public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); family = K10Manager.GetFamily(); numPstates = K10Manager.GetHighestPState(); clock = K10Manager.GetBIOSBusSpeed(); //Brazos merge next line removed in BT //numBoostedPstates = K10Manager.GetNumBoostedStates(); numBoostedPstates = 0; processBarSteps = numPstates + numBoostedPstates + 1; processBarPerc = 100 / processBarSteps; if ((family != 12) && (family != 14) && (family != 16)) { MessageBox.Show("Your CPU/APU from AMD family: " + family + "h is not supported!"); } //needed to reduces flickering SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); if (numCores == 3) { this.Controls.Remove(this.pstateLabel4); this.Controls.Remove(this.core4label); this.Controls.Remove(this.cpu4Bar); ShiftTable(-15); } else if (numCores == 2) { this.Controls.Remove(this.pstateLabel4); this.Controls.Remove(this.core4label); this.Controls.Remove(this.cpu4Bar); this.Controls.Remove(this.pstateLabel3); this.Controls.Remove(this.core3label); this.Controls.Remove(this.cpu3Bar); ShiftTable(-30); } else if (numCores == 1) { this.Controls.Remove(this.pstateLabel4); this.Controls.Remove(this.core4label); this.Controls.Remove(this.cpu4Bar); this.Controls.Remove(this.pstateLabel3); this.Controls.Remove(this.core3label); this.Controls.Remove(this.cpu3Bar); this.Controls.Remove(this.pstateLabel2); this.Controls.Remove(this.core2label); this.Controls.Remove(this.cpu2Bar); ShiftTable(-50); } notifyIcon.Icon = this.Icon; notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip(); notifyIcon.Visible = true; if (family == 16) { //MessageBox.Show("Jetzt wird ein Log für den Editor erstellt!"); //log_now(); } //Brazos merge next line was active in BT //this.Width += p0StateControl.GetDeltaOptimalWidth(); //Brazos merge p3 trough p7 inactive in BT //BT also provides integer value to Load for PState, which shouldn't be needed //MessageBox.Show("Jetzt werden die Register der GPU gelesen!"); nbp0StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); nbp1StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); //MessageBox.Show("Jetzt werden zusätzliche Register gelesen!"); statusinfo.LoadFromHardware(); //MessageBox.Show("Jetzt werden die Register der CPU gelesen!"); p0StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); p1StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); p2StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); p3StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); p4StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); p5StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); p6StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); p7StateControl.LoadFromHardware(); //MessageBox.Show("Alle Register gelesen!"); if (!_useWindowsPowerSchemes) { // use FusionTweaker's power schemes (via the registry) powerSchemesComboBox.Items.Add(new PowerScheme() { Name = "Balanced" }); powerSchemesComboBox.Items.Add(new PowerScheme() { Name = "High performance" }); powerSchemesComboBox.Items.Add(new PowerScheme() { Name = "Power saver" }); var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\FusionTweaker"); if (key == null) { powerSchemesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { powerSchemesComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)key.GetValue("PowerScheme", 0); key.Close(); } InitializeNotifyIconContextMenu(); powerSchemesComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { var k = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"Software\FusionTweaker"); k.SetValue("PowerScheme", powerSchemesComboBox.SelectedIndex); k.Close(); SynchronizeNotifyIconContextMenu(); }; return; } int guidSize = 16; IntPtr guid = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(guidSize); // get the GUID of the current power scheme IntPtr activeGuidPointer; if (PowerGetActiveScheme(IntPtr.Zero, out activeGuidPointer) != 0) { throw new Exception("PowerGetActiveScheme()"); } Guid activeGuid = (Guid)Marshal.PtrToStructure(activeGuidPointer, typeof(Guid)); LocalFree(activeGuidPointer); // iterate over all power schemes for (int i = 0; true; i++) { if (PowerEnumerate(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0x10, i, guid, ref