public override void PlaySample(int index, double dspTime) { if (_sampleBank.IsLoaded == false) { return; } PatternSample sampleInfo = _samples[index]; if (onPatternWillPlay != null) { onPatternWillPlay(sampleInfo, index, dspTime); } if (_envelopeModule != null) { if (sampleInfo.ProcessedSample == null) { sampleInfo.ProcessedSample = _sampleBank.GetProcessedSample(sampleInfo.SampleName, _envelopeModule.Envelope, sampleInfo.Pitch); } sampleInfo.ProcessedSample.PlayScheduled(_player, dspTime, _trackNb, sampleInfo.Gain); } else { GATData data = _sampleBank.GetAudioData(sampleInfo.SampleName); _player.PlayDataScheduled(data, dspTime, _trackNb, sampleInfo.Gain); } }
void OnPAtternWillPlay( PatternSample info, int indexInPattern, double dspTime ) { if( indexInPattern == observedPatternIndex ) { _lerpFactor = 1f / ( float )( dspTime + ( double )additionalLatency - AudioSettings.dspTime ); _lerpVal = 0f; _state = State.LerpIn; } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a pre configured PatternSample in the pattern. /// </summary> public void InsertSample(PatternSample newSample, int index) { if (index > _samples.Count) { index = _samples.Count; } _samples.Insert(index, newSample); _sampleCount++; if (_sampleCount == 1) { SubscribeToPulseIfNeeded(); } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a pre configured PatternSample in the pattern. /// </summary> public void InsertSample( PatternSample newSample, int index ) { if( index > _samples.Count ) { index = _samples.Count; } _samples.Insert( index, newSample ); _sampleCount ++; if( _sampleCount == 1 ) { SubscribeToPulseIfNeeded(); } }
bool DrawSampleInfo( PatternSample info, bool canPreview, int index ) { Rect boxRect; bool press = false; bool isEditing = index == _editedSampleIndex; bool shouldCollapse = isEditing; if( isEditing ) { GUI.backgroundColor = __editedBoxColor; boxRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUI.Box( boxRect, "", __boxStyle ); GUILayout.Space( 5f ); } Rect foldRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if( canPreview ) { GUI.enabled = true; } else { GUI.enabled = false; } GUILayout.Space( 20f ); GUILayout.Label( index.ToString(), GUILayout.Width( 20f ) ); isEditing = EditorGUI.Foldout( new Rect( foldRect.x + 15f, foldRect.y, 15f, foldRect.height ), isEditing, "" ); if( shouldCollapse && isEditing == false ) { _editedSampleIndex = -1; } GUI.color = __purpleColor; if( GUILayout.Button( info.SampleName, GUILayout.Width( 100f ) ) ) { press = true; } GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.enabled = true; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 40f; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 25f; info.SemiTones = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( __transposeContent, info.SemiTones, GUILayout.ExpandWidth( false ) ); GUILayout.Space( 5f ); info.Gain = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider( info.Gain, 0f, 2f, GUILayout.Width( 100f ) ); if( GUILayout.Button( info.Gain.ToString( "0.00" ), GUILayout.Width( 35f ) ) ) { info.Gain = 1f; } GUILayout.Space( 5f ); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if( isEditing ) { if( _editedSampleIndex != index ) { _editedSampleIndex = index; _changedSampleIndex = -1; } if( _changedSampleIndex == -1 ) _changedSampleIndex = GetIndexOfSample( info.SampleName ); GUILayout.Space( 10f ); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); int cached = _changedSampleIndex; _changedSampleIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup( _changedSampleIndex, _sampleOptions, GUILayout.Width( 100f ) ); if( _changedSampleIndex != cached ) { info.SampleName = _sampleOptions[ _changedSampleIndex ]; } GUILayout.Space( 10f ); GUI.color =; if( GUILayout.Button( "Remove", __buttonOptions ) ) { _pulsedPattern.RemoveSampleAt( index ); _samplesInfo = _pulsedPattern.Samples; _changedSampleIndex = -1; _editedSampleIndex = -1; } GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 5f ); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } GUILayout.Space( 5f ); return press; }