public static SMaterial FromMaterial(Material mat) { if (mat == null) return null; Shader shader = mat.shader; if (shader == null) return null; SMaterial result = new SMaterial(); result.instanceID = mat.GetInstanceID(); result.materialName =; result.shaderName =; ShaderProperties.Info info = ShaderPropertyHelper.GetShaderInfo(; if (info != null){ ComposedByteStream rawData = new ComposedByteStream(); int iMax = info.propertyNames.Length; for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { string propName = info.propertyNames[i]; switch (info.propertyTypes[i]) { case ShaderProperties.PropType.Color: Color color = mat.GetColor(propName); rawData.AddStream(new float[] { color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a }); break; case ShaderProperties.PropType.Range: case ShaderProperties.PropType.Float: rawData.AddStream(new float[] { mat.GetFloat(propName) }); break; case ShaderProperties.PropType.TexEnv: Texture texture = mat.GetTexture(propName); Vector2 offset = mat.GetTextureOffset(propName); Vector2 scale = mat.GetTextureScale(propName); rawData.AddStream(new int[] { texture != null ? texture.GetInstanceID() : -1 }); rawData.AddStream(texture != null ? : "" ); rawData.AddStream(new float[] { offset.x, offset.y }); rawData.AddStream(new float[] { scale.x, scale.y }); break; case ShaderProperties.PropType.Vector: Vector4 vector = mat.GetVector(propName); rawData.AddStream(new float[] { vector.x, vector.y, vector.z, vector.w }); break; } } result.rawData = rawData.Compose(); return result; } else { if (vBug.settings.general.debugMode) Debug.LogError("No shader-info found @" +; return null; } }
public static Material ToMaterial(SMaterial source, out bool noErrors) { noErrors = true; Material result = null; if (source == null || source.rawData == null || source.rawData.Length == 0) { //Debug.Log("ToMaterial fail source null"); return null; } ComposedByteStream rawData = ComposedByteStream.FromByteArray(source.rawData); ShaderProperties.Info info = ShaderPropertyHelper.GetShaderInfo(source.shaderName); if(rawData == null){ //Debug.LogError("GetShaderInfo rawData-stream == null @" + source.shaderName + ": " + source.rawData.Length); noErrors = false; return null; }else if(info == null || info.propertyNames == null){ //Debug.LogError("GetShaderInfo info == null @" + source.shaderName); noErrors = false; return null; } else { //--------------- If not found, create new material -------------------- if (result == null || != source.shaderName) { Shader shader = Shader.Find(source.shaderName); if (shader == null) { //Debug.LogError("shader not found"); noErrors = false; return null; } if (result == null) { result = new Material(shader); } else { result.shader = shader; } } = "vBugMaterial_" + source.materialName; result.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; //--------------- If not found, create new material -------------------- int iMax = info.propertyNames.Length; for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { try { string propName = info.propertyNames[i]; ShaderProperties.TextDim textDim = ShaderProperties.TextDim.TexDim2D; if (info.textDimensions != null && i < info.textDimensions.Length) textDim = info.textDimensions[i]; switch (info.propertyTypes[i]) { case ShaderProperties.PropType.Color: float[] color = rawData.ReadNextStream<float>(); result.SetColor(propName, new Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])); break; case ShaderProperties.PropType.Range: case ShaderProperties.PropType.Float: result.SetFloat(propName, rawData.ReadNextStream<float>()[0]); break; case ShaderProperties.PropType.TexEnv: int[] ids = rawData.ReadNextStream<int>(); int textureID = (ids != null && ids.Length > 0) ? ids[0] : -1; string textureName = rawData.ReadNextStream(); float[] offset = rawData.ReadNextStream<float>(); float[] scale = rawData.ReadNextStream<float>(); //--------------- Search texture & set it to material -------------------- Texture target = GetTextureByInstanceIDOrName(textureID, textureName); if (textDim == ShaderProperties.TextDim.TexDimCUBE && !(target is Cubemap)) continue; if (textDim == ShaderProperties.TextDim.TexDim3D && !(target is Texture3D)) //assign 2D to 3D continue; if (textDim != ShaderProperties.TextDim.TexDim3D && (target is Texture3D)) //assign 3D to 2D continue; if (target != null) result.SetTexture(propName, target); result.SetTextureOffset(propName, new Vector2(offset[0], offset[1])); result.SetTextureScale(propName, new Vector2(scale[0], scale[1])); //--------------- Search texture & set it to material -------------------- break; case ShaderProperties.PropType.Vector: float[] vector = rawData.ReadNextStream<float>(); result.SetVector(propName, new Vector4(vector[0], vector[1], vector[2], vector[3])); break; } } catch (Exception e) { if(vBugEditorSettings.DebugMode) Debug.LogError(e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } } return result; }
public static byte[] Serialize(SMaterial input) { if (input == null) return null; ComposedByteStream stream = ComposedByteStream.FetchStream(); stream.AddStream(BitConverter.GetBytes(input.instanceID)); stream.AddStream(input.materialName); stream.AddStream(input.shaderName); stream.AddStream(input.rawData); return stream.Compose(); }
public static SMaterial Deserialize(byte[] input) { if(input == null || input.Length == 0) return null; ComposedByteStream stream = ComposedByteStream.FromByteArray(input); SMaterial result = new SMaterial(); result.instanceID = BitConverter.ToInt32(stream.ReadNextStream<byte>(), 0); result.materialName = stream.ReadNextStream(); result.shaderName = stream.ReadNextStream(); result.rawData = stream.ReadNextStream<byte>(); stream.Dispose(); return result; }