guidSize) != 0) { break; } // get the required buffer size int size = 0; if (PowerReadFriendlyName(IntPtr.Zero, guid, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, ref size) != 0) { break;//throw new Exception("PowerReadFriendlyName()"); } IntPtr stringBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); // get the scheme name if (PowerReadFriendlyName(IntPtr.Zero, guid, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, stringBuffer, ref size) != 0) { throw new Exception("PowerReadFriendlyName()"); } var item = new PowerScheme() { Guid = (Guid)Marshal.PtrToStructure(guid, typeof(Guid)), Name = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(stringBuffer) }; Marshal.FreeHGlobal(stringBuffer); powerSchemesComboBox.Items.Add(item); if (item.Guid == activeGuid) { powerSchemesComboBox.SelectedIndex = i; } } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(guid); InitializeNotifyIconContextMenu(); powerSchemesComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { var item = (PowerScheme)powerSchemesComboBox.SelectedItem; if (PowerSetActiveScheme(IntPtr.Zero, ref item.Guid) != 0) { throw new Exception("PowerSetActiveScheme()"); } SynchronizeNotifyIconContextMenu(); }; }
/// <summary> /// Loads the P-state settings from each core's MSR. /// </summary> public void LoadFromHardware() { if (_index < 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The PStateIndex property needs to be initialized first."); } if (_index < 8) //hardware loads for CPU { //FT if (_index <= K10Manager.GetHighestPState() + K10Manager.GetNumBoostedStates()) //skip, in case index is bigger than initialized CPU PStates if (_index <= 7)//_maxPstate) //skip, in case just 2 CPU PStates are initialized { _pState = PState.Load(_index); double maxCpuVid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _pState.Msrs.Length; i++)//iterating through cores { var msr = _pState.Msrs[i]; var control = (NumericUpDown)flowLayoutPanel1.Controls[i]; control.Value = (decimal)msr.CPUMultNBDivider; maxCpuVid = Math.Max(maxCpuVid, msr.Vid); } VidNumericUpDown.Value = Math.Min(VidNumericUpDown.Maximum, (decimal)maxCpuVid); //int check = K10Manager.SetBIOSBusSpeed(80); pllfreq.Text = "P" + _index + " Freq (CPU): "; clockvalue.Text = K10Manager.GetBIOSBusSpeed() + "MHz"; freqvalue.Text = (int)_pState.Msrs[0].PLL + "MHz"; if (( == 12) || ( == 16)) //Llano + Kabini { Cofstate.Text = "Mult = "; } else //Brazos { Cofstate.Text = "Mult = " + (K10Manager.CurrCOF() + 16) + " divided by ->"; } Form1.freq[_index] = (int)_pState.Msrs[0].PLL; if (PStateIndex <= _maxPstate) { checkBox_Penable.Checked = true; checkBox_Penable.Enabled = false; } else { checkBox_Penable.Checked = false; checkBox_Penable.Enabled = false; } } else { VidNumericUpDown.Value = (decimal)0.4; } } else if (_index == 8) { //hardware loads for NB P0 _pState = PState.Load(_index); var control = (NumericUpDown)flowLayoutPanel1.Controls[0]; control.Value = (decimal)K10Manager.GetNbDivPState0(); VidNumericUpDown.Value = (decimal)(1.55 - 0.0125 * K10Manager.GetNbVidPState0()); pllfreq.Text = "NB P0 Freq (GPU): "; Cofstate.Text = "Mult = " + (K10Manager.CurrCOF() + 16) + " divided by ->"; clockvalue.Text = K10Manager.GetBIOSBusSpeed() + "MHz"; freqvalue.Text = (int)_pState.Msrs[0].PLL + "MHz"; Form1.freq[_index] = (int)_pState.Msrs[0].PLL; checkBox_Penable.Checked = true; checkBox_Penable.Enabled = false; } else if (_index == 9) { //hardware loads for NB P1 _pState = PState.Load(_index); var control = (NumericUpDown)flowLayoutPanel1.Controls[0]; control.Value = (decimal)K10Manager.GetNbDivPState1(); VidNumericUpDown.Value = (decimal)(1.55 - 0.0125 * K10Manager.GetNbVidPState1()); pllfreq.Text = "NB P1 Freq (GPU): "; clockvalue.Text = K10Manager.GetBIOSBusSpeed() + "MHz"; freqvalue.Text = (int)_pState.Msrs[0].PLL + "MHz"; Cofstate.Text = "Mult = " + (K10Manager.CurrCOF() + 16) + " divided by ->"; Form1.freq[_index] = (int)_pState.Msrs[0].PLL; checkBox_Penable.Checked = true; checkBox_Penable.Enabled = false; } else if (_index == 10) //settings for displaying registers { VidNumericUpDown.Value = 1; } _modified = false; }