public static IntPtr GetClassPtr(GType type) { IntPtr klass = g_type_class_peek (type.Val); if (klass == IntPtr.Zero) klass = g_type_class_ref (type.Val); return klass; }
public FlagsInfo(GLib.GType gtype) { if (!IsFlagsType(gtype)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } IntPtr class_ptr = g_type_class_ref(gtype.Val); if (class_ptr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception(); } GFlagsClass klass = (GFlagsClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(class_ptr, typeof(GFlagsClass)); this.mask = klass.mask; values = new FlagsValue[klass.n_values]; int unmanaged_struct_size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GFlagsValue)); for (int i = 0; i < klass.n_values; i++) { GFlagsValue gv = (GFlagsValue)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(klass.values.ToInt64() + i * unmanaged_struct_size), typeof(GFlagsValue)); values[i].value = gv.value; values[i].value_name = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(gv.value_name); values[i].value_nick = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(gv.value_nick); } g_type_class_unref(class_ptr); }
public static void CheckInstanceIsA(IntPtr pointer, GLib.GType type) { if (!GObjectInterop.g_type_check_instance_is_a(new TypeInstance(pointer, checkType: false), type)) { GType.ThrowInvalidCast(null, null); } }
public static void Register (GType native_type, System.Type type) { if (native_type != GType.Pointer && native_type != GType.Boxed && native_type != ManagedValue.GType) types[native_type.Val] = type; if (type != null) gtypes[type] = native_type; }
static void OverrideNewWindowPolicyDecisionRequested (GType gtype) { if (EtoWebView.NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedVMCallback == null) { EtoWebView.NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedVMCallback = new EtoWebView.NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedVMDelegate (EtoWebView.newwindowpolicydecisionrequested_cb); } GLib.Object.OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "new-window-policy-decision-requested", EtoWebView.NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedVMCallback); }
public override string ToString() { GParamSpec spec = (GParamSpec)Marshal.PtrToStructure(Handle, typeof(GParamSpec)); GType valtype = new GType(spec.value_type); GType ownertype = new GType(spec.owner_type); return("ParamSpec: name=" + Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString( + " value_type=" + valtype.ToString() + " owner_type=" + ownertype.ToString()); }
public static GType GetBaseType(GType type) { IntPtr parent = g_type_parent (type.Val); if (parent == IntPtr.Zero) return GType.None; else return new GType (parent); }
private static void OverrideError(GLib.GType gtype) { if (ErrorVMCallback == null) { ErrorVMCallback = new ErrorVMDelegate(error_cb); } OverrideVirtualMethod(gtype, "error", ErrorVMCallback); }
private static void OverrideMediaInfo(GLib.GType gtype) { if (MediaInfoVMCallback == null) { MediaInfoVMCallback = new MediaInfoVMDelegate(media_info_cb); } OverrideVirtualMethod(gtype, "media-info", MediaInfoVMCallback); }
public Value(Opaque val, string type_name) { type = IntPtr.Zero; pad1 = new Padding(); pad2 = new Padding(); g_value_init(ref this, GType.FromName(type_name).Val); g_value_set_boxed(ref this, val.Handle); }
private static void OverrideEos(GLib.GType gtype) { if (EosVMCallback == null) { EosVMCallback = new EosVMDelegate(eos_cb); } OverrideVirtualMethod(gtype, "eos", EosVMCallback); }
static IntPtr RegisterProperty(GType type, string name, string nick, string blurb, uint property_id, GType property_type, bool can_read, bool can_write) { IntPtr declaring_class = type.GetClassPtr(); ParamSpec pspec = new ParamSpec(name, nick, blurb, property_type, can_read, can_write); g_object_class_install_property(declaring_class, property_id, pspec.Handle); return(pspec.Handle); }
private static void OverrideDeviceChange(GLib.GType gtype) { if (DeviceChangeVMCallback == null) { DeviceChangeVMCallback = new DeviceChangeVMDelegate(device_change_cb); } OverrideVirtualMethod(gtype, "device_change", DeviceChangeVMCallback); }
private static void OverrideReadyToCapture(GLib.GType gtype) { if (ReadyToCaptureVMCallback == null) { ReadyToCaptureVMCallback = new ReadyToCaptureVMDelegate(ready_to_capture_cb); } OverrideVirtualMethod(gtype, "ready-to-capture", ReadyToCaptureVMCallback); }
