public DlgLadderReport(LadderGameSession[] gameSessions) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.GameSessions = gameSessions; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); if (this.GameSessions == null) { ErrorLog.WriteLine("Unable to determine players in game session", new object[0]); base.DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort; base.Close(); } else { LadderGameSession session = null; LadderGameSession session2 = null; if (this.GameSessions.Length == 2) { if (this.GameSessions[0].EntityID == User.Current.ID) { session = this.GameSessions[0]; session2 = this.GameSessions[1]; } else { session = this.GameSessions[1]; session2 = this.GameSessions[0]; } } else if (this.GameSessions.Length == 1) { if (this.GameSessions[0].EntityID == User.Current.ID) { session = this.GameSessions[0]; } else { session2 = this.GameSessions[0]; } } else { ErrorLog.WriteLine("Unable to determine players in game session", new object[0]); base.DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort; base.Close(); return; } this.InfoSession = session; if (this.InfoSession == null) { this.InfoSession = session2; } if (this.InfoSession == null) { ErrorLog.WriteLine("Unable to determine players in game session", new object[0]); base.DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort; base.Close(); } else { this.gpgLabelDate.Text = DateTime.SpecifyKind(this.InfoSession.StartDate, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToLocalTime().ToString(); this.gpgLabelLadderName.Text = this.InfoSession.LadderInstance.Description; if (session2 != null) { this.gpgLabelOpponent.Text = session2.EntityName; } else { this.gpgLabelOpponent.Text = Loc.Get("<LOC>Undetermined"); } PictureBox[] boxArray = new PictureBox[] { this.pictureBoxRate1, this.pictureBoxRate2, this.pictureBoxRate3, this.pictureBoxRate4, this.pictureBoxRate5 }; for (int i = 0; i < boxArray.Length; i++) { boxArray[i].Image = VaultImages.star_empty; } this.PlayerSession = session; this.OpponentSession = session2; if ((this.PlayerSession != null) && (this.OpponentSession != null)) { base.MainForm.SetLastLadderGameType(this.InfoSession.LadderInstanceID, this.PlayerSession.IsAutomatch || (this.PlayerSession.StartRank < this.OpponentSession.StartRank)); } } } }