public void exception_should_serialize_properly() { var firstProblem = new ConvertProblem { Property = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty<DateTime>(d => d.Month) }; var secondProblem = new ConvertProblem { Property = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty<DateTime>(d => d.Day) }; var originalException = new BindResultAssertionException(typeof(string), new[] { firstProblem, secondProblem }); var deserializedException = originalException.ShouldTransferViaSerialization(); deserializedException.Type.ShouldEqual(originalException.Type); deserializedException.Problems.ShouldHaveCount(originalException.Problems.Count); }
public void LogProblem(string exceptionText, BindingValue value = null, PropertyInfo property = null) { var problem = new ConvertProblem { ExceptionText = exceptionText, Item = Object, Property = property, Value = value }; _problems.Add(problem); }
public void LogProblem(string exceptionText) { var problem = new ConvertProblem() { ExceptionText = exceptionText, Item = Object, Properties = _propertyStack.ToArray().Reverse(), Value = PropertyValue }; _problems.Add(problem); }
public void should_throw_bind_result_assertion_exception_on_problems() { var problem = new ConvertProblem { Property = typeof(PropertyHolder).GetProperty("SomeProperty"), Value = new BindingValue() { RawValue = "some value" } }; result.Problems.Add(problem); var ex = typeof (BindResultAssertionException).ShouldBeThrownBy( () => result.AssertNoProblems(typeof (string))) as BindResultAssertionException; ex.ShouldNotBeNull(); ex.Message.ShouldEqual("Failure while trying to bind object of type '{0}'".ToFormat(ex.Type) + "Property: {0}, Value: '{1}', Exception:{2}{3}{2}".ToFormat(problem.Property.Name , problem.Value, Environment.NewLine, problem.ExceptionText)); ex.Type.ShouldEqual(typeof (string)); ex.Problems.ShouldContain(problem); }
public void SetUp() { _problem = new ConvertProblem{Item="some item", Value="some value", ExceptionText="exception message"}; _problem.Properties = new List<PropertyInfo> {typeof (PropertyHolder).GetProperty("SomeProperty")}; }
public void SetUp() { _problem = new ConvertProblem { Item = "some item", Value = new BindingValue() { RawValue = "some value" }, ExceptionText = "exception message" }; _problem.Property = typeof (PropertyHolder).GetProperty("SomeProperty"); }