据ERROR"); } else { return("0"); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log.Warn("执行了GSSTaskAdd,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + "", ex); return("执行异常GSSWebService" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 增加工单 /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int AddTask(GSSModel.Tasks model, DbHelperSQLP sp) { int rowsAffected = 0; SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@F_Title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30), new SqlParameter("@F_Note", SqlDbType.VarChar), new SqlParameter("@F_From", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_VipLevel", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_LimitType", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_LimitTime", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@F_Type", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_State", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_GameName", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_GameBigZone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_GameZone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_GUserID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_GUserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_GRoleID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_GRoleName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_Telphone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_GPeopleName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16), new SqlParameter("@F_DutyMan", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_PreDutyMan", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_CreatMan", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_CreatTime", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@F_EditMan", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@F_EditTime", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@F_URInfo", SqlDbType.VarChar), new SqlParameter("@F_Rowtype", SqlDbType.TinyInt, 1), new SqlParameter("@F_CUserName", SqlDbType.Bit, 1), new SqlParameter("@F_CPSWProtect", SqlDbType.Bit, 1), new SqlParameter("@F_CPersonID", SqlDbType.Bit, 1), new SqlParameter("@F_COther", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500), new SqlParameter("@F_OLastLoginTime", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@F_OCanRestor", SqlDbType.Bit, 1), new SqlParameter("@F_OAlwaysPlace", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@F_TToolUsed", SqlDbType.Bit, 1), new SqlParameter("@F_TUseData", SqlDbType.VarChar), new SqlParameter("@F_ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = model.F_Title; parameters[1].Value = model.F_Note; parameters[2].Value = model.F_From; parameters[3].Value = model.F_VipLevel; parameters[4].Value = model.F_LimitType; parameters[5].Value = model.F_LimitTime; parameters[6].Value = model.F_Type; parameters[7].Value = model.F_State; parameters[8].Value = model.F_GameName; parameters[9].Value = model.F_GameBigZone; parameters[10].Value = model.F_GameZone; parameters[11].Value = model.F_GUserID; parameters[12].Value = model.F_GUserName; parameters[13].Value = model.F_GRoleID; parameters[14].Value = model.F_GRoleName; parameters[15].Value = model.F_Telphone; parameters[16].Value = model.F_GPeopleName; parameters[17].Value = model.F_DutyMan; parameters[18].Value = model.F_PreDutyMan; parameters[19].Value = model.F_CreatMan; parameters[20].Value = model.F_CreatTime; parameters[21].Value = model.F_EditMan; parameters[22].Value = model.F_EditTime; parameters[23].Value = model.F_URInfo; parameters[24].Value = model.F_Rowtype; parameters[25].Value = model.F_CUserName; parameters[26].Value = model.F_CPSWProtect; parameters[27].Value = model.F_CPersonID; parameters[28].Value = model.F_COther; parameters[29].Value = model.F_OLastLoginTime; parameters[30].Value = model.F_OCanRestor; parameters[31].Value = model.F_OAlwaysPlace; parameters[32].Value = model.F_TToolUsed; parameters[33].Value = model.F_TUseData; parameters[34].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; try { sp.RunProcedure("GSS_Tasks_ADD", parameters, out rowsAffected); int id = (int)parameters[34].Value; return(id); } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(0); } }