public static GType GetThresholdType(GType type) { GLib.GType curr_type = type; while (curr_type.ToString ().StartsWith ("__gtksharp_")) { curr_type = GetBaseType (curr_type); } return curr_type; }
internal static void OverrideDefaultHandler(GType gtype, string name, Delegate cb) { IntPtr closure = g_cclosure_new(cb, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); gtype.EnsureClass(); uint id = GetSignalId(name, gtype.Val); g_signal_override_class_closure(id, gtype.Val, closure); }
public static GType GetThresholdType(GType type) { GLib.GType curr_type = type; while (curr_type.ToString().StartsWith("__gtksharp_")) { curr_type = GetBaseType(curr_type); } return(curr_type); }
public ParamSpec(string name, string nick, string blurb, GType type, bool readable, bool writable) { ParamFlags pflags = ParamFlags.None; if (readable) pflags |= ParamFlags.Readable; if (writable) pflags |= ParamFlags.Writable; int flags = (int) pflags; IntPtr p_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name); IntPtr p_nick = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (nick); IntPtr p_blurb = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (blurb); if (type == GType.Char) handle = g_param_spec_char (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, SByte.MinValue, SByte.MaxValue, 0, flags); else if (type == GType.UChar) handle = g_param_spec_uchar (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue, 0, flags); else if (type == GType.Boolean) handle = g_param_spec_boolean (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, false, flags); else if (type == GType.Int) handle = g_param_spec_int (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, 0, flags); else if (type == GType.UInt) handle = g_param_spec_uint (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, 0, UInt32.MaxValue, 0, flags); else if (type == GType.Long) handle = g_param_spec_long (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? new IntPtr (Int32.MaxValue) : new IntPtr (Int64.MaxValue), IntPtr.Zero, flags); else if (type == GType.ULong) handle = g_param_spec_ulong (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, UIntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Size == 4 ? new UIntPtr (UInt32.MaxValue) : new UIntPtr (UInt64.MaxValue), UIntPtr.Zero, flags); else if (type == GType.Int64) handle = g_param_spec_int64 (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, Int64.MinValue, Int64.MaxValue, 0, flags); else if (type == GType.UInt64) handle = g_param_spec_uint64 (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, 0, UInt64.MaxValue, 0, flags); /* else if (type == GType.Enum) else if (type == GType.Flags) * TODO: * Both g_param_spec_enum and g_param_spec_flags expect default property values and the members of the enum seemingly cannot be enumerated */ else if (type == GType.Float) handle = g_param_spec_float (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, Single.MinValue, Single.MaxValue, 0.0f, flags); else if (type == GType.Double) handle = g_param_spec_double (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue, 0.0, flags); else if (type == GType.String) handle = g_param_spec_string (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, IntPtr.Zero, flags); else if (type == GType.Pointer) handle = g_param_spec_pointer (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, flags); else if (type.Val == g_gtype_get_type ()) handle = g_param_spec_gtype (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, GType.None.Val, flags); else if (g_type_is_a (type.Val, GType.Boxed.Val)) handle = g_param_spec_boxed (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, type.Val, flags); else if (g_type_is_a (type.Val, GType.Object.Val)) handle = g_param_spec_object (p_name, p_nick, p_blurb, type.Val, flags); else throw new ArgumentException ("type"); GLib.Marshaller.Free (p_name); GLib.Marshaller.Free (p_nick); GLib.Marshaller.Free (p_blurb); }
public GType GetThresholdType() { GType curr_type = this; while (IsManaged(curr_type)) { curr_type = curr_type.GetBaseType(); } return(curr_type); }
public Value(object obj) { type = IntPtr.Zero; pad1 = pad2 = 0; GType gtype = (GType)obj.GetType(); g_value_init(ref this, gtype.Val); Val = obj; }
public GType GetThresholdType() { GType curr_type = this; while (curr_type.ToString().StartsWith("__gtksharp_")) { curr_type = curr_type.GetBaseType(); } return(curr_type); }
