        public void reader_DataReceived(object sender, EndpointDataEventArgs e)
            if (run)
                var data   = e.Buffer;
                var input1 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput1(ref data));
                var input2 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput2(ref data));
                var input3 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput3(ref data));
                var input4 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput4(ref data));

                if (gcn1ok)
                    JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input1, 1, gcn1DZ);
                if (gcn2ok)
                    JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input2, 2, gcn2DZ);
                if (gcn3ok)
                    JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input3, 3, gcn3DZ);
                if (gcn4ok)
                    JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input4, 4, gcn4DZ);
                reader.DataReceivedEnabled = false;

                if (GCNAdapter != null)
                    if (GCNAdapter.IsOpen)
                        if (!ReferenceEquals(wholeGCNAdapter, null))
                    GCNAdapter = null;
                    Log(null, new LogEventArgs("Closing driver thread..."));
                Log(null, new LogEventArgs("Driver thread has been stopped."));
        public void Start()
            //VENDORID 0x57E
            //PRODUCT ID 0x337

            var USBFinder = new UsbDeviceFinder(0x057E, 0x0337);

            GCNAdapter = UsbDevice.OpenUsbDevice(USBFinder);

            if (GCNAdapter != null)
                int transferLength;

                reader = GCNAdapter.OpenEndpointReader(ReadEndpointID.Ep01);
                writer = GCNAdapter.OpenEndpointWriter(WriteEndpointID.Ep02);

                //prompt controller to start sending
                writer.Write(Convert.ToByte((char)19), 10, out transferLength);

                    if (gcn1Enabled && !JoystickHelper.checkJoystick(1))
                    if (gcn2Enabled && !JoystickHelper.checkJoystick(2))
                    if (gcn3Enabled && !JoystickHelper.checkJoystick(3))
                    if (gcn4Enabled && !JoystickHelper.checkJoystick(4))

                    if (gcn1Enabled && JoystickHelper.Acquire(1))
                        gcn1ok = true;
                    if (gcn2Enabled && JoystickHelper.Acquire(2))
                        gcn2ok = true;
                    if (gcn3Enabled && JoystickHelper.Acquire(3))
                        gcn3ok = true;
                    if (gcn4Enabled && JoystickHelper.Acquire(4))
                        gcn4ok = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.Message.Contains("HRESULT: 0x8007000B"))
                        Log(null, new LogEventArgs("Error: vJoy driver mismatch. Did you install the wrong version (x86/x64)?"));
                        Driver.run = false;

                if (noEventMode)
                    // PORT 1: bytes 02-09
                    // PORT 2: bytes 11-17
                    // PORT 3: bytes 20-27
                    // PORT 4: bytes 29-36l
                    byte[] ReadBuffer  = new byte[37]; // 32 (4 players x 8) bytes for input, 5 bytes for formatting
                    byte[] WriteBuffer = new byte[5];  // 1 for command, 4 for rumble state
                    WriteBuffer[0] = 0x11;
                    WriteBuffer[1] = 0;
                    Log(null, new LogEventArgs("Driver successfully started, entering input loop."));
                    run = true;
                    Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    while (run)
                        var ec     = reader.Read(ReadBuffer, 10, out transferLength);
                        var input1 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput1(ref ReadBuffer));
                        var input2 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput2(ref ReadBuffer));
                        var input3 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput3(ref ReadBuffer));
                        var input4 = GCNState.GetState(getFastInput4(ref ReadBuffer));

                        if (gcn1ok)
                            JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input1, 1, gcn1DZ);
                        if (gcn2ok)
                            JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input2, 2, gcn2DZ);
                        if (gcn3ok)
                            JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input3, 3, gcn3DZ);
                        if (gcn4ok)
                            JoystickHelper.setJoystick(input4, 4, gcn4DZ);

                        long elapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                        sw.Reset(); sw.Start();

                        if (Interlocked.Read(ref gcn1Ffb) > 0)
                            if (gcn1FfbInf == false)
                                Interlocked.Add(ref gcn1Ffb, -elapsed);
                            WriteBuffer[1] = (byte)(gcn1FfbActive ? 1 : 0);
                            WriteBuffer[1] = 0;
                        if (Interlocked.Read(ref gcn2Ffb) > 0)
                            if (gcn2FfbInf == false)
                                Interlocked.Add(ref gcn2Ffb, -elapsed);
                            WriteBuffer[2] = (byte)(gcn2FfbActive ? 1 : 0);
                            WriteBuffer[2] = 0;
                        if (Interlocked.Read(ref gcn3Ffb) > 0)
                            if (gcn3FfbInf == false)
                                Interlocked.Add(ref gcn3Ffb, -elapsed);
                            WriteBuffer[3] = (byte)(gcn3FfbActive ? 1 : 0);
                            WriteBuffer[3] = 0;
                        if (Interlocked.Read(ref gcn4Ffb) > 0)
                            if (gcn4FfbInf == false)
                                Interlocked.Add(ref gcn4Ffb, -elapsed);
                            WriteBuffer[4] = (byte)(gcn4FfbActive ? 1 : 0);
                            WriteBuffer[4] = 0;
                        writer.Write(WriteBuffer, 10, out transferLength);