public string GSSMSGAdd(string note, string gdata) { if (!VerifyRemoteServiceIP(GetIP4Address())) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("非法请求,将拒绝对此请求提供服务"); } note = note.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); gdata = gdata.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); if (!CheckQuerySql(note) || !CheckQuerySql(gdata)) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求(PARAMETER) ,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("非法请求,将拒绝对此请求提供服务(PARAMETER)"); } try { GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); string[] ps = gdata.Split('|'); //task.F_GameBigZone = ps[6]; task.F_GameBigZone = "第一大区"; task.F_GameZone = ps[8]; task.F_GUserID = ps[3]; task.F_GUserName = ps[4]; task.F_GRoleID = ps[1]; task.F_GRoleName = ps[2]; task.F_GameName = 1000; task.F_CreatTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_LimitTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_From = 100103103; task.F_LimitType = 100104107; task.F_OLastLoginTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); task.F_Rowtype = 6;//聊天 task.F_State = 100100100; task.F_Type = 20000216; task.F_VipLevel = 100105003; task.F_Title = "来自游戏内嵌反馈系统【在线咨询】"; task.F_TToolUsed = null; task.F_OCanRestor = true; DbHelperSQLP sp = new DbHelperSQLP(); sp.connectionString = ConnStrGSSDB; GSSServerLibrary.DBHandle db = new GSSServerLibrary.DBHandle(ConnStrGSSDB); DataSet ds = db.GetTask(" and F_Type=" + task.F_Type + " and F_GUserID=" + task.F_GUserID + " and F_GRoleID=" + task.F_GRoleID + "", sp); if (ds == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { task.F_Note = note + "\n--来自游戏内嵌反馈系统【在线咨询】"; task.F_URInfo = string.Format("用户编号:{0} 用户名称:{1} 角色编号:{2} 角色名称:{3} 大区名称:{4} 战区名称:{5} 战线:{6}\r\n--来自游戏内嵌反馈系统【在线咨询】", task.F_GUserID, task.F_GUserName, task.F_GRoleID, task.F_GRoleName, task.F_GameBigZone, task.F_GameZone, ps[10]); if (ps.Length == 12) { string gamedateStr = ps[11]; task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【游戏数据】" + gamedateStr; // task.F_Note += "\r\n【游戏数据】" + gamedateStr; if (gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:") >= 0) { string gip = gamedateStr.Substring(gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:"), gamedateStr.Length - gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:")).Replace("ClientIP:", ""); string uaddress = GetIPLocation(gip); task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; // task.F_Note += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; } } int result = db.AddTask(task, sp); if (result == 0) { Log.Info("执行了GSSTaskAdd,保存失败,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("保存失败,数据ERROR"); } else { return("0"); } } else { task.F_Note = note; task.F_GameBigZone = null; task.F_GameZone = null; task.F_GUserID = null; task.F_GUserName = null; task.F_GRoleID = null; task.F_GRoleName = null; task.F_GameName = null; task.F_CreatTime = null; task.F_LimitTime = null; task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_From = null; task.F_LimitType = null; task.F_OLastLoginTime = null; task.F_State = null; task.F_Type = null; task.F_VipLevel = null; task.F_Title = null; task.F_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["F_ID"]); int result = db.EditTask(task, sp); if (result == 0) { Log.Info("执行了GSSTaskAdd,保存失败,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("保存失败,数据ERROR"); } else { return("0"); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log.Warn("执行了GSSTaskAdd,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + "", ex); return("执行异常GSSWebService" + ex.Message); } }
public string GSSTaskAddRequst(string gdata, string answer) { if (!VerifyRemoteServiceIP(GetIP4Address())) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("非法请求,将拒绝对此请求提供服务"); } gdata = gdata.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); answer = answer.Replace("'", "’").Replace(",", ","); if (!CheckQuerySql(answer) || !CheckQuerySql(gdata)) { Log.Info("GSSTaskAdd,非法请求(PARAMETER) ,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("非法请求,将拒绝对此请求提供服务(PARAMETER)"); } try { GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); string[] ps = gdata.Split('|'); task.F_GameName = 1000; //task.F_GameBigZone = ps[6]; task.F_GameBigZone = "第一大区"; task.F_GameZone = ps[8]; task.F_GUserID = ps[3]; task.F_GUserName = ps[4]; task.F_GRoleID = ps[1]; task.F_GRoleName = ps[2]; if (IsHaveSubRequest(task.F_GUserID) && task.F_GUserName.Trim() != "100077") { return("您已经提交过调查问卷! "); } task.F_URInfo = string.Format("用户编号:{0} 用户名称:{1} 角色编号:{2} 角色名称:{3} 大区名称:{4} 战区名称:{5} 战线:{6}\r\n--来自游戏内嵌反馈系统", task.F_GUserID, task.F_GUserName, task.F_GRoleID, task.F_GRoleName, task.F_GameBigZone, task.F_GameZone, ps[10]); task.F_Type = 20000215; task.F_Note = "+\r\n --来自游戏内嵌反馈系统【调查问卷】"; task.F_COther = "1"; task.F_TUseData = answer; string[] items = answer.Split('|'); //foreach (String item in items) //{ // task.F_Note += "\n"+GetAnswerItemKey(item); //} for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { task.F_Note += "\n#" + (i + 1).ToString() + "." + GetAnswerItemKey(items[i]) + ""; } if (ps.Length == 12) { string gamedateStr = ps[11]; task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【游戏数据】" + gamedateStr; task.F_Note += "\r\n【游戏数据】" + gamedateStr; if (gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:") >= 0) { string gip = gamedateStr.Substring(gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:"), gamedateStr.Length - gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:")).Replace("ClientIP:", ""); string uaddress = GetIPLocation(gip); task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; task.F_Note += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; } } else if (ps.Length == 11)//游戏版本发出后删除此判断 { string gamedateStr = ps[10]; if (gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:") >= 0) { string gip = gamedateStr.Substring(gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:"), gamedateStr.Length - gamedateStr.IndexOf("ClientIP:")).Replace("ClientIP:", ""); task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【游戏数据】ClientIP:" + gip; task.F_Note += "\r\n【游戏数据】ClientIP:" + gip; string uaddress = GetIPLocation(gip); task.F_URInfo += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; task.F_Note += "\r\n【玩家地址】" + uaddress; } } task.F_CreatTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_LimitTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_From = 100103103; task.F_LimitType = 100104107; task.F_OLastLoginTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); task.F_Rowtype = 0; task.F_State = 100100107;//直接完成工单 task.F_VipLevel = 100105003; task.F_Title = "来自游戏内嵌反馈系统【调查问卷】"; DbHelperSQLP sp = new DbHelperSQLP(); sp.connectionString = ConnStrGSSDB; int result = AddTask(task, sp); if (result == 0) { Log.Info("执行了GSSTaskAddRequst,保存失败,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + ""); return("保存失败,数据ERROR"); } else { string resulta = GiftUserAdd(task.F_GameBigZone, task.F_GUserID, "-1", "-1", "530114", "1", "问卷调查自动发奖 工单编号:" + result + ""); Log.Info("添加用户奖品,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + " 结果" + resulta + ""); if (resulta != "true") { return("问卷调查保存成功,但发奖出错(" + resulta + ")"); } return("0"); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log.Warn("执行了GSSTaskAddRequst,请求IP:" + GetIP4Address() + "", ex); return("执行异常GSSWebService" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 提交工单 /// </summary> private void CommitTask() { string Title = tboxTitle.Text.Trim(); string gpeoplename = tboxCreator.Text.Trim(); string telephone = tboxTelephone.Text.Trim(); string Note = rboxNote.Text.Trim(); int From = SystemConfig.AppID;//客服中心 int VipLevel = int.Parse(cboxVIP.SelectedValue.ToString()); DateTime?LimitTime = GetLimitTime(); int LimitType = int.Parse(cboxLimitTime.SelectedValue.ToString()); int? Type = _tasktype; //帐号封停工单 int State = 100100102; //处理中 int GameName = SystemConfig.GameID; //寻龙记 int? DutyMan = Convert.ToInt32(ShareData.UserID); int? PreDutyMan = null; int CreatMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); DateTime CreatTime = DateTime.Now; int EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); DateTime EditTime = DateTime.Now; string bigzonename = ddlGBigzone.SelectedValue.ToString(); int Rowtype = 0; //string ReceivArea = GetTreeValue(); string strErr = ""; if (Title.Length == 0) { strErr += "工单标题不能为空!\n"; } if (gpeoplename.Length == 0) { strErr += LanguageResource.Language.LblInitiatorNameIsRequire + "!\n"; } if (telephone.Trim().Length < 6) { strErr += LanguageResource.Language.LblTelFormIsError + "!\n"; } if (Note.Trim().Length == 0) { strErr += LanguageResource.Language.Tip_RemarkNoEmpty + "!\n"; } if (DGVGameUser.Rows.Count == 0) { strErr += LanguageResource.Language.Tip_GameUseNotIsRequire + "!\n"; } if (strErr != "") { MsgBox.Show(strErr, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } ComitDoControl(false); try { GSSBLL.Tasks bll = ClientRemoting.Tasks(); if (tboxInfo.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in DGVGameUser.Rows) { string userid = dr.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string username = dr.