static void AddInterfaces(GType gtype, Type t, ref bool handlers_overridden) { foreach (Type iface in t.GetInterfaces()) { if (!iface.IsDefined(typeof(GInterfaceAttribute), true)) { continue; } GInterfaceAttribute attr = iface.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GInterfaceAttribute), false) [0] as GInterfaceAttribute; GInterfaceAdapter adapter = Activator.CreateInstance(attr.AdapterType, null) as GInterfaceAdapter; if (!handlers_overridden) { IntPtr class_ptr = gtype.GetClassPtr(); GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(class_ptr, typeof(GObjectClass)); gobject_class.get_prop_cb = GetPropertyHandler; gobject_class.set_prop_cb = SetPropertyHandler; Marshal.StructureToPtr(gobject_class, class_ptr, false); handlers_overridden = true; } if (!iface.IsAssignableFrom(t.BaseType)) { GInterfaceInfo info = adapter.Info; info.Data = gtype.GetClassPtr(); //FIXME: overiding prop is done inside the init of interface adapter // not sure that it is the good solution but // it is the only one I found without exception or loop g_type_add_interface_static(gtype.Val, adapter.GType.Val, ref info); } foreach (PropertyInfo p in iface.GetProperties()) { PropertyAttribute[] attrs = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PropertyAttribute), true) as PropertyAttribute []; if (attrs.Length == 0) { continue; } PropertyAttribute property_attr = attrs [0]; PropertyInfo declared_prop = t.GetProperty(p.Name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (declared_prop == null) { continue; } IntPtr param_spec = FindInterfaceProperty(adapter.GType, property_attr.Name); Dictionary <IntPtr, PropertyInfo> props; if (!Properties.TryGetValue(t, out props)) { props = new Dictionary <IntPtr, PropertyInfo> (); Properties [t] = props; } props [param_spec] = declared_prop; } } }
static System.Type ResolveManagedType(GType gtype) { // First check typedict if (TypeDict.TryGetValue(gtype.typeid, out Type type)) { return(type); } // If not throw new NotImplementedException("Type lookup not implemented"); //return type; }
public static void Register(GType native_type, System.Type type) { lock (types) { if (native_type != GType.Pointer && native_type != GType.Boxed && native_type != ManagedValue.GType) { types[native_type.Val] = type; } if (type != null) { gtypes[type] = native_type; } } }
static IntPtr FindInterfaceProperty(GType type, string name) { IntPtr g_iface = type.GetDefaultInterfacePtr(); IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(name); try { return(g_object_interface_find_property(g_iface, native_name)); } finally { GLib.Marshaller.Free(native_name); } }
// sets the column count. beware, it clears // use this if you are going to load each column and row yourself // instead of using DataBind() or DataLoad() public void SetColumnCount(int columnCount) { Clear(); dataMember = ""; dataSource = null; GLib.GType[] theTypes = new GLib.GType[columnCount]; gridColumns = new ArrayList(); for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col++) { theTypes[col] = GLib.GType.String; gridColumns.Add(new DataGridColumn()); } store.ColumnTypes = theTypes; }
public Value(EnumWrapper wrap, string type_name) { type = IntPtr.Zero; pad1 = new Padding(); pad2 = new Padding(); g_value_init(ref this, GType.FromName(type_name).Val); if (wrap.flags) { g_value_set_flags(ref this, (uint)(int)wrap); } else { g_value_set_enum(ref this, (int)wrap); } }
private static void InvokeTypeInitializers(GType gtype, System.Type t) { object[] parms = { gtype, t }; BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic; foreach (TypeInitializerAttribute tia in t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeInitializerAttribute), true)) { MethodInfo m = tia.Type.GetMethod(tia.MethodName, flags); if (m != null) { m.Invoke(null, parms); } } }
protected static GType RegisterGType(System.Type t) { GType parent_gtype = LookupGType(t.BaseType); string name = BuildEscapedName(t); IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(name); GType gtype = new GType(gtksharp_register_type(native_name, parent_gtype.Val)); GLib.Marshaller.Free(native_name); GLib.GType.Register(gtype, t); AddProperties(gtype, t); ConnectDefaultHandlers(gtype, t); InvokeClassInitializers(gtype, t); AddInterfaces(gtype, t); g_types[t] = gtype; return(gtype); }
static void AddInterfaces(GType gtype, Type t) { foreach (Type iface in t.GetInterfaces()) { if (!iface.IsDefined(typeof(GInterfaceAttribute), true) || iface.IsAssignableFrom(t.BaseType)) { continue; } GInterfaceAttribute attr = iface.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GInterfaceAttribute), false) [0] as GInterfaceAttribute; GInterfaceAdapter adapter = Activator.CreateInstance(attr.AdapterType, null) as GInterfaceAdapter; GInterfaceInfo info = adapter.Info; g_type_add_interface_static(gtype.Val, adapter.GType.Val, ref info); } }
