public static Dictionary <String, int> CalculateKerning(char[] charSet, GLFontGlyph[] glyphs, List <GLFontBitmap> bitmapPages, GLFontKerningConfiguration config) { var kerningPairs = new Dictionary <String, int>(); //we start by computing the index of the first and last non-empty pixel in each row of each glyph XLimits[][] limits = new XLimits[charSet.Length][]; int maxHeight = 0; for (int n = 0; n < charSet.Length; n++) { var rect = glyphs[n].Rect; var page = bitmapPages[glyphs[n].Page]; limits[n] = new XLimits[rect.Height]; maxHeight = Math.Max(rect.Height, maxHeight); int yStart = rect.Y; int yEnd = rect.Y + rect.Height; int xStart = rect.X; int xEnd = rect.X + rect.Width; for (int j = yStart; j < yEnd; j++) { int last = xStart; bool yetToFindFirst = true; for (int i = xStart; i < xEnd; i++) { if (!GLFontBitmap.EmptyAlphaPixel(page.bitmapData, i, j, config.AlphaEmptyPixelTolerance)) { if (yetToFindFirst) { limits[n][j - yStart].Min = i - xStart; yetToFindFirst = false; } last = i; } } limits[n][j - yStart].Max = last - xStart; if (yetToFindFirst) { limits[n][j - yStart].Min = xEnd - 1; } } } //we now bring up each row to the max (or min) of it's two adjacent rows, this is to stop glyphs sliding together too closely var tmp = new XLimits[maxHeight]; for (int n = 0; n < charSet.Length; n++) { //clear tmp for (int j = 0; j < limits[n].Length; j++) { tmp[j] = limits[n][j]; } for (int j = 0; j < limits[n].Length; j++) { if (j != 0) { tmp[j].Min = Math.Min(limits[n][j - 1].Min, tmp[j].Min); tmp[j].Max = Math.Max(limits[n][j - 1].Max, tmp[j].Max); } if (j != limits[n].Length - 1) { tmp[j].Min = Math.Min(limits[n][j + 1].Min, tmp[j].Min); tmp[j].Max = Math.Max(limits[n][j + 1].Max, tmp[j].Max); } } for (int j = 0; j < limits[n].Length; j++) { limits[n][j] = tmp[j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < charSet.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < charSet.Length; j++) { kerningPairs.Add("" + charSet[i] + charSet[j], 1 - Kerning(glyphs[i], glyphs[j], limits[i], limits[j], config)); } } return(kerningPairs); }
private static int Kerning(GLFontGlyph g1, GLFontGlyph g2, XLimits[] lim1, XLimits[] lim2, GLFontKerningConfiguration config) { int yOffset1 = g1.YOffset; int yOffset2 = g2.YOffset; int startY = Math.Max(yOffset1, yOffset2); int endY = Math.Min(g1.Rect.Height + yOffset1, g2.Rect.Height + yOffset2); int w1 = g1.Rect.Width; int worstCase = w1; //TODO - offset startY, endY by yOffset1 so that lim1[j-yOffset1] can be written as lim1[j], will need another var for yOffset2 for (int j = startY; j < endY; j++) { worstCase = Math.Min(worstCase, w1 - lim1[j - yOffset1].Max + lim2[j - yOffset2].Min); } worstCase = Math.Min(worstCase, g1.Rect.Width); worstCase = Math.Min(worstCase, g2.Rect.Width); //modify by character kerning rules GLFontCharacterKerningRule kerningRule = config.GetOverridingCharacterKerningRuleForPair("" + g1.Character + g2.Character); if (kerningRule == GLFontCharacterKerningRule.Zero) { return(0); } else if (kerningRule == GLFontCharacterKerningRule.NotMoreThanHalf) { return((int)Math.Min(Math.Min(g1.Rect.Width, g2.Rect.Width) * 0.5f, worstCase)); } return(worstCase); }