public static void TR_GenCameras(World world, Level tr) { world.CamerasSinks.Clear(); foreach(var trcam in tr.Cameras) { world.CamerasSinks.Add( new StatCameraSink { X = trcam.Position.X, Y = trcam.Position.Y, Z = -trcam.Position.Z, RoomOrStrength = (ushort)trcam.Room, FlagOrZone = trcam.Flag }); } }
// Functions generating native OpenTomb structs from legacy TR structs. public static void TR_GenWorld(World world, Level tr) { world.EngineVersion = Loader.Helper.GameToEngine(tr.GameVersion); Res_AutoexecOpen(tr.GameVersion); // Open and do preload autoexec. EngineLua.Call("autoexec_PreLoad"); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(150); Res_GenRBTrees(world); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(200); TR_GenTextures(world, tr); // a bit slow (1-2sec) Gui.DrawLoadScreen(300); TR_GenAnimCommands(world, tr); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(310); TR_GenAnimTextures(world, tr); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(320); TR_GenMeshes(world, tr); // a bit slow (1sec) Gui.DrawLoadScreen(400); TR_GenSprites(world, tr); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(420); TR_GenBoxes(world, tr); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(440); TR_GenCameras(world, tr); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(460); TR_GenRooms(world, tr); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(500); Res_GenRoomFlipMap(world); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(520); TR_GenSkeletalModels(world, tr); // very slow (10sec) Gui.DrawLoadScreen(600); TR_GenEntities(world, tr); // very slow (5sec) Gui.DrawLoadScreen(650); Res_GenBaseItems(world); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(680); Res_GenSpritesBuffer(world); // Should be done ONLY after TR_GenEntities. Gui.DrawLoadScreen(700); TR_GenRoomProperties(world, tr); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(750); Res_GenRoomCollision(world); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(800); #if !NO_AUDIO TR_GenSamples(world, tr); #endif Gui.DrawLoadScreen(850); world.SkyBox = Res_GetSkybox(world, world.EngineVersion); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(860); Res_GenEntityFunctions(world.EntityTree); // a bit very slow (2-3sec) Gui.DrawLoadScreen(910); Res_GenVBOs(world); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(950); EngineLua.DoFile("scripts/autoexec.lua"); // Postload autoexec. EngineLua.Call("autoexec_PostLoad"); Gui.DrawLoadScreen(960); Res_FixRooms(world); // Fix initial room states Gui.DrawLoadScreen(970); }
public static void TR_GenBoxes(World world, Level tr) { world.RoomBoxes.Clear(); foreach (var trbox in tr.Boxes) { world.RoomBoxes.Add( new RoomBox { OverlapIndex = trbox.OverlapIndex, TrueFloor = -trbox.TrueFloor, Xmin = (int) trbox.Xmin, Xmax = (int) trbox.Xmax, Ymin = -(int) trbox.Zmax, Ymax = -(int) trbox.Zmin }); } }
public static void TR_Sector_Calculate(World world, Level tr, int room_index) { var room = world.Rooms[room_index]; var trRoom = tr.Rooms[room_index]; // Sectors loading for (var i = 0; i < room.Sectors.Count; i++) { var sector = room.Sectors[i]; // Let us fill pointers to sectors above and sectors below var rp = trRoom.Sectors[i].RoomBelow; sector.SectorBelow = null; if (rp < world.Rooms.Count && rp != 255) { sector.SectorBelow = world.Rooms[rp].GetSectorRaw(sector.Position); } rp = trRoom.Sectors[i].RoomAbove; sector.SectorBelow = null; if (rp < world.Rooms.Count && rp != 255) { sector.SectorAbove = world.Rooms[rp].GetSectorRaw(sector.Position); } RoomSector nearSector = null; // OX if (sector.IndexY.IsBetween(0, room.SectorsY - 1, IB.aEbE) && sector.IndexX == 0) { nearSector = room.Sectors[i + room.SectorsY]; } if (sector.IndexY.IsBetween(0, room.SectorsY - 1, IB.aEbE) && sector.IndexX == room.SectorsX - 1) { nearSector = room.Sectors[i - room.SectorsY]; } // OY if (sector.IndexX.IsBetween(0, room.SectorsX - 1, IB.aEbE) && sector.IndexY == 0) { nearSector = room.Sectors[i + 1]; } if (sector.IndexX.IsBetween(0, room.SectorsX - 1, IB.aEbE) && sector.IndexY == room.SectorsY - 1) { nearSector = room.Sectors[i - 1]; } if (nearSector != null && sector.PortalToRoom >= 0) { foreach (var p in room.Portals) { if(p.Normal.Normal.Z.IsBetween(-0.01f, 0.01f, IB.aEbE)) { var dst = p.DestRoom?.GetSectorRaw(sector.Position); var origDst = EngineWorld.Rooms[sector.PortalToRoom].GetSectorRaw(sector.Position); if (dst != null && dst.PortalToRoom < 0 && dst.Floor != TR_METERING_WALLHEIGHT && dst.Ceiling != TR_METERING_WALLHEIGHT && sector.PortalToRoom != p.DestRoom.ID && dst.Floor < origDst.Floor && TR_IsSectorsIn2SideOfPortal(nearSector, dst, p)) { sector.PortalToRoom = (int)p.DestRoom.ID; origDst = dst; // TODO: What's the point of that? } } } } } }
public static void tr_setupColoredFace(Mesh trMesh, Level tr, BaseMesh mesh, ushort[] vertexIndices, int color, Polygon p) { var tmp = trMesh.Lights.Length == trMesh.Vertices.Length; for (var i = 0; i < p.Vertices.Count; i++) { p.Vertices[i].Color[0] = tr.Palette.Colour[color].R / 255.0f; p.Vertices[i].Color[1] = tr.Palette.Colour[color].G / 255.0f; p.Vertices[i].Color[2] = tr.Palette.Colour[color].B / 255.0f; if(tmp) { p.Vertices[i].Color[0] = p.Vertices[i].Color[0] * 1.0f - trMesh.Lights[vertexIndices[i]] / 8192.0f; p.Vertices[i].Color[1] = p.Vertices[i].Color[1] * 1.0f - trMesh.Lights[vertexIndices[i]] / 8192.0f; p.Vertices[i].Color[2] = p.Vertices[i].Color[2] * 1.0f - trMesh.Lights[vertexIndices[i]] / 8192.0f; } p.Vertices[i].Color[3] = 1.0f; p.Vertices[i].TexCoord[0] = (i & 2) == 2 ? 1.0f : 0.0f; p.Vertices[i].TexCoord[1] = i >= 2 ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } mesh.UsesVertexColors = true; }
public static int TR_GetNumAnimationsForMoveable(Level tr, int moveable_ind) { int ret; var currMoveable = tr.Moveables[moveable_ind]; if(currMoveable.AnimationIndex == 0xFFFF) { return 0; } if(moveable_ind == tr.Moveables.Length - 1) { ret = tr.Animations.Length - currMoveable.AnimationIndex; return ret < 0 ? 1 : ret; } var nextMoveable = tr.Moveables[moveable_ind + 1]; if(nextMoveable.AnimationIndex == 0xFFFF) { if(moveable_ind + 2 < tr.Moveables.Length) // I hope there is no two neighboard movables with animation_index'es == 0xFFFF { nextMoveable = tr.Moveables[moveable_ind + 2]; } else { return 1; } } ret = Math.Min(nextMoveable.AnimationIndex, tr.Animations.Length); ret -= currMoveable.AnimationIndex; return ret; }
public static long TR_GetOriginalAnimationFrameOffset(uint offset, uint anim, Level tr) { if(anim >= tr.Animations.Length) { return -1; } var trAnim = tr.Animations[(int) anim]; if(anim + 1 == tr.Animations.Length) { if(offset < trAnim.FrameOffset) { return -2; } } else { if (offset < trAnim.FrameOffset && offset >= tr.Animations[(int)anim + 1].FrameOffset) { return -2; } } return trAnim.FrameOffset; }
public static void TR_GenSprites(World world, Level tr) { if(tr.SpriteTextures.Length == 0) { world.Sprites.Clear(); return; } for (var i = 0; i < tr.SpriteTextures.Length; i++) { var s = new Sprite(); var tr_st = tr.SpriteTextures[i]; s.Left = tr_st.LeftSide; s.Right = tr_st.RightSide; s.Top = tr_st.TopSide; s.Bottom = tr_st.BottomSide; world.Sprites.Add(s); world.TextureAtlas.GetSpriteCoordinates((uint)i, out s.Texture, s.TexCoord); } foreach (var seq in tr.SpriteSequences) { if(seq.Offset.IsBetween(0, world.Sprites.Count - 1)) { world.Sprites[seq.Offset].ID = (uint)seq.ObjectID; } } }
public static void TR_GenTextures(World world, Level tr) { var borderSize = Renderer.Settings.TextureBorder.Clamp(0, 64); world.TextureAtlas = new BorderedTextureAtlas( borderSize, Renderer.Settings.SaveTextureMemory, tr.Textures, tr.ObjectTextures, tr.SpriteTextures); world.Textures.Resize((int)world.TextureAtlas.NumAtlasPages + 1); GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.UnpackAlignment, 1); GL.PixelZoom(1, 1); unsafe { var tmp = world.Textures.ToArray(); fixed(uint* ptr = tmp) world.TextureAtlas.CreateTextures(ptr, 1); } // white texture data for coloured polygons and debug lines. var whtx = new[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; // Select mipmap mode switch(Renderer.Settings.MipmapMode) { case 0: GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Nearest); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.NearestMipmapNearest); break; case 1: GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Nearest); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.LinearMipmapNearest); break; case 2: GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Linear); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.NearestMipmapLinear); break; case 3: default: GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Linear); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.LinearMipmapLinear); break; } // Set mipmaps number GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMaxLevel, Renderer.Settings.Mipmaps); // Set anisotropy degree GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, (TextureParameterName) ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic.TextureMaxAnisotropyExt, Renderer.Settings.Anisotropy); // Read lod bias GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureLodBias, Renderer.Settings.LodBias); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, world.Textures.Last()); // solid color =) GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int) TextureMagFilter.Linear); GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, 4, 4, 0, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, whtx); GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 1, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, 2, 2, 0, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, whtx); GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 2, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, 1, 1, 0, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, whtx); //GL.Disable(EnableCap.Texture2D); // Why it is here? It is blocking loading screen. }