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string result = bll.GSSTool_SetUserLock(userid, username, "0", cboxTime.SelectedValue.ToString()); tboxInfo.Text += string.Format(" {0},{1},{2}\n", userid, username, result); tboxInfo.ScrollToCaret(); } } GSSModel.Tasks model = new GSSModel.Tasks(); model.F_Title = Title; model.F_GPeopleName = gpeoplename; model.F_Telphone = telephone; model.F_Note = Note; model.F_From = From; model.F_VipLevel = VipLevel; model.F_LimitType = LimitType; model.F_LimitTime = LimitTime; model.F_Type = Type; model.F_State = State; model.F_GameName = GameName; model.F_DutyMan = DutyMan; model.F_PreDutyMan = PreDutyMan; model.F_CreatMan = CreatMan; model.F_CreatTime = CreatTime; model.F_EditMan = EditMan; model.F_EditTime = EditTime; model.F_GameBigZone = bigzonename; model.F_COther = ""; model.F_Rowtype = 0; model.F_GUserID = "0"; model.F_GUserName = "******"; // model.F_URInfo = tboxInfo.Text; model.F_Note = Note + "\n用户列表:\n" + tboxInfo.Text; if (bll.AddP(model) > 0) { MsgBox.Show("工单执行并保存成功", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } else { MsgBox.Show("工单保存失败", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("错误:" + ex.Message, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } ComitDoControl(true); }
/// <summary> /// 处理接收到的请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="Client"></param> /// <param name="recevStr"></param> public void DoRequest(Session Client, MsgStruts msg) { if (Client == null || msg == null || Client.TypeOfExit != Session.ExitType.NoExit) { ShareData.Log.Info(msg.command + "未返回数据"); return; } string msgStr; DataSet ds; string backStr; string[] msgs; MsgStruts callBack = new MsgStruts() { msgsendstate = msgSendState.single, msgtype = msgType.SendText }; ClientData fromClientData; try { string.Format("command->" + msg.command).Logger(); switch (msg.command) { case msgCommand.GetLogin: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); msgs = msgStr.Split('|'); if (msgs.Length != 3) { backStr = "false"; } else { backStr = dbhandle.Login(msgs[0], msgs[1], msgs[2]); } msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GetCache: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); ds = dbhandle.GetCache(); msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetDataSetSurrogateZipBYtes(ds); // ShareData.Log.Warn(msg.Data); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); // _tcpsvr.SendDataContainerBuffer(Client, msg);//cache data to the client will change to some package System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); ((Session)TcpSvr.SessionTable[Client.ID]).UserID = msgStr; SendAlertNum(Client); break; case msgCommand.GetAlertNum: System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); SendAlertNum(); break; case msgCommand.GetAllTasks: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); msgStr.Logger(); ds = dbhandle.GetTask(msgStr, msg.MsgParam.p1, msg.MsgParam.p2, Convert.ToInt16(msg.MsgParam.p3), Convert.ToInt16(msg.MsgParam.p4)); WebServiceLib.DataSetRowsLog(ds, "Service query cmd:" + msgCommand.GetAllTasks); msg.MsgParam.p6 = dbhandle.GetTaskCount(msgStr).ToString(); msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetDataSetSurrogateZipBYtes(ds); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); //dbhandle.SysLog(((Session)TcpSvr.SessionTable[Client.ID]).UserID, "工单列表", msgStr); break; case msgCommand.GetTaskLog: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); ds = dbhandle.GetTaskLog(msgStr); msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetDataSetSurrogateZipBYtes(ds); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GetGameUsersC: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); "GetGameUsersC".Logger(); msgStr.Logger(); ds = WebServiceLib.GetGameUsersC(msgStr); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { string.Format("Service Query game user number:[{0}]", ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count).Logger(); } else { string.Format("Service Query game user number:[{0}]", 0).Logger(); } msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetDataSetSurrogateZipBYtes(ds); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GetGameRolesC: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); "GetGameRoleC".Logger(); msgStr.Logger(); ds = WebServiceLib.GetGameRoleC(msgStr); WebServiceLib.DataSetRowsLog(ds, typeof(ServerHandle).Name + "." + msgCommand.GetGameRolesC); if (ds != null) { msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetDataSetSurrogateZipBYtes(ds); } _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GetGameRolesCR: msgCommand.GetGameRolesCR.ToString().Logger(); msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); ("Query where:" + msgStr).Logger(); ds = WebServiceLib.GetGameRoleCRALL(msgStr); WebServiceLib.DataSetRowsLog(ds, msgCommand.GetGameRolesCR + " Totla"); msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetDataSetSurrogateZipBYtes(ds); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.AddTask: GSSModel.Tasks task = (GSSModel.Tasks)DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); int id = dbhandle.AddTask(task); if (task.F_Type.ToString() == "2203") { backStr = WebServiceLib.DisChatAdd(task); } else if (task.F_Type.ToString() == "2213") { backStr = WebServiceLib.DisChatDel(task); } msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(id.ToString()); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); SendAlertNum(); break; case msgCommand.EditTask: task = (GSSModel.Tasks)DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); id = dbhandle.EditTask(task); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(id.ToString()); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); SendAlertNum(); break; case msgCommand.EditTaskNoReturn: task = (GSSModel.Tasks)DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); id = dbhandle.EditTask(task); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(id.ToString()); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.EditTaskLog: task = (GSSModel.Tasks)DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); id = dbhandle.EditTaskLog(task); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(id.ToString()); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); SendAlertNum(); break; case msgCommand.ExcSql: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); string[] formsql = msgStr.Split('|'); //分为两段,执行SQL语句的窗口ID和语句 int rowcount = dbhandle.ExeSql(formsql[1]); backStr = formsql[0] + "|" + rowcount; msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.ExcPro: msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); string[] pformsql = msgStr.Split('|');////格式 窗口ID+存储过程+参数 string proname = pformsql[1]; SqlParameter[] param = DataSerialize.GetSqlParameterFromString(pformsql[2]); break; case msgCommand.GameLockUR: //格式 窗口ID+封停用户还是角色+工单编号+封停时间 msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); msgs = GetParam(msgStr); string formid = msgs[0]; string doStr = WebServiceLib.URlock(msgs[1], msgs[2], msgs[3]); backStr = formid + "|" + doStr; msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GameNoLockUR: //格式 窗口ID+封停用户还是角色+工单编号 msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); msgs = GetParam(msgStr); formid = msgs[0]; doStr = WebServiceLib.URNolock(msgs[1], msgs[2]); backStr = formid + "|" + doStr; msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GameUserUse: //格式 窗口ID+工单编号 msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); msgs = GetParam(msgStr); formid = msgs[0]; doStr = WebServiceLib.GameUserUse(msgs[1], msgs[2]); backStr = formid + "|" + doStr; msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GameUserNoUse: //格式 窗口ID+工单编号 msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); msgs = GetParam(msgStr); formid = msgs[0]; doStr = WebServiceLib.GameUserNoUse(msgs[1]); backStr = formid + "|" + doStr; msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GameResetChildInfo: //格式 窗口ID+工单编号 msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); msgs = GetParam(msgStr); formid = msgs[0]; doStr = WebServiceLib.GameResetChildInfo(msgs[1]); backStr = formid + "|" + doStr; msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GameNoticeStart: backStr = WebServiceLib.GameNoticeStart(msg.MsgParam.p0); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GameNoticeStop: backStr = WebServiceLib.GameNoticeStop(msg.MsgParam.p0); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.DeleteFullServiceEmail: backStr = WebServiceLib.DeleteFullServiceEmail(msg.MsgParam.p0); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.GameGiftAwardDo: backStr = WebServiceLib.GameGiftAwardDo(msg.MsgParam.p0); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(backStr); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.QuerySynGSLog: msg.Data = WebServiceLib.QuerySynGSLog(msg.MsgParam.p0, msg.MsgParam.p1); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.QueryLiveGSLog: msg.Data = WebServiceLib.QueryLiveGSLog(msg.MsgParam.p0, msg.MsgParam.p1); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.DownloadTemplateFile: //下载模本文件 object obj = DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); GSSModel.TemplateFile tem = obj as GSSModel.TemplateFile; System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter(); //二进制序列化类 if (tem != null) { msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Resources\\Template\\"; string file = path + tem.SystemLang + "\\" + tem.TemplateName; if (!File.Exists(file)) { msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.None; bf.Serialize(ms, string.Format(LanguageResource.Language.Tip_ServiceLackTemplateFormat, tem.TemplateName)); //将消息类转换为内存流 