        // Returns an ordered array of the instructions sorted by distance between blocks
        public ArrayList ShortestPath(InstructionBlock origin)
            // Find the index of the origin block
            int? originIndex = instructionBlocks.IndexOf (origin);

            // Throw an error if it's not found
            if (originIndex < 0 || originIndex == null)
                throw new ArgumentException ("You did not specify a valid origin");

            // Store the blocks that will be removed
            ArrayList tempBlocks = (ArrayList)instructionBlocks.Clone ();
            tempBlocks.Insert (0, tempBlocks[originIndex.Value]);
            tempBlocks.RemoveAt (originIndex.Value + 1);

            // This is where the ordered blocks will go
            ArrayList orderedBlocks = new ArrayList ();

            // Starts at the origin, goes through each block
            while (tempBlocks.Count > 1)
                // Take out the origin, and then insert it into sorted blocks
                origin = (InstructionBlock)tempBlocks[0];
                tempBlocks.RemoveAt (0);
                orderedBlocks.Add (origin);

                // Set the current shortest distance to infinity
                double distance = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                InstructionBlock shortest = null;

                // Examine each reamining neighbor ... if it's shorter, it's the new destination
                foreach (InstructionBlock destination in tempBlocks)
                    // If a closer block is found, it's the new destination
                    if (origin.Distance (destination) < distance)
                        shortest = destination;

                // Remove the shortest block, add it to the front
                tempBlocks.Remove (shortest);
                tempBlocks.Insert (0, shortest);
            // Add the final block with no neighbors
            orderedBlocks.Add (tempBlocks[0]);
            return orderedBlocks;