public static void TR_GenSkeletalModel(World world, int model_num, SkeletalModel model, Level tr) { var trMoveable = tr.Moveables[model_num]; // original tr structure model.CollisionMap.Resize(model.MeshCount); for (ushort i = 0; i < model.MeshCount; i++) { model.CollisionMap[i] = i; } model.MeshTree.Resize(model.MeshCount, () => new MeshTreeTag()); var treeTag = model.MeshTree[0]; var meshIndex = tr.MeshIndices.SkipEx(trMoveable.StartingMesh); for (var k = 0; k < model.MeshCount; k++) { treeTag = model.MeshTree[k]; treeTag.MeshBase = world.Meshes[(int) meshIndex[k]]; treeTag.MeshSkin = null; // PARANOID: I use calloc for tree_tag's treeTag.ReplaceAnim = 0x00; treeTag.ReplaceMesh = 0x00; treeTag.BodyPart = 0x00; treeTag.Offset = Vector3.Zero; if (k == 0) { treeTag.Flag = 0x02; } else { var tr_mesh_tree = tr.MeshTreeData.SkipEx((int) trMoveable.MeshTreeIndex + (k - 1) * 4); treeTag.Flag = (ushort) (tr_mesh_tree[0] & 0xFF); treeTag.Offset.X = tr_mesh_tree[1]; treeTag.Offset.Y = tr_mesh_tree[3]; treeTag.Offset.Z = -tr_mesh_tree[2]; } } /* * ================= now, animation loading ======================== */ if (trMoveable.AnimationIndex >= tr.Animations.Length) { // model has no start offset and any animation model.Animations.Resize(1, () => new AnimationFrame()); model.Animations[0].Frames.Resize(1, () => new BoneFrame()); var boneFrame = model.Animations[0].Frames[0]; model.Animations[0].ID = TR_ANIMATION.LaraRun; model.Animations[0].NextAnim = null; model.Animations[0].NextFrame = 0; model.Animations[0].StateChange.Clear(); model.Animations[0].OriginalFrameRate = 1; boneFrame.BoneTags.Resize(model.MeshCount, () => new BoneTag()); boneFrame.Position = Vector3.Zero; boneFrame.Move = Vector3.Zero; boneFrame.V_Horizontal = 0.0f; boneFrame.V_Vertical = 0.0f; boneFrame.Command = 0x00; for (var k = 0; k < boneFrame.BoneTags.Count; k++) { treeTag = model.MeshTree[k]; var boneTag = boneFrame.BoneTags[k]; VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, Vector3.Zero); boneTag.Offset = treeTag.Offset; } return; } //Sys.DebugLog(LOG_FILENAME, "model = {0}, anims = {1}", trMoveable.ObjectID, TR_GetNumAnimationsForMoveable(tr, model_num)); model.Animations.Resize(Math.Max(1, TR_GetNumAnimationsForMoveable(tr, model_num)), () => new AnimationFrame()); // the animation count must be >= 1 /* * Ok, let us calculate animations; * there is no difficult: * - first 9 words are bounding box and frame offset coordinates. * - 10's word is a rotations count, must be equal to number of meshes in model. * BUT! only in TR1. In TR2 - TR5 after first 9 words begins next section. * - in the next follows rotation's data. one word - one rotation, if rotation is one-axis (one angle). * two words in 3-axis rotations (3 angles). angles are calculated with bit mask. */ for (var i = 0; i < model.Animations.Count; i++) { var anim = model.Animations[i]; var trAnimation = tr.Animations[trMoveable.AnimationIndex + i]; var frameOffset = trAnimation.FrameOffset / 2; var l_start = 0x09; if (tr.GameVersion.IsAnyOf(TRGame.TR1, TRGame.TR1Demo, TRGame.TR1UnfinishedBusiness)) { l_start = 0x0A; } var frameStep = trAnimation.FrameSize; anim.ID = (TR_ANIMATION) i; anim.OriginalFrameRate = trAnimation.FrameRate; anim.SpeedX = trAnimation.Speed; anim.AccelX = trAnimation.Acceleration; anim.SpeedY = trAnimation.AccelerationLateral; anim.AccelY = trAnimation.SpeedLateral; // TODO: Inverted? anim.AnimCommand = trAnimation.AnimCommand; anim.NumAnimCommands = trAnimation.NumAnimCommands; anim.StateID = (TR_STATE) trAnimation.StateID; anim.Frames.Resize(TR_GetNumFramesForAnimation(tr, trMoveable.AnimationIndex + i), () => new BoneFrame()); //Sys.DebugLog(LOG_FILENAME, "Anim[{0}], {1}", trMoveable.AnimationIndex, TR_GetNumFramesForAnimation(tr, trMoveable.AnimationIndex)); // Parse AnimCommands // Max. amount of AnimCommands is 255, larger numbers are considered as 0. // See for details. if (anim.NumAnimCommands.IsBetween(0, 255, IB.aEbI)) { // Calculate current animation anim command block offset. Assert(anim.AnimCommand < world.AnimCommands.Length); unsafe { fixed (short* tmp = &world.AnimCommands[(int) anim.AnimCommand]) { var pointer = tmp; for (uint count = 0; count < anim.NumAnimCommands; count++) { var command = *pointer; ++pointer; switch ((TR_ANIMCOMMAND) command) { case TR_ANIMCOMMAND.PlayEffect: case TR_ANIMCOMMAND.PlaySound: // Recalculate absolute frame number to relative. pointer[0] -= (short) trAnimation.FrameStart; pointer += 2; break; case TR_ANIMCOMMAND.SetPosition: // Parse through 3 operands. pointer += 3; break; case TR_ANIMCOMMAND.JumpDistance: // Parse through 2 operands. pointer += 2; break; default: // All other commands have no operands. break; } } } } } if (anim.Frames.Count == 0) { // number of animations must be >= 1, because frame contains base model offset anim.Frames.Resize(1, () => new BoneFrame()); } // let us begin to load animations foreach (var boneFrame in anim.Frames) { boneFrame.BoneTags.Resize(model.MeshCount, () => new BoneTag()); boneFrame.Position = Vector3.Zero; boneFrame.Move = Vector3.Zero; TR_GetBFrameBB_Pos(tr, (int) frameOffset, boneFrame); if (frameOffset >= tr.FrameData.Length) { for (var k = 0; k < boneFrame.BoneTags.Count; k++) { treeTag = model.MeshTree[k]; var boneTag = boneFrame.BoneTags[k]; VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, Vector3.Zero); boneTag.Offset = treeTag.Offset; } } else { var l = l_start; ushort temp1, temp2; float ang; for (var k = 0; k < boneFrame.BoneTags.Count; k++) { treeTag = model.MeshTree[k]; var boneTag = boneFrame.BoneTags[k]; VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, Vector3.Zero); boneTag.Offset = treeTag.Offset; switch (tr.GameVersion) { case TRGame.TR1: case TRGame.TR1UnfinishedBusiness: case TRGame.TR1Demo: temp2 = tr.FrameData[frameOffset + l]; l++; temp1 = tr.FrameData[frameOffset + l]; l++; VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, new Vector3( (temp1 & 0x3ff0) >> 4, -(((temp1 & 0x000f) << 6) | ((temp2 & 0xfc00) >> 10)), temp2 & 0x03ff) * (360.0f / 1024.0f)); break; default: temp1 = tr.FrameData[frameOffset + l]; l++; if (tr.GameVersion >= TRGame.TR4) { ang = (temp1 & 0x0fff) * (360.0f / 4096.0f); } else { ang = (temp1 & 0x03ff) * (360.0f / 1024.0f); } switch (temp1 & 0xc000) { case 0x4000: // x only VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, new Vector3(ang, 0, 0)); break; case 0x8000: // y only VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, new Vector3(0, 0, -ang)); break; case 0xc000: // z only VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, new Vector3(0, ang, 0)); break; default: // all three temp2 = tr.FrameData[frameOffset + l]; VMath.Vec4_SetTRRotations(ref boneTag.QRotate, new Vector3( (temp1 & 0x3ff0) >> 4, -(((temp1 & 0x000f) << 6) | ((temp2 & 0xfc00) >> 10)), temp2 & 0x03ff) * (360.0f / 1024.0f)); l++; break; } break; } } } frameOffset += frameStep; } } // Animations interpolation to 1/30 sec like in original. Needed for correct state change works. model.InterpolateFrames(); // state change's loading if (LOG_ANIM_DISPATCHES) { if (model.Animations.Count > 1) { Sys.DebugLog(LOG_FILENAME, "MODEL[{0}], anims = {1}", model_num, model.Animations.Count); } } for (var i = 0; i < model.Animations.Count; i++) { var anim = model.Animations[i]; anim.StateChange.Clear(); var trAnimation = tr.Animations[trMoveable.AnimationIndex + i]; var animId = (trAnimation.NextAnimation - trMoveable.AnimationIndex) & 0x7fff; // this masks out the sign bit Assert(animId >= 0); if (animId < model.Animations.Count) { anim.NextAnim = model.Animations[animId]; anim.NextFrame = Math.Max(0, (trAnimation.NextFrame - tr.Animations[trAnimation.NextAnimation].FrameStart) % anim.NextAnim.Frames.Count); if (LOG_ANIM_DISPATCHES) { Sys.DebugLog(LOG_FILENAME, "ANIM[{0}], next_anim = {1}, next_frame = {2}", i, (int) anim.NextAnim.ID, anim.NextFrame); } } else { anim.NextAnim = null; anim.NextFrame = 0; } anim.StateChange.Clear(); // TODO: Needed? if (trAnimation.NumStateChanges > 0 && model.Animations.Count > 1) { if (LOG_ANIM_DISPATCHES) { Sys.DebugLog(LOG_FILENAME, "ANIM[{0}], next_anim = {1}, next_frame = {2}", i, anim.NextAnim == null ? -1 : (int) anim.NextAnim.ID, anim.NextFrame); } anim.StateChange.Resize(trAnimation.NumStateChanges, () => new StateChange()); for (var j = 0; j < trAnimation.NumStateChanges; j++) { var schP = anim.StateChange[j]; var trSch = tr.StateChanges[j + trAnimation.StateChangeOffset]; schP.ID = (TR_STATE) trSch.StateID; schP.AnimDispatch.Clear(); for (var l = 0; l < trSch.NumAnimDispatches; l++) { var trAdisp = tr.AnimDispatches[trSch.AnimDispatch + l]; var nextAnim = trAdisp.NextAnimation & 0x7fff; var nextAnimInd = nextAnim - (trMoveable.AnimationIndex & 0x7fff); if (nextAnimInd < model.Animations.Count) { var adsp = new AnimDispatch(); var nextFramesCount = model.Animations[nextAnim - trMoveable.AnimationIndex].Frames.Count; var nextFrame = trAdisp.NextFrame - tr.Animations[nextAnim].FrameStart; var low = trAdisp.Low - trAnimation.FrameStart; var high = trAdisp.High - trAnimation.FrameStart; adsp.FrameLow = (ushort) (low % anim.Frames.Count); adsp.FrameHigh = (ushort) ((high - 1) % anim.Frames.Count); adsp.NextAnim = (TR_ANIMATION) (nextAnim - trMoveable.AnimationIndex); adsp.NextFrame = (ushort) (nextFrame % nextFramesCount); schP.AnimDispatch.Add(adsp); if (LOG_ANIM_DISPATCHES) { Sys.DebugLog(LOG_FILENAME, "anim_disp[{0}], frames.size() = {1}: interval[{2}.. {3}], next_anim = {4}, next_frame = {5}", l, anim.Frames.Count, adsp.FrameLow, adsp.FrameHigh, (int) adsp.NextAnim, adsp.NextFrame); } } } } } } GenerateAnimCommandsTransform(model); }