object ToBoxed() { IntPtr boxed_ptr = g_value_get_boxed(ref this); Type t = GType.LookupType(type); if (t == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown type " + new GType(type).ToString()); } else if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GLib.Opaque))) { return((GLib.Opaque) this); } return(FastActivator.CreateBoxed(boxed_ptr, t)); }
void InitForProperty(GType gtype, string name) { IntPtr p_name = Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(name); IntPtr spec_ptr = g_object_class_find_property(gtype.GetClassPtr(), p_name); Marshaller.Free(p_name); if (spec_ptr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception(String.Format("No property with name '{0}' in type '{1}'", name, gtype.ToString())); } ParamSpec spec = new ParamSpec(spec_ptr); g_value_init(ref this, spec.ValueType.Val); }
internal void Update(object val) { if (GType.Is(type, GType.Boxed) && !(val is IWrapper)) { MethodInfo mi = val.GetType().GetMethod("Update", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); IntPtr boxed_ptr = g_value_get_boxed(ref this); if (mi == null) { Marshal.StructureToPtr(val, boxed_ptr, false); } else { mi.Invoke(val, null); } } }
public PropertyInfo(IntPtr pspec_ptr) { GParamSpec pspec = (GParamSpec)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pspec_ptr, typeof(GParamSpec)); IntPtr name = g_param_spec_get_name(pspec_ptr); IntPtr nick = g_param_spec_get_nick(pspec_ptr); IntPtr blurb = g_param_spec_get_blurb(pspec_ptr); = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(name); this.nick = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(nick); this.blurb = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(blurb); this.readable = ((pspec.Flags & (1 << 0)) != 0); this.writeable = ((pspec.Flags & (1 << 1)) != 0); this.controllable = ((pspec.Flags & (1 << 9)) != 0); /* TODO: Add more flags later, like the mutable flags */ this.gtype = new GLib.GType(pspec.ValueType); this.type = (System.Type) this.gtype; this.dflt = this.min = this.max = null; try { GLib.Value v = new GLib.Value(new GLib.GType(pspec.ValueType)); g_param_value_set_default(pspec_ptr, ref v); this.dflt = v.Val; v.Dispose(); if (EnumInfo.IsEnumType(this.gtype)) { EnumInfo ei = new EnumInfo(this.gtype); this.min = ei.Min; this.max = ei.Max; } else { GLib.Value min = new GLib.Value(new GLib.GType(pspec.ValueType)); GLib.Value max = new GLib.Value(new GLib.GType(pspec.ValueType)); if (gstsharp_g_param_spec_get_range(pspec_ptr, ref min, ref max)) { this.min = (object)min.Val; this.max = (object)max.Val; } min.Dispose(); max.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception) {} }
static void AddProperties(GType gtype, System.Type t, bool register_instance_prop, ref bool handlers_overridden) { if (register_instance_prop) { IntPtr declaring_class = gtype.GetClassPtr(); ParamSpec pspec = new ParamSpec("gtk-sharp-managed-instance", "", "", GType.Pointer, ParamFlags.Writable | ParamFlags.ConstructOnly); g_object_class_install_property(declaring_class, idx, pspec.Handle); idx++; } foreach (PropertyInfo pinfo in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { foreach (object attr in pinfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PropertyAttribute), false)) { if (pinfo.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0) { throw(new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("GLib.RegisterPropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the property expects one or more indexed parameters", pinfo.Name, t.FullName))); } if (!handlers_overridden) { IntPtr class_ptr = gtype.GetClassPtr(); GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(class_ptr, typeof(GObjectClass)); gobject_class.get_prop_cb = GetPropertyHandler; gobject_class.set_prop_cb = SetPropertyHandler; Marshal.StructureToPtr(gobject_class, class_ptr, false); handlers_overridden = true; } PropertyAttribute property_attr = attr as PropertyAttribute; try { IntPtr param_spec = RegisterProperty(gtype, property_attr.Name, property_attr.Nickname, property_attr.Blurb, idx, (GType)pinfo.PropertyType, pinfo.CanRead, pinfo.CanWrite); Type type = (Type)gtype; Dictionary <IntPtr, PropertyInfo> gtype_properties; if (!Properties.TryGetValue(type, out gtype_properties)) { gtype_properties = new Dictionary <IntPtr, PropertyInfo> (); Properties [type] = gtype_properties; } gtype_properties.Add(param_spec, pinfo); idx++; } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("GLib.PropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the return type of the property is not supported", pinfo.Name, t.FullName)); } } } }