msg.Data = ms.ToArray(); } else { FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] bb = new byte[1024]; List <byte> stream = new List <byte>(); int len = fs.Read(bb, 0, bb.Length); stream.AddRange(bb); while (len > 0) { len = fs.Read(bb, 0, bb.Length); stream.AddRange(bb); } msg.Data = stream.ToArray(); fs.Close(); msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.single; } } else { msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.None; bf.Serialize(ms, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_ClientRequestLack); } _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); break; case msgCommand.AddLoginAward: object data = DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); GSSModel.Request.ClientData client = data as GSSModel.Request.ClientData; GSSModel.Request.LoginAwardTask at = client.Data as GSSModel.Request.LoginAwardTask; msg.Data = null; client.Data = null; string message = ""; if (at.Task.F_Type.ToString() == "20000215") { message = dbhandle.AddLoginAward(at); } else if (at.Task.F_Type.ToString() == "20000217") { message = dbhandle.AddFullServiceEmail(at); } if (message != true.ToString()) { ShareData.Log.Error(message); } else { client.Success = true; } msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetByteFromObject(client);; msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.single; _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); SendAlertNum(Client); break; case msgCommand.AddFullServiceEmail: object objData = DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); GSSModel.Request.ClientData clientData = objData as GSSModel.Request.ClientData; GSSModel.Request.LoginAwardTask atl = clientData.Data as GSSModel.Request.LoginAwardTask; msg.Data = null; clientData.Data = null; string strMessage = dbhandle.AddFullServiceEmail(atl); if (strMessage != true.ToString()) { ShareData.Log.Error(strMessage); } else { clientData.Success = true; } msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetByteFromObject(clientData);; msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.single; _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); SendAlertNum(Client); break; case msgCommand.GameRoleRecovery: object d = DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); ClientData cd = d as ClientData; object[] arr = cd.Data as object[]; GSSModel.Tasks tsk = arr[0] as GSSModel.Tasks; id = dbhandle.AddTask(tsk); if (id < 1) { //创建工单失败 msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(cd.FormID + "|" + "-1|" + LanguageResource.Language.Tip_CreateWorkOrderFailure); msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.single; _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); return; } RoleData role = arr[1] as RoleData; string code = WebServiceLib.RecoveryRoleWithRollBack(role); if (code != true.ToString()) { System.Resources.ResourceManager rm = LanguageResource.Language.ResourceManager; string info = rm.GetString("Tip_RecoveryRoleStatue_" + code); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info)) { info = code; } msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(cd.FormID + "|" + id + "|" + info); msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.single; _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); return; } else { msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes(cd.FormID + "|" + id + "|" + true.ToString()); msg.msgsendstate = msgSendState.single; _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); } SendAlertNum(Client); break; case msgCommand.SendEmailToRoles: d = DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); GSSModel.Request.ClientData clientdata = d as GSSModel.Request.ClientData; GSSModel.SendEmailToRole email = clientdata.Data as GSSModel.SendEmailToRole; //通过调用接口进行数据传输 clientdata.Message = WebServiceLib.SetRolesEmail(email); clientdata.Data = null; MsgStruts reback = new MsgStruts() { command = msgCommand.SendEmailToRoles, msgsendstate = msgSendState.single }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientdata.Message)) { clientdata.Success = true; } reback.Data = DataSerialize.GetByteFromObject(clientdata); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, reback); SendAlertNum(Client); break; case msgCommand.ActiveFallGoods: d = DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); GSSModel.Request.ClientData request = d as GSSModel.Request.ClientData; GSSModel.Request.ActiveFallGoodsData fall = request.Data as GSSModel.Request.ActiveFallGoodsData; request.Data = null; request.Message = WebServiceLib.AddActiveFallConfig(fall); request.Success = true; callBack.command = msgCommand.ActiveFallGoods; callBack.Data = DataSerialize.GetByteFromObject(request); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, callBack); SendAlertNum(Client); break; case msgCommand.CreateTaskContainerLogic: //这是对于工单数据流程优化新增的传递方式 string.Format(" class:[{0}], command:[{1}]", typeof(ServerHandle).Name, msgCommand.CreateTaskContainerLogic); d = DataSerialize.GetObjectFromByte(msg.Data); msg.Data = null; fromClientData = d as GSSModel.Request.ClientData; try { SwitchDo(fromClientData); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.ToString().ErrorLogger(); fromClientData.Success = false; fromClientData.Message = ex.Message; } msg.Data = DataSerialize.GetByteFromObject(fromClientData); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); SendAlertNum(Client); break; default: break; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { ex.Message.ErrorLogger(); msgStr = _coder.GetEncodingString(msg.Data, msg.Data.Length); ShareData.Log.Info(msgStr); ShareData.Log.Warn(ex); msg.Data = _coder.GetEncodingBytes("0"); _tcpsvr.Send(Client, msg); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新数据(存储过程方式) /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int Edit(GSSModel.Tasks model) { return(dal.EditTaskLog(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 提交工单(同步) /// </summary> private bool CommitTaskSyn() { string Title = ""; string Note = rboxNote.Text; int From = SystemConfig.AppID;//客服中心 int VipLevel = int.Parse(cboxVIP.SelectedValue.ToString()); DateTime?LimitTime = GetLimitTime(); int LimitType = int.Parse(cboxLimitTime.SelectedValue.ToString()); int? Type = _tasktype; //角色异常 int State = SystemConfig.DefaultWorkOrderStatue; //等待处理 int GameName = SystemConfig.GameID; //寻龙记 string GUserID = TrimNull(_drguser.Cells[0].Value); string GUserName = TrimNull(_drguser.Cells[1].Value); string GBigZoneName = TrimNull(_drguser.Cells[2].Value); string GameZone = ""; string GRoleID = ""; string GRoleName = ""; if (_drrole != null) { GameZone = TrimNull(_drrole.Cells[2].Value); GRoleID = TrimNull(_drrole.Cells[0].Value); GRoleName = TrimNull(_drrole.Cells[1].Value); } string Telphone = tboxTelphone.Text; string gpeoplename = tboxGPeopleName.Text; int? DutyMan = null; int? PreDutyMan = null; int CreatMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); DateTime CreatTime = DateTime.Now; int EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); DateTime EditTime = DateTime.Now; string URInfo = lblURinfo.Tag as string; bool CUserName = ckboxCUserName.Checked; bool CPSWProtect = ckboxCPSWProtect.Checked; bool CPersonID = ckboxCPersonID.Checked; string COther = tboxCOther.Text; string OLastLoginTime = tboxOLastLoginTime.Text; bool OCanRestor = ckboxOCanRestor.Checked; string OAlwaysPlace = tboxOAlwaysPlace.Text; int Rowtype = 0; string strErr = ""; if (ckboxCOther.Checked && COther.Length == 0) { strErr += LanguageResource.Language.GbVerifyItems + ">" + LanguageResource.Language.Tip_OtherInfoNoEmpty + "!\n"; } //if (Telphone.Trim().Length == 0) //{ // strErr += "联系电话不能为空!\n"; //} //else if (!WinUtil.IsTelphone(Telphone) && !WinUtil.IsMobile(Telphone)) //{ // strErr += LanguageResource.Language.LblTelFormIsError+"!\n(格式:010-88886666或13912341234)\n"; //} if (Note.Trim().Length == 0) { strErr += LanguageResource.Language.Tip_RemarkNoEmpty + "!\n"; } if (URInfo.Trim().Length == 0) { strErr += LanguageResource.Language.Tip_CreateWorkNeedUserAndRoleInfo + "!\\n"; } if (strErr != "") { MsgBox.Show(strErr, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return(false); } ComitDoControl(false); GSSModel.Tasks model = new GSSModel.Tasks(); model.F_Title = Title; model.F_Note = Note; model.F_From = From; model.F_VipLevel = VipLevel; model.F_LimitType = LimitType; model.F_LimitTime = LimitTime; model.F_Type = Type; model.F_State = State; model.F_GameName = GameName; model.F_GameBigZone = GBigZoneName; model.F_GameZone = GameZone; model.F_GUserID = GUserID; model.F_GUserName = GUserName; model.F_GRoleID = GRoleID; model.F_GRoleName = GRoleName; model.F_Telphone = Telphone; model.F_GPeopleName = gpeoplename; model.F_DutyMan = DutyMan; model.F_PreDutyMan = PreDutyMan; model.F_CreatMan = CreatMan; model.F_CreatTime = CreatTime; model.F_EditMan = EditMan; model.F_EditTime = EditTime; model.F_URInfo = URInfo; model.F_Rowtype = Rowtype; model.F_CUserName = CUserName; model.F_CPSWProtect = CPSWProtect; model.F_CPersonID = CPersonID; model.F_COther = COther; model.F_OLastLoginTime = OLastLoginTime; model.F_OCanRestor = OCanRestor; model.F_OAlwaysPlace = OAlwaysPlace; string backStr = _clienthandle.AddTaskSyn(model); ComitDoControl(true); if (backStr == "0") { if (!ckboxDonow.Checked) { MsgBox.Show(LanguageResource.Language.Tip_WorkOrderCreateFailure, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MsgBox.Show(LanguageResource.Language.Tip_WorkOrderCreateFailureWithTool, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return(false); } else { if (!ckboxDonow.Checked) { MsgBox.Show(LanguageResource.Language.Tip_WorkOrderCreateSucc + "!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } _taskid = backStr; return(true); } }