public static void TR_GenEntities(World world, Level tr) { for (var i = 0; i < tr.Items.Length; i++) { var trItem = tr.Items[i]; var entity = trItem.ObjectID == 0 ? new Character((uint) i) : new Entity((uint) i); entity.Transform.Origin.X = trItem.Position.X; entity.Transform.Origin.Y = -trItem.Position.Z; entity.Transform.Origin.Z = trItem.Position.Y; entity.Angles.X = trItem.Rotation; entity.Angles.Y = 0; entity.Angles.Z = 0; entity.UpdateTransform(); entity.Self.Room = trItem.Room.IsBetween(0, world.Rooms.Count - 1) ? world.Rooms[trItem.Room] : null; entity.TriggerLayout = (ENTITY_TLAYOUT)trItem.ActivationMash; // FIXME: Ignore INVISIBLE and CLEAR BODY flags for a moment. entity.OCB = trItem.ObjectCodeBit; entity.Timer = 0.0f; entity.Self.CollisionType = COLLISION_TYPE.Kinematic; entity.Self.CollisionShape = COLLISION_SHAPE.TrimeshConvex; entity.MoveType = MoveType.StaticPos; entity.InertiaLinear = 0.0f; entity.InertiaAngular = Vector2.Zero; entity.Bf.Animations.Model = world.GetModelByID((uint)trItem.ObjectID); if(entity.Bf.Animations.Model == null) { var id = EngineLua.Call("getOverridedID", Loader.Helper.GameToEngine(tr.GameVersion), trItem.ObjectID)[0]; entity.Bf.Animations.Model = world.GetModelByID((uint) id); } var replaceAnimId = (int)EngineLua.Call("getOverridedAnim", Loader.Helper.GameToEngine(tr.GameVersion), trItem.ObjectID)[0]; if(replaceAnimId > 0) { var replaceAnimModel = world.GetModelByID((uint)replaceAnimId); var tmp = entity.Bf.Animations.Model.Animations; entity.Bf.Animations.Model.Animations = replaceAnimModel.Animations; replaceAnimModel.Animations = tmp; } if(entity.Bf.Animations.Model == null) { // SPRITE LOADING var sp = world.GetSpriteByID((uint)trItem.ObjectID); if(sp != null && entity.Self.Room != null) { var rsp = new RoomSprite(); rsp.Sprite = sp; rsp.Position = entity.Transform.Origin; rsp.WasRendered = false; entity.Self.Room.Sprites.Add(rsp); } continue; // that entity has no model. may be it is a some trigger or look at object } if(tr.GameVersion < TRGame.TR2 && trItem.ObjectID == 83) // FIXME: brutal magick hardcode! ;-) { // skip PSX save model continue; } entity.Bf.FromModel(entity.Bf.Animations.Model); if(trItem.ObjectID == 0) // Lara is unical model { var lara = (Character) entity; Assert(lara != null); lara.MoveType = MoveType.OnFloor; world.Character = lara; lara.Self.CollisionType = COLLISION_TYPE.Actor; lara.Self.CollisionShape = COLLISION_SHAPE.TrimeshConvex; lara.TypeFlags |= ENTITY_TYPE.TriggerActivator; SkeletalModel LM; EngineLua.Set("player", lara.ID); switch (Loader.Helper.GameToEngine(tr.GameVersion)) { case Loader.Engine.TR1: if (GameflowManager.LevelID == 0) { LM = world.GetModelByID((uint) TR_ITEM_LARA.AlternateTR1); if (LM != null) { // In TR1, Lara has unified head mesh for all her alternate skins. // Hence, we copy all meshes except head, to prevent Potato Raider bug. SkeletonCopyMeshes(world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshTree, LM.MeshTree, world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshCount - 1); } } break; case Loader.Engine.TR3: LM = world.GetModelByID((uint) TR_ITEM_LARA.TR3); if (LM != null) { SkeletonCopyMeshes(world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshTree, LM.MeshTree, world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshCount); var tmp = world.GetModelByID(11); // moto / quadro cycle animations if (tmp != null) { SkeletonCopyMeshes(tmp.MeshTree, LM.MeshTree, world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshCount); } } break; case Loader.Engine.TR4: case Loader.Engine.TR5: LM = world.GetModelByID((uint)TR_ITEM_LARA.TR4_5); // base skeleton meshes if (LM != null) { SkeletonCopyMeshes(world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshTree, LM.MeshTree, world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshCount); } LM = world.GetModelByID((uint)TR_ITEM_LARA.Joints_TR4_5); // skin skeleton meshes if (LM != null) { SkeletonCopyMeshes2(world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshTree, LM.MeshTree, world.SkeletalModels[0].MeshCount); } world.SkeletalModels[0].FillSkinnedMeshMap(); break; case Loader.Engine.Unknown: break; } for (var j = 0; j < lara.Bf.BoneTags.Count; j++) { lara.Bf.BoneTags[j].MeshBase = lara.Bf.Animations.Model.MeshTree[j].MeshBase; lara.Bf.BoneTags[j].MeshSkin = lara.Bf.Animations.Model.MeshTree[j].MeshSkin; lara.Bf.BoneTags[i].MeshSlot = null; } world.Character.SetAnimation(TR_ANIMATION.LaraStayIdle, 0); lara.GenRigidBody(); lara.CreateGhosts(); lara.Height = 768.0f; lara.StateFunc = AnimStateControl.StateControlLara; continue; } entity.SetAnimation(TR_ANIMATION.LaraRun, 0); // Set zero animation and zero frame Res_SetEntityProperties(entity); entity.RebuildBV(); entity.GenRigidBody(); entity.Self.Room.AddEntity(entity); world.AddEntity(entity); } }
public static void TR_GenSkeletalModels(World world, Level tr) { world.SkeletalModels.Resize(tr.Moveables.Length); for (var i = 0; i < tr.Moveables.Length; i++) { var tr_moveable = tr.Moveables[i]; var smodel = new SkeletalModel(); smodel.ID = tr_moveable.ObjectID; smodel.MeshCount = tr_moveable.NumMeshes; TR_GenSkeletalModel(world, i, smodel, tr); smodel.FillTransparency(); world.SkeletalModels[i] = smodel; } }
public static void TR_GenMesh(World world, int mesh_index, BaseMesh mesh, Level tr) { var texMask = world.EngineVersion == Loader.Engine.TR4 ? TextureIndexMaskTr4 : TextureIndexMask; /* TR WAD FORMAT DOCUMENTATION! * tr4_face[3,4]_t: * flipped texture & 0x8000 (1 bit ) - horizontal flipping. * shape texture & 0x7000 (3 bits ) - texture sample shape. * index texture & $0FFF (12 bits) - texture sample index. * * if bit [15] is set, as in ( texture and $8000 ), it indicates that the texture * sample must be flipped horizontally prior to be used. * Bits [14..12] as in ( texture and $7000 ), are used to store the texture * shape, given by: ( texture and $7000 ) shr 12. * The valid values are: 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, as assigned to a square starting from * the top-left corner and going clockwise: 0, 2, 4, 6 represent the positions * of the square angle of the triangles, 7 represents a quad. */ var trMesh = tr.Meshes[mesh_index]; mesh.ID = (uint)mesh_index; mesh.Center.X = trMesh.Centre.X; mesh.Center.Y = trMesh.Centre.Z; mesh.Center.Z = trMesh.Centre.Y; mesh.Radius = trMesh.CollisionSize; mesh.TexturePageCount = world.TextureAtlas.NumAtlasPages + 1; mesh.Vertices.Resize(trMesh.Vertices.Length, () => new Vertex()); for (var i = 0; i < mesh.Vertices.Count; i++) { mesh.Vertices[i].Position = trMesh.Vertices[i].ToVector3(); mesh.Vertices[i].Normal = Vector3.Zero; // paranoid } mesh.FindBB(); mesh.Polygons.Clear(); // textured triangles foreach (var face3 in trMesh.TexturedTriangles) { var p = new Polygon(); var tex = tr.ObjectTextures[face3.Texture & texMask]; p.DoubleSide = face3.Texture >> 15 != 0; // CORRECT, BUT WRONG IN TR3-5 SetAnimTexture(p, (uint)face3.Texture & texMask, world); p.BlendMode = face3.Lighting.HasFlagUns(0x01) ? BlendingMode.Multiply : tex.TransparencyFlags; tr_accumulateNormals(trMesh, mesh, 3, face3.Vertices, p); tr_setupTexturedFace(trMesh, mesh, face3.Vertices, p); world.TextureAtlas.GetCoordinates((uint) face3.Texture & texMask, false, p); mesh.Polygons.Add(p); } // coloured triangles foreach (var face3 in trMesh.ColouredTriangles) { var p = new Polygon(); var col = face3.Texture & 0xff; p.TexIndex = (ushort)world.TextureAtlas.NumAtlasPages; p.BlendMode = BlendingMode.Opaque; p.AnimID = 0; tr_accumulateNormals(trMesh, mesh, 3, face3.Vertices, p); tr_setupColoredFace(trMesh, tr, mesh, face3.Vertices, col, p); mesh.Polygons.Add(p); } // textured rectangles foreach (var face4 in trMesh.TexturedRectangles) { var p = new Polygon(); var tex = tr.ObjectTextures[face4.Texture & texMask]; p.DoubleSide = face4.Texture >> 15 != 0; // CORRECT, BUT WRONG IN TR3-5 SetAnimTexture(p, (uint)face4.Texture & texMask, world); p.BlendMode = face4.Lighting.HasFlagUns(0x01) ? BlendingMode.Multiply : tex.TransparencyFlags; tr_accumulateNormals(trMesh, mesh, 4, face4.Vertices, p); tr_setupTexturedFace(trMesh, mesh, face4.Vertices, p); world.TextureAtlas.GetCoordinates((uint)face4.Texture & texMask, false, p); mesh.Polygons.Add(p); } // coloured rectangles foreach (var face4 in trMesh.ColouredRectangles) { var p = new Polygon(); var col = face4.Texture & 0xff; p.TexIndex = (ushort)world.TextureAtlas.NumAtlasPages; p.BlendMode = BlendingMode.Opaque; p.AnimID = 0; tr_accumulateNormals(trMesh, mesh, 4, face4.Vertices, p); tr_setupColoredFace(trMesh, tr, mesh, face4.Vertices, col, p); mesh.Polygons.Add(p); } // let us normalise normals %) foreach (var v in mesh.Vertices) { v.Normal = v.Normal.SafeNormalize(); } // triangles var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < trMesh.TexturedTriangles.Length; i++, j++) { tr_copyNormals(mesh.Polygons[j], mesh, trMesh.TexturedTriangles[i].Vertices); } for (var i = 0; i < trMesh.ColouredTriangles.Length; i++, j++) { tr_copyNormals(mesh.Polygons[j], mesh, trMesh.ColouredTriangles[i].Vertices); } // triangles for (var i = 0; i < trMesh.TexturedRectangles.Length; i++, j++) { tr_copyNormals(mesh.Polygons[j], mesh, trMesh.TexturedRectangles[i].Vertices); } for (var i = 0; i < trMesh.ColouredRectangles.Length; i++, j++) { tr_copyNormals(mesh.Polygons[j], mesh, trMesh.ColouredRectangles[i].Vertices); } mesh.Vertices.Clear(); mesh.GenFaces(); mesh.PolySortInMesh(); }
public static void TR_GenMeshes(World world, Level tr) { world.Meshes.Resize(tr.Meshes.Length, () => new BaseMesh()); for (var i = 0; i < world.Meshes.Count; i++) { TR_GenMesh(world, i, world.Meshes[i], tr); } }