private static void ConnectDefaultHandlers(GType gtype, System.Type t) { foreach (MethodInfo minfo in t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { MethodInfo baseinfo = minfo.GetBaseDefinition (); if (baseinfo == minfo) continue; foreach (object attr in baseinfo.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (DefaultSignalHandlerAttribute), false)) { DefaultSignalHandlerAttribute sigattr = attr as DefaultSignalHandlerAttribute; MethodInfo connector = sigattr.Type.GetMethod (sigattr.ConnectionMethod, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof (GType) }, new ParameterModifier [0]); object[] parms = new object [1]; parms [0] = gtype; connector.Invoke (null, parms); break; } } }
static Type GetTypeOrParent(IntPtr obj) { IntPtr typeid = gtksharp_get_type_id(obj); Type result = GType.LookupType(typeid); while (result == null) { typeid = g_type_parent(typeid); if (typeid == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } result = GType.LookupType(typeid); } return(result); }
public PropertyInfo(IntPtr pspec_ptr) { GParamSpec pspec = (GParamSpec) Marshal.PtrToStructure (pspec_ptr, typeof (GParamSpec)); IntPtr name = g_param_spec_get_name (pspec_ptr); IntPtr nick = g_param_spec_get_nick (pspec_ptr); IntPtr blurb = g_param_spec_get_blurb (pspec_ptr); = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (name); this.nick = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (nick); this.blurb = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (blurb); this.readable = ( (pspec.Flags & (1 << 0)) != 0); this.writeable = ( (pspec.Flags & (1 << 1)) != 0); this.controllable = ( (pspec.Flags & (1 << 9)) != 0); /* TODO: Add more flags later, like the mutable flags */ this.gtype = new GLib.GType (pspec.ValueType); this.type = (System.Type) this.gtype; this.dflt = this.min = this.max = null; try { GLib.Value v = new GLib.Value (new GLib.GType (pspec.ValueType)); g_param_value_set_default (pspec_ptr, ref v); this.dflt = v.Val; v.Dispose (); if (EnumInfo.IsEnumType (this.gtype)) { EnumInfo ei = new EnumInfo (this.gtype); this.min = ei.Min; this.max = ei.Max; } else { GLib.Value min = new GLib.Value (new GLib.GType (pspec.ValueType)); GLib.Value max = new GLib.Value (new GLib.GType (pspec.ValueType)); if (gstsharp_g_param_spec_get_range (pspec_ptr, ref min, ref max)) { this.min = (object) min.Val; this.max = (object) max.Val; } min.Dispose (); max.Dispose (); } } catch (Exception) {} }
static void AddProperties(GType gtype, System.Type t, bool register_instance_prop, ref bool handlers_overridden) { if (register_instance_prop) { IntPtr declaring_class = gtype.GetClassPtr (); ParamSpec pspec = new ParamSpec ("gtk-sharp-managed-instance", "", "", GType.Pointer, ParamFlags.Writable | ParamFlags.ConstructOnly); g_object_class_install_property (declaring_class, idx, pspec.Handle); idx++; } foreach (PropertyInfo pinfo in t.GetProperties (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { foreach (object attr in pinfo.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (PropertyAttribute), false)) { if(pinfo.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0) throw(new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("GLib.RegisterPropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the property expects one or more indexed parameters", pinfo.Name, t.FullName))); if (!handlers_overridden) { IntPtr class_ptr = gtype.GetClassPtr (); GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass) Marshal.PtrToStructure (class_ptr, typeof (GObjectClass)); gobject_class.get_prop_cb = GetPropertyHandler; gobject_class.set_prop_cb = SetPropertyHandler; Marshal.StructureToPtr (gobject_class, class_ptr, false); handlers_overridden = true; } PropertyAttribute property_attr = attr as PropertyAttribute; try { IntPtr param_spec = RegisterProperty (gtype, property_attr.Name, property_attr.Nickname, property_attr.Blurb, idx, (GType) pinfo.PropertyType, pinfo.CanRead, pinfo.CanWrite); Properties.Add (param_spec, pinfo); idx++; } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("GLib.PropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the return type of the property is not supported", pinfo.Name, t.FullName)); } } } }
