public static void Main() { CustomerAccount RobsAccount = new CustomerAccount("Rob Miles", 100); Account.InterestRateCharged = 10; if (RobsAccount.WithdrawFunds(5)) { Console.WriteLine("Cash Withdrawn"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Insufficient Funds"); } CustomerAccount test = new CustomerAccount("Rob Miles", 100); test.PayInFunds(50); if (test.GetBalance() != 50) { Console.WriteLine("Pay In test failed"); } /* IAccount friendlyBank = new ArrayBank(50); IAccount account = new CustomerAccount("Rob", 0); if (friendlyBank.Save(account)) { Console.WriteLine( "Account stored OK"); }*/ CustomerAccount a = new CustomerAccount("Rob", 50); AccountEditTextUI edit = new AccountEditTextUI(a); edit.EditName(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IAccount [] accounts = new IAccount[MAX_CUST]; accounts[0] = new CustomerAccount("Phuong"); accounts[0].payInFunds(100); Console.WriteLine("Balance "+ accounts[0].Balance); accounts[1] = new BabyAccount("KKY","Nanterre"); accounts[1].payInFunds(20); accounts[1].withdrawFunds(9); accounts[1].Name = "KKYPhuong"; Console.WriteLine(accounts[0].printWarning()); Console.WriteLine(accounts[0].ToString()); Console.WriteLine(accounts[1].ToString()); Console.WriteLine(accounts[0].Equals(accounts[1])); Console.WriteLine(accounts[1].Equals(accounts[0])); //Delegate CalculateFee calc; //declare an instance of delegate calc = new CalculateFee(RipOffFee); // map/call the ripofffee method calc(-1); //execute the method calc = new CalculateFee(FriendlyFee); calc(-1); //Bank SGBank myBank = new SGBank(); myBank.storeAccount(accounts[0]); myBank.storeAccount(accounts[1]); IAccount found = myBank.findAccount("Phuong"); Console.WriteLine(found.ToString()); string d = Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { CustomerAccount test = new CustomerAccount(); test.PayInFunds(50); Console.WriteLine("Balance:" + test.GetBalance()); int errorCount = 0; if (test.GetBalance() != 50) { Console.WriteLine("Pay In test failed"); } string reply; reply = CustomerAccount.ValidateName(null); if (reply != "Name parameter null") { Console.WriteLine("Null name test failed"); errorCount++; } reply = CustomerAccount.ValidateName(""); if (reply != "No text in the name") { Console.WriteLine("Empty name test failed"); errorCount++; } reply = CustomerAccount.ValidateName(" "); if (reply != "No text in the name") { Console.WriteLine("Blank string name test failed"); errorCount++; } CustomerAccount a = new CustomerAccount("Rob", 50); if (!a.SetName("Jim")) { Console.WriteLine("Jim SetName failed"); errorCount++; } if (a.GetName() != "Jim") { Console.WriteLine("Jim GetName failed"); errorCount++; } if (!a.SetName(" Pete ")) { Console.WriteLine("Pete trim SetName failed"); errorCount++; } if (a.GetName() != "Pete") { Console.WriteLine("Pete GetName failed"); errorCount++; } if (errorCount > 0) { SoundSiren(errorCount); } }
/*This method is supplied with a text stream. It reads the name and the balance from this stream and creates a new CustomerAccount based on this data.*/ public static CustomerAccount Load(System.IO.TextReader textIn) { CustomerAccount result = null; try { string name = textIn.ReadLine(); string balanceText = textIn.ReadLine(); decimal balance = decimal.Parse(balanceText); result = new CustomerAccount(name, balance); } catch { return null; } return result; }