public static unsafe void TR_GenSamples(World world, Level tr) { world.AudioBuffers = new uint[tr.SamplesCount]; fixed (uint* ptr = world.AudioBuffers) AL.GenBuffers(world.AudioBuffers.Length, ptr); // Generate stream track map array. // We use scripted amount of tracks to define map bounds. // If script had no such parameter, we define map bounds by default. var n = EngineLua.GetNumTracks(); world.StreamTrackMap.Resize(n == 0 ? TR_AUDIO_STREAM_MAP_SIZE : n); // Generate new audio effects array. world.AudioEffects.Resize(tr.SoundDetails.Length, () => new AudioEffect()); // Generate new audio emitters array. world.AudioEmitters.Resize(tr.SoundSources.Length, () => new AudioEmitter()); // Cycle through raw samples block and parse them to OpenAL buffers. // Different TR versions have different ways of storing samples. // TR1: sample block size, sample block, num samples, sample offsets. // TR2/TR3: num samples, sample offsets. (Sample block is in MAIN.SFX.) // TR4/TR5: num samples, (uncomp_size-comp_size-sample_data) chain. // // Hence, we specify certain parse method for each game version. if (tr.SamplesData.Length > 0) { fixed (byte* tmp = tr.SamplesData) { var pointer = tmp; switch (tr.GameVersion) { case TRGame.TR1: case TRGame.TR1Demo: case TRGame.TR1UnfinishedBusiness: { world.AudioMap = tr.SoundMap.ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < tr.SampleIndices.Length - 1; i++) { pointer = tmp + tr.SampleIndices[i]; var size = tr.SampleIndices[i + 1] - tr.SampleIndices[i]; Audio.LoadALBufferFromMem(world.AudioBuffers[i], pointer, size); } } break; case TRGame.TR2: case TRGame.TR2Demo: case TRGame.TR3: { // TODO: TR3 gold ?? world.AudioMap = tr.SoundMap.ToList(); uint ind1 = 0; uint ind2 = 0; var flag = false; var i = 0; while (pointer < tmp + tr.SamplesData.Length - 4) { pointer = tmp + ind2; if (*(int*) pointer == 0x46464952) { // RIFF if (!flag) { ind1 = ind2; flag = true; } else { var uncompSize = ind2 - ind1; var srcData = tmp + ind1; Audio.LoadALBufferFromMem(world.AudioBuffers[i], srcData, uncompSize); i++; if (i >= world.AudioBuffers.Length) { break; } ind1 = ind2; } } ind2++; } var uncomp_Size = (uint) tr.SamplesData.Length - ind1; pointer = tmp + ind1; if (i < world.AudioBuffers.Length) { Audio.LoadALBufferFromMem(world.AudioBuffers[i], pointer, uncomp_Size); } break; } case TRGame.TR4: case TRGame.TR4Demo: case TRGame.TR5: world.AudioMap = tr.SoundMap.ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < tr.SamplesCount; i++) { // Parse sample sizes. // Always use comp_size as block length, as uncomp_size is used to cut raw sample data. var uncompSize = *(uint*) pointer; pointer += 4; var compSize = *(uint*) pointer; pointer += 4; // Load WAV sample into OpenAL buffer. Audio.LoadALBufferFromMem(world.AudioBuffers[i], pointer, compSize, uncompSize); // Now we can safely move pointer through current sample data. pointer += compSize; } break; default: world.AudioMap.Clear(); tr.SamplesData.Clear(); return; } } } // Cycle through SoundDetails and parse them into native OpenTomb // audio effects structure. for (var i = 0; i < world.AudioEffects.Count; i++) { if (tr.GameVersion < TRGame.TR3) { world.AudioEffects[i].Gain = tr.SoundDetails[i].Volume / 32767.0f; // Max. volume in TR1/TR2 is 32767. world.AudioEffects[i].Chance = tr.SoundDetails[i].Chance; } else if (tr.GameVersion > TRGame.TR3) { world.AudioEffects[i].Gain = tr.SoundDetails[i].Volume / 255.0f; // Max. volume in TR3 is 255. world.AudioEffects[i].Chance = tr.SoundDetails[i].Chance * 255; } else { world.AudioEffects[i].Gain = tr.SoundDetails[i].Volume / 255.0f; // Max. volume in TR3 is 255. world.AudioEffects[i].Chance = tr.SoundDetails[i].Chance * 127; } world.AudioEffects[i].RandomizeGainVar = 50; world.AudioEffects[i].RandomizePitchVar = 50; world.AudioEffects[i].Pitch = tr.SoundDetails[i].Pitch / 127.0f + 1.0f; world.AudioEffects[i].Range = tr.SoundDetails[i].SoundRange * 1024.0f; world.AudioEffects[i].RandomizePitch = tr.SoundDetails[i].UseRandomPitch; world.AudioEffects[i].RandomizeGain = tr.SoundDetails[i].UseRandomVolume; world.AudioEffects[i].Loop = tr.SoundDetails[i].GetLoopType(Loader.Helper.GameToEngine(tr.GameVersion)); world.AudioEffects[i].SampleIndex = tr.SoundDetails[i].Sample; world.AudioEffects[i].SampleCount = tr.SoundDetails[i].SampleCount; } // Try to override samples via script. // If there is no script entry exist, we just leave default samples. // NB! We need to override samples AFTER audio effects array is inited, as override // routine refers to existence of certain audio effect in level. Audio.LoadOverridedSamples(world); // Hardcoded version-specific fixes! switch (world.EngineVersion) { case Loader.Engine.TR1: // Fix for underwater looped sound. if (world.AudioMap[(int) TR_AUDIO_SOUND.Underwater] >= 0) { world.AudioEffects[world.AudioMap[(int) TR_AUDIO_SOUND.Underwater]].Loop = LoopType.Forward; } break; case Loader.Engine.TR2: // Fix for helicopter sound range. if (world.AudioMap[297] >= 0) { world.AudioEffects[world.AudioMap[297]].Range *= 10.0f; } break; default: break; } // Cycle through sound emitters and // parse them to native OpenTomb sound emitters structure. for (var i = 0; i < world.AudioEmitters.Count; i++) { world.AudioEmitters[i].EmitterIndex = (uint) i; world.AudioEmitters[i].SoundIndex = tr.SoundSources[i].SoundID; world.AudioEmitters[i].Position = new Vector3(tr.SoundSources[i].X, tr.SoundSources[i].Z, -tr.SoundSources[i].Y); world.AudioEmitters[i].Flags = tr.SoundSources[i].Flags; } }
public static void TR_GenAnimCommands(World world, Level tr) { world.AnimCommands = tr.AnimCommands.ToArray(); }
// Functions for getting various parameters from legacy TR structs. public static void TR_GetBFrameBB_Pos(Level tr, int frame_offset, BoneFrame bone_frame) { if(frame_offset < tr.FrameData.Length) { var frame = tr.FrameData.Skip(frame_offset).ToArray(); bone_frame.BBMin[0] = frame[0]; bone_frame.BBMin[1] = frame[4]; bone_frame.BBMin[2] = -frame[3]; bone_frame.BBMax[0] = frame[1]; bone_frame.BBMax[1] = frame[5]; bone_frame.BBMax[2] = -frame[2]; bone_frame.Position[0] = frame[6]; bone_frame.Position[1] = frame[8]; bone_frame.Position[2] = -frame[7]; } else { bone_frame.BBMin = Vector3.Zero; bone_frame.BBMax = Vector3.Zero; bone_frame.Position = Vector3.Zero; } bone_frame.Centre = (bone_frame.BBMin - bone_frame.BBMax) / 2.0f; }
/** Animated textures loading. * Natively, animated textures stored as a stream of bitu16s, which * is then parsed on the fly. What we do is parse this stream to the * proper structures to be used later within renderer. */ public static unsafe void TR_GenAnimTextures(World world, Level tr) { var p0 = new Polygon(); var p = new Polygon(); p0.Vertices.Resize(3, () => new Vertex()); p.Vertices.Resize(3, () => new Vertex()); fixed(ushort* tmp = tr.AnimatedTextures) { var pointer = tmp; var numUvrotates = tr.AnimatedTexturesUVCount; var numSequences = *pointer++; // First word in a stream is sequence count. world.AnimSequences.Resize(numSequences, () => new AnimSeq()); for(var i = 0; i < numSequences; i++) { var seq = world.AnimSequences[i]; seq.Frames.Resize(*pointer++ + 1, () => new TexFrame()); seq.FrameList.Resize(seq.Frames.Count); // Fill up new sequence with frame list seq.AnimType = TR_ANIMTEXTURE.Forward; seq.FrameLock = false; // by default anim is playing seq.UVRotate = false; // by default uvrotate seq.ReverseDirection = false; // Needed for proper reverse-type start-up. seq.FrameRate = 0.05f; // Should be passed as 1 / FPS. seq.FrameTime = 0.0f; // Reset frame time to initial state. seq.CurrentFrame = 0; // Reset current frame to zero. for(var j = 0; j < seq.Frames.Count; j++) { seq.FrameList[j] = *pointer++; // Add one frame. } // UVRotate textures case. // In TR4-5, it is possible to define special UVRotate animation mode. // It is specified by num_uvrotates variable. If sequence belongs to // UVRotate range, each frame will be divided in half and continously // scrolled from one part to another by shifting UV coordinates. // In OpenTomb, we can have BOTH UVRotate and classic frames mode // applied to the same sequence, but there we specify compatibility // method for TR4-5. var uvrotateScript = 0; var tmp1 = EngineLua["UVRotate"]; if(tmp1 != null) { uvrotateScript = (int) tmp1; } if(i < numUvrotates) { seq.FrameLock = false; // by default anim is playing seq.UVRotate = true; // Get texture height and divide it in half. // This way, we get a reference value which is used to identify // if scrolling is completed or not. seq.Frames.Resize(8, () => new TexFrame()); seq.UVRotateMax = world.TextureAtlas.GetTextureHeight(seq.FrameList[0]) / 2f; seq.UVRotateSpeed = seq.UVRotateMax / seq.Frames.Count; seq.FrameList.Resize(8); if(uvrotateScript > 0) { seq.AnimType = TR_ANIMTEXTURE.Forward; } else if(uvrotateScript < 0) { seq.AnimType = TR_ANIMTEXTURE.Backward; } EngineWorld.TextureAtlas.GetCoordinates(seq.FrameList[0], false, p, 0, true); for(var j = 0; j < seq.Frames.Count; j++) { EngineWorld.TextureAtlas.GetCoordinates(seq.FrameList[0], false, p, (int)(j * seq.UVRotateSpeed), true); seq.Frames[j].TextureIndex = p.TexIndex; var A0 = new[] { p0.Vertices[1].TexCoord[0] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], // TODO: p0 hasn't been modified?? p0.Vertices[1].TexCoord[1] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var B0 = new[] { p0.Vertices[2].TexCoord[0] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], p0.Vertices[2].TexCoord[1] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var A = new[] { p.Vertices[1].TexCoord[0] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], p.Vertices[1].TexCoord[1] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var B = new[] { p.Vertices[2].TexCoord[0] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], p.Vertices[2].TexCoord[1] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var d = A0[0] * B0[1] - A0[1] * B0[0]; seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 0 * 2] = (A[0] * B0[1] - A0[1] * B[0]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 0 * 2] = -(A[1] * B0[1] - A0[1] * B[1]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 1 * 2] = -(A0[0] * B[0] - A[0] * B0[0]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 1 * 2] = (A0[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B0[0]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Move[0] = p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0] - (p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 0 * 2] + p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 1 * 2]); seq.Frames[j].Move[1] = p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] - (p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 0 * 2] + p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 1 * 2]); } } else { EngineWorld.TextureAtlas.GetCoordinates(seq.FrameList[0], false, p0); for (var j = 0; j < seq.Frames.Count; j++) { EngineWorld.TextureAtlas.GetCoordinates(seq.FrameList[j], false, p); seq.Frames[j].TextureIndex = p.TexIndex; var A0 = new[] { p0.Vertices[1].TexCoord[0] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], p0.Vertices[1].TexCoord[1] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var B0 = new[] { p0.Vertices[2].TexCoord[0] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], p0.Vertices[2].TexCoord[1] - p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var A = new[] { p.Vertices[1].TexCoord[0] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], p.Vertices[1].TexCoord[1] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var B = new[] { p.Vertices[2].TexCoord[0] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0], p.Vertices[2].TexCoord[1] - p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] }; var d = A0[0] * B0[1] - A0[1] * B0[0]; seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 0 * 2] = (A[0] * B0[1] - A0[1] * B[0]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 0 * 2] = -(A[1] * B0[1] - A0[1] * B[1]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 1 * 2] = -(A0[0] * B[0] - A[0] * B0[0]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 1 * 2] = (A0[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B0[0]) / d; seq.Frames[j].Move[0] = p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0] - (p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 0 * 2] + p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[0 + 1 * 2]); seq.Frames[j].Move[1] = p.