GenerateShader() public method

Generates a shader with customized output.
public GenerateShader ( string shaderName, Action addToProperties, Action addToDefs, StringBuilder>.Action returnFragmentColor ) : string
shaderName string The shader's name in the file.
addToProperties Action Adds any Unity Shaderlab Properties to the given string.
addToDefs Action Adds any Cg declarations to the given string.
returnFragmentColor StringBuilder>.Action /// Outupts shader instructions that return a float4 color /// given the variable holding the graph's noise output. ///
return string
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the shader for the given graph to the given file with the given name.
        /// Also forces Unity to immediately recognize and compile the shader
        ///     so that it can be immediately used after calling this function.
        /// If the shader fails to load for some reason, an error is output to the Unity console
        ///     and "null" is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gradientRampName">The name of the gradient ramp texture param.</param>
        public static Shader SaveShader(Graph g, string filePath, string shaderName,
                                        string gradientRampName)
            string relativePath = StringUtils.GetRelativePath(filePath, "Assets");

                //Get the shader code.
                string shad = g.GenerateShader(shaderName, gradientRampName);
                if (shad == null)

                //Write to the file.
                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath));
                if (!dir.Exists)
                File.WriteAllText(filePath, shad);

                //Tell Unity to load/compile it.
                AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relativePath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Error saving/loading shader to/from file: " + e.Message);

            return(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Shader>(relativePath));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a texture containing the given graph's noise output.
        /// If this is being called very often, create a permanent render target and material and
        ///     use the other version of this method instead for much better performance.
        /// If an error occurred, outputs to the Unity debug console and returns "null".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputComponents">
        /// The texture output.
        /// For example, pass "rgb" or "xyz" to output the noise into the red, green, and blue channels
        ///     but not the alpha channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="defaultColor">
        /// The color (generally 0-1) of the color components which aren't set by the noise.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="uvZ">The Z coordinate of the UVs, in case the graph uses it for 3D noise.</param>
        /// <param name="leaveReadable">
        /// Whether the texture's pixel data can still be read from the CPU after this operation.
        /// </param>
        public static Texture2D GenerateToTexture(Graph g, GraphParamCollection c,
                                                  int width, int height, float uvZ,
                                                  string outputComponents, float defaultColor,
                                                  TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBAFloat,
                                                  bool leaveReadable   = false)
            //Generate a shader/material from the graph.
            Shader shader = ShaderUtil.CreateShaderAsset(g.GenerateShader("TempGPUNoiseShader",

            if (shader == null)
            Material mat = new Material(shader);

            mat.SetFloat(GraphUtils.Param_UVz, uvZ);

            //Render the shader's output into a render texture and copy the data to a Texture2D.
            RenderTexture target = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, 16,
            Texture2D resultTex = new Texture2D(width, height, format, false, true);

            GraphUtils.GenerateToTexture(target, mat, resultTex, leaveReadable);

            //Clean up.

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a 3D texture containing the given graph's noise output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputComponents">
        /// The texture output.
        /// For example, pass "rgb" or "xyz" to output the noise into the red, green, and blue channels
        ///     but not the alpha channel.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="defaultColor">
        /// The color (generally 0-1) of the color components which aren't set by the noise.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="useMipmaps">Whether the 3D texture object uses mipmapping.</param>
        /// <param name="leaveTextureReadable">
        /// Whether to let the texture keep a CPU copy of its data on hand for later reading.
        /// </param>
        public static Texture3D GenerateToTexture(Graph g, GraphParamCollection c,
                                                  int width, int height, int depth,
                                                  string outputComponents, float defaultColor,
                                                  bool useMipmaps, bool leaveTextureReadable,
                                                  TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32)
            //Generate a shader/material from the graph.
            Shader shader = ShaderUtil.CreateShaderAsset(g.GenerateShader("TempGPUNoiseShader",

            if (shader == null)
            Material mat = new Material(shader);


            //For every Z layer in the texture, generate a 2D texture representing that layer.

            Color32[] finalPixels = new Color32[width * height * depth];

            RenderTexture target = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, 16,
            Texture2D resultTex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false, true);

            for (int depthI = 0; depthI < depth; ++depthI)
                //Get the UV.z coordinate.
                float uvZ = (float)depthI / depth;
                mat.SetFloat(GraphUtils.Param_UVz, uvZ);

                GraphUtils.GenerateToTexture(target, mat, resultTex, true);

                //Copy the resulting data into part of the 3D texture.
                Color32[] layerPixels = resultTex.GetPixels32();
                int       pixelOffset = depthI * (width * height);
                for (int pixelI = 0; pixelI < (width * height); ++pixelI)
                    finalPixels[pixelI + pixelOffset] = layerPixels[pixelI];

            //Create the actual texture object.
            Texture3D finalTex = new Texture3D(width, height, depth, format, useMipmaps);

            finalTex.Apply(useMipmaps, !leaveTextureReadable);

            //Clean up.

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a texture containing the given graph's noise output.
        /// If this is being called very often, create a permanent render target and material and
        ///     use the other version of this method instead for much better performance.
        /// If an error occurred, outputs to the Unity debug console and returns "null".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gradientRampName">The name of the gradient ramp texture param.</param>
        /// <param name="uvZ">The Z coordinate of the UVs, in case the graph uses it for 3D noise.</param>
        /// <param name="leaveReadable">
        /// Whether to leave the texture data readable on the CPU after the operation.
        /// </param>
        public static Texture2D GenerateToTexture(Graph g, GraphParamCollection c,
                                                  int width, int height, float uvZ,
                                                  Gradient gradientRamp,
                                                  TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBAFloat,
                                                  bool leaveReadable   = false)
            //Generate a shader/material from the graph.
            Shader shader = ShaderUtil.CreateShaderAsset(g.GenerateShader("TempGPUNoiseShader",

            if (shader == null)
            Material mat = new Material(shader);

            mat.SetFloat(GraphUtils.Param_UVz, uvZ);

            //Generate a texture from the gradient.
            Texture2D myRamp = new Texture2D(1024, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

            Color[] cols = new Color[myRamp.width];
            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; ++i)
                cols[i] = gradientRamp.Evaluate((float)i / (float)(cols.Length - 1));
            myRamp.Apply(false, true);
            mat.SetTexture("_MyGradientRamp14123", myRamp);

            //Render the shader's output into a render texture and copy the data to a Texture2D.
            RenderTexture target = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, 16,
            Texture2D resultTex = new Texture2D(width, height, format, false, true);

            GraphUtils.GenerateToTexture(target, mat, resultTex, leaveReadable);

            //Clean up.

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the shader for the given graph to the given file with the given name.
        /// Also forces Unity to immediately recognize and compile the shader
        ///     so that it can be immediately used after calling this function.
        /// If the shader fails to load for some reason, an error is output to the Unity console
        ///     and "null" is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gradientRampName">The name of the gradient ramp texture param.</param>
        public static Shader SaveShader(Graph g, string filePath, string shaderName,
										string gradientRampName)
            string relativePath = StringUtils.GetRelativePath(filePath, "Assets");

                //Get the shader code.
                string shad = g.GenerateShader(shaderName, gradientRampName);
                if (shad == null)
                    return null;

                //Write to the file.
                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath));
                if (!dir.Exists)
                File.WriteAllText(filePath, shad);

                //Tell Unity to load/compile it.
                AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relativePath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Error saving/loading shader to/from file: " + e.Message);

            return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>(relativePath);