        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Person
            // Create a Person class with the following fields:
            // name: the name of the person
            // age: the age of the person(whole number)
            // gender: the gender of the person(male / female)
            // And the following methods:
            // Introduce() : prints out "Hi, I'm name, a age year old gender."
            // GetGoal() : prints out "My goal is: Live for the moment!"
            // And the following constructors:
            // Person(name, age, gender)
            // Person() : sets name to Jane Doe, age to 30, gender to female
            // Student
            // Create a Student class that has the same fields and methods as the Person class, and has the following additional
            // fields:
            // previousOrganization: the name of the student’s previous company / school
            // skippedDays: the number of days skipped from the course
            // methods:
            // GetGoal() : prints out "Be a junior software developer."
            // Introduce() : "Hi, I'm name, a age year old gender from previousOrganization who skipped skippedDays days from the course already."
            // SkipDays(numberOfDays) : increases skippedDays by numberOfDays
            // The Student class has the following constructors:
            // Student(name, age, gender, previousOrganization) : beside the given parameters, it sets skippedDays to 0
            // Student() : sets name to Jane Doe, age to 30, gender to female, previousOrganization to The School of Life, skippedDays to 0
            // Mentor
            // Create a Mentor class that has the same fields and methods as the Person class, and has the following additional
            // fields:
            // level: the level of the mentor(junior / intermediate / senior)
            // methods:
            // GetGoal() : prints out "Educate brilliant junior software developers."
            // Introduce() : "Hi, I'm name, a age year old gender level mentor."
            // The Mentor class has the following constructors:
            // Mentor(name, age, gender, level)
            // Mentor() : sets name to Jane Doe, age to 30, gender to female, level to intermediate
            // Sponsor
            // Create a Sponsor class that has the same fields and methods as the Person class, and has the following additional
            // fields:
            // company: name of the company
            // hiredStudents: number of students hired
            // method:
            // Introduce() : "Hi, I'm name, a age year old gender who represents company and hired hiredStudents students so far."
            // Hire() : increase hiredStudents by 1
            // GetGoal() : prints out "Hire brilliant junior software developers."
            // The Sponsor class has the following constructors:
            // Sponsor(name, age, gender, company) : beside the given parameters, it sets hiredStudents to 0
            // Sponsor() : sets name to Jane Doe, age to 30, gender to female, company to Google and hiredStudents to 0
            // Cohort
            // Create a Cohort class that has the following
            // fields:
            // name: the name of the cohort
            // students: a list of Students
            // mentors: a list of Mentors
            // methods:
            // addStudent(Student) : adds the given Student to students list
            //  addMentor(Mentor): adds the given Mentor to mentors list
            //  info(): prints out "The name cohort has students.size() students and mentors.size() mentors."
            // The Cohort class has the following constructors:
            // Cohort(name) : beside the given parameter, it sets students and mentors as empty lists

            var people = new List <Person>();

            var mark = new Person("Mark", 46, Gender.male);

            var jane = new Person();

            var john = new Student("John Doe", 20, Gender.male, "BME");

            var student = new Student();

            var gandhi = new Mentor("Gandhi", 148, Gender.male, Level.senior);

            var mentor = new Mentor();

            var sponsor = new Sponsor();

            var elon = new Sponsor("Elon Musk", 46, Gender.male, "SpaceX");



            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            foreach (var person in people)

            Cohort awesome = new Cohort("AWESOME");


            var johnTheCLone = john.Clone() as Student;