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] - (p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[0] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 0 * 2] + p0.Vertices[0].TexCoord[1] * seq.Frames[j].Mat[1 + 1 * 2]); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns real animation frame count /// </summary> public static int TR_GetNumFramesForAnimation(Level tr, int animation_ind) { int ret; var currAnim = tr.Animations[animation_ind]; if(currAnim.FrameSize <= 0) // TODO: WTF? byte? < 0 ? { return 1; // impossible! } if(animation_ind == tr.Animations.Length - 1) { ret = (int)(2 * tr.FrameData.Length - currAnim.FrameOffset); ret /= currAnim.FrameSize * 2; // it is fully correct! return ret; } var nextAnim = tr.Animations[animation_ind + 1]; ret = (int)((long)nextAnim.FrameOffset - currAnim.FrameOffset); ret /= currAnim.FrameSize * 2; return ret; }
public static void TR_GenRooms(World world, Level tr) { world.Rooms.Resize(tr.Rooms.Length, () => new Room()); for (var i = 0; i < world.Rooms.Count; i++) { TR_GenRoom(i, world.Rooms[i], world, tr); } }
// Main functions which are used to translate legacy TR floor data // to native OpenTomb structs. public static unsafe int TR_Sector_TranslateFloorData(RoomSector sector, Level tr) { var ret = 0; #region Depth 1 if (sector == null || !sector.TrigIndex.IsBetween(0, tr.FloorData.Length, IB.aEbE)) { return 0; } sector.Flags = 0; // Clear sector flags before parsing. // PARSE FUNCTIONS fixed(ushort* tmp = tr.FloorData) { var end_p = tmp + tr.FloorData.Length - 1; var entry = tmp + sector.TrigIndex; int endBit; do { #region Depth 2 // TR1 - TR2 //function = (*entry) & 0x00FF; // 0b00000000 11111111 //sub_function = ((*entry) & 0x7F00) >> 8; // 0b01111111 00000000 //TR3+, but works with TR1 - TR2 var function = *entry & 0x001F; // 0b00000000 00011111 // var functionValue = (*entry & 0x00E0) >> 5; // 0b00000000 11100000 TR3+ var subFunction = (*entry & 0x7F00) >> 8; // 0b01111111 00000000 endBit = (*entry & 0x8000) >> 15; // 0b10000000 00000000 entry++; switch ((FD_FUNC) function) { case FD_FUNC.PortalSector: // PORTAL DATA if (subFunction == 0x00) { if (*entry < EngineWorld.Rooms.Count) { sector.PortalToRoom = *entry; sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Ghost; sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Ghost; } entry++; } break; case FD_FUNC.FloorSlant: // FLOOR SLANT if (subFunction == 0x00) { var rawYslant = *entry & 0x00FF; var rawXslant = (*entry & 0xFF00) >> 8; sector.FloorDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.None; sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; if (rawXslant > 0) { sector.FloorCorners[2][2] -= rawXslant * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[3][2] -= rawXslant * TR_METERING_STEP; } else if (rawXslant < 0) { sector.FloorCorners[0][2] -= Math.Abs(rawXslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[1][2] -= Math.Abs(rawXslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; } if (rawYslant > 0) { sector.FloorCorners[0][2] -= rawYslant * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[3][2] -= rawYslant * TR_METERING_STEP; } else if (rawYslant < 0) { sector.FloorCorners[1][2] -= Math.Abs(rawYslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[2][2] -= Math.Abs(rawYslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; } entry++; } break; case FD_FUNC.CeilingSlant: // CEILING SLANT if (subFunction == 0x00) { var rawYslant = *entry & 0x00FF; var rawXslant = (*entry & 0xFF00) >> 8; sector.CeilingDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.None; sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; if (rawXslant > 0) { sector.CeilingCorners[3][2] += rawXslant * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[2][2] += rawXslant * TR_METERING_STEP; } else if (rawXslant < 0) { sector.CeilingCorners[1][2] += Math.Abs(rawXslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[0][2] += Math.Abs(rawXslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; } if (rawYslant > 0) { sector.CeilingCorners[1][2] += rawYslant * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[2][2] += rawYslant * TR_METERING_STEP; } else if (rawYslant < 0) { sector.CeilingCorners[0][2] += Math.Abs(rawYslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[3][2] += Math.Abs(rawYslant) * TR_METERING_STEP; } entry++; } break; case FD_FUNC.Trigger: // TRIGGERS { #region Trigger var header = ""; // Header condition var once_condition = ""; // One-shot condition var cont_events = ""; // Continous trigger events var single_events = ""; // One-shot trigger events var item_events = ""; // Item activation events var anti_events = ""; // Item deactivation events, if needed var script = ""; // Final script compile var buf = "\0"; // Stream buffer var buf2 = "\0"; // Conditional pre-buffer for SWITCH triggers var activator = Activator.Normal; // Activator is normal by default. var actionType = ActionType.Normal; // Action type is normal by default. var condition = 0; // No condition by default. var maskMode = AMASK_OP_OR; // Activation mask by default. var timerField = *entry & 0x00FF; // Used as common parameter for some commands. var triggerMask = (*entry & 0x3E00) >> 9; var onlyOnce = (*entry & 0x0100) >> 8; // Lock out triggered items after activation. // Processed entities lookup array initialization. var entLookupTable = Helper.FillArray(0xFF, 64); // Activator type is LARA for all triggers except HEAVY ones, which are triggered by // some specific entity classes. var activatorType = ((TriggerTypes) subFunction).IsAnyOf(TriggerTypes.Heavy, TriggerTypes.HeavyAntiTrigger, TriggerTypes.HeavySwitch) ? ActivatorType.Misc : ActivatorType.Lara; // Table cell header buf = Helper.Format( "trigger_list[{0}] = {{activator_type = {1}, func = function(entity_index) \n", sector.TrigIndex, (int) activatorType); script += buf; buf = ""; // Zero out buffer to prevent further trashing. switch ((TriggerTypes) subFunction) { case TriggerTypes.Trigger: case TriggerTypes.Heavy: activator = Activator.Normal; break; case TriggerTypes.Pad: case TriggerTypes.AntiPad: // Check move type for triggering entity. buf = Helper.Format("if(getEntityMoveType(entity_index) == {0}) then \n", (int) MoveType.OnFloor); if (subFunction == (int) TriggerTypes.AntiPad) actionType = ActionType.Anti; condition = 1; // Set additional condition. break; case TriggerTypes.Switch: // Set activator and action type for now; conditions are linked with first item in operand chain. activator = Activator.Switch; actionType = ActionType.Switch; maskMode = AMASK_OP_XOR; break; case TriggerTypes.HeavySwitch: // Action type remains normal, as HEAVYSWITCH acts as "heavy trigger" with activator mask filter. activator = Activator.Switch; maskMode = AMASK_OP_XOR; break; case TriggerTypes.Key: // Action type remains normal, as key acts one-way (no need in switch routines). activator = Activator.Key; break; case TriggerTypes.Pickup: // Action type remains normal, as pick-up acts one-way (no need in switch routines). activator = Activator.Pickup; break; case TriggerTypes.Combat: // Check weapon status for triggering entity. buf = " if(getCharacterCombatMode(entity_index) > 0) then \n"; condition = 1; // Set additional condition. break; case TriggerTypes.Dummy: case TriggerTypes.Skeleton: // TODO: Find the meaning later!!! // These triggers are being parsed, but not added to trigger script! actionType = ActionType.Bypass; break; case TriggerTypes.AntiTrigger: case TriggerTypes.HeavyAntiTrigger: actionType = ActionType.Anti; break; case TriggerTypes.Monkey: case TriggerTypes.Climb: // Check move type for triggering entity. buf = Helper.Format(" if(getEntityMoveType(entity_index) == {0}) then \n", (int) (subFunction == (int) TriggerTypes.Monkey ? MoveType.Monkeyswing : MoveType.Climbing)); condition = 1; // Set additional condition. break; case TriggerTypes.Tightrope: // Check state range for triggering entity. buf = Helper.Format( " local state = getEntityState(entity_index) \n" + " if((state >= {0}) and (state <= {1})) then \n", (int) TR_STATE.LaraTightropeIdle, (int) TR_STATE.LaraTightropeExit); condition = 1; // Set additional condition. break; case TriggerTypes.CrawlDuck: // Check state range for triggering entity. buf = Helper.Format( " local state = getEntityState(entity_index) \n" + " if((state >= {0}) and (state <= {1})) then \n", (int) TR_ANIMATION.LaraCrouchRollForwardBegin, (int) TR_ANIMATION.LaraCrawlSmashLeft); // TODO: Inverted STATE and ANIMATION? condition = 1; // Set additional condition. break; } header += buf; // Add condition to header. int contBit; var argn = 0; // Now parse operand chain for trigger function! do { entry++; var triggerFunction = (*entry & 0x7C00) >> 10; // 0b01111100 00000000 var operands = *entry & 0x03FF; // 0b00000011 11111111 contBit = (*entry & 0x8000) >> 15; // 0b10000000 00000000 switch ((FD_TRIGFUNC) triggerFunction) { case FD_TRIGFUNC.Object: // ACTIVATE / DEACTIVATE object // If activator is specified, first item operand counts as activator index (except // heavy switch case, which is ordinary heavy trigger case with certain differences). if (argn == 0 && activator != Activator.Normal) { switch (activator) { case Activator.Switch: if (actionType == ActionType.Switch) { // Switch action type case. script += Helper.Format( " local switch_state = getEntityState({0}); \n" + " local switch_sectorstatus = getEntitySectorStatus({0}); \n" + " local switch_mask = getEntityMask({0}); \n\n", operands); } else { // Ordinary type case (e.g. heavy switch). script += Helper.Format( " local switch_sectorstatus = getEntitySectorStatus(entity_index); \n" + " local switch_mask = getEntityMask(entity_index); \n\n"); } script += Helper.Format( " if(switch_mask == 0) then switch_mask = 0x1F end; \n" + " switch_mask =, 0x{0:X2}); \n\n", triggerMask); if (actionType == ActionType.Switch) { // Switch action type case. buf = Helper.Format( " if((switch_state == 0) and switch_sectorstatus) then \n" + " setEntitySectorStatus({0}, false); \n" + " setEntityTimer({0}, {1}); \n", operands, timerField); if (EngineWorld.EngineVersion >= Loader.Engine.TR3 && onlyOnce != 0) { // Just lock out activator, no anti-action needed. buf2 = Helper.Format(" setEntityLock({0}, true) \n", operands); } else { // Create statement for antitriggering a switch. buf2 = Helper.Format( " elseif((switch_state == 1) and switch_sectorstatus) then\n" + " setEntitySectorStatus({0}, false); \n setEntityTimer({0}, 0); \n", operands); } } else { // Ordinary type case (e.g. heavy switch). item_events += Helper.Format( " activateEntity({0}, entity_index, switch_mask, {1}, {2}, {3}); \n", operands, maskMode, onlyOnce != 0 ? "true" : "false", timerField); buf = " if(not switch_sectorstatus) then \n" + " setEntitySectorStatus(entity_index, true) \n"; } break; case Activator.Key: buf = Helper.Format( " if((getEntityLock({0})) and (not getEntitySectorStatus({0}))) then \n" + " setEntitySectorStatus({0}, true); \n", operands); break; case Activator.Pickup: buf = Helper.Format( " if((not getEntityEnability({0})) and (not getEntitySectorStatus({0}))) then \n" + " setEntitySectorStatus({0}, true); \n", operands); break; } script += buf; } else { // In many original Core Design levels, level designers left dublicated entity activation operands. // This results in setting same activation mask twice, effectively blocking entity from activation. // To prevent this, a lookup table was implemented to know if entity already had its activation // command added. if (!Res_IsEntityProcessed(entLookupTable, (ushort) operands)) { // Other item operands are simply parsed as activation functions. Switch case is special, because // function is fed with activation mask argument derived from activator mask filter (switch_mask), // and also we need to process deactivation in a same way as activation, excluding resetting timer // field. This is needed for two-way switch combinations (e.g. Palace Midas). if (activator == Activator.Switch) { item_events += Helper.Format( " activateEntity({0}, entity_index, switch_mask, {1}, {2}, {3}); \n", operands, maskMode, onlyOnce != 0 ? "true" : "false", timerField); anti_events += Helper.Format( " activateEntity({0}, entity_index, switch_mask, {1}, {2}, 0); \n", operands, maskMode, onlyOnce != 0 ? "true" : "false"); } else { item_events += Helper.Format( " activateEntity({0}, entity_index, 0x{1:X2}, {2}, {3}, {4}); \n", operands, triggerMask, maskMode, onlyOnce != 0 ? "true" : "false", timerField); anti_events += Helper.Format( " deactivateEntity({0}, entity_index, {1}); \n", operands, onlyOnce != 0 ? "true" : "false"); } } } argn++; break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.CameraTarget: { var camIndex = *entry & 0x007F; entry++; var camTimer = *entry & 0x00FF; var camOnce = (*entry & 0x0100) >> 8; var camZoom = EngineWorld.EngineVersion < Loader.Engine.TR2 ? (*entry & 0x0400) >> 10 : (*entry & 0x1000) >> 12; contBit = (*entry & 0x8000) >> 15; // 0b10000000 00000000 single_events += Helper.Format(" setCamera({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}); \n", camIndex, camTimer, camOnce, camZoom); } break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.UwCurrent: cont_events += Helper.Format(" moveToSink(entity_index, {0}); \n", operands); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.FlipMap: // FLIPMAP trigger acts two-way for switch cases, so we add FLIPMAP off event to // anti-events array. if (activator == Activator.Switch) { single_events += Helper.Format( " setFlipMap({0}, switch_mask, 1); \n" + " setFlipState({0}, true); \n", operands); } else { single_events += Helper.Format( " setFlipMap({0}, 0x{1:X2}, 0); \n" + " setFlipState({0}, true); \n", operands, triggerMask); } break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.FlipOn: // FLIP_ON trigger acts one-way even in switch cases, i.e. if you un-pull // the switch with FLIP_ON trigger, room will remain flipped. single_events += Helper.Format(" setFlipState({0}, true); \n", operands); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.FlipOff: // FLIP_OFF trigger acts one-way even in switch cases, i.e. if you un-pull // the switch with FLIP_OFF trigger, room will remain unflipped. single_events += Helper.Format(" setFlipState({0}, false); \n", operands); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.LookAt: single_events += Helper.Format(" setCamTarget({0}, {1}); \n", operands, timerField); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.EndLevel: single_events += Helper.Format(" setLevel({0}); \n", operands); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.PlayTrack: #if !NO_AUDIO // Override for looped BGM tracks in TR1: if there are any sectors // triggering looped tracks, ignore it, as BGM is always set in script. if (EngineWorld.EngineVersion < Loader.Engine.TR2) { TR_AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE looped; string tmp1; TR_AUDIO_STREAM_METHOD tmp2; EngineLua.GetSoundtrack(operands, out tmp1, out tmp2, out looped); if (looped == TR_AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE.Background) break; } #endif single_events += Helper.Format(" playStream({0}, 0x{1:X2}); \n", operands, (triggerMask << 1) + onlyOnce); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.FlipEffect: cont_events += Helper.Format(" doEffect({0}, entity_index, {1}); \n", operands, timerField); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.Secret: single_events += Helper.Format(" findSecret({0}); \n", operands); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.ClearBodies: single_events += " clearBodies(); \n"; break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.FlyBy: entry++; var flybyOnce = (*entry & 0x0100) >> 8; contBit = (*entry & 0x8000) >> 15; cont_events += Helper.Format(" playFlyby({0}, {1}); \n", operands, flybyOnce); break; case FD_TRIGFUNC.Cutscene: single_events += Helper.Format(" playCutscene({0}); \n", operands); break; default: // UNKNOWN! break; } } while (contBit == 0 && entry < end_p); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(script)) { script += header; // Heavy trigger and antitrigger item events are engaged ONLY // once, when triggering item is approaching sector. Hence, we // copy item events to single events and nullify original item // events sequence to prevent it to be merged into continous // events. if (((TriggerTypes) subFunction).IsAnyOf(TriggerTypes.Heavy, TriggerTypes.HeavyAntiTrigger)) { if (actionType == ActionType.Anti) { single_events += anti_events; } else { single_events += item_events; } anti_events = ""; item_events = ""; } if (activator == Activator.Normal) // Ordinary trigger cases. { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(single_events)) { if (condition != 0) once_condition += " "; once_condition += " if(not getEntitySectorStatus(entity_index)) then \n"; script += once_condition; script += single_events; script += " setEntitySectorStatus(entity_index, true); \n"; if (condition != 0) { script += " end;\n"; // First ENDIF is tabbed for extra condition. } else { script += " end;\n"; } } // Item commands kind depends on action type. If type is ANTI, then item // antitriggering is engaged. If type is normal, ordinary triggering happens // in cycle with other continous commands. It is needed to prevent timer dispatch // before activator leaves trigger sector. if (actionType == ActionType.Anti) // TODO: Duplicate of L3543? { script += anti_events; } else { script += item_events; } script += cont_events; if (condition != 0) script += " end;\n"; // Additional ENDIF for extra condition. } else // SWITCH, KEY and ITEM cases. { script += single_events; script += item_events; script += cont_events; if (actionType == ActionType.Switch && activator == Activator.Switch) { script += buf2; if (EngineWorld.EngineVersion < Loader.Engine.TR3 || onlyOnce == 0) { script += single_events; script += anti_events; // Single/continous events are engaged along with script += cont_events; // antitriggered items, as described above. } } script += " end;\n"; } script += "return 1;\n" + "end }\n"; // Finalize the entry. } if (actionType != ActionType.Bypass) { //Sys.DebugLog("triggers.lua", script); // Debug! EngineLua.DoString(script); } #endregion } break; case FD_FUNC.Death: sector.Flags |= SectorFlag.Death; break; case FD_FUNC.Climb: // First 4 sector flags are similar to subfunction layout. sector.Flags |= (SectorFlag) subFunction; break; case FD_FUNC.Monkey: sector.Flags |= SectorFlag.ClimbCeiling; break; case FD_FUNC.MinecartLeft: // Minecart left (TR3) and trigger triggerer mark (TR4-5) has the same flag value. // We re-parse them properly here. if (tr.GameVersion < TRGame.TR4) { sector.Flags |= SectorFlag.MinecartLeft; } else { sector.Flags |= SectorFlag.TriggererMark; } break; case FD_FUNC.MinecartRight: // Minecart right (TR3) and beetle mark (TR4-5) has the same flag value. // We re-parse them properly here. if (tr.GameVersion < TRGame.TR4) { sector.Flags |= SectorFlag.MinecartRight; } else { sector.Flags |= SectorFlag.BeetleMark; } break; default: // Other functions are TR3+ collisional triangle functions. if (((FD_FUNC) function).IsBetween(FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNW, FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNEPortalSE)) { entry--; // Go back, since these functions are parsed differently. endBit = (*entry & 0x8000) >> 15; // 0b10000000 00000000 #if NOPE int16_t slope_t01 = ((*entry) & 0x7C00) >> 10; // 0b01111100 00000000 int16_t slope_t00 = ((*entry) & 0x03E0) >> 5; // 0b00000011 11100000 // uint16_t slope_func = ((*entry) & 0x001F); // 0b00000000 00011111 // t01/t02 are 5-bit values, where sign is specified by 0x10 mask. if(slope_t01 & 0x10) slope_t01 |= 0xFFF0; if(slope_t00 & 0x10) slope_t00 |= 0xFFF0; #endif entry++; var slope_t13 = (uint) (*entry & 0xF000) >> 12; // 