 /// <summary> Called before Render (normally by RenderList::Render) to set up data for the render.
 /// currentstate may be null, meaning, don't apply
 /// RenderState may be null, meaning don't change</summary>
 public void Bind(GLRenderState currentstate, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
     if (currentstate != null && RenderState != null)    // if either null, it means the last render state applied is the same as our render state, so no need to apply
         currentstate.ApplyState(RenderState);           // else go to this state
     VertexArray?.Bind();                                // give the VA a chance to bind to GL
     RenderData?.Bind(this, shader, matrixcalc);         // optional render data supplied by the user to bind
     ElementBuffer?.BindElement();                       // if we have an element buffer, give it a chance to bind
     IndirectBuffer?.BindIndirect();                     // if we have an indirect buffer, give it a chance to bind
     ParameterBuffer?.BindParameter();                   // if we have a parameter buffer, give it a chance to bind
        /// <summary> Called by WinFormControl, this sets up the initial render state </summary>
        static public GLRenderState Start()
            var startstate = new GLRenderState()        // Set the default state we want to be in at start (some state defaults are at bottom)
                FrontFace = FrontFaceDirection.Ccw,
                CullFace  = true,
                PolygonModeFrontAndBack = PolygonMode.Fill,
                PatchSize     = 1,
                PointSize     = 1,
                PointSprite   = false,
                PointSmooth   = true,
                PolygonSmooth = false,
                LineWidth     = 1,
                LineSmooth    = true,

            var curstate = new GLRenderState()        // set to be purposely not default constructor state and the above state
            {                                         // to make all get set.
                PrimitiveRestart   = 1,
                ClipDistanceEnable = 1,
                DepthTest          = false,
                DepthFunctionMode  = DepthFunction.Never,
                WriteDepthBuffer   = false,
                DepthClamp         = true,
                BlendEnable        = false,
                BlendSourceRGB     = BlendingFactorSrc.ConstantAlpha,
                BlendSourceA       = BlendingFactorSrc.ConstantAlpha,
                BlendDestRGB       = BlendingFactorDest.ConstantAlpha,
                BlendDestA         = BlendingFactorDest.ConstantAlpha,
                BlendEquationA     = BlendEquationMode.Min,
                BlendEquationRGB   = BlendEquationMode.Min,
                ColorMasking       = 0,
                Discard            = true,

            curstate.ApplyState(startstate);        // from curstate, apply state
