StartDownload() public method

public StartDownload ( ) : void
return void
    public void OnGUI()
        // FunapiNetwork test
        with_protobuf_ = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(30, 0, 300, 20), with_protobuf_, " google protocol buffer");
        with_session_reliability_ = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(30, 20, 300, 20), with_session_reliability_, " session reliability");
        GUI.Label(new Rect(30, 40, 300, 20), "server : " + kServerIp);

        GUI.enabled = (network_ == null || !network_.Started);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 60, 240, 40), "Connect (TCP)"))
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 110, 240, 40), "Connect (UDP)"))
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 160, 240, 40), "Connect (HTTP)"))

        GUI.enabled = (network_ != null && network_.Connected);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 210, 240, 40), "Disconnect"))

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 260, 240, 40), "Send 'Hello World'"))

        // Announcements test
        GUI.enabled = true;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 340, 240, 40), "Update Announcements"))
            if (announcement_ == null)
                announcement_ = new FunapiAnnouncement();
                announcement_.ResultCallback += new FunapiAnnouncement.EventHandler(OnAnnouncementResult);

                string url = "";
                if (FunapiConfig.IsValid)
                    url = FunapiConfig.AnnouncementUrl;

                if (url.Length <= 0)
                    url = string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", kAnnouncementIp, kAnnouncementPort);

                if (url.Length <= 0)



        // Resource download test
        GUI.enabled = downloader_ == null;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(30, 390, 300, 20), String.Format("server : {0}:{1}", kDownloadServerIp, kDownloadServerPort));
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 410, 240, 40), "File Download (HTTP)"))
            if (FunapiConfig.IsValid)
                downloader_ = FunapiConfig.CreateDownloader(FunapiUtils.GetLocalDataPath);
                if (downloader_ != null)
                    downloader_.UpdateCallback += new FunapiHttpDownloader.UpdateEventHandler(OnDownloadUpdate);
                    downloader_.FinishedCallback += new FunapiHttpDownloader.FinishEventHandler(OnDownloadFinished);

            if (downloader_ == null)
                downloader_ = new FunapiHttpDownloader(FunapiUtils.GetLocalDataPath, false, OnDownloadUpdate, OnDownloadFinished);
                downloader_.StartDownload(string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", kDownloadServerIp, kDownloadServerPort));

        // FunapiMulticasting test
        GUI.enabled = (multicast_ == null || !multicast_.Connected);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(280, 40, 300, 20), "server : " + kMulticastServerIp);
        string multicast_title = "Multicast (Protobuf) connect";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 60, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            if (FunapiConfig.IsValid)
                multicast_ = FunapiConfig.CreateMulticasting(FunEncoding.kProtobuf, with_session_reliability_);

            if (multicast_ == null)
                if (multicast_ == null)
                    multicast_ = new FunapiMulticastClient(FunEncoding.kProtobuf);

                multicast_.Connect(kMulticastServerIp, kMulticastPbufPort, with_session_reliability_);

            Debug.Log("Connecting to the multicast server..");

        GUI.enabled = (multicast_ != null && multicast_.Connected && !multicast_.InChannel(kMulticastTestChannel));
        multicast_title = "Multicast (Protobuf) join";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 110, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            multicast_.JoinChannel(kMulticastTestChannel, OnMulticastChannelSignalled);
            Debug.Log(String.Format("Joining the multicast channel '{0}'", kMulticastTestChannel));

        GUI.enabled = (multicast_ != null && multicast_.Connected && multicast_.InChannel(kMulticastTestChannel));
        multicast_title = "Multicast (Protobuf) send";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 160, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            PbufHelloMessage hello_msg = new PbufHelloMessage();
            hello_msg.message = "multicast test message";

            FunMulticastMessage mcast_msg = new FunMulticastMessage();
   = kMulticastTestChannel;
            mcast_msg.bounce = true;

            Extensible.AppendValue(mcast_msg, (int)MulticastMessageType.pbuf_hello, hello_msg);


            Debug.Log(String.Format("Sending a message to the multicast channel '{0}'", kMulticastTestChannel));

        GUI.enabled = (multicast_ != null && multicast_.Connected && multicast_.InChannel(kMulticastTestChannel));
        multicast_title = "Multicast (Protobuf) leave";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 210, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            Debug.Log(String.Format("Leaving the multicast channel '{0}'", kMulticastTestChannel));

        GUI.enabled = (chat_ == null || !chat_.Connected);
        string chat_title = "Chat (Protobuf) connect";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 260, 240, 40), chat_title))
            if (chat_ == null)
                chat_ = new FunapiChatClient();

            chat_.Connect(kMulticastServerIp, kMulticastPbufPort, FunEncoding.kProtobuf, with_session_reliability_);
            Debug.Log("Connecting to the chat server..");

        GUI.enabled = (chat_ != null && chat_.Connected && !chat_.InChannel(kChatTestChannel));
        chat_title = "Chat (Protobuf) join";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 310, 240, 40), chat_title))
            chat_.JoinChannel(kChatTestChannel, kChatUserName, OnChatChannelReceived);
            Debug.Log(String.Format("Joining the chat channel '{0}'", kChatTestChannel));

        GUI.enabled = (chat_ != null && chat_.Connected && chat_.InChannel(kChatTestChannel));
        chat_title = "Chat (Protobuf) send";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 360, 240, 40), chat_title))
            chat_.SendText(kChatTestChannel, "hello world");

            Debug.Log(String.Format("Sending a message to the chat channel '{0}'", kChatTestChannel));

        GUI.enabled = (chat_ != null && chat_.Connected && chat_.InChannel(kChatTestChannel));
        chat_title = "Chat (Protobuf) leave";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 410, 240, 40), chat_title))
            Debug.Log(String.Format("Leaving the chat channel '{0}'", kChatTestChannel));
        public static FunapiHttpDownloader CreateDownloader(string target_path)
            if (data_ == null)
                Debug.Log("There's no config data. You should call FunapiConfig.Load first.");
                return null;

            string str_ip = "download_server_ip";
            string str_port = "download_server_port";
            if (!data_.ContainsKey(str_ip) || !data_.ContainsKey(str_port))
                Debug.Log("CreateDownloader - Can't find values for downloader.");
                return null;

            string hostname_or_ip = data_[str_ip] as string;
            UInt16 port = Convert.ToUInt16(data_[str_port]);
            if (hostname_or_ip.Length <= 0 || port == 0)
                Debug.Log(String.Format("CreateDownloader - Invalid value. ip:{0} port:{1}",
                                        hostname_or_ip, port));
                return null;

            bool enable_verify = false;
            string str_verify = "download_verify_enable";
            if (data_.ContainsKey(str_verify))
                enable_verify = Convert.ToBoolean(data_[str_verify]);

            FunapiHttpDownloader downloader = new FunapiHttpDownloader(target_path, enable_verify);
            downloader.StartDownload(string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", hostname_or_ip, port));

            return downloader;