0b11110000 00000000 var slope_t12 = (uint) (*entry & 0x0F00) >> 8; // 0b00001111 00000000 var slope_t11 = (uint) (*entry & 0x00F0) >> 4; // 0b00000000 11110000 var slope_t10 = (uint) (*entry & 0x000F); // 0b00000000 00001111 entry++; var overallAdjustment = Res_Sector_BiggestCorner(slope_t10, slope_t11, slope_t12, slope_t13) * TR_METERING_STEP; if (((FD_FUNC) function).IsAnyOf(FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNW, FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNWPortalSW, FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNWPortalNE)) { sector.FloorDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.NorthWest; sector.FloorCorners[0][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t12 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[1][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t13 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[2][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t10 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[3][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t11 * TR_METERING_STEP; if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNWPortalSW) { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalA; } else if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNWPortalSW) { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalB; } else { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; } } else if (((FD_FUNC) function).IsAnyOf(FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNE, FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNEPortalNW, FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNEPortalSE)) { sector.FloorDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.NorthEast; sector.FloorCorners[0][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t12 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[1][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t13 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[2][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t10 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.FloorCorners[3][2] -= overallAdjustment - slope_t11 * TR_METERING_STEP; if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNEPortalNW) { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalA; } else if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.FloorTriangleNEPortalSE) { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalB; } else { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; } } else if (((FD_FUNC) function).IsAnyOf(FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNW, FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNWPortalSW, FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNWPortalNE)) { sector.CeilingDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.NorthWest; sector.CeilingCorners[0][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t11 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[1][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t10 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[2][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t13 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[3][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t12 * TR_METERING_STEP; if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNWPortalSW) { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalA; } else if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNWPortalSW) { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalB; } else { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; } } else if (((FD_FUNC) function).IsAnyOf(FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNE, FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNEPortalNW, FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNEPortalSE)) { sector.CeilingDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.NorthEast; sector.CeilingCorners[0][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t11 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[1][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t10 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[2][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t13 * TR_METERING_STEP; sector.CeilingCorners[3][2] += overallAdjustment - slope_t12 * TR_METERING_STEP; if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNEPortalNW) { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalA; } else if (function == (int) FD_FUNC.CeilingTriangleNEPortalSE) { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.DoorVerticalB; } else { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; } } } else { // Unknown floordata function! } break; } #endregion ret++; } while (endBit == 0 && entry < end_p); } #endregion return ret; }
public static void TR_GenRoom(int roomIndex, Room room, World world, Level tr) { var trRoom = tr.Rooms[roomIndex]; #region Room properties room.ID = (uint) roomIndex; room.Active = true; room.Frustum = new List<Frustum>(); room.Flags = trRoom.Flags; room.LightMode = trRoom.LightMode; room.ReverbInfo = (byte) trRoom.ReverbInfo; room.WaterScheme = trRoom.WaterScheme; room.AlternateGroup = (byte) trRoom.AlternateGroup; room.Transform = new Transform(); room.Transform.SetIdentity(); room.Transform.Origin = trRoom.Offset.ToVector3(); room.AmbientLighting = new float[3]; room.AmbientLighting[0] = trRoom.LightColor.R * 2; room.AmbientLighting[1] = trRoom.LightColor.G * 2; room.AmbientLighting[2] = trRoom.LightColor.B * 2; room.Self = new EngineContainer(); room.Self.Room = room; room.Self.Object = room; room.Self.ObjectType = OBJECT_TYPE.RoomBase; room.NearRoomList = new List<Room>(); room.OverlappedRoomList = new List<Room>(); room.GenMesh(world, (uint) roomIndex, tr); room.BtBody = null; // let's load static room meshes room.StaticMesh = new List<StaticMesh>(); #endregion #region Static meshes Loader.StaticMesh trStatic; for (var i = 0; i < trRoom.StaticMeshes.Length; i++) { var trsm = trRoom.StaticMeshes[i]; trStatic = tr.FindStaticMeshById(trsm.ObjectID); if (trStatic.Equals(default(Loader.StaticMesh))) { continue; } var rStatic = new StaticMesh(); rStatic.Self = new EngineContainer(); rStatic.Self.Room = room; rStatic.Self.Object = rStatic; rStatic.Self.ObjectType = OBJECT_TYPE.StaticMesh; rStatic.ObjectID = trsm.ObjectID; rStatic.Mesh = world.Meshes[(int) tr.MeshIndices[trStatic.Mesh]]; rStatic.Position = trsm.Position.ToVector3(); rStatic.Rotation = new Vector3(trsm.Rotation, 0.0f, 0.0f); rStatic.Tint[0] = trsm.Tint.R * 2; rStatic.Tint[1] = trsm.Tint.G * 2; rStatic.Tint[2] = trsm.Tint.B * 2; rStatic.Tint[3] = trsm.Tint.A * 2; rStatic.CBBMin.X = trStatic.CollisionBox[0].X; rStatic.CBBMin.Y = -trStatic.CollisionBox[0].Z; rStatic.CBBMin.Z = trStatic.CollisionBox[1].Y; rStatic.CBBMax.X = trStatic.CollisionBox[1].X; rStatic.CBBMax.Y = -trStatic.CollisionBox[1].Z; rStatic.CBBMax.Z = trStatic.CollisionBox[0].Y; rStatic.VBBMin.X = trStatic.VisibilityBox[0].X; rStatic.VBBMin.Y = -trStatic.VisibilityBox[0].Z; rStatic.VBBMin.Z = trStatic.VisibilityBox[1].Y; rStatic.VBBMax.X = trStatic.VisibilityBox[1].X; rStatic.VBBMax.Y = -trStatic.VisibilityBox[1].Z; rStatic.VBBMax.Z = trStatic.VisibilityBox[0].Y; rStatic.OBB.Transform = rStatic.Transform; rStatic.OBB.Radius = rStatic.Mesh.Radius; rStatic.Transform.SetIdentity(); VMath.Mat4_Translate(rStatic.Transform, rStatic.Position); VMath.Mat4_RotateZ(rStatic.Transform, rStatic.Rotation.X); rStatic.WasRendered = 0; rStatic.OBB.Rebuild(rStatic.VBBMin, rStatic.VBBMax); rStatic.OBB.DoTransform(); rStatic.BtBody = null; rStatic.Hide = false; // Disable static mesh collision, if flag value is 3 (TR1) or all bounding box // coordinates are equal (TR2-5). if (trStatic.Flags == 3 || trStatic.CollisionBox[0].X == -trStatic.CollisionBox[0].Y && trStatic.CollisionBox[0].Y == trStatic.CollisionBox[0].Z && trStatic.CollisionBox[1].X == -trStatic.CollisionBox[1].Y && trStatic.CollisionBox[1].Y == trStatic.CollisionBox[1].Z) { rStatic.Self.CollisionType = COLLISION_TYPE.None; } else { rStatic.Self.CollisionType = COLLISION_TYPE.Static; rStatic.Self.CollisionShape = COLLISION_SHAPE.Box; } // Set additional static mesh properties from level script override. Res_SetStaticMeshProperties(rStatic); // Set static mesh collision. if (rStatic.Self.CollisionType != COLLISION_TYPE.None) { CollisionShape cshape; switch (rStatic.Self.CollisionShape) { case COLLISION_SHAPE.Box: cshape = BT_CSfromBBox(rStatic.CBBMin, rStatic.CBBMax, true, true); break; case COLLISION_SHAPE.BoxBase: cshape = BT_CSfromBBox(rStatic.Mesh.BBMin, rStatic.Mesh.BBMax, true, true); break; case COLLISION_SHAPE.Trimesh: cshape = BT_CSfromMesh(rStatic.Mesh, true, true, true); break; case COLLISION_SHAPE.TrimeshConvex: cshape = BT_CSfromMesh(rStatic.Mesh, true, true, true); break; default: cshape = null; break; } if (cshape != null) { var startTransform = rStatic.Transform; var motionState = new DefaultMotionState(((Matrix4) startTransform).ToBullet()); var localInertia = Vector3.Zero; rStatic.BtBody = new RigidBody(new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(0.0f, motionState, cshape, localInertia.ToBullet())); BtEngineDynamicsWorld.AddRigidBody(rStatic.BtBody, CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter); rStatic.BtBody.UserObject = rStatic.Self; } } room.StaticMesh.Add(rStatic); } #endregion #region Sprites foreach (var trs in trRoom.Sprites) { var rs = new RoomSprite(); if (trs.Texture.IsBetween(0, world.Sprites.Count, IB.aIbE)) { rs.Sprite = world.Sprites[trs.Texture]; rs.Position = trRoom.Vertices[trs.Vertex].Vertex.ToVector3() + room.Transform.Origin; } room.Sprites.Add(rs); } #endregion #region Sectors room.SectorsX = trRoom.Num_X_Sectors; room.SectorsY = trRoom.Num_Z_Sectors; room.Sectors = new List<RoomSector>(); room.Sectors.Resize(room.SectorsX * room.SectorsY, () => new RoomSector()); // base sectors information loading and collisional mesh creation // To avoid manipulating with unnecessary information, we declare simple // heightmap here, which will be operated with sector and floordata parsing, // then vertical inbetween polys will be constructed, and Bullet collisional // object will be created. Afterwards, this heightmap also can be used to // quickly detect slopes for pushable