public static int AddDangerousFile(string FilePath) { int i = 0; //FileScannerDangerousFiles DataManager DM = new DataManager(); using (SqlConnection SC = DM.getStatsConnection()) { SC.Open(); SqlDataReader itemReader = null; SqlCommand itemCommand = new SqlCommand("select ID from FileScannerDangerousFiles where FilePath = '" + FilePath.Replace("'", "''") + "'", SC); itemReader = itemCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (itemReader.Read()) { i = Convert.ToInt32(itemReader[0].ToString()); } if (i == 0) { //Add + ReCall SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into FileScannerDangerousFiles (FilePath) VALUES ('" + FilePath.Replace("'", "''") + "')", SC); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); i = AddDangerousFile(FilePath); } } return(i); }
public static List <string> GetChecks(string basePath) { List <string> LS = new List <string>(); DataManager DM = new DataManager(); using (SqlConnection SC = DM.getStatsConnection()) { SC.Open(); SqlDataReader itemReader = null; SqlCommand itemCommand = new SqlCommand("select FilePath, UnixLastEdit from FileScanner where FilePath like '" + basePath + "%'", SC); itemReader = itemCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (itemReader.Read()) { LS.Add(itemReader[0].ToString()); //StringCheck = StringCheck + "[" + itemReader[0].ToString() + "|" + itemReader[1].ToString() + "]"; } } return(LS); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (1 == 1) { MailHandler MH = new MailHandler(); DataManager DM = new DataManager(); if (1 == 1) { using (SqlConnection SC = DM.getStatsConnection()) { Console.WriteLine("Approve validated files..."); SC.Open(); SqlDataReader DFReader = null; SqlCommand DFCommand = new SqlCommand("select FilePath from FileScannerDangerousFiles where Validated is null", SC); DFReader = DFCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (DFReader.Read()) { AlreadyDangerous.Add(DFReader[0].ToString()); } SqlDataReader approveFileReader = null; SqlCommand approveFileCommand = new SqlCommand("select FilePath from FileScannerDangerousFiles where Validated = 1 and filePath not like 'http%'", SC); approveFileReader = approveFileCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (approveFileReader.Read()) { try { FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(@approveFileReader[0].ToString()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into FileScanner (FilePath,UnixLastEdit) VALUES ('" + approveFileReader[0].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "','" + getUnixTime(fi.LastWriteTime) + "')", SC); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("delete from FileScannerDangerousFiles where FilePath ='" + approveFileReader[0].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'", SC); cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch { } } SqlDataReader approveWebReader = null; SqlCommand approveWebCommand = new SqlCommand("select FilePath from FileScannerDangerousFiles where Validated = 1 and filePath like 'http%'", SC); approveWebReader = approveWebCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (approveWebReader.Read()) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into FileScanner (FilePath,UnixLastEdit) VALUES ('" + approveWebReader[0].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "','0')", SC); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("delete from FileScannerDangerousFiles where FilePath ='" + approveWebReader[0].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'", SC); cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch { } } SqlDataReader itemReader = null; SqlCommand itemCommand = new SqlCommand("select BasePath, OwnerEmail from FileScannerPaths", SC); itemReader = itemCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (itemReader.Read()) { string basePath = itemReader[0].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Load Checksums"); CheckSums = GetChecks(basePath); List <FileHit> temp = new List <FileHit>(); List <FileHit> Documents = LoadDirectories(basePath, temp); Console.WriteLine("Documents found: " + Documents.Count); } } } Console.WriteLine("All Done!"); } }
public static List <FileHit> LoadDirectories(string DirectoryPath, List <FileHit> T) { List <FileHit> r = T; DataManager DM = new DataManager(); try { foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(@DirectoryPath)) { try { if (!CheckSums.Contains(fileName) && !AlreadyDangerous.Contains(fileName)) { FileInfo fi = null; fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(@fileName); //Do check Console.WriteLine("TEST FILE: " + fileName); string FileContent = ""; switch (fi.Extension.ToLower()) { case ".pdf": Console.WriteLine("PDF CHECK"); FileContent = ReadPDFFile(fileName); break; case ".xls": Console.WriteLine("EXCEL CHECK"); FileContent = ReadExcelFile(fileName); break; case ".xlsx": Console.WriteLine("EXCEL CHECK"); FileContent = ReadExcelFile(fileName); break; case ".html": Console.WriteLine("HTML CHECK"); FileContent = ReadTextFile(fileName); break; case ".htm": Console.WriteLine("HTML CHECK"); FileContent = ReadTextFile(fileName); break; case ".txt": Console.WriteLine("TXT CHECK"); FileContent = ReadTextFile(fileName); break; case ".xml": Console.WriteLine("XML CHECK"); FileContent = ReadTextFile(fileName); break; case ".xsl": Console.WriteLine("XSL CHECK"); FileContent = ReadTextFile(fileName); break; case ".doc": Console.WriteLine("DOC CHECK"); FileContent = ReadDocFile(fileName); break; case ".docx": Console.WriteLine("DOCX CHECK"); FileContent = ReadDocFile(fileName); break; } string CPRF = ""; bool HasCPR = false; int CPRCount = 0; if (FileContent.Length > 1) { foreach (string Word in FileContent.Split(new Char[] { '.', ',', ' ', '\n' })) { string FixWord = Word.Trim(); if (CPRValid(FixWord)) { CPRF = FixWord; if (FixWord.Contains('-')) { HasCPR = true; Console.WriteLine("CPR Found: " + FixWord); FileHit FH = new FileHit(); FH.FilePath = fileName; FH.FileID = AddDangerousFile(fileName); r.Add(FH); } else { HasCPR = true; CPRCount++; } break; } } } else { if (fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".pdf")) { try { Console.WriteLine("OCR Read document"); FileContent = OCRPDF(fileName); if (FileContent.Length > 1) { foreach (string Word in FileContent.Split(new Char[] { '.', ',', ' ', '\n' })) { string FixWord = Word.Trim(); if (CPRValid(FixWord)) { CPRF = FixWord; if (FixWord.Contains('-')) { HasCPR = true; Console.WriteLine("CPR Found: " + FixWord); FileHit FH1 = new FileHit(); FH1.FilePath = fileName; FH1.FileID = AddDangerousFile(fileName); r.Add(FH1); } else { HasCPR = true; CPRCount++; } break; } } } } catch { FileContent = "ERROR - DISREGARD"; HasCPR = false; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Nothing in file..."); } } if (CPRCount > 0 && CPRCount < 5000) { Console.WriteLine("CPR Found: " + CPRF); FileHit FH = new FileHit(); FH.FilePath = fileName; FH.FileID = AddDangerousFile(fileName); r.Add(FH); HasCPR = true; } if (!HasCPR) { using (SqlConnection SC = DM.getStatsConnection()) { SC.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into FileScanner (FilePath,UnixLastEdit) VALUES ('" + fileName.Replace("'", "''") + "','" + getUnixTime(fi.LastWriteTime) + "')", SC); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("File Cleared..."); } } GC.Collect(); } else { Console.WriteLine("DO NOT TEST FILE: " + fileName); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("ERROR IN FILE: " + fileName); } } } catch { } try { foreach (string SubDirectories in Directory.GetDirectories(DirectoryPath)) { foreach (FileHit FH in LoadDirectories(SubDirectories, T)) { if (!r.Contains(FH)) { r.Add(FH); } } } } catch { } return(r); }