public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) {; if (savingLevel) { saveTextBox.Draw(spriteBatch); } else { DrawDisplay(spriteBatch, options[optionsIndex].GetOption()); DrawOptions(spriteBatch); } foreach (IBlock block in blocks) { block.Draw(spriteBatch, camera.GetPosition()); } foreach (IPipe pipe in pipes) { pipe.Draw(spriteBatch, camera.GetPosition()); } foreach (IEnemy enemy in enemies) { enemy.Draw(spriteBatch, camera.GetPosition()); } foreach (IItem item in items) { item.Draw(spriteBatch, camera.GetPosition()); } foreach (IPlayer player in players) { player.Draw(spriteBatch, camera.GetPosition()); } if (drawSaveTextBox) { saveTextBox.Draw(spriteBatch); } if (drawLoadTextBox) { loadTextBox.Draw(spriteBatch); } }
public static void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (switchLevel) { setNum = 1 - setNum; spriteSet = LevelManager.SwitchLevel(spriteSet, setNum, currentFilename); spriteSet.players[0].SetLocation(new Vector2(marioStartLocation.X, marioStartLocation.Y - 16)); switchLevel = false; } CollisionChecker gameCollisionChecker = new CollisionChecker(); gameCollisionChecker.CheckEachCollision(spriteSet.players, spriteSet.blocks, spriteSet.pipes, spriteSet.goombas, spriteSet.koopas, spriteSet.coins, spriteSet.items, spriteSet.projectiles); //When we are within a 1/3 of the camera's width from an enemy, begin to animate camera = GetCamera(); int rightThreshold = (int)camera.GetPosition().X; foreach (Mario mario in spriteSet.players) { if (mario.IsDead()) { ResetAllCommand reset = new ResetAllCommand(); int lives = mario.GetLives(); reset.Execute(game); if (lives - 1 <= 0) { GameOver.ResetTimer(); GameOver.EndGame(); } else { mario.SetLives(lives - 1); } } mario.Update(); } foreach (IPipe pipe in spriteSet.pipes) { pipe.Update(); } foreach (Goomba goomba in spriteSet.goombas) { //If the goomba's x position is within 4/ of the width of the rectangle if (goomba.GetRectangle().X < ((20 + camera.GetPosition().X) + camera.GetWidth())) { goomba.Update(); } } foreach (Koopa koopa in spriteSet.koopas) { if (koopa.GetRectangle().X < ((20 + camera.GetPosition().X) + camera.GetWidth())) { koopa.Update(); } } foreach (IItem item in spriteSet.items) { item.Update(); } foreach (IBlock block in spriteSet.blocks) { block.Update(gameTime); } foreach (Fireball fireball in spriteSet.projectiles) { fireball.Update(); } camera.Update(gameTime); Display.Update(gameTime); }
public static void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (currentFilename == "Underground.csv") {; } else {; } Vector2 cameraPosition = camera.GetPosition(); if (GameOver.GameIsOver()) { GameOver.Blackout(); GameOver.Draw(spriteBatch); } else if (RemainingLives.ShowScreen()) { RemainingLives.Blackout(); RemainingLives.Draw(spriteBatch); } else { foreach (IBackgroundObject obj in spriteSet.objects) { obj.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } foreach (Goomba goomba in spriteSet.goombas) { goomba.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } foreach (Koopa koopa in spriteSet.koopas) { koopa.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } foreach (IItem item in spriteSet.items) { item.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } foreach (IBlock block in spriteSet.blocks) { block.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } foreach (IItem item in spriteSet.items) { if (item is Star) { Star star = (Star)item; if (star.isHidden == false) { star.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } } } foreach (Fireball fireball in spriteSet.projectiles) { fireball.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } foreach (Mario mario in spriteSet.players) { mario.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } foreach (IPipe pipe in spriteSet.pipes) { pipe.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); } } Display.Draw(spriteBatch, cameraPosition); }