static void AddInterfaces(GType gtype, Type t, ref bool handlers_overridden) { foreach (Type iface in t.GetInterfaces ()) { if (!iface.IsDefined (typeof (GInterfaceAttribute), true)) continue; GInterfaceAttribute attr = iface.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (GInterfaceAttribute), false) [0] as GInterfaceAttribute; GInterfaceAdapter adapter = Activator.CreateInstance (attr.AdapterType, null) as GInterfaceAdapter; if (!handlers_overridden) { IntPtr class_ptr = gtype.GetClassPtr (); GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass) Marshal.PtrToStructure (class_ptr, typeof (GObjectClass)); gobject_class.get_prop_cb = GetPropertyHandler; gobject_class.set_prop_cb = SetPropertyHandler; Marshal.StructureToPtr (gobject_class, class_ptr, false); handlers_overridden = true; } if (!iface.IsAssignableFrom (t.BaseType)) { GInterfaceInfo info = adapter.Info; info.Data = gtype.GetClassPtr (); //FIXME: overiding prop is done inside the init of interface adapter // not sure that it is the good solution but // it is the only one I found without exception or loop g_type_add_interface_static (gtype.Val, adapter.GType.Val, ref info); } foreach (PropertyInfo p in iface.GetProperties ()) { PropertyAttribute[] attrs = p.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (PropertyAttribute), true) as PropertyAttribute []; if (attrs.Length == 0) continue; PropertyAttribute property_attr = attrs [0]; PropertyInfo declared_prop = t.GetProperty (p.Name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (declared_prop == null) continue; IntPtr param_spec = FindInterfaceProperty (adapter.GType, property_attr.Name); Properties [param_spec] = declared_prop; } } }
static void AddInterfaces(GType gtype, Type t) { foreach (Type iface in t.GetInterfaces ()) { if (!iface.IsDefined (typeof (GInterfaceAttribute), true) || iface.IsAssignableFrom (t.BaseType)) continue; GInterfaceAttribute attr = iface.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (GInterfaceAttribute), false) [0] as GInterfaceAttribute; GInterfaceAdapter adapter = Activator.CreateInstance (attr.AdapterType, null) as GInterfaceAdapter; GInterfaceInfo info = adapter.Info; g_type_add_interface_static (gtype.Val, adapter.GType.Val, ref info); } }
public ParamSpec(string name, string nick, string blurb, GType type, bool readable, bool writable) : this(name, nick, blurb, type, (readable ? ParamFlags.Readable : ParamFlags.None) | (writable ? ParamFlags.Writable : ParamFlags.None)) { }
internal static GType RegisterGObjectType(System.Type t) { GType parent_gtype = LookupGObjectType (t.BaseType); string name = BuildEscapedName (t); IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name); GTypeQuery query; g_type_query (parent_gtype.Val, out query); GTypeInfo info = new GTypeInfo (); info.class_size = (ushort) query.class_size; info.instance_size = (ushort) query.instance_size; GType gtype = new GType (g_type_register_static (parent_gtype.Val, native_name, ref info, 0)); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name); Register (gtype, t); return gtype; }
protected static void OverrideVirtualMethod(GType gtype, string name, Delegate cb) { Signal.OverrideDefaultHandler (gtype, name, cb); }
protected TreeStore(GType gtype) : base(gtype) { }
static IntPtr RegisterProperty(GType type, string name, string nick, string blurb, uint property_id, GType property_type, bool can_read, bool can_write) { IntPtr declaring_class = type.GetClassPtr (); ParamSpec pspec = new ParamSpec (name, nick, blurb, property_type, can_read, can_write); g_object_class_install_property (declaring_class, property_id, pspec.Handle); return pspec.Handle; }
public static bool IsInstance(GType type, IntPtr raw) { return Is (ValFromInstancePtr (raw), type); }
public static bool Is(IntPtr type, GType is_a_type) { return g_type_is_a (type, is_a_type.Val); }
public static uint GetClassSize(GType type) { GTypeQuery query; g_type_query (type.Val, out query); return query.class_size; }
public GTypeSignalKey(GType type, string name) { this.type = type; signal_name = name; }
private static void InvokeTypeInitializers(GType gtype, System.Type t) { object[] parms = {gtype, t}; BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic; foreach (TypeInitializerAttribute tia in t.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (TypeInitializerAttribute), true)) { MethodInfo m = tia.Type.GetMethod (tia.MethodName, flags); if (m != null) m.Invoke (null, parms); } }