blocks and other entities that rely on // floor level. for (var i = 0; i < room.Sectors.Count; i++) { var sector = room.Sectors[i]; // Filling base sectors information. sector.IndexX = (short) (i / room.SectorsY); sector.IndexY = (short) (i % room.SectorsY); sector.Position.X = room.Transform.Origin.X + (sector.IndexX + 0.5f) * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.Position.Y = room.Transform.Origin.Y + (sector.IndexY + 0.5f) * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.Position.Z = 0.5f * (trRoom.Y_Bottom + trRoom.Y_Top); sector.OwnerRoom = room; if (tr.GameVersion < TRGame.TR3) { sector.BoxIndex = trRoom.Sectors[i].Box_Index; sector.Material = SectorMaterial.Stone; } else { sector.BoxIndex = (trRoom.Sectors[i].Box_Index & 0xFFF0) >> 4; sector.Material = (SectorMaterial)((uint) trRoom.Sectors[i].Box_Index & 0x000F); } if (sector.BoxIndex == 0xFFFF) sector.BoxIndex = -1; sector.Flags = 0; // Clear sector flags sector.Floor = (int) -TR_METERING_STEP * trRoom.Sectors[i].Floor; sector.Ceiling = (int) -TR_METERING_STEP * trRoom.Sectors[i].Ceiling; sector.TrigIndex = trRoom.Sectors[i].FD_Index; // BUILDING CEILING HEIGHTMAP. // Penetration config is used later to build inbetween vertical collision polys. // If sector's penetration config is a wall, we simply build a vertical plane to // isolate this sector from top to bottom. Also, this allows to trick out wall // sectors inside another wall sectors to be ignored completely when building // collisional mesh. // Door penetration config means that we should either ignore sector collision // completely (classic door) or ignore one of the triangular sector parts (TR3+). if (sector.Ceiling == TR_METERING_WALLHEIGHT) { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Wall; } else if (trRoom.Sectors[i].RoomAbove != 0xFF) { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Ghost; } else { sector.CeilingPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; } // Reset some sector parameters to avoid garbaged memory issues. sector.PortalToRoom = -1; sector.CeilingDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.None; sector.FloorDiagonalType = TR_SECTOR_DIAGONAL_TYPE.None; // Now, we define heightmap cells position and draft (flat) height. // Draft height is derived from sector's floor and ceiling values, which are // copied into heightmap cells Y coordinates. As result, we receive flat // heightmap cell, which will be operated later with floordata. sector.CeilingCorners[0][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[0][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[0][2] = sector.Ceiling; sector.CeilingCorners[1][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[1][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[1][2] = sector.Ceiling; sector.CeilingCorners[2][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[2][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[2][2] = sector.Ceiling; sector.CeilingCorners[3][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[3][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.CeilingCorners[3][2] = sector.Ceiling; // BUILDING FLOOR HEIGHTMAP. // Features same steps as for the ceiling. if (sector.Floor == TR_METERING_WALLHEIGHT) { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Wall; } else if (trRoom.Sectors[i].RoomBelow != 0xFF) { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Ghost; } else { sector.FloorPenetrationConfig = TR_PENETRATION_CONFIG.Solid; } sector.FloorCorners[0][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[0][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[0][2] = sector.Floor; sector.FloorCorners[1][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[1][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[1][2] = sector.Floor; sector.FloorCorners[2][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[2][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[2][2] = sector.Floor; sector.FloorCorners[3][0] = sector.IndexX * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[3][1] = sector.IndexY * TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; sector.FloorCorners[3][2] = sector.Floor; } #endregion #region Lights room.Lights.Resize(trRoom.Lights.Length, () => new Light()); for (var i = 0; i < trRoom.Lights.Length; i++) { var l = room.Lights[i]; var tl = trRoom.Lights[i]; l.LightType = tl.LightType; l.Position = tl.Position.ToVector3(); if (l.LightType == LightType.Shadow) { l.Colour[0] = -(tl.Color.R / 255.0f) * tl.Intensity; l.Colour[1] = -(tl.Color.G / 255.0f) * tl.Intensity; l.Colour[2] = -(tl.Color.B / 255.0f) * tl.Intensity; l.Colour[3] = 1.0f; } else { l.Colour[0] = tl.Color.R / 255.0f * tl.Intensity; l.Colour[1] = tl.Color.G / 255.0f * tl.Intensity; l.Colour[2] = tl.Color.B / 255.0f * tl.Intensity; l.Colour[3] = 1.0f; } l.Inner = tl.R_Inner; l.Outer = tl.R_Outer; l.Length = tl.Length; l.Cutoff = tl.Cutoff; l.Falloff = 0.001f / l.Outer; } #endregion #region Portals room.Portals.Resize(trRoom.Portals.Length, () => new Portal()); for (var i = 0; i < room.Portals.Count; i++) { var trp = trRoom.Portals[i]; var p = room.Portals[i]; var rDest = world.Rooms[trp.AdjoiningRoom]; p.Vertices.Resize(4); // in original TR all portals are axis aligned rectangles p.DestRoom = rDest; p.CurrentRoom = room; p.Vertices = trp.Vertices.Reverse().Select(x => x.ToVector3() + room.Transform.Origin).ToList(); p.Centre = p.Vertices.Sum() / p.Vertices.Count; p.GenNormal(); // Portal position fix // X_MIN if(p.Normal.Normal.X > 0.999f && (int)p.Centre.X % 2 != 0) { p.Move(Vector3.UnitX); } // Y_MIN if (p.Normal.Normal.Y > 0.999f && (int)p.Centre.Y % 2 != 0) { p.Move(Vector3.UnitY); } // Z_MAX if (p.Normal.Normal.Z < -0.999f && (int)p.Centre.Z % 2 != 0) { p.Move(-Vector3.UnitZ); } } #endregion #region Room borders room.BBMin.Z = trRoom.Y_Bottom; room.BBMax.Z = trRoom.Y_Top; room.BBMin.X = room.Transform.Origin.X + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; room.BBMin.Y = room.Transform.Origin.Y + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; room.BBMax.X = room.Transform.Origin.X + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE * room.SectorsX - TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; room.BBMax.Y = room.Transform.Origin.Y + TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE * room.SectorsY - TR_METERING_SECTORSIZE; #endregion #region Alternate room // alternate room pointer calculation if one exists. room.AlternateRoom = null; room.BaseRoom = null; if(trRoom.AlternateRoom.IsBetween(0, tr.Rooms.Length, IB.aIbE)) { room.AlternateRoom = world.Rooms[trRoom.AlternateRoom]; } #endregion }
public static void tr_setupRoomVertices(World world, Level tr, Loader.Room tr_room, BaseMesh mesh, int numCorners, ushort[] vertices, ushort masked_texture, Polygon p) { p.Vertices.Resize(numCorners, () => new Vertex()); for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++) { p.Vertices[i].Position = tr_room.Vertices[vertices[i]].Vertex.ToVector3(); } p.FindNormal(); for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++) { mesh.Vertices[vertices[i]].Normal += p.Plane.Normal; p.Vertices[i].Normal = p.Plane.Normal; p.Vertices[i].Color = TR_color_to_arr(tr_room.Vertices[vertices[i]].Color); } var tex = tr.ObjectTextures[masked_texture]; SetAnimTexture(p, masked_texture, world); p.BlendMode = tex.TransparencyFlags; world.TextureAtlas.GetCoordinates(masked_texture, false, p); }
public static void TR_GenRoomProperties(World world, Level tr) { for (var i = 0; i < world.Rooms.Count; i++) { var r = world.Rooms[i]; if(r.AlternateRoom != null) { r.AlternateRoom.BaseRoom = r; // Refill base room pointer. } // Fill heightmap and translate floordata. foreach (var sector in r.Sectors) { TR_Sector_TranslateFloorData(sector, tr); Res_Sector_FixHeights(sector); } // Generate links to the near rooms. r.BuildNearRoomsList(); // Generate links to the overlapped rooms. r.BuildOverlappedRoomsList(); // Basic sector calculations. TR_Sector_Calculate(world, tr, i); } }
public static Level FromFile(string fileName) { var br = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)); var ver = ParseVersion(br, Path.GetExtension(fileName)); if (ver == TRGame.Unknown) { throw new ArgumentException("Couldn't detect level version", nameof(ver)); } var ret = new Level(br, ver, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(fileName)), "MAIN.SFX")); return ret; }
public void GenMesh(World world, uint roomID, Level tr) { var texMask = world.EngineVersion == Loader.Engine.TR4 ? TextureIndexMaskTr4 : TextureIndexMask; var trRoom = tr.Rooms[roomID]; if(trRoom.Triangles.Length == 0 && trRoom.Rectangles.Length == 0) { Mesh = null; return; } Mesh = new BaseMesh { ID = roomID, TexturePageCount = world.TextureAtlas.NumAtlasPages + 1, UsesVertexColors = true // This is implicitly true on room meshes }; Mesh.Vertices.Resize(trRoom.Vertices.Length, () => new Vertex()); for (var i = 0; i < Mesh.Vertices.Count; i++) { Mesh.Vertices[i].Position = trRoom.Vertices[i].Vertex.ToVector3(); Mesh.Vertices[i].Normal = Vector3.Zero; // paranoid } Mesh.FindBB(); Mesh.Polygons.Resize(trRoom.Triangles.Length + trRoom.Rectangles.Length, () => new Polygon()); var p = 0; // triangles for (var i = 0; i < trRoom.Triangles.Length; i++, p++) { tr_setupRoomVertices(world, tr, trRoom, Mesh, 3, trRoom.Triangles[i].Vertices, (ushort)(trRoom.Triangles[i].Texture & texMask), Mesh.Polygons[p]); Mesh.Polygons[p].DoubleSide = (trRoom.Triangles[i].Texture & 0x8000) != 0; } // rectangles for (var i = 0; i < trRoom.Rectangles.Length; i++, p++) { tr_setupRoomVertices(world, tr, trRoom, Mesh, 4, trRoom.Rectangles[i].Vertices, (ushort)(trRoom.Rectangles[i].Texture & texMask), Mesh.Polygons[p]); Mesh.Polygons[p].DoubleSide = (trRoom.Rectangles[i].Texture & 0x8000) != 0; } // let us normalise normals %) foreach (var v in Mesh.Vertices) { v.Normal = v.Normal.SafeNormalize(); } p = 0; // triangles for (var i = 0; i < trRoom.Triangles.Length; i++, p++) { tr_copyNormals(Mesh.Polygons[p], Mesh, trRoom.Triangles[i].Vertices); } // rectangles for (var i = 0; i < trRoom.Rectangles.Length; i++, p++) { tr_copyNormals(Mesh.Polygons[p], Mesh, trRoom.Rectangles[i].Vertices); } Mesh.Vertices.Clear(); Mesh.GenFaces(); Mesh.PolySortInMesh(); }