        /// <summary> Construct and display a message box </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of message box</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Who to attach to as parent</param>
        /// <param name="location">Location relative to parent. Set to X=int.MinValue for center</param>
        /// <param name="text">Text for message box</param>
        /// <param name="caption">Caption for message box </param>
        /// <param name="buttons">What buttons to display (OK is the default)</param>
        /// <param name="font">What font to display the text in (null = parent font)</param>
        /// <param name="backcolor">Back color of box (null = default)</param>
        /// <param name="forecolor">Fore color (null = default)</param>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback function, called when user has made a selection or hit close (result Cancel). May be null</param>
        /// <param name="moveable">Indicate if dialog should be moveable</param>
        /// <param name="readonlymarked">Indicate if text is editable</param>

        public GLMessageBox(string name,
                            GLBaseControl parent, Point location,
                            string text, string caption,
                            MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK, Font font = null,
                            Color?backcolor           = null, Color?forecolor = null,
                            Action <GLMessageBox, DialogResultEnum> callback = null,
                            bool moveable       = true,
                            bool readonlymarked = true)
            callbackfunc = callback;

            if (font == null)
                font = new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 12);

            GLFormConfigurable cf = new GLFormConfigurable(name);

            cf.TopMost = true;
            cf.Font    = font;
            if (backcolor != null)
                cf.BackColor = backcolor.Value;
            if (forecolor != null)
                cf.ForeColor = forecolor.Value;

            GLMultiLineTextBox tb = new GLMultiLineTextBox("MLT", new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), text);

            tb.Font      = font;
            tb.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
            tb.ForeColor = cf.ForeColor;
            tb.ReadOnly  = readonlymarked;
            tb.EnableVerticalScrollBar = true;

            const int butwidth            = 80;
            const int butheight           = 20;
            const int textoffsettop       = 10;
            const int butspacingundertext = 8;
            const int butxspacing         = 20;
            const int textmargin          = 4;
            const int windowmargin        = 10;
            Size      availablespace      = parent.Size;

            int windowextrawidth        = textmargin + tb.ClientWidthMargin + cf.AutoSizeClientMargin.Width;
            int availablewidthforclient = availablespace.Width - windowextrawidth - windowmargin * 2;

            int windowsextraheight       = textoffsettop + butspacingundertext + butheight + cf.ClientHeightMargin + cf.AutoSizeClientMargin.Height;
            int availableheightforclient = availablespace.Height - windowsextraheight - windowmargin * 2;

            var estsize = tb.CalculateTextArea(new Size(20, 24), new Size(availablewidthforclient, availableheightforclient));

            tb.Bounds = new Rectangle(textmargin, textoffsettop, estsize.Item1.Width, estsize.Item1.Height);
            tb.EnableHorizontalScrollBar = estsize.Item2;

            int butright = tb.Bounds.Right - butwidth;
            int butline  = tb.Bounds.Bottom + butspacingundertext;

            if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore)
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("Ignore", typeof(GLButton), "Ignore", new Point(butright, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.Ignore)
                    TabOrder = 0, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("Retry", typeof(GLButton), "Retry", new Point(butright - butwidth - butxspacing, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.Retry)
                    TabOrder = 1, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("OK", typeof(GLButton), "OK", new Point(butright - (butwidth + butxspacing) * 2, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.OK)
                    TabOrder = 2, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
            else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("Cancel", typeof(GLButton), "Cancel", new Point(butright, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.Cancel)
                    TabOrder = 0, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("OK", typeof(GLButton), "OK", new Point(butright - butwidth - butxspacing, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.OK)
                    TabOrder = 1, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
            else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel)
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("Retry", typeof(GLButton), "Retry", new Point(butright, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.Retry)
                    TabOrder = 0, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("OK", typeof(GLButton), "OK", new Point(butright - butwidth - butxspacing, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.OK)
                    TabOrder = 1, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
            else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("No", typeof(GLButton), "No", new Point(butright, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.No)
                    TabOrder = 0, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("Yes", typeof(GLButton), "Yes", new Point(butright - butwidth - butxspacing, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.Yes)
                    TabOrder = 1, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
            else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("Cancel", typeof(GLButton), "Cancel", new Point(butright, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.Cancel)
                    TabOrder = 0, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("No", typeof(GLButton), "No", new Point(butright - butwidth - butxspacing, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.No)
                    TabOrder = 1, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("Yes", typeof(GLButton), "Yes", new Point(butright - (butwidth + butxspacing) * 2, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.Yes)
                    TabOrder = 2, Anchor = AnchorType.AutoPlacement
                cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("OK", typeof(GLButton), "OK", new Point(butright, butline), new Size(butwidth, butheight), null, DialogResultEnum.OK));

            cf.Add(new GLFormConfigurable.Entry("MTL-MB", tb));

            if (location.X == int.MinValue)
                cf.Init(location, caption);

            cf.Tag      = this;
            cf.Trigger += (cfg, en, ctrlname, args) =>
                if (ctrlname == "Close")
                    if (!sentcallback)          // close gets called if form is closing, but we may have already below sent a callbackfunc
                        callbackfunc?.Invoke(this, DialogResultEnum.Cancel);
                else if (ctrlname == "Escape")
                    cf.DialogResult = DialogResultEnum.Abort;
                    callbackfunc?.Invoke(this, cf.DialogResult);
                    sentcallback = true;
                    cf.DialogResult = (DialogResultEnum)en.Tag;
                    callbackfunc?.Invoke(this, cf.DialogResult);
                    sentcallback = true;

            parent.AddToDesktop(cf);      // this autosizes the form

            cf.AutoSize = false;          // now we turn autosize off, and allow it to move
            cf.Moveable = moveable;
            tb.Width    = cf.ClientWidth - textmargin * 2;