void InitForProperty(GType gtype, string name) { IntPtr p_name = Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name); ParamSpec spec = new ParamSpec (g_object_class_find_property (gtype.ClassPtr, p_name)); Marshaller.Free (p_name); g_value_init (ref this, spec.ValueType.Val); }
void InitForProperty (GType gtype, string name) { IntPtr p_name = Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name); IntPtr spec_ptr = g_object_class_find_property (gtype.GetClassPtr (), p_name); Marshaller.Free (p_name); if (spec_ptr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception (String.Format ("No property with name '{0}' in type '{1}'", name, gtype.ToString())); ParamSpec spec = new ParamSpec (spec_ptr); g_value_init (ref this, spec.ValueType.Val); }
public static void RegisterType(GType native_type, System.Type type) { GType.Register (native_type, type); }
public int AddValueMapping(GType store_type, GetStoreValueCallback callback) { store_types.Add(store_type); callbacks.Add(callback); return callbacks.Count; }
public override string ToString() { GParamSpec spec = (GParamSpec) Marshal.PtrToStructure (Handle, typeof (GParamSpec)); GType valtype= new GType (spec.value_type); GType ownertype= new GType (spec.owner_type); return "ParamSpec: name=" + Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString ( + " value_type=" + valtype.ToString() + " owner_type=" + ownertype.ToString(); }
static IntPtr FindInterfaceProperty(GType type, string name) { IntPtr g_iface = type.GetDefaultInterfacePtr (); IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name); return g_object_interface_find_property (g_iface, native_name); }
public void DataBind () { Clear (); System.Object o = null; o = GetResolvedDataSource (DataSource, DataMember); IEnumerable ie = (IEnumerable) o; ITypedList tlist = (ITypedList) o; // FIXME: does not belong in this base method Gtk.TreeIter iter = new Gtk.TreeIter (); PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = tlist.GetItemProperties (new PropertyDescriptor[0]); // FIXME: does not belong in this base method gridColumns = new DataGridColumn[pdc.Count]; // FIXME: does not belong in base method // define the columns in the treeview store // based on the schema of the result /* uint[] theTypes = new uint[pdc.Count]; for (int col = 0; col < pdc.Count; col++) { theTypes[col] = (int) TypeFundamentals.TypeString; } */ GType [] theTypes = new GType[pdc.Count]; for ( int col=0; col<pdc.Count; col++ ) { theTypes[col] = (GType)GType.String; } store.ColumnTypes = theTypes; // FIXME: does not belong in this base method int colndx = -1; foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in pdc) { colndx ++; gridColumns[colndx] = new DataGridColumn (); gridColumns[colndx].ColumnName = pd.Name; } foreach (System.Object obj in ie) { ICustomTypeDescriptor custom = (ICustomTypeDescriptor) obj; PropertyDescriptorCollection properties; properties = custom.GetProperties (); iter = NewRow (); int cv = 0; foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in properties) { object oPropValue = property.GetValue (obj); string sPropValue = oPropValue.ToString (); // FIXME: does not belong in this base method SetColumnValue (iter, cv, sPropValue); cv++; } } // FIXME: does not belong in this base method treeView.Model = store; AutoCreateTreeViewColumns ( treeView ); }
internal ClassInitializer(Type type) { ClassInitManagedDelegate = this.ClassInit; Type = type; gtype = GType.RegisterGObjectType (this); is_first_subclass = gtype.GetBaseType () == gtype.GetThresholdType (); }
internal static GType RegisterGObjectType(Object.ClassInitializer gobject_class_initializer) { GType parent_gtype = LookupGObjectType (gobject_class_initializer.Type.BaseType); string name = BuildEscapedName (gobject_class_initializer.Type); IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name); GTypeQuery query; g_type_query (parent_gtype.Val, out query); GTypeInfo info = new GTypeInfo (); info.class_size = (ushort) query.class_size; info.instance_size = (ushort) query.instance_size; info.class_init = gobject_class_initializer.ClassInitManagedDelegate; GType gtype = new GType (g_type_register_static (parent_gtype.Val, native_name, ref info, 0)); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name); Register (gtype, gobject_class_initializer.Type); return gtype; }