                    WriteBuffer[1] = 0; WriteBuffer[2] = 0; WriteBuffer[3] = 0; WriteBuffer[4] = 0;
                    writer.Write(WriteBuffer, 10, out transferLength);

                    if (GCNAdapter != null)
                        if (GCNAdapter.IsOpen)
                            if (!ReferenceEquals(wholeGCNAdapter, null))
                        GCNAdapter = null;
                        Log(null, new LogEventArgs("Closing driver thread..."));
                    Log(null, new LogEventArgs("Driver thread has been stopped."));
                    Log(null, new LogEventArgs("Driver successfully started, entering input loop."));
                    //using  Interrupt request instead of looping behavior.
                    reader.DataReceivedEnabled = true;
                    reader.DataReceived       += reader_DataReceived;
                    reader.ReadBufferSize      = 37;
                    reader.ReadThreadPriority  = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest;
                    run = true;
                Log(null, new LogEventArgs("GCN Adapter not detected."));
                Driver.run = false;
        public static void setJoystick(GCNState input, int joystickID, ControllerDeadZones deadZones)
            int            multiplier = 302;
            X360Controller controller = Controllers[joystickID - 1];

            //analog stick
            controller.LeftStickX = (short)(multiplier * (128 - input.analogX));
            controller.LeftStickY = (short)(multiplier * (128 - input.analogY));

            //c stick
            controller.RightStickX = (short)(multiplier * (128 - input.cstickX));
            controller.RightStickY = (short)(multiplier * (128 - input.cstickY));

            controller.LeftTrigger  = (byte)input.analogL;
            controller.RightTrigger = (byte)input.analogR;

            controller.Buttons = 0;

            //dpad button mode for DDR pad support
            if (input.up)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.Up;
            if (input.down)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.Down;
            if (input.left)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.Left;
            if (input.right)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.Right;

            if (input.A)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.A;
            if (input.B)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.X;
            if (input.X)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.B;
            if (input.Y)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.Y;
            if (input.Z)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.Logo;
            if (input.R)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.RightBumper;
            if (input.L)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.LeftBumper;
            if (input.start)
                controller.Buttons |= X360Buttons.Start;

            scp.Report(joystickID, controller.GetReport());
        public static GCNState GetState(byte[] input)
            //[0] joystick enabled
            //[1] upper end D-Pad, lower end a,b,x,y
            //[2] R button, L Button, z, start
            //[3] analog X
            //[4] analog Y
            //[5] c-stick X
            //[6] c-stick Y
            //[7] L axis
            //[8] R Axis

            //[1] [0]: A
            //    [1]: B
            //    [2]: X
            //    [3]: Y
            //    [4]: Left
            //    [5]: Right
            //    [6]: Down
            //    [7]: Up

            //[2] [0]: start
            //    [1]: z
            //    [2]: R button
            //    [3]: L Button
            //    [4]: not used
            //    [5]: not used
            //    [6]: not used
            //    [7]: not used

            GCNState pad = new GCNState();

            if (input.Length == 9)
                if ((int)input[0] > 0)
                    byte b1 = input[1];
                    pad.A = (b1 & (1 << 0)) != 0;
                    pad.B = (b1 & (1 << 1)) != 0;
                    pad.X = (b1 & (1 << 2)) != 0;
                    pad.Y = (b1 & (1 << 3)) != 0;

                    pad.left  = (b1 & (1 << 4)) != 0;
                    pad.right = (b1 & (1 << 5)) != 0;
                    pad.down  = (b1 & (1 << 6)) != 0;
                    pad.up    = (b1 & (1 << 7)) != 0;

                    //Generate POV state for vJoy.
                    if (pad.right)
                        pad.POVstate = 1;
                    else if (pad.down)
                        pad.POVstate = 2;
                    else if (pad.left)
                        pad.POVstate = 3;
                    else if (pad.up)
                        pad.POVstate = 0;
                        pad.POVstate = -1;

                    byte b2 = input[2];
                    pad.start = (b2 & (1 << 0)) != 0;
                    pad.Z     = (b2 & (1 << 1)) != 0;
                    pad.R     = (b2 & (1 << 2)) != 0;
                    pad.L     = (b2 & (1 << 3)) != 0;

                    pad.analogX = (int)input[3];
                    pad.analogY = (int)input[4];
                    pad.cstickX = (int)input[5];
                    pad.cstickY = (int)input[6];
                    pad.analogL = (int)input[7];
                    pad.analogR = (int)input[8];
                throw new Exception("Invalid byte array for input");
        public static void setJoystick(ref vJoy joystick, GCNState input, uint joystickID, ControllerDeadZones deadZones)
            bool res;
            int  multiplier = 127;

            //analog stick
            if (!deadZones.analogStick.inDeadZone(input.analogX, input.analogY))
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * input.analogX, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * (255 - input.analogY), joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Y);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * 129, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * 129, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Y);

            //c stick
            if (!deadZones.cStick.inDeadZone(input.cstickX, input.cstickY))
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * input.cstickX, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RX);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * (255 - input.cstickY), joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RY);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * 129, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RX);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * 129, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RY);

            if (!deadZones.LTrigger.inDeadZone(input.analogL))
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * input.analogL, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Z);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(0, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Z);
            if (!deadZones.RTrigger.inDeadZone(input.analogR))
                res = joystick.SetAxis(multiplier * input.analogR, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RZ);
                res = joystick.SetAxis(0, joystickID, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RZ);

            //dpad button mode for DDR pad support
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.up, joystickID, 9);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.down, joystickID, 10);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.left, joystickID, 11);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.right, joystickID, 12);

            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.A, joystickID, 1);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.B, joystickID, 2);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.X, joystickID, 3);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.Y, joystickID, 4);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.Z, joystickID, 5);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.R, joystickID, 6);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.L, joystickID, 7);
            res = joystick.SetBtn(input.start, joystickID, 8);