Tasks getTaskModel() { string Title = ""; string Note = rboxNote.Text; int From = SystemConfig.AppID;//客服中心 int VipLevel = int.Parse(cboxVIP.SelectedValue.ToString()); DateTime?LimitTime = GetLimitTime(); int LimitType = int.Parse(cboxLimitTime.SelectedValue.ToString()); int? Type = _tasktype; //角色异常 int State = SystemConfig.DefaultWorkOrderStatue; //等待处理 int GameName = SystemConfig.GameID; //寻龙记 string GUserID = TrimNull(_drguser.Cells[0].Value); string GUserName = TrimNull(_drguser.Cells[1].Value); string GBigZoneName = TrimNull(_drguser.Cells[2].Value); string GameZone = ""; string GRoleID = ""; string GRoleName = ""; if (_drrole != null) { GameZone = TrimNull(_drrole.Cells[2].Value); GRoleID = TrimNull(_drrole.Cells[0].Value); GRoleName = TrimNull(_drrole.Cells[1].Value); } string Telphone = tboxTelphone.Text; int? DutyMan = null; int? PreDutyMan = null; int CreatMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); DateTime CreatTime = DateTime.Now; int EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); DateTime EditTime = DateTime.Now; string URInfo = lblURinfo.Tag as string; string gpeoplename = tboxGPeopleName.Text; bool CUserName = ckboxCUserName.Checked; bool CPSWProtect = ckboxCPSWProtect.Checked; bool CPersonID = ckboxCPersonID.Checked; string COther = tboxCOther.Text; string OLastLoginTime = tboxOLastLoginTime.Text; bool OCanRestor = ckboxOCanRestor.Checked; string OAlwaysPlace = tboxOAlwaysPlace.Text; int Rowtype = 0; GSSModel.Tasks model = new GSSModel.Tasks(); model.F_Title = Title; model.F_Note = Note; model.F_From = From; model.F_VipLevel = VipLevel; model.F_LimitType = LimitType; model.F_LimitTime = LimitTime; model.F_Type = Type; model.F_State = State; model.F_GameName = GameName; model.F_GameBigZone = GBigZoneName; model.F_GameZone = GameZone; model.F_GUserID = GUserID; model.F_GUserName = GUserName; model.F_GRoleID = GRoleID; model.F_GRoleName = GRoleName; model.F_Telphone = Telphone; model.F_GPeopleName = gpeoplename; model.F_DutyMan = DutyMan; model.F_PreDutyMan = PreDutyMan; model.F_CreatMan = CreatMan; model.F_CreatTime = CreatTime; model.F_EditMan = EditMan; model.F_EditTime = EditTime; model.F_URInfo = URInfo; model.F_Rowtype = Rowtype; model.F_CUserName = CUserName; model.F_CPSWProtect = CPSWProtect; model.F_CPersonID = CPersonID; model.F_COther = COther; model.F_OLastLoginTime = OLastLoginTime; model.F_OCanRestor = OCanRestor; model.F_OAlwaysPlace = OAlwaysPlace; return(model); }
private void btnDosure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rtboxNote.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MsgBox.Show("工具使用备注不能为空!", LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } try { ComitDoControl(false); GSSModel.Tasks model = new GSSModel.Tasks(); model.F_GRoleID = _model.F_GRoleID; model.F_GUserID = _model.F_GUserID; model.F_GameBigZone = ClientCache.GetBigZoneGameID(_model.F_GameBigZone); string bigzoneCFID = ClientCache.GetGameConfigID(_model.F_GameBigZone); model.F_GameZone = ClientCache.GetZoneGameID(bigzoneCFID, _model.F_GameZone); GSSBLL.Tasks bll = ClientRemoting.Tasks(); int codeResult = bll.GSSTool_RoleRecover(model); string info = ""; if (codeResult == 0) { info = "操作执行成功"; } else if (codeResult == 1801) { info = "用户在该战区下已经有3个角色"; } else if (codeResult == 1800) { info = "删除表中无此角色"; } else { info = "操作执行失败"; } GSSModel.Tasks task = new GSSModel.Tasks(); task.F_ID = _model.F_ID; task.F_EditMan = int.Parse(ShareData.UserID); task.F_EditTime = DateTime.Now; task.F_TToolUsed = true; task.F_TUseData = string.Format("角色恢复工具 \n{0} \n{1}", lblUR.Text, info); task.F_Note = rtboxNote.Text; _isToolUsed = true; bll.Edit(task); MsgBox.Show(info, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (codeResult == 0) { this.Close(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { ShareData.Log.Warn(ex); MsgBox.Show(ex.Message, LanguageResource.Language.Tip_Tip, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } finally { ComitDoControl(true); } }